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  • Team lead

    A team leader or team lead is someone (or in certain cases there may be multiple team leaders) who providers guidance, instruction,

    direction, leadership to a group of other individuals (the team) for the purpose of achieving a key result or group of aligned results.

    the team lead reports to a group manager (overseeing several teams). the team leader monitors the quantitative and qualitative 

    result that is  to be achieved. the leader works with the team membership.

    The team membership may not directly report or answer to the team leader, (who is very often a senior member of the organization

    but may or may not be a manager) but would be expected to provide support to the team leader and other team members in achieving

    in the team's goals.

    A good team leader listens constructively to the membership and to the customers of the results that the team is charged with delivering.

    The responsibilities of a team lead vary greatly between organizations, but usually includes some responsibilitiy for team building and ensuring teamwork.

    the term is used to emphasize the cooperative nature of a team, in contrast to a typical command structure, where the head of a team would

    be its "commander".

    At Circuit City, a team lead's major responsiblities are to direct and motivate the associates in their department. this is done by setting examples through

    their actions. Lowe's also has a team leads function, however the team lead's major responsibilities are the same as the responsiblities of any other associate. 

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sandy_liao/p/1713138.html
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