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  • C++primer 5 中 uninitialized_copy函数报错的问题

    c++primer 中的一个函数报错的问题


    class StrVec
     StrVec() :elements(nullptr), first_free(nullptr), cap(nullptr) {}
     StrVec(initializer_list<string> li);
     StrVec(const StrVec&);
     StrVec& operator= (const StrVec&);
     void push_back(const string&);         // 拷贝元素
     size_t size() const { return first_free - elements; }
     size_t capacity() const { return cap - elements; }
     string *begin() const{ return elements; }
     string *end() const { return first_free; }
     void reserve(size_t n);
     void resize(size_t n);
     void resize(size_t n, string str);
      static allocator<string> alloc;      // 静态成员,分配

    pair<string*, string*> alloc_n_copy(const string*, const string*);             // 分配内存,拷贝元素


    pair<string *, string*> StrVec::alloc_n_copy(const string *b, const string *e)
     auto data =alloc.allocate(e - b);
     return{ data,uninitialized_copy(b,e,data) };        


    错误 C4996 'std::uninitialized_copy::_Unchecked_iterators::_Deprecate': Call to 'std::uninitialized_copy' with parameters that may be unsafe - this call relies on the caller to check that the passed values are correct. To disable this warning, use -D_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS. See documentation on how to use Visual C++ 'Checked Iterators' 


    去掉static声明,加上宏命令#define  _SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS(.cpp文件中)可以去掉这个警告

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