--建表 create table interview_20190405( id varchar(5), number_of_times varchar(2) not null, company_name varchar(48) not null, channel varchar(32) , interview_time date, address varchar(48), interview_question varchar(20), interview_result varchar(500) ) --修改表名 rename interview_20190405 to interview; --增加字段 alter table interview add create_time date; alter table interview add update_time date; select * from interview; --Oracle不能直接在建表的时候写注释,而是以comment on 的形式在建好表之后加上注释 comment on table interview is '面试记录'; comment on column interview.number_of_times is '第几次面试'; comment on column interview.company_name is '公司名称'; comment on column interview.channel is '面试来源渠道'; comment on column interview.interview_time is '面试时间'; comment on column interview.address is '面试地址'; comment on column interview.interview_question is '面试中提到的问题'; comment on column interview.interview_result is '面试结果'; --看一下上面加的注释 select * from user_col_comments t where t.TABLE_NAME like '%INTERVIEW%'; select * from user_tab_comments t where t.TABLE_NAME like '%INTERVIEW%'; --增加约束,设置主键 alter table interview add constraints interview_pk primary key (id); --新建一个sequence,用来设置主键自增长 create sequence interview_seq minvalue 1 maxvalue 999 start with 1 increment by 1; --正式用之前得先取一下值,相当于宣告一下我要用这个序列了,给一个初始值 select interview_seq.nextval from dual; --修改字段 alter table interview modify (interview_question varchar(500)); --新增一条数据 insert into interview values (interview_seq.currval, '1', '深圳市XXX科技有限公司', '智联', to_date('2019-04-02 10:00:00', 'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:mi:ss'), '深圳市XX区', '学了啥啊', '不去', sysdate, sysdate); select * from interview t where t.id = '1'; update interview t set t.update_time = sysdate where t.id = '1';