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Domino Server installation on Linux (Centos or Redhat)
I have been struggling a little, on the configuration steps until I figured that these steps could be done remotely from a Windows Machine.
I have been taken Centos 5.7 x64 and Domino 8.5.1 and Windows Machine. (Windows)
An additional machine is needed to install the Lotus Notes Administrator in order to configure and setup the Domino Server remotely and manage it later on.
Let start by installing the Domino server on the Linux machine; Before starting to install you do need to prepare the platform.
- (Linux RHEL only) Disable SELinux on any RedHat operating system:
- Open the /etc/selinux/config file for editing.
- Locate the SELINUX setting.
- Change its value to either disabled or permissive.
- Save and close the file.
- Restart the Linux server.
- Create your Domino Notes group and user.
- groupadd notes
- useradd -G notes notes
Now, you can start the installer running the command:
# ./install Lotus Domino for Unix Install Program ------------------------------------ You have to set environment variable DISPLAY to run in graphic mode Answer Yes to continue in console mode Answer No to exit application. Do you want to continue installation in console mode?[Yes]
Press Enter (Return)
Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for Lotus Domino The InstallShield Wizard will install Lotus Domino on your computer. To continue, choose Next. Lotus Domino IBM http://www.lotus.com Press 1 for Next, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1]
Press Enter (Return)
Next comes the License Agreement, press 1 to accept it then press 1 and press enter for next.
Here, you need to decide if you would install the domino server as Partitioned Domino server or not; In my case I need to select it.
Selecting the option below allows you to install additional ....etc Data directory. Warning: If you do not have an existing Domino Server on your system, please do not check the box below for the option to add data directories only. [ ] 1 - Install Data Directories Only for Partitioned Domino Server
To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0] 0
press 0 and hit enter
[] 1 - Install Data Directories Only for Partitioned Domino Server To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0]
Press return to go to next
Lotus Domino Install Location Please specify directory or press Enter to accept the default directory. Program Files Directory Name [/opt/ibm/lotus]
Press Return to accept the default.
Server with more than one partition Answer Yes to install partitioned server Answer No to install non-partitioned server Partitioned Server: [No]
Press Return to accept and Press 1 for next step and press return again,
Lotus Domino Install Location Please specify a directory or press Enter to accept the default directory. Data Files Directory Name [/local/notesdata]
Press return and 1 to go to next screen,
Lotus Domino Install Location Please specify a directory or press Enter to accept the default directory. Data Files Directory Name [/local/notesdata] Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1] 1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Input Unix/Linux user name and group name panel User Name [notes] notes Group Name [notes] Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 4 to Redisplay [1]
Press Enter/return,
Select Server Setup After the installation completes, for new installation server setup will be launched and for upgrade the server will be restarted automatically. The default value is "Manual Server Setup" which does not launch server setup or restart the server after installation. Select "Local Server Setup" to launch server setup after a new server installation or to restart the server after a server upgrade. Select "Remote Server Setup" to launch server setup in listen mode for new server installations. You will then be able to connect to the server with the Remote Server Setup tool. [ ] 1 - Local [ ] 2 - Remote [X] 3 - Manual To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0] 2
Here, you need to select the option tow (2) unless you have installed Gnome on your linux, the configuration required to be done from a Windows Machine.
Choose the setup type that best suits your needs. [ ] 1 - Domino Utility Server Installs a Domino server that provides application services only. Note that it does not include support for messaging services. See full licensing text for details. [ ] 2 - Domino Messaging Server Installs a Domino server that provides messaging services. Note that it does not include support for application services or Domino clusters. [X] 3 - Domino Enterprise Server Installs a Domino server that provides both messaging and application services. [ ] 4 - Customize Domino Server Allows you to select the features you want to install. To select an item enter its number, or 0 when you are finished: [0]
I have kept the default, this means Domino Enterprise Server, as I defined the role of the machine being Messaging Service and also Lotus Applications.
Lotus Domino will be installed in the following location: Program Files: /opt/ibm/lotus Data Files: /local/notesdata Domino Kit Type: EnterpriseServer Unix Install Options: User Name: notes1 Group Name: notes Install Data Only: No Start Server Setup: Yes (Remote) with the following features: Program Files Billing Support Clustering Support Data Files Required Templates Administration Templates
This is the overview before the installation starts; Press 1 and hit return to effectively start the installation.
Once the installation is over, it will run in remote configuration mode on the port 8585.
From the Windows Machine, you need to install the Domino Administrator. Once it’s done.
open a Dos windows. Navigate to the Lotus Notes path (default: c:program files (x86)ibmlotus otes) and run this command:
c:Program Files (x86)IBMLotusNotes>"c:Program Files (x86)IBMLotusNotess erversetup" -remote
This window will appear, enter the IP that you have set for the Domino Server
Press the OK button to proceed.
– click Next at the first screen
Select Setup your first server or standalone
– Enter the name of the server and title and click on NEXT
– Enter your Org ‘s name and enter the password, click on NEXT
– Enter the DDN (Domain domino name) and click on NEXT
– Add the admin credential, and select the option, also save a local copy of the ID file and click on NEXT
– Select the following types of services as below:
– Click twice on NEXT to start to apply the settings, from the next screen as below keep the default selected and again click on NEXT
– select, I want to make additional copy of the IDs as these would be locally on your windows machine.
– click on NEXT and the setup button to apply the settings on the server.
– click on finish button, popup will appears that state the the Server would stop listening.
To start the Domino server, log using the notes account, navigate to /local/notesdata/ and run the command:
If you need the domino server to automatically start at each boot, use this script and article from my site: