可以使用 man bash命令查看bash手册,找到该变量支持的特殊字符,以及这些特殊字符的意义:
- a #an ASCII bell character (07)
- d #the date in "Weekday Month Date" format (e.g., "Tue May
- 26")
- D{format}
- #the format is passed to strftime(3) and the result is
- #inserted into the prompt string; an empty format results
- #in a locale-specific time representation. The braces are
- #required
- e #an ASCII escape character (033)
- h #the hostname up to the first ‘.’
- H #the hostname
- j #the number of jobs currently managed by the shell
- l #the basename of the shell’s terminal device name
- #newline
- #carriage return
- s #the name of the shell, the basename of $0 (the portion
- #following the final slash)
- #the current time in 24-hour HH:MM:SS format
- T #the current time in 12-hour HH:MM:SS format
- @ #the current time in 12-hour am/pm format
- A #the current time in 24-hour HH:MM format
- u #the username of the current user
- v #the version of bash (e.g., 2.00)
- V #the release of bash, version + patch level (e.g., 2.00.0)
- w #the current working directory, with $HOME abbreviated
- #with a tilde (uses the value of the PROMPT_DIRTRIM vari-
- #able)
- W #the basename of the current working directory, with $HOME
- #abbreviated with a tilde
- ! #the history number of this command
- # #the command number of this command
- $ #if the effective UID is 0, a #, otherwise a $
- nn #the character corresponding to the octal number nnn
- \ #a backslash
- [ #begin a sequence of non-printing characters, which could
- #be used to embed a terminal control sequence into the
- #prompt
- ] #end a sequence of non-printing characters
- d :#代表日期,格式为weekday month date,例如:"Mon Aug 1"
- H :#完整的主机名称。
- h :#仅取主机的第一个名字,如上例,则为fc4,.linux则被省略
- :#显示时间为24小时格式,如:HH:MM:SS
- T :#显示时间为12小时格式
- A :#显示时间为24小时格式:HH:MM
- u :#当前用户的账号名称
- v :#BASH的版本信息
- w :#完整的工作目录名称。家目录会以 ~代替
- W :#利用basename取得工作目录名称,所以只会列出最后一个目录
- # :#下达的第几个命令
- $ :#提示字符,如果是root时,提示符为:# ,普通用户则为:$
- 前景 背景 颜色
- ------------------------
- 30 40 黑色
- 31 41 红色
- 32 42 绿色
- 33 43 黄色
- 34 44 蓝色
- 35 45 紫红色
- 36 46 青蓝色
- 37 47 白色
- 代码 意义
- -------------------------
- 0 OFF
- 1 高亮显示
- 4 underline
- 5 闪烁
- 7 反白显示
- 8 不可见
PS1="[e[32m]###[e[1;31m]u@[e[36m]h w]$[e[m"
‘[e[31m]’设置‘u@’的颜色为红色并高亮显示,如果指定多个数字需要用分号隔开。u@ 就是当前登录的用户名后跟一个‘@’符号。
‘$’ 提示字符,如果是root时,提示符为:# ,普通用户则为:$。
(1):PS1="e[1;32mue[me[1;33m@e[me[1;35mhe[m:w$ "
- c_1="[e[0m%]"
- c0="[e[30m%]"
- c1="[e[31m%]"
- c2="[e[32m%]"
- c3="[e[33m%]"
- c4="[e[34m%]"
- c5="[e[35m%]"
- c6="[e[36m%]"
- c7="[e[37m%]"
- PS1="$c0***** $c1w $c2*** $c3<u@h> $c4***** $c5! $c6***** $c7 $c1*** $c2$ $c_1"; export PS1