Created by Jerry Wang on Feb 06, 2014
(1) Click Hyperlink “Workflow document”:
The following method is called to handle the navigation.
Step into method SET_WORKAREA_CONTENT.
(2) Inside method SET_WORKAREA_CONTENT, there is a method analyze_navigation:
The information of navigation target is contained in the importing parameters.
(3) Inside method SET_WORKAREA_CONTENT, there is a method analyze_navigation:
The information of navigation target is contained in the importing parameters.
Inside method analyze_navigation,
The navigation descriptor object is got from lv_entity:
The variable GV_UI_OBJECT_TYPE contains the ui object type for navigation target:
The descriptor object lv_descriptor_object is used to get the navigation target:
Regarding how to configure the target ID ZWFINBOUND, please refer to this blog.
After method get_navigation_info_for_target is called, the target UI component view and inbound plug is determined.
(4) The inbound plug of determined target UI component view will be called by UI framework: