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  • 使用扩展技术对SAP Fiori应用进行端到端的增强,一个实际案例介绍


    These series of blogs give a step-by-step instructions about how to extend SAP standard CRM Fiori application in an End-to-End way.
    The CRM application “My Opportunity” is used as example. End-to-End means:

    (1) Enhance the standard OData model to fulfill customer specific business requirement which could not be covered by standard.
    Technically, it means new extension fields are enhanced upon related standard DDIC structures. The Create, Read, Update and Delete operations are supported upon those extension fields.
    (2) Enhance the runtime OData service implementation to manipulate on the OData extensions done by step1.

    (3) Consume the extension fields exposed enhanced OData service done by step1 & step2 in UI.

    This article will cover step1 & step2. The involved scenario is:

    (1) enhance a new field in OData model to store the user name who creates the current Opportunity currently being read.
    (2) enhance the OData service’s read operation, so that this extension field is filled with correct value in the backend.

    Step1 Create extension project using transaction code SEGW

    This extension project is used to store all kinds of extensions on standard gateway project CRM_OPPORTUNITY

    choose Redefine->OData Service(SAP GW):

    Select standard project: CRM_OPPORTUNITY

    Just select all entities and click Finish button.

    Generate all Runtime artifacts, ensure successful generation:

    Use default proposed name or change according to your own naming convention. Write down your technical service Name, here is ZJERRY_DEMO_SRV:

    Step2 Register your extension service in gateway ( frontend ) system

    Till now we haven’t done any extension yet, which means all the CRUD operations on Opportunity should work.
    Log on to your gateway system, use transaction code /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE, click Add Service button:

    Search by the technical service name which you got in step 1:

    Add the found technical service, then registration is done. Now you could test your service via gateway client.

    Launch gateway client via this button:

    Test whether metadata retrieve works.

    Test whether read operation on given Opportunity instance specified by guid also works or not. Just replace the standard service name CRM_OPPORTUNITY with your own one: ZJERRY_DEMO_SRV:

    Step3 Enhance OData model

    Suppose we need to extend Opportunity header structure with new field which stores the information who has created the opportunity.

    The first step is to figure out which DDIC structure you need to extend. In this example, since I need to extend Opportunity header, so I just look into data type TS_OPPORTUNITY defined in Opportunity MPC ( metadata provider class ),


    If you need to do extension on any part of Opportunity, for example on product level, then use the structure defined in TS_OPPORTUNITYPRODUCT instead.
    Create a new extension field EXT_CREATED_BY via append structure.

    go to tcode SEGW, extend the OData model as well. Double click on the folder icon “Properties” of Opportunity node, create a new field:

    Specify the field name, field type and the most important is the ABAP field name EXT_CREATED_BY must be bound to this field in model.

    Once done, regenerate the runtime artifacts by clicking the icon “Generate Runtime Objects” in toolbar.

    Till now your model enhancement is done.

    every time you have make modifications on your OData model in backend system, to make it take effect, you have to clear the cache in both gateway and backend system separately, or else when your model is accessed in the runtime, still the old structure stored in cache table is used. You could not see the new field you just created.

    Tcode to clear cache in frontend system: /IWFND/CACHE_CLEANUP
    Tcode to clear cache in backend system: /IWBEP/CACHE_CLEANUP

    Step4 finish data provider class enhancement

    In this step, we must enhance the original OData service implementation: fetch the created by information of a given Opportunity being read and fill it to extension field EXT_CREATED_BY.

    open your DPC_EXT class, and redefine method GET_ENTITY, as which will be called when an opportunity is read via its guid.
    Please always make changes on the DPC_EXT class. All your changes on DPC class will get lost every time you click “Generate Runtime Objects” button in tcode SEGW.

    paste the source code below to method implementation:

    METHOD /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~get_entity.
        CALL METHOD super->/iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~get_entity
            iv_entity_name          = iv_entity_name
            iv_entity_set_name      = iv_entity_set_name
            iv_source_name          = iv_source_name
            it_key_tab              = it_key_tab
            it_navigation_path      = it_navigation_path
            io_tech_request_context = io_tech_request_context
            er_entity               = er_entity
            es_response_context     = es_response_context.
    *  Customer extension could be put here
        CASE iv_entity_name.
          WHEN 'Opportunity'.
    *         Extension logic on Opportunity header
            CALL METHOD fill_created_by
                it_key_tab = it_key_tab
                cr_entity  = er_entity.
          WHEN OTHERS.

    And source code for private method fill_created_by:

    method FILL_CREATED_BY.
         FIELD-SYMBOLS: <s_guid> LIKE LINE OF it_key_tab,
                        <opp_header> TYPE cl_crm_opportunity_mpc=>ts_opportunity,
                        <created_by> TYPE sy-uname.
         DATA: lv_created_by TYPE crmd_orderadm_h-created_by.
         ASSIGN cr_entity->* TO <opp_header>.
         ASSIGN COMPONENT 'EXT_CREATED_BY' of STRUCTURE <opp_header> TO <created_by>.
         CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
         READ TABLE it_key_tab ASSIGNING <s_guid> WITH KEY name = 'Guid'.
         CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
         SELECT SINGLE created_by INTO lv_created_by FROM crmd_orderadm_h WHERE guid = <s_guid>-value.
         IF sy-subrc = 0.
            <created_by> = lv_created_by.

    The signature of method:

    methods FILL_CREATED_BY
          !CR_ENTITY type ref to DATA .

    Then test in gateway client: the extension field is filled with correct data in the runtime.


    In this part we will consume this extension field “extCreatedBy” in Fiori UI.

    It is only possible for you to put your extension fields to UI area where an ExtensionPoint exists, which is delivered by SAP.

    Since I need to put the new field under the last field “Log of Changes”, below screenshot is original UI before we extend:

    The screenshot below is what we expect to achieve after this blog:? the enhanced UI with extension field:


    Find out its ExtensionPoint in xml view:

    The idea here is you need to create a new view fragment, and put your extension field into this fragment, which is embedded into the standard opportunity view via ExtensionPoint.

    The complete source code of extCreatedBy.fragment.xml:

    <core:FragmentDefinition xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:core="sap.ui.core" xmlns:ui="sap.ui.layout">
       <ui:form.SimpleForm id="opportunityExtension">
             <Label id="opportunityCreatedByLbael" text="Created By">
             <Text id="opportunityCreatedByValue" text="{json>/extCreatedBy}"></Text>

    Finally, specify the OData service url to your own OData service implemented via the step mentioned in previous blog:

    The complete source code of frontend part could be found in github:https://github.com/i042416/testOpportunityExtension
    commit id:

    Last but not least, since now we have consumed the extension field in Fiori UI, not simply via gateway client in previous blog, so we need to ensure that the extension field could successfully be read out in all scenarios.
    It means the following two methods should be redefined now ( for the first method /IWBEP/IF_MGW_APPL_SRV_RUNTIME~GET_ENTITY, it is already redefined in previous blog ).

    source code are listed below:

    METHOD /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~get_entity.
        CALL METHOD super->/iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~get_entity
            iv_entity_name          = iv_entity_name
            iv_entity_set_name      = iv_entity_set_name
            iv_source_name          = iv_source_name
            it_key_tab              = it_key_tab
            it_navigation_path      = it_navigation_path
            io_tech_request_context = io_tech_request_context
            er_entity               = er_entity
            es_response_context     = es_response_context.
    *  Customer extension could be put here
        CASE iv_entity_name.
          WHEN 'Opportunity'.
    *         Extension logic on Opportunity header
            CALL METHOD fill_created_by
                it_key_tab          = it_key_tab
                iv_called_by_expand = abap_false
                cr_entity           = er_entity.
          WHEN OTHERS.
      METHOD /iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~get_expanded_entity.
        CALL METHOD super->/iwbep/if_mgw_appl_srv_runtime~get_expanded_entity
            iv_entity_name           = iv_entity_name
            iv_entity_set_name       = iv_entity_set_name
            iv_source_name           = iv_source_name
            it_key_tab               = it_key_tab
            it_navigation_path       = it_navigation_path
            io_expand                = io_expand
            io_tech_request_context  = io_tech_request_context
            er_entity                = er_entity
            es_response_context      = es_response_context
            et_expanded_clauses      = et_expanded_clauses
            et_expanded_tech_clauses = et_expanded_tech_clauses.
        CASE iv_entity_name.
          WHEN 'Opportunity'.
    *         Extension logic on Opportunity header
            CALL METHOD fill_created_by
                it_key_tab          = it_key_tab
                iv_called_by_expand = abap_true
                cr_entity           = er_entity.
          WHEN OTHERS.
      method FILL_CREATED_BY.
         FIELD-SYMBOLS: <s_guid> LIKE LINE OF it_key_tab,
                        <opp_header> TYPE cl_crm_opportunity_mpc=>ts_opportunity,
                        <opp_expand> TYPE CRMT_ODATA_OPPT_HDR_EXPANDED,
                        <created_by> TYPE sy-uname.
         DATA: lv_created_by TYPE crmd_orderadm_h-created_by.
         IF iv_called_by_expand = abap_false.
           ASSIGN cr_entity->* TO <opp_header>.
           ASSIGN COMPONENT 'EXT_CREATED_BY' of STRUCTURE <opp_header> TO <created_by>.
           ASSIGN cr_entity->* TO <opp_expand>.
           ASSIGN COMPONENT 'EXT_CREATED_BY' of STRUCTURE <opp_expand> TO <created_by>.
         READ TABLE it_key_tab ASSIGNING <s_guid> WITH KEY name = 'Guid'.
         CHECK sy-subrc = 0.
         SELECT SINGLE created_by INTO lv_created_by FROM crmd_orderadm_h WHERE guid = <s_guid>-value.
         IF sy-subrc = 0.
            <created_by> = lv_created_by.
    Signature of private method FILL_CREATED_BY:
    methods FILL_CREATED_BY
          !CR_ENTITY type ref to DATA .

    In order to make FILL_CREATED_BY used by both read redefined method, I add a new importing parameter iv_called_by_expand to differentiate its used scenario, since for read and read_expand scenario, the exporting parameter’s structure are different. The fill_created_by should react accordingly.


    In this blog we will go a step further: we will allow end user to manually type some value in this extension field and persist the value to the database table in CRM backend server, when save button is clicked.
    Requirement: The value must be saved into a new corresponding field in database table CRMD_OPPORT_H.
    Here below is the UI so far we get:

    (1) There is an extension field done on Opportunity detail view.
    (2) When the detail is rendered, the value of the extension field is fetched from database table CRMD_ORDERADM_H, field CREATED_BY.

    Step1 create new field in Opportunity edit view

    We notice that once edit button in toolbar is clicked, we will reach opportunity edit view. Now the extension field is only available in detail view ( read only there ), so we need also to add the extension field into edit view.
    Use the similar approach in part2 blog to bring the extension field to edit view. Currently we didn’t do any binding to this field in edit value, just use a hard code value “Jerry”

    <core:FragmentDefinition xmlns="sap.m" xmlns:core="sap.ui.core" xmlns:ui="sap.ui.layout">
       <ui:form.SimpleForm id="OpportunityEditExtension" minWidth="1024" maxContainerCols="2" editable="true" layout="ResponsiveGridLayout"
        labelSpanL="3" labelSpanM="3" emptySpanL="4" emptySpanM="4" columnsL="1" columnsM="1" class="editableForm" >
             <Label id="opportunityCreatedByLbael" text="Created By">
             <Input id="createdByInput" value="Jerry"></Input>


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sap-jerry/p/13631435.html
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