Unit1 – Basic Settings (default)
1. Plant: 0001
2. Sales: 0001
3. DistributionChannel: 01
4. ROD>0001还不可以卖, 0002可以卖 / AFS Available forSale
5. Fixed BinStorage 固定摆放地址
Unit2 – Setup Prerequisites (ECC-IMG)
1. DefinePlant
SPRO→ EnterpriseStructure → Definition→ Logistics-General→ Define,copy, delete plant
2. MaintainLocation
SPRO →EnterpriseStructure → Definition→ Logistics- General →DefineLocation
3. MaintainStorage Location
SPRO →EnterpriseStructure → Definition→ MaterialsManagement → Maintainstorage location
4. CreateWM warehouse
SPRO →EnterpriseStructure → Definition→ LogisticsExecution → Define,copy, delete, check, Warehouse Number
5. Createshipping point: 0001
SPRO →EnterpriseStructure → Definition→ LogisticsExecution → Define,copy, delete, check shipping point
6. Assignwarehouse number to plant/storage location
SPRO →EnterpriseStructure → Assignment→ LogisticsExecution → Assignwarehouse number to plant/storage location
7. Assign shipping point to plant
SPRO →LogisticsExecution → Shipping→Basic Shipping Functions → Shipping Point and GoodsReceiving Point Determination → Assign Shipping Points
8. Assign goods receiving point for Inbound Delivery
SPRO→ EnterpriseStructure → LogisticsExecution → Shipping→Basic Shipping Functions → Shipping Point and GoodsReceiving Point Determination → Assign Goods ReceivingPoints for Inbound Deliveries
9. Maintain EWM specific parameters
10. SPRO →Integrationwith Other mySAP.com Components → Basic Settings for EWM Linkage →Maintain Extended WM-specific parameters
11. DefineQueue
SPRO →LogisticsExecution → ServiceParts Management (SPM) →Integrate SPM with Other Components → Define Queue forTransfer to EWM
如果创建了Queue,系统会按照次序指定进入EWM系统, Receiver为EWM client或者ERP client
12. GenerateDistribution model to EWM ( /N/SPE/OL19 )
Save Replica - 创建时会自动将数据传过来
13. DefineDelivery Split
SPRO →LogisticsExecution →Shipping → Deliveries → DefineSpilt Criteria for Deliveries → Define Split byWarehouse Number
14. Define Logical System Names
SPRO →SCM Basis → Basic Settings for Creating the SystemLandscape
15. Map settings in ERP
SPRO →Integration with Other mySAP.com Components → EWM → Assign Warehouse Number to Warehouse Number ofDecentralized SCM System
Unit3 – Setup Environments for EWM (ERP-IMG)
1. CreateUser (SU01)
Menu →Tools → Administration → UserMaintenance → Users
2. RFC Determinations for Method Calls
SAPNet Weaver →Application Server →IDocInterface / ALE →Communication →Determination RFC Destinations for Method Calls
3. Define EWM Business System
SPRO →EWM→Interfaces →ERP Integration → General Settings →Define Own Business System
4. Define IntervalRange Numbers
SPRO →EWM→Cross-Process Settings → Delivery Processing → Number Ranges → Define Number RangeIntervals for Technical Keys
Ext.选中表明代表外部也可以使用Document Number
5. Define Warehouse Numbers
SPRO → EWM→ Master Data → DefineWarehouse Numbers
6. MapStorage Location from ERP to EWM
SPRO (IMG) → Extended WarehouseManagement → Interfaces →ERPIntegration → Goods Movements →MapStorage Locations from ERP System to EWM
7. Map Warehouse Numbers from ERP Systemto EWM
SPRO (IMG) → Extended WarehouseManagement → Interfaces →ERPIntegration → General Settings →MapWarehouse Numbers from ERP System to EWM
Unit4 – Setup Warehouse Structure (EWM-IMG)
1. DefineWarehouse Storage Type
ExtendedWarehouse Management ® MasterData ® Define Storage Type
2. DefineWarehouse Storage Section
Extended Warehouse Management® MasterData ® Define Storage Section
3. DefineStorage Type Groups
Extended Warehouse Management® MasterData ® Define Storage Type Groups
4. AssignStorage Types to Storage Type Groups
Extended Warehouse Management® MasterData ® Assign Storage Types to Storage Type Groups
5. Configurethe storage section indicators
Extended Warehouse Management ® Goods Receipt Process ® Strategies ® Storage Section Search ® Create Storage SectionIndicators
6. MaintainStorage Section Search Sequence
Extended Warehouse Management ® Goods Receipt Process ® Strategies®StorageSection Search®Maintain Storage Section Search Sequence
7. ActivatingStorage Section Check
ExtendedWarehouse Management ® Goods Receipt Process ® Strategies® Storage Section Search ®StorageSection Check
8. DefineActivity Area
ExtendedWarehouse Management ®Master Data ® ActivityAreas ®Define Activity Area
9. AssignStorage Bins to Activity Areas
Sequence NO.都为1,应该如何进行设置
10. Define Sort Sequence for Activity Area
Extended Warehouse Management ® Master Data ® Activity Areas ® Activities ® Define Sort Sequence forActivity Area
11. Define Activities
Extended Warehouse Management ® Master Data ® Activity Areas ® Activities ® Define Activities
12. Define Storage Bin Types
Extended Warehouse Management ® MasterData ® Storage Bins ®DefineStorage Bin Types
13. Define Storage Bin Access Types
Extended Warehouse Management ® MasterData ® Storage Bins ®DefineBin Access Types
14. Define Storage Bin Structure
ExtendedWarehouse Management ® MasterData ® Storage Bins ®DefineStorage Bin Structure
15. Define Storage BinIdentifiers for Storage Bin Structures
ExtendedWarehouse Management ® MasterData ® Storage Bins ®DefineStorage Bin Identifiers for Storage Bin Structures
16. GenerateStorage Bins from Bin Template (EWM-Front End - /N/SCWM/LS10)
Extended Warehouse Management ® Master Data ® Storage Bins ® Generate Storage Bins
17. Maintain Supply Chain Unit ( /N/SCWM/SCUMAIN )
18. Assign Warehouse Number or BP ( /N/SCWM/LGNBP )
Extended Warehouse Management ® Settings®Assignments:Warehouse Number/Business Partner
19. CreatingStorage Bins for Other Storage Types ( /N/SCWM/LS01)
Extended Warehouse Management ® Master Data ®Storage Bins ®CreateStorage Bins
20. SortStorage Bins ( /N/SCWM/SBST )
Extended Warehouse Management ® Master Data ® SortStorage Bins ®Sort Storage Bins
21. Create staging areas (SPRO)
Extended Warehouse Management ® MasterData ® Staging Areas®DefineStaging Areas
22. Define Warehouse Door(SPRO)
Extended Warehouse Management ® MasterData ® Warehouse Door ®DefineWarehouse Door
23. Define Staging Area & DoorDetermination Groups
ExtendedWarehouse Management ®Master Data ®Staging Areas ®Define Staging Area& Door Determination Groups
24. Assign Staging Area/Door DeterminationGroup to Door
Extended Warehouse Management ®Master Data ® Warehouse Door®Assign Staging Area/Door Determination Group to Door
25. Make assignment between staging areaand door
Extended Warehouse Management ® MasterData ® Warehouse Door ®AssignStaging Area to Warehouse Door
26. Define Warehouse Process Types
Extended Warehouse Management → Cross-ProcessSettings → Warehouse Task →DefineWarehouse Process Type
27. Work center Layout
ExtendedWarehouse Management ®Master Data ® Work Center ® Specify Work CenterLayout
28. DefineWork Center
Extended Warehouse Management ® MasterData ® Work Center ®DefineWork Center
29. Assignstorage bin to work center
Extended Warehouse Management ® MasterData ® WorkCenter ® DefineMaster Data Attributes
30. MappingERP & EWM Document, Item and Date Types
Extended Warehouse Management → Interfaces→ ERPIntegration →DeliveryProcessing → MapDocument Types from ERP System to EWM
31. DetermineWarehouse Process Types
Extended Warehouse Management → Cross-ProcessSettings → Warehouse Task →DetermineWarehouse Process Type
32. Define Process-Oriented Storage Control
ExtendedWarehouse Management → Cross-Process Settings →Warehouse Task → Define Process-Oriented Storage Control
33. Specify Deconsolidation Station
Extended Warehouse Management → Goods Receipt Process →Deconsolidation → Specify Deconsolidation Station
34. Define Put-away Control Indicator
ExtendedWarehouse Management → Goods Receipt Process → Strategies → Storage Type Search → Define Putaway Control Indicator 可以设在产品主数据中
35. Define Storage Type Search Sequence forPutaway
Extended Warehouse Management → GoodsReceipt Process → Strategies→ Storage Type Search →Define StorageType Search Sequence for Putaway
36. Assign storage types to storage typesearch sequences
Extended Warehouse Management → GoodsReceipt Process → Strategies→ Storage Type Search →AssignStorage Types to Storage Type Search Sequence
37. Maintaining the Putaway ControlIndicator and Storage Section Indicator for Used Products
ExtendedWarehouse Management → MasterData → Product →MaintainWarehouse Product
38. Define Stock Removal Rule
Extended Warehouse Management → Goods IssueProcess → Strategies→ Specify Storage Removal Rule
39. Define Stock Removal Control Indicator
ExtendedWarehouse Management →Goods IssueProcess → Strategies→ Define Stock Removal Control Indicator
40. Assigning Fix Storage Bins toProducts (/N/SCWM/FBINASN)
Extended Warehouse Management → Master Data →StorageBin → AssigningFix Storage Bins to Products