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  • Tcode:PFAL说明

    Short text

    HR: ALE Distribution of HR Master Data


    Scenario 1: Distribution of HR Master Data from a Central Central HR System


    Data is maintained centrally in the integrated HR system. Distributed data must not be maintained in the target system; see SAP Note 119780.

    Message Types

    • HRMD_A: Distribution from the HR system to other SAP systems
    • HRMD_ABA: Distribution from the HR system to systems that are based on an SAP application basis system, such as the mySAP.com components CRM, EBP, and so on. For details, see SAP Note 312090.
    • HRMD_B: Distribution from the HR system to an SAP basis system. This message type is not currently relevant, since this system type is not delivered as a stand-alone product.

    Basis IDoc Types
    See also table EDIMSG or transaction WE82.
    For HRMD_A*, HRMD_ABA*, and HRMD_B*, transaction WE30 displays the current version in each case with the highest sequential number, for the SAP Release 4.70 HRMD_A06, HRMD_ABA04, HRMD_B04.

    In normal circumstances, that is when the participating systems are not SAP basis systems, you must use message type HRMD_A or HRMD_ABA. The system suggests the most suitable one on the selection screen in the program RHALEINI (or in the transaction PFAL, which has the same function).


    In accordance with the model views in the distribution model, the selected data is transported to the target system.

    Tips and Tricks
    For questions and answers on setting up a distribution scenario for HR master data, see SAP Note 200066.

    Supported HR Object Types
    Personnel Administration object types: P  Person, AP Applicant (only for message type HRMD_A)
    Personnel Planning object types: all (non-external) object types except X*. For information on T*, W*, RY*, see below.

    Supported HR Infotypes
    Transaction WE30 enables you to display the infotypes currently supported by a message type. In this respect, E1Pnnnn means that infotype Pnnnn is distributed (assignment in table T777D), and E1PADnn means that additional data PADnn for infotype P1001 is distributed (assignment in table T77AD).

    For performance reasons you should enter all required object types and infotypes/subtypes as filters in the distribution model.

    Infotypes referring to data that cannot be distributed (such as cluster data) are not included in the standard system (see SAP Note 105148), or are distributed without the additional information (for example cluster data, texts) (see also SAP Note 310993).

    Customer includes for the infotypes are not automatically taken into account during distribution. Function exits are provided for supporting customer includes.

    Transfer Mode
    The transfer mode determines how data on the objects (= plan version/object type/object ID) is imported into the target system:

    • Insert (Create) for Complete Transfer
      Data records for all of the objects and infotypes from the distribution model are transferred in full to the target system. If an object to be transferred already exists in the target system, it is replaced in full, which means it is first deleted completely (all infotypes) and then created again using the distributed data records.
      You can specify a reporting period (data selection period). The system distributes all of the data records that are valid for at least one day between the 'start date' and 'end date'.
      For a complete data transfer you must use insert mode. For consistency reasons we recommend that you use the reporting period 'All'.
    • Update (Change) for Period
      You can specify a reporting period (data selection period). The system distributes the data records of the infotype/subtype to be entered that are completely within this period. In the target system, data records of the entered infotype/subtype that are completely within this period are deleted (relationships are only deleted if they were created earlier by distribution, see below: local relationships). The distributed data records are then created. In particular, this logic ensures that deleted data records, too, are correctly processed.
      In this mode, IDocs created by change pointer evaluation are dispatched.

    Import Lock:
    Using an entry in table T77TR in the target system, you can lock specific object types/infotypes/subtypes for import.
    You completely lock object types for import by entering an existence infotype:
    Lock object type P by entering infotype 0000, object type AP by entering infotype 4000, PD object types by entering infotype 1000.

    Size of IDoc
    Each IDoc transfers a maximum of 200 objects. You can reduce this number with an entry in table T77S0: ALE BSIZE.
    Execute Function

    Change Pointers
    To distribute changes after a complete transport, you can use change pointers. Once they have been activated (in the IMG), change pointers can be dispatched periodically using report RBDMIDOC.
    You can display change pointers
    Execute Function
    and process them again, if necessary.
    Execute Function

    Generic Data Filtering
    As well as the standard filters, you can define and use generic filters. See the corresponding section in the IMG.
    Filter 1 for Distribution of HR Master Data: Execute Function
    Filter 2 for Distribution of HR Master Data: Execute Function
    To determine the filter values for each HR master data record, you must implement a BAdI: Display Documentation

    For distribution, you can implement serialization. See also the relevant section in the IMG.
    Activate Serialization in ALE Inbound Processing: Execute Function
    Activate Serialization in ALE Outbound Processing: Execute Function

    Auxiliary programs allow you to control the settings:
    You can check the consistency of serialization settings: Execute Function
    You can display the counter status of the registry in ALE inbound
    processing: Execute Function
    You can display the counter status of the registry in ALE outbound processing: Execute Function

    SAP Enhancements as Function Exits
    Under the SAP enhancement RHALE001 are function exits that you can use in ALE inbound and outbound processing.

    SAP Enhancements as BAdIs
    Business Add-Ins continue to be available in the HRALE00* namespace.

    Error Handling
    You can use the standard task HRMD_Error (TS 00408178) for error handling in ALE inbound processing.

    Component for Notes and Error Messages
    Notes for ALE distribution of HR master data are stored under the component BC-BMT-OM-ALE. You must also use this component when reporting error messages in this area.


    HR master data has just one central HR System in which all HR components are integrated. Distributed HR master data must not be changed in the receiving system. Profiles with read authorization only, for example, enable you to ensure that distributed HR master data is not changed in the receiving system. Alternatively, you can use the original system mechanism from scenarios 2 and 3.

    Only the infotypes required for SAP standard scenarios are supported.

    Data in the receiving system is created with the same plan version as in the sending system. If the active plan version is not selected in the sending system, the distribution program displays an error message.

    Only the object type, infotype, subtype, or related object type can be used as a filter. This means that data cannot be filtered in accordance with any other fixed organizational criteria if there is more than one receiving system. However, you can define customer-specific filters. For more information, see the "Generic Data Filtering" section above.

    If you want to create additional HR master data records directly in the receiving system (such as a work center in Logistics), you must ensure that the number range intervals are different from those in the sending system.

    Tasks (object types T*, W*) and responsibilities (object type RY) are not distributed. The relationship (infotype 1001) for these object types can be distributed. This means, for example, that you cannot distribute a standard task, but that you can distribute a relationship for a standard task.

    You can reduce the messages. You can also use rules to convert data, with the exception of using a conversion rule to fill fields with initial values.

    If you want to create a relationship to an object in the target system, but the object does not exist (yet) in the target system, a note is included in the transport log. In this instance, the IDoc is assigned status 52 (posting of application document incomplete) so that incomplete transports are recognized. If the missing object is distributed to the target system at a later date, the relationship is created automatically in both directions, and is therefore complete. A relationship to external objects (such as cost centers) is distributed and created in the target system if the external object exists there. For more information on this topic, see SAP Note 443187.

    In update mode, a local PD relationship in the target system is retained. This means that a relationship created locally (not by distribution) in the target system is not deleted in update mode. On the technical level, a distributed relationship can be recognized by the fact that the value AL is entered as an ALE marker in the P1001-REASN field.

    PA data and PD data is saved (updated) in the target system without checks (unlike in dialog or batch input). In particular, this means that updated data is not validated (time constraint, time delimitation, allowed values). What is more, no change pointers are written, the transport connection and workflow connection are deactivated, dynamic actions are not performed. You must take this into account when transferring data from an interface to an external system. The external system itself must itself ensure consistency and the correct format. For more information, see SAP Note 134085.

    If you want to use standard transactions in the target system to access HR data, Customizing in the target system must be identical to the Customizing in the sending system.

    Lock in ALE outbound processing: in the sending system, a lock entry is created for each object when data is sent. If objects are already locked in the sending system (by a maintenance transaction, for example), they are not dispatched. This is documented in the program log. You must repeat the send procedure later.

    Lock in ALE inbound processing: in the receiving system, a lock entry is created for each object when data is received. If objects are already locked in the receiving system, they are not updated. This is documented in the status of the posted IDoc. You must repeat the posting procedure later.

    When PA infotypes are distributed, you must ensure that at least the existence infotypes 0000, 0001, 0002, and 0003 for persons, or 0001, 0002, and 4000 for applicants, are distributed. For the distribution of holder relationships (S-P), you must also distribute infotype 1001 for persons.

    In the sending system, you must have authorization (PLOGI, P_ORIGIN, P_APPL, structural authorization for T77PR and T77UA) to display the infotypes. For holder relationships (S-P), you must have authorization to display person infotypes (P_ORIGIN) in the receiver system.

    Infotype 0003 is only distributed by change pointers if it has been changed in combination with one of the other PA infotypes that is supported.


    Personnel number for existence check:
    Object type: P, infotypes: 0000, 0001, 0002, 0003.

    Personnel number for existence check with holder relationship:
    Object type: P, infotypes: 0000, 0001, 0002, 0003, 1001.

    Applicant number for existence check:
    Object type: AP, infotypes: 0001, 0002, 4000.

    Personnel number for generating vendor accounts in Accounting:
    Object type: P, infotypes: 0000, 0001, 0002, 0003, 0006, 0009, 0017.

    Personnel number for sales personnel (maintained in HR):
    Object type: P, infotypes: 0000, 0001, 0002, 0003, 0006, 0105, 0900.

    Organizational unit, job, position with relationships:
    Object type: O, C, S, infotypes: 1000, 1001.


    Scenario 2: Distributed Organizational Management

    If you require further information on the 'Distributed Organizational Management' scenario, access the SAP Library and choose Cross-Application Components -> Business Framework Architecture -> ALE Business Process Library -> Human Resources -> Master Data Distribution (Human Resources).


    Scenario 2 'Distributed Organizational Management' is based on Scenario 1 'Distribution of HR Planning Data and HR Master Data from a Central HR System'.

    This scenario is activated in T77S0: ALE REPLI.
    Execute Function

    By determining an original system (in original system table HRMDORIGIN), one logical system is determined for each object in Personnel Planning. Business responsibility is defined in this logical system.

    A distinction is made between two types of object, namely the original (which usually exists in the system in which the object was created) and the replication (which is created by distribution).

    To initialize the original system table, the following function must be executed:

    Initialization of HRMDORIGIN
    Execute Function

    To maintain HRMDORIGIN in expert mode, the following function must be executed:
    Execute Function

    The original can be transferred to a different logical system.
    Execute Function

    Objects as Original or Replication
    The main differences between the original and the replication lie in the creation of change pointers and in inbound processing for distribution.

    If an object is created in a logical system, that system is regarded as the original system and the object is stored there as an original. If the object is distributed, it exists in the target system as a replication.

    A relationship that is distributed is created in the target system with the ALE marker (value AL in the P1001-REASN field), which flags it as distributed.

    An original can be maintained. A change pointer is written to distribute the change. In insert or update transfer mode, an original is selected and dispatched. It is then created in the target system as a replication. This original is not overwritten during inbound processing.

    A replication can be maintained. A change pointer is not written to distribute the change because the change is local. In insert or update transfer mode, a replication is selected and dispatched if the 'Distribute originals only' parameter has not been selected. It is then created in the target system as a replication. This replication is overwritten during inbound processing.

    Report RHALEORIGLIST (transaction RE_RHALEORIGLIST) generates a list of original systems for the selected objects.

    Execute Function

    Relationships Between Original and/or Replication
    A relationship between two originals can be created and maintained. Change pointers are written for distribution. In insert or update transfer mode, the relationship is selected and distributed. It is then created in the target system as a relationship with ALE marker (see above). This relationship between originals is not overwritten during inbound processing.

    A relationship between two replications can be created and maintained. Change pointers are not written for distribution. In insert or update transfer mode, the relationship is selected and distributed. It is then created in the target system as a relationship with ALE marker. This relationship between replications is not overwritten during inbound processing.

    A relationship between an original and a replication can be created and maintained. Change pointers are written for distribution, but only for the original with a determinable relationship direction. This specifies just one system, which prevents data from being distributed from both systems in both directions.
    The distributable relationship direction is defined in T77ALERELA.
    Execute Function
    The distributable relationship direction is assigned in T77ALECOMB to the object type combinations for original and replication.
    Execute Function
    In insert or update transfer mode, the relationship is selected and distributed. It is then created in the target system as a relationship with an ALE marker. This relationship between original and replication is not overwritten during inbound processing.

    A distributed relationship (that is, a relationship with an ALE marker) can be maintained between an original and a replication or between two replications. Change pointers are not written for distribution. In insert or update transfer mode, the relationship is selected and distributed. It is then created in the target system as a relationship with an ALE marker. This distributed relationship is overwritten during inbound processing.

    If a replication is processed, a dialog box containing the appropriate information can be displayed in dialog mode. This function is activated by an entry in table T77S0: ALE POPUP.
    Execute Function


    There are two systems, A and B, each with activated change pointers and distribution to the other system using change pointers.

    Objects O 4711 and O 4712 have been created in system A and distributed to system B using change pointers, or insert or update transfer mode.
    Object O 4713 has been created in system B and distributed to system A using change pointers, or insert or update transfer mode.

    System A: Object O 4711 exists as an original
    System A: Object O 4712 exists as an original
    System A: Object O 4713 exists as a replication

    System B: Object O 4711 exists as a replication
    System B: Object O 4712 exists as a replication
    System B: Object O 4713 exists as an original

    Processing in System A for Infotypes that are not Relationships
    In system A, infotypes 1000, 1002, and so on can be maintained for object O 4711. The object is an original, so change pointers are written.
    Distribution by change pointer distributes the changed data from O 4711 in system A to system B. System B contains object O 4711 as a replication, so distribution overwrites the data in object O 4711 in system B.

    Processing in System B for Infotypes that are not Relationships
    In system B, infotypes 1000, 1002, and so on can be maintained for object O 4711. The object is a replication, so change pointers are not written.
    Therefore, distribution by change pointer does not distribute the changed data from O 4711 in system B to system A. The changes are local and are overwritten again when data from system A is reposted.

    T77ALERELA contains the entry 002 A.
    T77ALECOMB contains the entry 002 O O.
    Therefore, relationship 002 is distributed by change pointers from object type O as the original to object type O as the replication with relationship direction A.
    All other relationships between the original and replication, even B002, are not entered, which means they are not distributed by change pointers.

    Processing in System A for Relationships

    Every relationship between original O 4711 and original O 4712 can be maintained. Change pointers are written, and the relationship is distributed to system B.

    Every relationship between original O 4711 and replication O 4713 can be maintained. For relationship 002, a change pointer is written for relationship direction A002 from original O 4711 to replication O 4713, and the relationship direction is distributed to system B. No change pointers are written for any other relationships. In particular, a change pointer is not written for relationship direction B002 from replication O 4713 to original O 4711.

    Processing in System B for Relationships
    Every relationship between replication O 4711 and replication O 4712 can be maintained. Change pointers are not written.

    Every relationship between original O 4713 and replication O 4711 can be maintained. Change pointers are not written. In particular, a change pointer is not written for relationship 002 (see above) between original O 4713 and replication O 4711 because relationship direction B002 has not been entered as distributable by change pointer from original O 4713 to replication O 4711.


    Scenario 3: Distributed HR Master Data

    If you require further information on the 'Distributed HR Master Data' scenario, access the SAP Library and choose Cross-Application Components -> Business Framework Architecture -> ALE Business Process Library -> Human Resources -> Master Data Distribution (Human Resources).

    The original system mechanism is retrieved for persons and applicants in the same way as for scenario 2 'Distributed Organizational Management'.


    Scenario 3 'Distributed HR Master Data' is based on scenario 2 'Distributed Organizational Management' and scenario 1 'Distribution of HR Planning Data and HR Master Data From a Central HR System'.

    This scenario is activated in T77S0: ALE REPPA
    Execute Function

    In ALE inbound processing, PD / PA integration is activated in T77S0: ALE INTE
    Execute Function

    If a replication of a person or applicant is processed, a dialog box containing the appropriate information can be displayed in dialog mode. This function is activated by an entry in table T77S0: ALE POPPA
    Execute Function

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