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  • MASS批量维护


    MASS 批量更改
    MASS_CHARVAL 特征的批量维护
    MASS_EINE 信息记录的成批维护
    MASS_EKKO 采购订单的成批维护
    MASS_MARC 后勤/配送的成批维护
    MASS_MEAN 全球贸易项目编号的批量维护
    MASS_VENDOR 供应商的成批维护
    MASSD 批量维护
    MASSOBJ 维护大量维护对象
    MASSS2V 将系统变式复制为变式
    MASSV2S 将变式复制为系统变式
    MASSVAR 显示变式
    MASSVAR_S 显示系统变式

    Functional Differences MASSD <-> MASS 


    The following table lists the functional differences between the mass maintenance transactions MASSD and MASS.





    All activities on one screen; there are warnings, e.g. of loss of data.

    Several consecutive screens before data maintenance possible; no warnings.

    Changes via ABAP-FORMs

    Function not available.

    Function available.

    Changes via formulas

    Simplified formula application: only addition to/subtraction from absolute and percentage values possible.

    Any formulas possible.

    Processing of variants

    The following restrictions apply to variants saved in the transactions MASSD or MASS:
    - No ABAP-FORMs
    - Only simplified formulas

    All variants possible.

    Use of formulas

    Formulas are always applied to the values that are currently visible in the data table. This results in a cumulative effect if formulas are applied successively.

    Formulas are always applied to the values that were originally read from the database, i.e. no successive data changing is possible.

    Removal of individual lines from the data table

    Individual selected items in the data table can be excluded from the change process. The removal of the item relates only to the display and has no effect on the database.

    Function not available.

    Table maintenance

    Display of the data table must be explicitly opened for input.

    Data table is continuously ready to accept input.

    Selection of fields

    Multiple selection possible.

    Just one field at a time is adopted by mouse-click.

    Calling up variants

    Object type can be changed in variant loading dialog.

    Not possible to change object type.

    Column selection in data tables

    Function not possible.

    When the Execute Changesfunction is performed, the system checks whether a column has been changed; only selected columns are processed.

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sapSB/p/5867499.html
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