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  • uva 297 Quadtrees






    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #define LEN sizeof(struct tree)
    int weight[7]={0,1024,256,64,16,4,1};
    struct tree
        char ch; int level,value;
        struct tree *child1,*child2,*child3,*child4;
    void create_tree(struct tree* *T,int level)
        char ch;
        if(ch=='e' || ch=='f')
            (*T)=(struct tree*)malloc(LEN);
            (*T)->level=level++; (*T)->ch=ch;
            if(ch=='e') (*T)->value=0;  else  (*T)->value=1;
            return ;
            (*T)=(struct tree*)malloc(LEN); 
            (*T)->value=0; (*T)->level=level++; (*T)->ch=ch;
            create_tree( &((*T)->child1) , level);
            create_tree( &((*T)->child2) , level);
            create_tree( &((*T)->child3) , level);
            create_tree( &((*T)->child4) , level);
    void DFS(struct tree *T,int *sum1)
        if(!T)  return ;
        DFS(T->child1 , sum1);
        DFS(T->child2 , sum1);
        DFS(T->child3 , sum1);
        DFS(T->child4 , sum1);
    int main()
        int T,level,sum1,sum2;  struct tree *T1,*T2;
        scanf("%d",&T);  getchar();  //不可漏
            level=1; create_tree(&T1,level);
            getchar();  //不可漏
            sum1=0; DFS(T1,&sum1);  printf("sum1=%d\n",sum1);
            level=1; create_tree(&T2,level);
            getchar();  //不可漏
            sum2=0; DFS(T2,&sum2);  printf("sum2=%d\n",sum2);
            printf("There are %d black pixels.\n",sum1+sum2);
        return 0;




    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #define LEN sizeof(struct tree)
    int weight[7]={0,1024,256,64,16,4,1};   //事先保存方便调用
    struct tree
        char ch; int level,value;
        struct tree *child1,*child2,*child3,*child4;
    void create_tree(struct tree* *T,int level)
        char ch;
        if(ch=='e' || ch=='f')
            (*T)=(struct tree*)malloc(LEN);
            (*T)->level=level++; (*T)->ch=ch;
            if(ch=='e') (*T)->value=0;  else  (*T)->value=1;
            return ;
            (*T)=(struct tree*)malloc(LEN); 
            (*T)->value=0; (*T)->level=level++; (*T)->ch=ch;
            create_tree( &((*T)->child1) , level);  create_tree( &((*T)->child2) , level);
            create_tree( &((*T)->child3) , level);  create_tree( &((*T)->child4) , level);
    void dfs(struct tree *T , int *sum)  //单独递归一棵树
        if(!T)  return ;
        dfs(T->child1 , sum); dfs(T->child2 , sum);
        dfs(T->child3 , sum); dfs(T->child4 , sum);
    void DFS(struct tree *T1, struct tree *T2 , int *sum)  
    {    //同时递归两棵树,并判断哪颗棵树需要继续递归,如果两棵都要递归,那么就是调用其
        if( T1->ch=='f' || T2->ch=='f')  
        { (*sum)+=weight[T1->level]; return ; }
        else  //说明要么是白点,要么其中一棵,或者两棵都要继续分割
            if(T1->ch=='e' && T2->ch=='e')  return ;   
            else if(T1->ch=='p' && T2->ch=='p')    //两个都还有下一代,那么同时递归两者,是用DFS
                DFS(T1->child1,T2->child1,sum); DFS(T1->child2,T2->child2,sum);
                DFS(T1->child3,T2->child3,sum); DFS(T1->child4,T2->child4,sum);
            else if(T1->ch=='p' && T2->ch=='e')  //只有T1有下一代,T2没有,那么就去单独算T1的下一代有多少值
                dfs(T1->child1,sum);  dfs(T1->child2,sum);
                dfs(T1->child3,sum);  dfs(T1->child4,sum);
            else  //相反,只有T2有下一代,T1没有,只单独算T2的
                dfs(T2->child1,sum); dfs(T2->child2,sum);
                dfs(T2->child3,sum); dfs(T2->child4,sum);
    int main()
        int T,level,sum;  struct tree *T1,*T2;
        scanf("%d",&T);  getchar();  //不可漏
            level=1; create_tree(&T1,level); getchar();   //不可漏
    //        sum=0; dfs(T1,&sum); printf("T1=%d\n",sum);  //单凭dfs就可以算出一棵树的黑点数
            level=1; create_tree(&T2,level); getchar();   //不可漏
    //        sum=0; dfs(T2,&sum); printf("T2=%d\n",sum);  //单凭dfs就可以算出一棵树的黑点数
            sum=0; DFS(T1,T2,&sum);
            printf("There are %d black pixels.\n",sum);
        return 0;






    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #define TOTAL  1365  //最多结点1365,即下标最大1365
    #define MAXSIZE 1400
    int t1[MAXSIZE],t2[MAXSIZE];  
    void dye(int R , int *t)  //染色函数,将当前下标为R的结点染成黑色,并递归它的四个孩子染色
        if(R>TOTAL)  return ;
        dye(4*R-2,t); dye(4*R-1,t); dye(4*R,t); dye(4*R+1,t);
    void create_tree(int R ,int *t)
        char ch;
        if(R>TOTAL)  return ;
        if(ch=='e')   return ;
        else if(ch=='p')
            create_tree(4*R-2,t);  create_tree(4*R-1,t);
            create_tree(4*R,t);    create_tree(4*R+1,t);
        else dye(R,t);
    int main()
        int T,i; int level,mark,R,sum;  //R是指当前结点在数组中的下标
        scanf("%d",&T);  getchar();
            memset(t1,0,sizeof(t1));  memset(t2,0,sizeof(t2));
            R=1; level=1; mark=0;  create_tree(R,t1);  getchar();
    //        for(i=1; i<=TOTAL; i++)  printf("%3d",i);      printf("\n");
    //        for(i=1; i<=TOTAL; i++)  printf("%3d",t1[i]);  printf("\n");
    //        for(sum=0,i=342; i<=TOTAL; i++)  if(t1[i])  sum++;  printf("t1=%d\n",sum);
            R=1; level=1; mark=0;  create_tree(R,t2);  getchar();
    //        for(i=1; i<=TOTAL; i++)  printf("%3d",i);      printf("\n");
    //        for(i=1; i<=TOTAL; i++)  printf("%3d",t2[i]);  printf("\n");
    //        for(sum=0,i=342; i<=TOTAL; i++)  if(t2[i])  sum++;  printf("t2=%d\n",sum);
            for(sum=0,i=342; i<=TOTAL; i++)  if( t1[i]|t2[i] )  sum++; printf("There are %d black pixels.\n",sum);
        return 0;



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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/scau20110726/p/2712626.html
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