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  • LEETCODE —— Sudoku Solver

    Write a program to solve a Sudoku puzzle by filling the empty cells.

    Empty cells are indicated by the character '.'.

    You may assume that there will be only one unique solution.

    A sudoku puzzle...

    ...and its solution numbers marked in red.

     1 class Solution(object):
     2     def validset(self ):
     3         s='123456789'
     4         return set(s)
     6     def initTbl(self, tbl, board):
     7         for i in range(9):
     8             for j in range(9):
     9                 if board[i][j] == '.':
    10                     tbl[(i,j)]=[]
    13     def solveSudoku(self, board):
    14         """
    15         :type board: List[List[str]]
    16         :rtype: bool
    17         """
    18         resultTbl={}
    19         visited=[]
    20         self.initTbl(resultTbl, board)
    21         reuse=False
    22         unvisited = resultTbl.keys()
    23         unvisited.sort()
    24         unvisited.reverse()
    26         while unvisited != []:
    27             (x, y) = unvisited.pop()
    28             if reuse==False:
    29                 resultTbl[(x,y)] = self.possibleValues((x,y), board)
    30                 if resultTbl[(x,y)] == None: # invalid sudoku
    31                     print False
    32                     break
    34             if len( resultTbl[(x,y)] ) == 0: # DEAD END, BACKTRACK
    35                 unvisited.append((x, y))
    36                 if visited != []:
    37                     reuse=True
    38                     prev=visited.pop()
    39                     unvisited.append(prev)
    40                     x=prev[0]
    41                     y=prev[1]
    42                     board[x][y]='.'
    43                 else:
    44                     break
    45                 continue
    46             board[x][y]=resultTbl[(x,y)].pop()
    47             visited.append((x,y))
    48             reuse=False
    49         for line in board:
    50             if '.' in line:
    51                 print False
    54     def possibleValues(self, coord, board):
    55         vals = {'.':0}
    56         for i in range(1,10): #init
    57             vals[str(i)]=0
    59         for y in range(0,9):
    60             node=board[coord[0]][y]
    61             vals[node]+=1
    62             if vals[node]>1 and node!='.': return None
    63         for x in range(0,9):
    64             node=board[x][coord[1]]
    65             vals[node]+=1
    66             if vals[node] > 2 and node!='.': return None
    67         x = coord[0]/3*3
    68         y = coord[1]/3*3
    69         for i in range(x, x+3):
    70             for j in range(y, y+3):
    71                 node=board[i][j]
    72                 vals[node]+=1
    73                 if vals[node]>3 and node!='.': return None
    74         s = set()
    75         for k in vals.keys():
    76             if vals[k]>=1: s.add(k)
    77         return self.validset() - s
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/scottgu/p/5063370.html
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