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  • 内存自管理的链表




    struct HNode
        void* data;        //此节点所存放的对象的地址
        HNode* next;
        HNode* last;
    struct HList
        HNode* header;
        HNode* tail;
    int hlist_empty(HList& list);
    int hlist_clear(HList& list);
    int hlist_push_back(HList& list, void* data);
    int hlist_push_front(HList& list, void* data);
    int hlist_insert(HList& list, void* data1, void* data2);
    int hlist_delete(HList& list, void* data);


    View Code
    #pragma once
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "list.h"
    int hlist_empty(HList& list)
        list.header = list.tail = 0;
        return 1;
    int hlist_clear(HList& list)
        HNode* node = list.header;
        HNode* next;
        while (0 != node)
            next = node->next;
            delete node;
            node = next;
        return 1;
    int hlist_push_back(HList& list, void* data)
        HNode* newNode = new HNode;
        newNode->data = data;
        newNode->next = 0;
        newNode->last = list.tail;
        if (0 == list.header)//空链表
            list.header = list.tail = newNode;
            list.tail->next = newNode;
            list.tail = newNode;
        return 1;
    int hlist_push_front(HList& list, void* data)
        HNode* newNode = new HNode;
        newNode->data = data;
        newNode->last = 0;
        newNode->next = list.header;
        if (0 == list.header)//空链表
            list.header = list.tail = newNode;
            list.header->last = newNode;
            list.header = newNode;
        return 1;
    int hlist_insert(HList& list, void* data1, void* data2)
        bool find = false;
        HNode* node = list.header;
        HNode* next;
        while (0 != node)
            next = node->next;
            if(node->data == data1)
                HNode* newNode = new HNode;
                newNode->data = data2;
                newNode->last = node;
                newNode->next = next;
                node->next = newNode;
                if (0 != next)
                    next->last = newNode;
                    list.tail = newNode;
                find = true;
            node = next;
            return 1;
        return 0;
    int hlist_delete(HList& list, void* data)
        HNode* node = list.header;
        HNode* next;
        bool find = false;
        while (0 != node)
            next = node->next;
            if(data == node->data)
                if (node->last == 0 && node->next == 0)
                    delete node;
                    list.header = list.tail = 0;
                else if(node->last == 0 && node->next != 0)
                    delete node;
                    list.header = next;
                else if(node->last != 0 && node->next == 0)
                    list.tail = node->last;
                    list.tail->next = 0;
                    delete node;
                    node->last->next = next;
                    node->next->last = node->last;
                    delete node;
                find = true;
            node = next;
        if (find)
            return 1;
        return 0;


    View Code
    // LinkDemo01.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include "list.h"
    void print_list(HList& list);
    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
        const unsigned int size = 256;
        int arr[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            arr[i] = i;
        HList list;
        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
            //hlist_push_back(list, arr + i);
            //hlist_push_front(list, arr + i);
            hlist_push_back(list, arr + i);
            //hlist_push_front(list, arr + i);
            //hlist_insert(list, arr + i, arr + i + size / 2);
        for (int i = 0 ; i < size; i+=2)
            hlist_delete(list, arr + i);
        return 0;
    void print_list(HList& list)
        int cnt = 0;
        HNode* node = list.header;
        HNode* next;
        while (0 != node)
            next = node->next;
            printf("%6d", *((int*)(node->data)));
            if (++cnt % 10 == 0)
            node = next;




    #define Herror int
    struct HNode
        void* data;
        HNode* next;
        HNode* last;
    typedef struct tag_HLink
        HNode* header;
        HNode* tail;
    typedef struct tag_HLinkDel
        HLink del;
        HNode** buf;
        unsigned int size;
        int index;
        int nBuf;
    typedef struct tag_HList
        HLink    link;
        HLinkDel link_del;
    Herror hlink_empty(HLink& link);
    Herror hlink_push_back(HLink& link, HNode* newNode);
    Herror hlink_push_front(HLink& link, HNode* newNode);
    Herror hlink_insert(HLink& link, void* data1, HNode* newNode);
    Herror hlink_delete(HLink& link, void* data, HNode* &nodeDel);
    Herror hlink_find(HLink& link, void* data, HNode* &nodeFind);
    Herror hlinkdel_empty(HLinkDel& linkdel, unsigned int size = 1024, int nBuf = 16);
    Herror hlinkdel_clear(HLinkDel& linkdel);
    Herror hlinkdel_pop(HLinkDel& linkdel, HNode* &node);
    Herror hlinkdel_push(HLinkDel& linkdel, HNode* node);
    Herror hlinkdel_alloc(HLinkDel& linkdel);
    Herror hlist_emtpy(HList& list);
    Herror hlist_clear(HList& list);
    Herror hlist_push_back(HList& list, void* data);
    Herror hlist_push_front(HList& list, void* data);
    Herror hlist_insert(HList& list, void* data1, void* data2);
    Herror hlist_delete(HList& list, void* data);


      像(一)中的链表,在添加或者插入新节点时才分配内存,删除节点也是立即释放此节点的内存。在进行一系列操作之后,链表中的节点在内存中的位置可能会很乱。如果频繁的使用插入和删除操作,则会产生内存碎片。在上边的代码中,我们用HLinkDel这个结构体来管理所有需要的内存。在创建链表时,会预先分配1024个节点的内存,即1024 * sizeof(HNode)个字节。这个数组首尾相连构成了HLinkDel成员del链表。即一个HList对象里,里边有两个链表,一个是真正的正在使用的link对象,另一个是管理着已经分配好内存的,等待着供link使用的linkdel的del链表。




    (4)在使用了一段时间后,发现linkdel中的del链表已经空了,那么表明,之前分配的内存已经用完了,那么我们给linkdel.buf[1]再分配1024 * Sizeof(HNode) * 2 的内存,再给linkdel的del链表使用。



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    #pragma once
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "HList.h"
    Herror hlink_empty(HLink& link)
        link.header = 0;
        link.tail   = 0;
        return 1;
    Herror hlink_push_back(HLink& link, HNode* newNode)
        newNode->last = link.tail;
        newNode->next = 0;
        if(link.tail == 0)
            link.tail = link.header = newNode;
            link.tail->next = newNode;
            link.tail = newNode;
        return 1;
    Herror hlink_push_front(HLink& link, HNode* newNode)
        newNode->last = 0;
        newNode->next = link.header;
        if (0 == link.header)
            link.header = link.tail = newNode;
            link.header->last = newNode;
            link.header = newNode;
        return 1;
    Herror hlink_insert(HLink& link, void* data1, HNode* newNode)
        bool find = false;
        HNode* node = link.header;
        HNode* next;
        while (0 != node)
            next = node->next;
            if(node->data == data1)
                find = true;
                newNode->last = node;
                newNode->next = node->next;
                node->next = newNode;
                if(0 == next)
                    link.tail = newNode;
                    node->next->last= newNode;
            node = next;
            return 1;
        return 0;
    Herror hlink_delete(HLink& link, void* data, HNode* &nodeDel)
        HNode* node = link.header;
        HNode* next;
        bool find = false;
        while (0 != node)
            next = node->next;
            if(data == node->data)
                find = true;
                nodeDel = node;
                /*if(next == 0)
                    node->last->next = 0;
                    next->last = node->last;
                    node->last->next = next;
                if(0 == next && 0 == node->last)
                    link.header = link.tail = 0;
                else if (0 == next && 0 != node->last)
                    node->last->next = 0;
                    link.tail = node->last;
                else if (0 != next && 0 == node->last)
                    node->next->last = 0;
                    link.header = node->next;
                    next->last = node->last;
                    node->last->next = next;
            node = next;
        return 1;
    Herror hlink_find(HLink& link, void* data, HNode* &nodeFind)
        bool find = false;
        HNode* node = link.header;
        HNode* next;
        while (0 != node)
            next = node->next;
            if(data == node->data)
                nodeFind = node; 
                find = true;
            node = next;
            return 1;
        return 0;
    Herror hlinkdel_empty(HLinkDel& linkdel, unsigned int size, int nBuf)
        linkdel.size = size;
        linkdel.nBuf = nBuf;
        linkdel.index = -1;
        linkdel.buf = new HNode*[nBuf];
        for (int i = 0; i < nBuf; i++)
            linkdel.buf[i] = 0;
        return 1;
    Herror hlinkdel_alloc(HLinkDel& linkdel)
        int n = linkdel.index;
        unsigned int len = linkdel.size * (1 << n);
        linkdel.buf[n] = new HNode[len];
        HNode* p;
        for (unsigned int i = 0; i < len; i++)
            p = linkdel.buf[n] + i;
            p->data = 0;
            p->next = p + 1;
            p->last = p - 1;
        p = linkdel.buf[n];
        p[len-1].next = p[0].last = 0;
        linkdel.del.header = p;
        linkdel.del.tail   = p + len - 1;
        return 1;
    Herror hlinkdel_clear(HLinkDel& linkdel)
        for (int i = 0; i < linkdel.nBuf; i++)
            delete []linkdel.buf[i];
        delete []linkdel.buf;
        linkdel.buf = 0;
        linkdel.index = -1;
        linkdel.nBuf = 0;
        linkdel.size = 0;
        return 1;
    Herror hlinkdel_pop(HLinkDel& linkdel, HNode* &node)
        HLink& del = linkdel.del;
        if(del.header != 0)
            node = del.header;
            if(del.tail == node)
                del.header->next->last = 0;
                del.header = del.header->next;
        else if(del.header == 0)
            hlinkdel_pop(linkdel, node);
        return 1;
    Herror hlinkdel_push(HLinkDel& linkdel, HNode* node)
        node->last = linkdel.del.tail;
        node->next = 0;
        linkdel.del.tail->next = node;
        linkdel.del.tail = node;
        return 1;
    Herror hlist_emtpy(HList& list)
        return 1;
    Herror hlist_clear(HList& list)
        return 1;
    Herror hlist_push_back(HList& list, void* data)
        HNode* newNode;
        hlinkdel_pop(list.link_del, newNode);
        newNode->data = data;
        hlink_push_back(list.link, newNode);
        return 1;
    Herror hlist_push_front(HList& list, void* data)
        HNode* newNode;
        hlinkdel_pop(list.link_del, newNode);
        newNode->data = data;
        hlink_push_front(list.link, newNode);
        return 1;
    Herror hlist_insert(HList& list, void* data1, void* data2)
        HNode* newNode;
        hlinkdel_pop(list.link_del, newNode);
        newNode->data = data2;
        hlink_insert(list.link, data1, newNode);
        return 1;
    Herror hlist_delete(HList& list, void* data)
        HNode* nodeDel = 0;
        hlink_delete(list.link, data, nodeDel);
        if(nodeDel != 0)
            hlinkdel_push(list.link_del, nodeDel);
            return 0;
        return 1;


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    // LinkDemo02.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <time.h>
    #include "HList.h"
    void print(HList& list);
    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
        const int SIZE = 0xFFFF;
        int arr[SIZE];
        for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
            arr[i] = i;
        HList list;
        time_t t1, t2;
        t1 = clock();
        for (int i = 0 ; i < SIZE; i++)
            //hlist_push_front(list, arr + i);
            hlist_push_back(list, arr+i);
        //for (int i = 0; i < SIZE / 2; i++)
        //    hlist_insert(list, arr + i, arr + SIZE/2 + i);
        for (int i = 0; i < SIZE/2; i++)
            hlist_delete(list, arr + i * 2);
        t2 = clock();
        //for (int i = 10; i < 20; i++)
        //    hlist_push_front(list, arr + i);
        //for (int i = 20; i < 30; i++)
        //    hlist_insert(list, arr + 10, arr + i);
        printf("%d\n", t2 - t1);
    //    system("pause\n");
        return 0;
    void print(HList& list)
        HNode* node = list.link.header;
        int i = 0;
        while (0 != node)
            printf("%5d->", *((int*)(node->data)));
            node = node->next;
            if(i % 10 == 0)



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