-- Example 1 -- First Program.
-- Classic hello program. print("hello") -------- Output ------ hello
-- Example 2 -- Comments.
-- Single line comments in Lua start with double hyphen. --[[ Multiple line comments start with double hyphen and two square brackets. and end with two square brackets. ]] -- And of course this example produces no -- output, since it's all comments! -------- Output ------
-- Example 3 -- Variables.
-- Variables hold values which have types, variables don't have types. a=1 b="abc" c={} d=print print(type(a)) print(type(b)) print(type(c)) print(type(d)) -------- Output ------ number string table function
-- Example 4 -- Variable names.
-- Variable names consist of letters, digits and underscores. -- They cannot start with a digit. one_two_3 = 123 -- is valid varable name -- 1_two_3 is not a valid variable name. -------- Output ------
-- Example 5 -- More Variable names.
-- The underscore is typically used to start special values -- like _VERSION in Lua. print(_VERSION) -- So don't use variables that start with _, -- but a single underscore _ is often used as a -- dummy variable. -------- Output ------ Lua 5.1