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  • HttpServletResponse 的状态码

    public static final int  SC_ACCEPTED  202
    public static final int  SC_BAD_GATEWAY  502
    public static final int  SC_BAD_REQUEST  400
    public static final int  SC_CONFLICT  409
    public static final int  SC_CONTINUE  100
    public static final int  SC_CREATED  201
    public static final int  SC_EXPECTATION_FAILED  417
    public static final int  SC_FORBIDDEN  403
    public static final int  SC_FOUND  302
    public static final int  SC_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT  504
    public static final int  SC_GONE  410
    public static final int  SC_HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED  505
    public static final int  SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR  500
    public static final int  SC_LENGTH_REQUIRED  411
    public static final int  SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED  405
    public static final int  SC_MOVED_PERMANENTLY  301
    public static final int  SC_MOVED_TEMPORARILY  302
    public static final int  SC_MULTIPLE_CHOICES  300
    public static final int  SC_NO_CONTENT  204
    public static final int  SC_NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION  203
    public static final int  SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE  406
    public static final int  SC_NOT_FOUND  404
    public static final int  SC_NOT_IMPLEMENTED  501
    public static final int  SC_NOT_MODIFIED  304
    public static final int  SC_OK  200
    public static final int  SC_PARTIAL_CONTENT  206
    public static final int  SC_PAYMENT_REQUIRED  402
    public static final int  SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED  412
    public static final int  SC_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED  407
    public static final int  SC_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE  413
    public static final int  SC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT  408
    public static final int  SC_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG  414
    public static final int  SC_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE  416
    public static final int  SC_RESET_CONTENT  205
    public static final int  SC_SEE_OTHER  303
    public static final int  SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE  503
    public static final int  SC_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS  101
    public static final int  SC_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT  307
    public static final int  SC_UNAUTHORIZED  401
    public static final int  SC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE  415
    public static final int  SC_USE_PROXY  305
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/seabird1979/p/4807693.html
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