continue 语句将控制权传递给它所在的封闭迭代语句的下一次迭代。
在此示例中,计数器最初是从 1 到 10 进行计数,但通过将 continue 语句与表达式 (i < 9)
一起使用,跳过了 continue 与 for 循环体末尾之间的语句。
复制代码 | |
// statements_continue.cs using System; class ContinueTest { static void Main() { for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { if (i < 9) { continue; } Console.WriteLine(i); } } } |
9 10 |
/// <summary>
/// 保存到数据库中
/// </summary>
public void SaveFileToData(System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar prg)
string sql = "delete from Pro_B_ByComPanyInfoData where [Year]='" + this.tlsCmb.Text + "' and ByComPanyID='" + Pioneer.ByCompanyInfo.PubShare.ByCompanyID + "'";
Pioneer.OperatorData.Delete(sql, Pioneer.PublicConnString.GetConnString);
/// 保存到数据库中
/// </summary>
public void SaveFileToData(System.Windows.Forms.ProgressBar prg)
string sql = "delete from Pro_B_ByComPanyInfoData where [Year]='" + this.tlsCmb.Text + "' and ByComPanyID='" + Pioneer.ByCompanyInfo.PubShare.ByCompanyID + "'";
Pioneer.OperatorData.Delete(sql, Pioneer.PublicConnString.GetConnString);
prg.Visible = true;
prg.Minimum = 0;
prg.Maximum = this.axF1Book1.NumSheets * 100;
for (Int16 i = 1; i <= this.axF1Book1.NumSheets; i++)
axF1Book1.Sheet = i;
for (int j=1;j <=100;j++)
prg.Value = prg.Value + 1;
string Value = this.axF1Book1.get_EntrySRC(i, j, 3);//单元格中输入的数值
string FiledsID = this.axF1Book1.get_EntrySRC(i, j, 1);//字段编号
string FiledsName = this.axF1Book1.get_EntrySRC(i, j, 2);//字段名称
if (FiledsName.Trim() == "")
string TableName = this.axF1Book1.get_SheetName(i).ToString();//得到名称
string TableID = Pioneer.OperatorData.GetString("ID", "Pro_B_ByComPanyInfo", "Where [Name]='" + TableName + "'", Pioneer.PublicConnString.GetConnString);//
string SheetID = i.ToString();//得到表单编号
string SheetName = this.axF1Book1.get_SheetName(i).ToString();//得到表单名称
string Year = this.tlsCmb.Text;//年度
string ByComPanyID = Pioneer.ByCompanyInfo.PubShare.ByCompanyID;//被审计单位编号
SaveDataToDb(Value, FiledsID, FiledsName, TableID, TableName, SheetID, SheetName, Year, ByComPanyID);
prg.Visible = false;
prg.Minimum = 0;
prg.Maximum = this.axF1Book1.NumSheets * 100;
for (Int16 i = 1; i <= this.axF1Book1.NumSheets; i++)
axF1Book1.Sheet = i;
for (int j=1;j <=100;j++)
prg.Value = prg.Value + 1;
string Value = this.axF1Book1.get_EntrySRC(i, j, 3);//单元格中输入的数值
string FiledsID = this.axF1Book1.get_EntrySRC(i, j, 1);//字段编号
string FiledsName = this.axF1Book1.get_EntrySRC(i, j, 2);//字段名称
if (FiledsName.Trim() == "")
string TableName = this.axF1Book1.get_SheetName(i).ToString();//得到名称
string TableID = Pioneer.OperatorData.GetString("ID", "Pro_B_ByComPanyInfo", "Where [Name]='" + TableName + "'", Pioneer.PublicConnString.GetConnString);//
string SheetID = i.ToString();//得到表单编号
string SheetName = this.axF1Book1.get_SheetName(i).ToString();//得到表单名称
string Year = this.tlsCmb.Text;//年度
string ByComPanyID = Pioneer.ByCompanyInfo.PubShare.ByCompanyID;//被审计单位编号
SaveDataToDb(Value, FiledsID, FiledsName, TableID, TableName, SheetID, SheetName, Year, ByComPanyID);
prg.Visible = false;