#include<stdio.h> int a[5]={1,2,5,9,8}; main(){ int m,n,l,q; m = a-&a[3]; n = (char*)a-(char*)&a[3]; l = (int)a - (int)&a[3]; q = (int*)a - (int*)&a[3]; //&a[3] = a + 3; printf("Test the value of a is %d ",a); printf("Test the value of &a[0] is %d ",&a[0]); printf("Test the value of &a[1] is %d ",&a[1]); printf("Test the value of &a[2] is %d ",&a[2]); printf("Test the value of &a[3] is %d ",&a[3]); printf("Test the value of m is %d ",m); printf("Test the value of n is %d ",n); printf("Test the value of l is %d ",l); printf("Test the value of q is %d ",q); }
int nTmp = &a[4] - &a[0];
00416B87 lea eax,[ebp-28h]
00416B8A lea ecx,[arrayTmp]
00416B8D sub eax,ecx
00416B8F sar eax,2
00416B92 mov dword ptr [nTmp],eax
由此可见,两个数组元素地址相减,实际是获取两个元素数组元素的距离,而不是地址的距离。如果要计算地址距离,就直接强制类型转换:int nTmp = (char*)&a[4] - (char*)&a[0];