// operator new example
#include <iostream> // std::cout
#include <new> // ::operator new
struct MyClass {
int data[100];
MyClass() {std::cout << "constructed [" << this << "]
int main () {
std::cout << "1: ";
MyClass * p1 = new MyClass;
// allocates memory by calling: operator new (sizeof(MyClass))
// and then constructs an object at the newly allocated space
// 分配内存空间使用制定的大小,然后使用恰当的初始化函数初始化,注意其实这种分配空间等价与 ::operator new (sizeof(MyClass)) 也就是operator 之分配空间并不调用
std::cout << "2: ";
MyClass * p2 = new (std::nothrow) MyClass;
// allocates memory by calling: operator new (sizeof(MyClass),std::nothrow)
// and then constructs an object at the newly allocated space
// 这种方式遇到错的时候会返回nullptr 而不是想(1) 一样throw exception
std::cout << "3: ";
new (p2) MyClass;
// does not allocate memory -- calls: operator new (sizeof(MyClass),p2)
// but constructs an object at p2
// 第三中方式,啥也不干返回p2 ,如果按照new 的语法进行就是 the proper initialization will be performed.
// Notice though that calling this function directly does not construct an object:
std::cout << "4: ";
MyClass * p3 = (MyClass*) ::operator new (sizeof(MyClass));
// allocates memory by calling: operator new (sizeof(MyClass))
// but does not call MyClass's constructor
// 最后一种简单粗暴之分配空间而不进行初始化操作
delete p1;
delete p2;
delete p3;
return 0;