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  • 哈夫曼图片压缩




    #ifndef HUFFMAN_H
    #define HUFFMAN_H
    #define OK 1
    #define SIZE 256
    struct HTNode {
        int weight;//权值
        int parent;//父节点
        int lchild;//左孩子
        int rchild;//右孩子
    typedef HTNode *HuffmanTree;//动态分配数组存储Huffman树
    typedef char **HuffmanCode;//动态分配哈夫曼编码表
    //void PreorderTraverse(int root, HuffmanTree pHT);
    int HuffmanCoding(HuffmanCode &pHC, HuffmanTree &pHT);
    int Select(HuffmanTree pHT, int nSize);
    void TestHufTree(HuffmanTree pHT);
    void TestHufCode(int root, HuffmanTree pHT, HuffmanCode pHC);
    void TestHufTreeN(int root, HuffmanTree pHT);
    int HfmTree(HuffmanTree &pHT, int *w, int n);


    #pragma warning( disable : 4996)
    using namespace std;
    void PreorderTraverse(int root, HuffmanTree pHT)
        cout << pHT[root].weight << " ";//访问节点
        if (pHT[root].lchild)//左孩子
            PreorderTraverse(pHT[root].lchild, pHT);
        if (pHT[root].rchild)//右孩子
            PreorderTraverse(pHT[root].rchild, pHT);
    int HuffmanCoding(HuffmanCode &pHC, HuffmanTree &pHT)
    //    pHC = (HuffmanCode)malloc((SIZE + 1) * sizeof(char*));
        char cd[SIZE] = { '' };//记录访问路径
        int cdlen = 0;//记录当前路径长度
        for (int i = 1; i < 512; i++)
            pHT[i].weight = 0;//遍历 Huffman树时用作节点的状态标志
        int p = 2*SIZE-1;//根节点
        while (p != 0)
            if (pHT[p].weight == 0)//向左
                pHT[p].weight = 1;
                if (pHT[p].lchild != 0)
                    p = pHT[p].lchild;
                    cd[cdlen++] = '0';
                else if (pHT[p].rchild == 0)//登记叶子节点的字符编码
                    pHC[p] = (char*)malloc((cdlen+1) * sizeof(char));
                    cd[cdlen] = '';
                    strcpy(pHC[p], cd);//复制编码
            else if (pHT[p].weight == 1)//向右
                pHT[p].weight = 2;
                if (pHT[p].rchild != 0)//右孩子为叶子节点
                    p = pHT[p].rchild;
                    cd[cdlen++] = '1';
                pHT[p].weight = 0;
                p = pHT[p].parent;
    //        printf("*");
        return OK;
    int Select(HuffmanTree pHT, int nSize)
        int minValue = 0x7FFFFFFF;//最小值
        int min = 0;
        for (int i = 1; i <= nSize; i++)
            if (pHT[i].parent == 0 && pHT[i].weight < minValue)
                minValue = pHT[i].weight;
                min = i;
        return min;
    void TestHufTree(HuffmanTree pHT)
        for (int i = 1; i < 2*SIZE; i++)
            printf("pHT[%d]	%d	%d	%d	%d
    ", i, pHT[i].weight, pHT[i].parent,pHT[i].lchild,pHT[i].rchild);
    int HfmTree(HuffmanTree &pHT, int *w, int n)
        int m = 2 * n - 1;
        pHT = (HuffmanTree)malloc((m + 1) * sizeof(HTNode));
        if (!pHT)
            cerr << "内存分配失败! " << endl;
            return -1;
        HuffmanTree p = pHT + 1;//0号单元不使用
        for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
            p->weight = (i < n) ? w[i] : 0;
            p->parent = 0;
            p->lchild = 0;
            p->rchild = 0;
        for (int i = n + 1; i <= m; i++)
            int s1 = Select(pHT, i - 1);//找出前i-1个中最小元素
            pHT[s1].parent = i;
            int s2 = Select(pHT, i - 1);
            pHT[s2].parent = i;
            pHT[i].weight = pHT[s1].weight + pHT[s2].weight;
            pHT[i].lchild = s1;
            pHT[i].rchild = s2;
        return 0;
    void TestHufCode(int root, HuffmanTree pHT, HuffmanCode pHC)
        if (pHT[root].lchild == 0 && pHT[root].rchild == 0)
            printf("0x%02X %s
    ", root - 1, pHC[root]);
        if (pHT[root].lchild)//访问左孩子
            TestHufCode(pHT[root].lchild, pHT, pHC);
        if (pHT[root].rchild)
            TestHufCode(pHT[root].rchild, pHT, pHC);
    void TestHufTreeN(int root, HuffmanTree pHT)
        cout << pHT[root].weight << "	"<<pHT[root].lchild<<"	"<<pHT[root].rchild<<"	"<<pHT[root].parent<<"
        if (pHT[root].lchild != 0)
            TestHufTreeN(pHT[root].lchild, pHT);
        if (pHT[root].rchild != 0)
            TestHufTreeN(pHT[root].rchild, pHT);


    #ifndef COMPRESS_H
    #define COMPRESS_H
    int Compress(const char *pFilename);
    char Str2byte(const char *pBinStr);
    int Encode(const char*pFilename, const HuffmanCode pHC, char *pBuffer, const int nSize);
    struct HEAD
        char type[4];//文件类型
        int length;//原文件长度
        int weight[256];//权值数值
    int WriteFile(const char*pFilename, const HEAD sHead, const char * pBuffer, const int nSize);
    int InitHead(const char *pFilename, HEAD &sHead);


      1 //Compress.cpp
      3 #include"huffman.h"
      4 #include"Compress.h"
      5 #include<iostream>
      6 #pragma warning( disable : 4996)
      7 using namespace std;
      8 //Compress
      9 //InitHead
     10 //Encode
     11 //Str2byte
     12 //WriteFile
     13 char Str2byte(const char *pBinStr)
     14 {
     15     char b = 0x00;
     16     for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
     17     {
     18         b = b << 1;
     19         if (pBinStr[i] == '1')
     20         {
     21             b = b | 0x01;
     22         }
     23     }
     24     return b;
     25 }
     27 int Compress(const char *pFilename)
     28 {
     29     int weight[256] = { 0 };
     30     //以二进制打开文件
     31     FILE* in = fopen(pFilename, "rb");
     32     if (in == NULL)
     33     {
     34         cout << "Failed to open the file!" << endl;
     35         exit(0);
     36     }
     37     cout << "成功打开文件 " << pFilename << endl;
     38     int ch;
     39     while ((ch = getc(in)) != EOF)
     40     {
     41         weight[ch]++;
     42     }
     43     fclose(in);
     44     //cout << "Byte Weight" << endl;
     45     //for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
     46     //{
     47     //    printf("0x%02X %d
    ", i, weight[i]);
     48     //}
     50     HuffmanTree hfmt;
     51     HfmTree(hfmt, weight, SIZE);
     52     cout << "成功生成哈夫曼树" << endl;
     53 //    TestHufTree(hfmt);
     54     //    TestHufTreeN(511, hfmt);
     55     HuffmanCode hfmc=(HuffmanCode)malloc((SIZE+1)*sizeof(char*));
     56 //    for (int i = 1; i <= SIZE; i++)
     57 //        hfmt[i].weight = weight[i - 1]
     58     //根据哈夫曼树进行编码
     59     HuffmanCoding(hfmc, hfmt);
     60     cout << "成功完成哈夫曼编码" << endl;
     61 //    cout << "先序遍历哈夫曼树输出编码信息:" << endl;
     62 //    TestHufCode(2 * SIZE - 1, hfmt, hfmc);//测试哈夫曼编码
     63 //    cout << "压缩后的文件编码:" << endl;
     65     //计算编码缓冲区大小
     66     int nSize = 0;
     67     for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++)
     68     {
     69         nSize += weight[i] * strlen(hfmc[i+1]);
     70     }
     71     nSize = (nSize % 8) ? nSize / 8 + 1 : nSize / 8;
     73 //    cout <<"nSize = "<<nSize << endl << endl;
     75     //对原文件进行压缩编码
     76     char* pBuffer = NULL;
     77     pBuffer = (char *)malloc(nSize*sizeof(char));
     78     memset(pBuffer, 0, (nSize) * sizeof(char));
     79 //    cout << "begin: " << strlen(pBuffer) << endl;
     80 ////    cout << "----";
     81 //    int n;
     82 //    cout << "input n:";
     83 //    cin >> n;
     84     //将编码写入缓冲区
     85     Encode(pFilename, hfmc, pBuffer, nSize);
     86 //    cout << "after: " << strlen(pBuffer) << endl;
     87 //    cout << "len of puf  = " << strlen(pBuffer) << endl;
     88 //    cout << "!pBuffer = " << !pBuffer << endl;
     89     if (!pBuffer)
     90     {
     91         cout << "!pBuffer = " << !pBuffer << endl;
     92         return -1;
     93     }
     94     cout << "
    压缩完毕" << endl;
     95     //for (int i = 1; i < strlen(pBuffer); i++)
     96     //{
     97     //    printf("%d", pBuffer[i]);
     98     //}
    100     HEAD sHead;
    101     InitHead(pFilename, sHead);
    102     cout <<"原文件"<< pFilename<<"大小为:" << sHead.length << "Byte" << endl;
    103     int len_after = WriteFile(pFilename, sHead, pBuffer, nSize);
    104     cout << "大小为:" << len_after << "Byte 
    头文件sHead大小为:" << sizeof(sHead)<<"Byte"<<endl;
    105     cout << "压缩比率:" << (double)len_after * 100 / sHead.length << "%" << endl;
    106     free(hfmt);
    107     free(hfmc);
    108     free(pBuffer);
    109     return OK;
    110 }
    113 int Encode(const char*pFilename, const HuffmanCode pHC, char *pBuffer, const int nSize)
    114 {
    115     //开辟缓冲区
    116 //    cout << "+++++";
    117     FILE* in = fopen(pFilename, "rb");
    118     if (in == NULL)
    119     {
    120         cout << "Failed to open the file!" << endl;
    121         exit(0);
    122     }
    123     pBuffer = (char*)malloc(nSize * sizeof(char));
    124     if (!pBuffer)
    125     {
    126         cerr << "开辟缓冲区失败" << endl;
    127         return -1;
    128     }
    129     cout << "loading";
    130     int sign = 0;//用于控制小数点输出
    131     char cd[SIZE] = { 0 };//工作区
    132     int pos = 0;//缓冲区指针
    133     int ch;
    134     //扫描文件,根据huffmman编码表对其进行压缩,压缩结果暂存到缓冲区中
    135     while ((ch = getc(in)) != EOF)
    136     {
    137         if (sign % 1000 == 1)
    138             printf(".");
    139         sign++;
    140         strcat(cd, pHC[ch+1]);//从HC复制编码串到cd
    143         //打印压缩后的文件编码
    144 //        printf("%s", pHC[ch + 1]);
    147         //压缩编码
    148         while (strlen(cd) >= 8)
    149         {
    150             //截取字符串左边的8个字符,编码成字节
    151             pBuffer[pos++] = Str2byte(cd);
    152             //字符串整体左移8个字节
    153             for (int i = 0; i < SIZE - 8; i++)
    154             {
    155                 cd[i] = cd[i + 8];
    156             }
    157         }
    158     }
    159     if (strlen(cd) > 0)
    160     {
    161         pBuffer[pos++] = Str2byte(cd);
    162     }
    163     fclose(in);
    164     //for (int i = 1; i < nSize; i++)
    165     //{
    166     //    printf("%d ", pBuffer[i]);
    167     //}
    168 //    cout << endl<<"before: " << strlen(pBuffer) << endl;
    169     return OK;
    170 }
    172 int InitHead(const char *pFilename, HEAD &sHead)
    173 {
    174     //初始化文件头
    175     strcpy(sHead.type, "HUF");//文件类型
    176     sHead.length = 0;//原文件长度
    177     for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++)
    178     {
    179         sHead.weight[i] = 0;
    180     }
    181     FILE *in = fopen(pFilename, "rb");
    182     int ch;
    183     while ((ch = fgetc(in)) != EOF)
    184     {
    185         sHead.weight[ch]++;
    186         sHead.length++;
    187     }
    188     fclose(in);
    189     in = NULL;
    190     return OK;
    191 }
    193 int WriteFile(const char*pFilename, const HEAD sHead, const char * pBuffer, const int nSize)
    194 {
    195     //生成文件名
    196     char filename[256] = { 0 };
    197     strcpy(filename, pFilename);
    198     strcat(filename, ".huf");
    199     //以二进制流形式打开文件
    200     FILE *out = fopen(filename, "wb");
    201     //写文件头
    202     fwrite(&sHead, sizeof(char), 1, out);
    203     //写压缩后的编码
    204     fwrite(pBuffer, sizeof(char), nSize, out);
    205     //关闭文件,释放文件指针
    206     fclose(out);
    207     out = NULL;
    208     cout << "生成压缩文件:" << filename << endl;
    209     int len = sizeof(HEAD) + strlen(pFilename) + 1 + nSize;
    210     return len;
    211 }


    using namespace std;
    #pragma warning( disable : 4996)
    int main()
        cout << "= = = = = = = =Huffman 文件压缩= = = = = = = =" << endl;
        cout << "请输入文件名:";
        char filename[256];
    //    system("pause");
        return 0;
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