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    xtype: 'container', 2 anchor: '100%', 3 layout: 'hbox', 4 items: [{ 5 xtype: 'container', 6 flex: 1, 7 layout: 'anchor', 8 items: [{ 9 xtype: 'combo', 10 fieldLabel: '客户全称', 11 //afterLabelTextTpl: required, 12 name: 'kehqc', 13 anchor: '95%', 14 valueField: 'name', 15 displayField: 'name', 16 triggerAction: 'all', 17 queryMode: 'local', 18 //autoLoad:true, 19 //store分开写会报错,目前原因不明 20 store: new Ext.data.Store({ 21 singleton: true, 22 proxy: { 23 type: 'ajax', 24 url: 'BLL/H_suipkjBLL.aspx?action=cblist', 25 actionMethods: 'post', 26 reader: { 27 type: 'json', 28 root: 'root' 29 } 30 }, 31 fields: ['name'], //不管有没有model,这个fields都必须写,而且只能写在这里, 32 //在reader里面的话会报错"reader.read is not a function"原因暂时不详 33 autoLoad: true 34 }), 35 loadingText: '正在加载数据,请稍侯……', 36 triggerAction: 'all', 37 valueField: 'name', 38 displayField: 'name', 39 listeners: {//客户和其他信息的联动 40 'select': function (combo, record, index) { 41 //alert(combo.value), 42 Ext.Ajax.request 43 ({ 44 params: { parakehqc: combo.value }, //发送的参数 45 url: "BLL/H_suipkjBLL.aspx?action=cblink", //请求的地址 46 success: function (response, option) { 47 var rlnoteinfo = response.responseText; 48 var aryinfo = new Array(); 49 aryinfo = rlnoteinfo.split("|"); 50 fp.getForm().findField('guossh').setValue(aryinfo[0]); 51 fp.getForm().findField('kaihyh').setValue(aryinfo[1]); 52 fp.getForm().findField('yinhzh').setValue(aryinfo[2]); 53 fp.getForm().findField('gongsdz').setValue(aryinfo[3]); 54 fp.getForm().findField('lianxdh').setValue(aryinfo[4]); 55 } 56 }); 57 } 58}
    var states = [
        { "id": "01", "name": "通路/二批" },
        { "id": "02", "name": "餐饮" },
        { "id": "03", "name": "夜场" },
        { "id": "04", "name": "商超" },
        { "id": "05", "name": "婚宴/团购" },
        { "id": "06", "name": "其他" },
        { "id": "99", "name": "不区分层面" }
    function createStore() {
        // The data store holding the states; shared by each of the ComboBox examples below
        return Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
            autoDestroy: true,
            model: 'State',
            data: states
                            xtype: 'combobox',
                            id: 'cengm',
                            typeAhead: true,
                            triggerAction: 'all',
                            queryMode: 'local',
                            selectOnTab: true,
                            lazyRender: true,
                            displayField: 'name',
                            valueField: 'id',
                            store: createStore()
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shadowtale/p/2580096.html
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