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  • How Do Perform STD_LOGIC_VECTOR Addition Using IEEE.NUMERIC_STD?

    library IEEE;
    use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;

    -- Uncomment the following library declaration if using
    -- arithmetic functions with Signed or Unsigned values

        subtype slv is std_logic_vector;
      signal dpll_counter : std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0 );

            dpll_counter <= dpll_counter + "00001";
            dpll_counter <= unsigned(dpll_counter) + 1;
            dpll_counter <= std_logic_vectorUNSIGNED(dpll_counter) + 1 );
            dpll_counter <= slv( unsigned(dpll_counter) + 1 );

    signal count : unsigned(input'range);

    count <= unsigned(input);
    count <= count + 1;
    output <= slv(count);

    Or define count as a natural:

    signal input, output : std_logic_vector( 4 downto 0);
    signal count : natural range 0 to 2**input'length-1;

    count <= count + 1; -- much faster rtl simulation

    output <= slv(to_unsigned(count, output'length));

    count <= to_integer(unsigned(input));

    signal count : natural range 0 to 2**numbits-1; -- numbits wide count

    Thus count - 1 < 0 is still possible, even though count < 0 is not.
    This is an easy way to extract the carry condition in a down counter:

    if count - 1 < 0 then -- carry bit set
      count <= start_value; -- reload
      count <= count - 1; -- update
    end if;

    The synthesizer (XST, Quartus, Synplify-Pro, Precision, even the old
    synopsys DCFPGA) will automatically share the decrement between the
    comparison and the update, and use the next bit (the sign bit) to
    control the reload or update.

    The same sort of trick works for overflow in an up counter too.

    So I synthesized a couple versions to see what XST (ISE8.2) does (into
    an XC2VP7), checking the results with fpga_editor. I first had to use
    fairly large counters or it would not necessarily use the carry chain,
    and I wanted to see how that was used.

    So the above mentioned:
    if count - 1 < 0 then -- carry bit set
    count <= start_value; -- reload
    count <= count - 1; -- update
    end if;
    That created two parallel sets of LUTs, one with the counter itself, and
    one that simply calculates count-1 using a carry chain. It is the carry
    output of this second chain that triggers reloading of the counter.

    if count = 0 then -- carry bit set
    count <= start_value; -- reload
    count <= count - 1; -- update
    end if;
    That created a single chain for the counter, and then in LUTs it
    implemented ~count1*~count2*~count3... , with the output of that
    triggering the load.

    The second method actually uses less logic than the first, but neither
    was ideal. I must say, I am not impressed with XST synthesis of
    something so basic as a counter :-(

    In the numeric_std package there is a type called "unsigned" (and
    another called "signed") for doing math. This allows you keep the
    concept of a signed and unsigned number separate. You would do it like

    signal count : unsigned ( 7 downto 0);
    count <= count + 1;

    If you really need it in std_logic_vector you can say:
    countslv <= std_logic_vector (count);

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shangdawei/p/1944813.html
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