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  • Keil AGDI Header File

    #ifndef __AGDI__INCED___
      #define __AGDI__INCED___
    //---Revision History: ----------------------------------------------
    //   17.10.2000, added AG_SYM_SFR
    #ifdef __cplusplus
      extern "C"  {
    #include <Windows.h>          // wg. HWND, RECT, CALLBACK, HANDLE
    #define _EXPO_   __declspec(dllexport)
     * Advanced GDI types
    typedef  unsigned long       UL32;
    typedef    signed long       SL32;
    typedef    signed char        SC8;
    typedef  unsigned char        UC8;
    typedef    signed int         I32;
    typedef  unsigned int         U32;
    typedef    signed short int   I16;
    typedef  unsigned short int   U16;
    typedef  __int64              I64;
    typedef  unsigned __int64     U64;
    typedef  float                F32;
    typedef  double               F64;
    typedef union  {
      U32            u32;       // 32-Bit signed int
      I32            i32;       // 32-Bit unsigned int
      UL32            ul;       // 32-Bit unsigned long
      SL32            sl;       // 32-Bit signed long
      UC8             uc;       // 8-Bit unsigned char
      SC8             sc;       // 8-Bit signed char
      U16            u16;       // 16-Bit unsigned short int
      I16            i16;       // 16-Bit signed short int
      U64            u64;       // 64-Bit unsigned int
      I64            i64;       // 64-Bit signed int
      F32            f32;       // 32-Bit single precision float
      F64            f64;       // 64-Bit single precision float
      UL32       ul2 [2];
      SL32       sl2 [2];
      U16       u16a [4];
      I16       i16a [4];
      UC8        uc8 [8];
      SC8        sc8 [8];
      SC8            *pS;
      UC8            *pU;
      U16            *pW;
      U32            *pD;
    } GVAL;
     * 166/167 specific's
    #define mWREG  0x100      // 0x100...0x10F := R0...R15
    #define mBREG  0x200      // 0x200...0x20F := RL0...RH7
    #define mDREG  0x300      // not used.
    #define mDPP   0x400      // 0x400...0x403 := DPP0...DPP3
    #define mPC    0x500      // PC
    #define mPSW   0x600      // PSW
    #define mSP    0x700      // SP
    #define mCP    0x800      // CP
    #define mCYC   0x900      // Cycles value
    #define mEPTR  0xA00
    #pragma pack(1)
    typedef struct  {
      union  {
        U16     wregs [16];      // R0  ... R15
        UC8     bregs [16];      // RL0 ... RH7
      } r;
      U32          Ndpp[4];      // full linear base address values
      U32              nPC;      // full address !
      U16             cPsw;      // current Psw
      U16              cSP;
      U16             cMDL;      // MDL
      U16             cMDH;      // MDH
      U32              cCP;      // CP
      I64          nCycles;      // cycle counter (or time ???)
      INT64           macc;      // 40-Bit value
      U16              mah;      // MAH MAC-Unit Accumulator High
      U16              mal;      // MAL MAC-Unit Accumulator Low
      U16              mas;      // MAS limited MAH/signed
      U16              msw;      // MSW MAC-Unit Status Word
      U16              mcw;      // MCW MAC-Unit Control Word
      U16              mrw;      // MRW MAC-Unit Repeat Word
      U16             idx0;
      U16             idx1;
      U16              qx0;
      U16              qx1;
      U16              qr0;
      U16              qr1;
    } RG166;
     * Sle66+ specific's
    #define nnR0    0x00     // R0
    #define nnR1    0x01     // R1
    #define nnR2    0x02     // R2
    #define nnR3    0x03     // R3
    #define nnR4    0x04     // R4
    #define nnR5    0x05     // R5
    #define nnR6    0x06     // R6
    #define nnR7    0x07     // R7
    //#define niR0    0x10     // @R0
    //#define niR1    0x11     // @R1
    //#define nrAB    0x12     // AB
    #define nrCY    0x13     // C
    #define nrA     0x14     // A
    #define nrDPTR  0x18     // DPTR
    #define nnPR0    0x1C     // PR0 (80C51MX)
    #define nnPR1    0x1D     // PR1 (80C51MX)
    typedef struct  {            // iMCS51 - SLE66Cxx Registers
      UL32           nPC;
      I64        nCycles;        // cycle counter
      UC8            psw;
      UC8             sp;
      UC8              b;
      UC8            acc;
      UC8            dpl;
      UC8            dph;
      UC8      bregs [8];
      UC8          dpsel;
      UC8          adrxh;        // page for MOVX @Ri
      U16       dptx [8];        // DPTR save area
    } RGSLE66;
    typedef struct  {            // iMCS51-Registers
      BYTE         Rn [16];      // R0 ... R7
      DWORD            nPC;      // full address !
      BYTE              sp;      // SP
      BYTE             psw;      // PSW-sfr
      BYTE               b;      // B-sfr
      BYTE             acc;      // ACC-sfr
      BYTE             dpl;      // DPL-sfr
      BYTE             dph;      // DPH-sfr
      BYTE        ports[8];
      I64          nCycles;      // cycle counter
    } RG51;
    typedef struct   {           // iMCSARM Registers
      DWORD  cur[16];            // Current Mode:   R0..R15(PC)
      DWORD  cpsr;               // CPSR
      DWORD  spsr;               // Current SPSR
      DWORD  usr[7];             // User & System:  R8..R14
      DWORD  fiq[8];             // Fast Interrupt: R8..R14, SPSR
      DWORD  irq[3];             // Interrupt:      R13,R14, SPSR
      DWORD  svc[3];             // Supervisor:     R13,R14, SPSR
      DWORD  abt[3];             // Abort:          R13,R14, SPSR
      DWORD  und[3];             // Undefined:      R13,R14, SPSR
      INT64  nCycles;            // cycle counter
    } RgARM ;
    typedef struct  {           // SmartMX-Registers
      BYTE     Rn [32];         // 7F:0000 .. 7F:001F (D:0 .. D:1F)
      BYTE         acc, pcl, pch, pcx, psw, pswh;
    // System Mode Registers
      BYTE         s_B,  s_EPL,   s_EPM,   s_EPH,  s_DPL0, s_DPH0;
      BYTE      s_DPL1, s_DPH1, s_MXCON, s_AUXR1, s_XRAMP;
      BYTE        s_SP,  s_SPE, s_SPLOW,s_SPELOW,s_SPHIGH,s_SPEHIGH;
    //User Context Registers
      BYTE         u_B,  u_EPL,   u_EPM,   u_EPH,  u_DPL0, u_DPH0;
      BYTE      u_DPL1, u_DPH1, u_MXCON, u_AUXR1, u_XRAMP;
      BYTE        u_SP,  u_SPE, u_SPLOW,u_SPELOW,u_SPHIGH,u_SPEHIGH;
    // Physical PC Value
      BYTE       YPCL, YPCH, YPCX;
      BYTE    MMUCTRL;
    } RGSMX;
    #pragma pack()
    #pragma pack(1)
    #define RGROUP    struct rGroup
    #define RITEM     struct rItem
    #define REGDSC    struct RegDsc
    struct rGroup  {             // Register Group Descriptor
      UC8            desc;       // always 0x00
      UC8            ShEx;       // Bit.0 = 1  Show Group initially expanded
                                 // Bit.1 = 1  Show Group description 'bold'
      char          *name;       // Group name
    struct rItem  {              // Register Item Descriptor
      UC8            desc;       // always 0x01
      U16             nGi;       // Group-Index (0...nGroups-1)
      U16           nItem;       // Item indicator
      char      szReg[16];       // Name of Register
      UC8            isPC;       // is this the PC
      UC8          canChg;       // can this Reg be changed in Reg-Window
      UC8           iHigh;       // highlight the value
      UC8           iDraw;       // item needs to be repainted
      char      szVal[32];       // it's value in Ascii
      GVAL              v;       // it's binary item value
    struct RegDsc  {
      I32         nGitems;       // number of group items
      I32         nRitems;       // number of register items
      RGROUP      *GrpArr;       // array of group descriptors
      RITEM       *RegArr;       // array of register descriptors
      void     (*RegGet) (RITEM *vp, int nR);   // get RegItem's value
      I32      (*RegSet) (RITEM *vp, GVAL *pV); // set RegItem's value
    #pragma pack()
    #define UPR_NORMAL  0x80000000  // update normal registers
    #define UPR_HIST    0x40000000  // update history registers
     * Advanced GDI Functions
     * Error codes
    #define  AG_OK          0     // Ok.
    #define  AG_NOACCESS    1     // Cannot access while running.
    #define  AG_RDFAILED    2     // memory read failed.
    #define  AG_INVALOP     3     // invalid operation code
    #define  AG_RO          4     // attempt to write Read-only item
    #define  AG_WRFAILED    5     // memory write failed.
    #define  AG_CANTMAP     6     // cannot map memory
     * 80x51 + Sle66(+) memory spaces, added 12/19/99
    #define   amNONE   0x0000           // not spaced
    #define   amXDATA  0x0001           // XDATA
    #define   amBANK0  0x0080           // BANK0
    #define   amBANK31 0x009F           // BANK31
    #define   amDATA   0x00F0           // DATA
    #define   amBIT    0x00F1           // BIT
    #define   amEDATA  0x00F2           // EDATA (i251)
    #define   amIDATA  0x00F3           // IDATA
    #define   amECODE  0x00F4           // 251 ecode
    #define   amHDATA  0x00F5           // 251 hdata
    #define   amHCONS  0x00F6           // 251 hconst
    #define   amCONST  0x00F7           // 251 const
    #define   amPDATA  0x00FE           // PDATA (c51 macht das bei generic)
    #define   amCODE   0x00FF           // CODE 
    #define   amPHYS   0x0100           // Physical SLE66+ Memory
    #define   amPHLIM  0x0110           // 1MB Physical Memory
    #define   amYMEM   0x0040           // Mifare ProX Y: (physical code 1MB)
    #define   amZMEM   0x0041           // Mifare ProX Z: (physical xdata)
    #define   amSMEM   0x0042           // Mifare ProX S: (physical sfr)
    #define   amU1MEM  0x00F8           // UsrMem #1 (E2-PROM)
    #define   amU2MEM  0x00F9           // UsrMem #2 (reserved for future use)
    #define   amU3MEM  0x00FA           // UsrMem #3 (reserved for future use)
    #define   amU4MEM  0x00FB           // UsrMem #4 (reserved for future use)
    #define   amU5MEM  0x00FC           // UsrMem #5 (reserved for future use)
    #define   mmU6MEM  0x00FD           // UsrMem #6 (reserved for future use)
     * Features
    typedef struct  {
      U32       MemAccR : 1;     // memory-access while running supported
      U32       RegAccR : 1;     // register-access while running supported
      U32        hTrace : 1;     // trace-recording supported
      U32        hCover : 1;     // code coverage supported
      U32       hPaLyze : 1;     // Performance-Analyzer support
      U32       hMemMap : 1;     // Memory-Map support
      U32        ResetR : 1;     // Reset possible while running
      U32        ExtBrk : 1;     // OCDS/JTAG: Break in EXTx allowed /10.3.2003/
      U32        LaSupp : 1;     // Logic-Analyzer supported
    } SUPP;
    #pragma pack(1)
    typedef struct  {
      UL32         Adr;          // linear address
      UL32      ErrAdr;          // memory access failed address
      UL32        nLen;          // address range, used for memory-map
      U16       mSpace;          // memory space (not used on 166/167)
    } GADR;
    typedef struct  {            // Assemble/Disassemble
      UL32           Adr;        // linear address
      UC8        Opc [8];        // 167 needs max. 4 Opcode bytes
      I32         OpcLen;        // Result length in assemble mode
      SC8      szB [256];        // DisAsm-result or Asm-input line
      I32         Result;        // 0:=Ok, otherwise error
    } DAAS;
    typedef struct  {            // 11.1.2005, DisAssemble Mixed-Mode into File
      UL32        nStart;        // Start-Address for disassemble
      UL32          nEnd;        // Stop-Address for disassemble
      I32         Result;        // 0:=Ok, 1:=can't create file, 2:=file write error
      I32          nMode;        // 0:=Asm-Mode, 1:=Mixed-Mode
      UL32       nRes[8];        // reserved
      char     szN [300];        // name of file to create and write disassembly
    } DAS_MIXED;
    typedef struct  {            // Memory-Range descriptor
      UC8           mTyp;        // 0=RAM, 1=ROM
      UL32        nStart;        // Memory start address
      UL32         nSize;        // Size of memory block (0=unused)
    } OCM;        
    typedef struct  {            // 166/167 Device Info
      UC8     Vendor [64];       // Device-Vendor: example 'Siemens'
      UC8     Device [64];       // Device-Name: example 'C167CR-16FM'
      UL32          Clock;       // clock frequency
      UC8       RestoreBp;       // 1 := restore Breakpoints
      UC8            Rtos;       // OS: 0:=none, 1:=RtxTiny, 2:=RtxFull
      UC8          Mod167;       // 0:=166-Instr. Set 1:=167-Instr Set
      UC8    useOnChipRom;       // 1:=use on chip Rom
      UC8   useOnChipXper;       // 1:=use on chip X-peripherals (XRAM+CAN)
      UC8          useMAC;       // 0:=no MACC, 1:=MACC instr. used
      OCM       ExtMem[6];       // up to 6 external memory ranges
      OCM            Ican;       // address range of on-chip CAN
      OCM            Irom;       // address range of on-chip internal Rom
      OCM           Xram1;       // address range of on-chip internal Xram
      OCM           Xram2;       // address range of on-chip internal Xram
      OCM            Iram;       // address range of on-chip internal Ram
      UC8   PrjPath [260];       // path of project
      UC8   AppName [260];       // path and name of loaded application
    } DEV_X66;
    #pragma pack()
     * Symbol search masks (may be combined using |) :
    #define AG_SYM_VAR  0x0001         // search for non-bit Variables
    #define AG_SYM_CON  0x0002         // search for named Constants
    #define AG_SYM_BIT  0x0004         // search for Bit in Memory
    #define AG_SYM_LOC  0x0008         // search for Function/Label
    #define AG_SYM_SFR  0x0200         // search for SFR name
     * Type of found symbol:
    #define  AG_TP_VOID     0
    #define  AG_TP_BIT      1
    #define  AG_TP_CHAR     2
    #define  AG_TP_UCHAR    3
    #define  AG_TP_INT      4
    #define  AG_TP_UINT     5
    #define  AG_TP_SHORT    6
    #define  AG_TP_USHORT   7
    #define  AG_TP_LONG     8
    #define  AG_TP_ULONG    9
    #define  AG_TP_FLOAT    10
    #define  AG_TP_DOUBLE   11
    #define  AG_TP_PTR      12
    #define  AG_TP_UNION    13
    #define  AG_TP_STRUCT   14
    #define  AG_TP_FUNC     15
    #define  AG_TP_STRING   16
    #define  AG_TP_ENUM     17
    #define  AG_TP_FIELD    18
    #pragma pack(1)
    typedef struct  {                  // Search for Sym by Name or Value.
      UL32        nMask;               // search mask (AG_SYM_LOC | ...)
      UC8  szName [256];               // search/found name (zero-terminated
      U64           val;               // search/found Adr/Value
      UL32         type;               // type of found symbol (AG_TP_???)
      UL32           Ok;               // 1:=Ok, else find failed.
    } SYMDSC;
    #pragma pack()
     * Progress-Control Structure
    #define PROGRESS_INIT     1
    #define PROGRESS_KILL     2
    #define PROGRESS_SETPOS   3
    #define PROGRESS_INITTXT  4  // 15.3.2003, init progress in text mode
    #define PROGRESS_SETTEXT  5  // =========
    #pragma pack(1)
    typedef struct PgRess  {   // Progress-Setup and Control structure
      I32       Job;           // PROGRESS_INIT/KILL/SETPOS
      I32       pos;           // PROGRESS_SETPOS: position to set
      I32       low;           // low percent (normally 0) 
      I32       hig;           // high percent (normally 100)
      SC8    *label;           // text-label before progress-bar or NULL
      SC8    *ctext;           // 15.3.2003, Text instead of % display
    } OIL;
    #pragma pack()
     * Flash-Parameter-Block, used in AG_CB_GETFLASHPARAM CallBack
    #pragma pack(1)
    typedef struct FlashBlock   {
      UL32           start;   // Start-Address
      UL32            many;   // Number of Bytes
      UC8           *image;   // Content
      UL32         ActSize;   // total number of bytes
      UL32        Stop : 1;   // cancel FlashDownLoad
      UL32        Res [16];   // reserved, unused
    #pragma pack()
     * Init/Query Target features
    #define AG_INITFEATURES   0x0100       // Init target features
    #define AG_GETFEATURE     0x0200       // extract a single feature
    #define AG_INITITEM       0x0300       // Init item
    #define AG_EXECITEM       0x0400       // Execute item
     * Supported Target Features:
    #define AG_F_MEMACCR      0x0001       // memory-access while running
    #define AG_F_REGACCR      0x0002       // register-access while running
    #define AG_F_TRACE        0x0003       // back-trace support
    #define AG_F_COVERAGE     0x0004       // code-coverage support
    #define AG_F_PALYZE       0x0005       // Performance-Analyzer support
    #define AG_F_MEMMAP       0x0006       // Memory-Map support
    #define AG_F_RESETR       0x0007       // Reset while running possible feature
    #define AG_F_251MODE      0x0008       // 251: get mode (SRC_MODE/BIN_MODE)
    #define AG_F_251FRMSZ     0x0009       // 251: get framesize (FRM_SIZE2/4)
    #define AG_F_251CPU       0x000A       // 251: get CPU type (CPU_251/CPU_51)
    #define AG_F_16XBIE       0x000B       // 167: brk within EXTx-Sequ allowed
                                           //      ret: 1:=yes, 0:=no
    #define AG_F_LANALYZER    0x000C       // Logic-Analyzer support
     * Connection and Communication Items used for 'AG_INITITEM':
    #define AG_INITMENU       0x0007       // init extension menu
    #define AG_INITEXTDLGUPD  0x0008       // init modeless extesion dlg update function
    #define AG_INITMHANDLEP   0x0009       // setup ptr to HWND of active modeless dlg
    #define AG_INITPHANDLEP   0x000A       // pointer to parent handle (MainFrame)
    #define AG_INITINSTHANDLE 0x000B       // pointer to Agdi-instance handle
    #define AG_INITBPHEAD     0x000E       // pointer to Bp-head
    #define AG_INITCURPC      0x000F       // pointer to Program counter
    #define AG_INITDOEVENTS   0x0010       // pointer do DoEvents()
    #define AG_INITUSRMSG     0x0011       // Registered Message for SendMessage
    #define AG_INITCALLBACK   0x0012       // pointer to callback function
    //---19.7.2002: added for Flash DownLoad:
    #define AG_INITFLASHLOAD  0x0013       // Prepare for Flash Download
    #define AG_STARTFLASHLOAD 0x0014       // Start Flash DownLoad
    //---2.11.2004: added for Hitex-AGDI:
    #define AG_INITCWINAPP    0x0020       // sent Item is 'CWinApp *'
    #define AG_INITSTARTLOAD  0x0021       // 'Load about to start' (item := 'LOADPARMS *')
    #define AG_INITENDLOAD    0x0022       // 'Load finished' (item := NULL)
     * AG_EXECITEM items:
    #define AG_UNINIT         0x000C       // Clean up target
    #define AG_RESET          0x000D       // Reset target system
    #define AG_GETMODE        0x000E       // for S8051.DLL: Get Dallas Contigious Mode
    //---26.10.2000: added for Hitex Emulators:
    #define AG_RUNSTART       0x0010       // Announcement: Go/Step about to start
    #define AG_RUNSTOP        0x0011       //             : Go/Step completed.
    #define AG_QUERY_LASIG    0x0012       // 27.1.2005
    #define AG_KILLED_LASIG   0x0013       // 27.1.2005
    typedef struct agdi_la  {    // Query LA-Signal  /27.1.2005/
      struct agdi_la *next;
      U64             nAdr;      // LA-Signal: memory address
      U64            nSize;      // LA-Signal: size of analyzed item in Bytes
      GVAL               v;      // value
      U32            SigNo;      // internal LA signal number (don't change)
      U32           killed;      //
      U32         nRes[16];      // reserved
      char    szDname[128];      // Signal's display name
      char      szExp[128];      // the expr.-text: LA CREATE <expr>
      char    szError[256];      // Error-Text
    } AGDI_LA;
    typedef struct  {            // Write-Data-Record
      I64           tStamp;      // Time-Stamp of write
      I64          totTime;      // total running time
      U64              nPC;      // PC-value at time of write
      U64             nAdr;      // Write-Address
      GVAL               v;      // Write-value @nAdr
      U32            wType;      // 1:=Byte, 2:=W16, 4=U32, 8=U64
      U32            SigNo;      // LASIG-Number (1...255)
      U32         nRes[16];      // reserved
    //---TODO: define - tStamp/totTime uSec or cycles ???
     * Errors returned from AG_QUERY_LASIG:
    #define AGDI_LA_OK              1   // LA-Signal was accepted by target
    #define AGDI_LA_NOTSUPPORTED (-10)  // LA-Sig Address-Range not accepted
     * 26.1.2005, Info given on AG_INITSTARTLOAD: (see example dated /26.1.2005/ in this file)
    typedef struct  {
      char      szFile [512];              // full path name of App to load
      BYTE       Incremental;              // 1:=incremental load
      BYTE            NoCode;              // 1:=no code
      BYTE      Reserved[32];
    #pragma pack(1)
    typedef struct ag_line  {
      U16            line;
      UL32           addr;
    } AG_LINE;
    typedef struct ag_scope  {
      DWORD        AddrIn;    // Input: Address to be mapped to Scope
                              // Output values:
      const char *pModule;    // name of Module
      const char   *pFunc;    // name of Function
      DWORD         lowPC;    // Scope-Block lower bound
      DWORD         higPC;    // Scope-Block upper bound
      DWORD        nLines;    // number of lines
      DWORD       curLine;    // current line (or 0 if none)
      AG_LINE     *pLines;    // Line-Number Array
      char    szPath[512];    // full path name of source file
      DWORD      nRes[32];    // reserved
    } AG_SCOPE;
    typedef struct ag_block  {    // App/Module/Func Enumeration
      char const      *pApp;      // App-Name (wg. incremental load)
      char const   *pModule;      // Module-Name
      char const     *pFunc;      // Function-Name
      UL32            lowPC;      // Function starts at 'lowPC'
      UL32            higPC;      //          and extends up to and including 'higPC'
    // ***DO NOT MODIFY these:
      void              *pA;      // internal reserved data  /App/
      void              *pT;      // internal reserved data  /Theadr/
      void              *pF;      // internal reserved data  /Func/
      UL32             m1:1;
    } AG_BLOCK;
    #pragma pack()
     * Call-Back-Function in S166 and supported sub-functions
    typedef U32 (*pCBF) (U32 nCode, void *vp);
    #define AG_CB_TRUEXPR         1   // vp := 'EXP *' (use for Bp->ep)
    #define AG_CB_PROGRESS        2   // vp := 'struct PgRess *'
    #define AG_CB_INITREGV        3   // vp := 'REGDSC *' (into RegView)
    #define AG_CB_EXECCMD         4   // vp := 'char *' command string
    #define AG_CB_FORCEUPDATE     5   // vp := NULL, force general windows update
    #define AG_CB_DISASM          6   // vp := 'DAAS *', disasm opcodes
    #define AG_CB_INLASM          7   // vp := 'DAAS *', assemble szB[] into Opc[]
    #define AG_CB_MSGSTRING       8   // vp := 'char *' text for message pane
    #define AG_CB_GETDEVINFO      9   // vp := 'DEV_X66 *', get device info
    #define AG_CB_SYMBYVAL       10   // vp := 'SYMDESC *', find symbol by value
    #define AG_CB_SYMBYNAME      11   // vp := 'SYMDESC *', find symbol by name
    #define AG_CB_SLE66MM        12   // vp := &slots[0] out of [512]
    #define AG_CB_PHYS2MMU       13   // vp := (void *) ((DWORD) physAdr)
    #define AG_CB_MMU2PHYS       14   // vp := (void *) ((DWORD) logicalAdr)
    #define AG_CB_GETFLASHPARAM  15   // vp := (FLASHPARM *) or NULL
    #define AG_CB_GETBOMPTR      16   // vp := &ioc  /5.3.2003/
                                      // Note: special callback for DTC-Messaging
    #define AG_CB_DCTMSG_WRITE   17   // vp := write-access address
    #define AG_CB_DISASM_EXT     18   // vp := 'DAS_MIXED *', disasm to file
    #define AG_CB_LAREC_DATA     19   // vp := 'AGDI_LAREC *', send data-record to Logic-Analyzer
    #define AG_CB_SHUTDOWN       20   //
    #define AG_CB_GETSCOPEINFO   21   // vp := 'AG_SCOPE *', get Scope Info
    #define AG_CB_ENUMFUNCTIONS  22   // vp := 'AG_BLOCK *'. enumerate App/Modules/Functions
    #ifdef _IN_TARG_         // define if used in Mon166,Emu...
      extern _EXPO_ U32   AG_Init (U16 nCode, void *vp);
    #else                    // S166
      extern        U32 (*AG_Init) (U16 nCode, void *vp);
     * Memory attributes
    #define AG_ATR_EXEC   0x01    // 'executable ' Attribute
    #define AG_ATR_READ   0x02    // 'readable' Attribute
    #define AG_ATR_WRITE  0x04    // 'writable' Attribute
    #define AG_ATR_BREAK  0x08    // 'Exec-Break' Attribute
    #define AG_ATR_EXECD  0x10    // 'Executed' Attribute
    #define AG_ATR_WATCH  0x20    // Location has a Watch
    #define AG_ATR_BPDIS  0x40    // 'disabled Exec-Break' Attribute
    #define AG_ATR_PAP    0x80    // Location has a Perf.-Analyzer point
    #define AG_ATR_WRBRK  0x100   // Loc has a write-access break
    #define AG_ATR_RDBRK  0x200   // Loc has a read-access break
    #define AG_ATR_COMC   0x400   // iMCS51/251: Common code marker
    #define AG_ATR_VNM    0x800   // iMCS51: von Neumann mapped
    #define AG_ATR_BEP    0x1000  // iMCS51: Bank-Entry Point
    #define AG_ATR_EXTR   0x2000  // 166/167: within range of an EXTR sequence
    #define AG_ATR_JTAKEN 0x4000  // Jump-taken attribute
     * ARM-specific attributes:
    #define AG_ATR_THUMB   0x00000080   // 'Thumb' code
    #define AG_ATR_ARM     0x00008000   // 'ARM' code
    #define AG_ATR_NOINST  0x00080000   // 'No instruction' Attribute
    #define AG_MEMMAP     0x01    // map memory
    #define AG_GETMEMATT  0x02    // get memory attribute
    #define AG_SETMEMATT  0x03    // set memory attribute
    #ifdef _IN_TARG_         // define if used in Mon166,Emu...
      extern _EXPO_ U32   AG_MemAtt (U16 nCode, UL32 nAttr, GADR *pA);
      extern        U32 (*AG_MemAtt) (U16 nCode, UL32 nAttr, GADR *pA);
     * Breakpoint query and access
    #define AG_ABREAK  0        // simple code address break
    #define AG_CBREAK  1        // conditional break (check after each instr.)
    #define AG_WBREAK  2        // data access break
    #define AG_RBREAK  3        // Address-Range Break (currently not used)
    #pragma pack(1)
    struct AG_Bps  {
      struct AG_Bps *next;
      struct AG_Bps *prev;
      UL32       type : 4;      // ABREAK, CBREAK, WBREAK
      UL32    enabled : 1;      // 1:=enabled, 0:=disabled
      UL32     ReCalc : 1;      // recalc expr flag
      UL32     BytObj : 1;      // WatchBrk: 0:=Bytes, 1:=Objects
      UL32            Adr;      // Address (or Range)
      UL32         mSpace;      // memory-space
      void            *pV;      // used on VTR-access breakpoints
      UL32          tsize;      // WatchBrk: size of one object
      UL32           many;      // WatchBrk: many objects or bytes
      U16             acc;      // WatchBrk: 1:=Read, 2:=Write, 3:=ReadWrite
      U16          BitPos;      // currently not used
      UL32         number;      // BreakPoint-Number
      I32          rcount;      // Break is taken when rcount = 1
      I32          ocount;      // Original Count
      void            *ep;      // conditional-Expression
      char           *cmd;      // Exec-Command
      char          *Line;      // Breakpoint-Expression Line for Display
      char            *pF;      // module file name
      UL32          nLine;      // line number
      UC8          Opc[8];      // Opcode-Save Area for Monitors
    #pragma pack()
    #define AG_BP  struct AG_Bps
    #define AG_BPQUERY     0x01
    #define AG_BPTOGGLE    0x02       // not sent to target
    #define AG_BPINSREM    0x03       // not sent to target
    #define AG_BPACTIVATE  0x04       // not sent to target
    #define AG_BPDISALL    0x05       // Notification: all Bp's have been disabled
    #define AG_BPKILLALL   0x06       // Notification: all Bp's have been killed
    #define AG_BPEXQUERY   0x07
    #define AG_CADRVALID   0x10       // Is code address valid ?
                                      // added these /8.2.99/
    #define AG_BPENABLE    0x08       // Notification: Enable Bp at address
    #define AG_BPDISABLE   0x09       // Notification: Disable Bp at address
    #define AG_BPKILL      0x0A       // Notification: Kill Bp at address
    #define AG_BPSET       0x0B       // Notification: Set Bp at address
    #ifdef _IN_TARG_         // define if used in Mon166,Emu...
      extern _EXPO_ U32    AG_BpInfo (U16 nCode, void *vp);
      extern _EXPO_ AG_BP *AG_BreakFunc (U16 nCode, U16 n1, GADR *pA, AG_BP *pB);
      extern U32     (*AG_BpInfo) (U16 nCode, void *vp);
      extern AG_BP  *(*AG_BreakFunc) (U16 nCode, U16 n1, GADR *pA, AG_BP *pB);
     * AG_BP *AG_BreakFunc (U16 nCode, U16 n1, GADR *pA, AG_BP *pB);
     *   nCode := AG_BPQUERY, AG_BPINSREM, ...
     *      n1 :=  
     * Go/Step function
    #define AG_STOPRUN    0x01            // force target to stop Go/Step.
    #define AG_NSTEP      0x02            // exteute 'n' steps
    #define AG_GOTILADR   0x03            // go til address
    #define AG_GOFORBRK   0x04            // go forever or some Bp fires
    #ifdef _IN_TARG_         // define if used in Mon166,Emu...
      extern _EXPO_ U32   AG_GoStep (U16 nCode, U32 nSteps, GADR *pA);
      extern        U32 (*AG_GoStep) (U16 nCode, U32 nSteps, GADR *pA);
     * Serial-Window I/O (thread-safe)
    struct SerAS  {
      DWORD         n1;
      DWORD         n2;
      DWORD         n3;
      DWORD         n4;
      GVAL           v;
    #define AG_SERBOUT  0x01       // write nMany bytes to Serial #1 Window
    #define AG_SERWOUT  0x02       // write nMany words to Serial #1 Window
    #define AG_SERXIN   0x03       // Key was pressed in Serial Window #1 or #2
    #ifdef _IN_TARG_               // define if used in Mon166,Emu...
      extern _EXPO_ U32  AG_Serial (U16 nCode, U32 nSerNo, U32 nMany, void *vp);
                                   // nCode := AG_SER?OUT / AG_SERXIN
                                   // nSerNo:  0:=Serial #1, 1:=Serial #2
                                   // nMany:   number of items
                                   // vp:      pointer to items (UC8 or U16)
      extern       U32 (*AG_Serial) (U16 nCode, U32 nSerNo, U32 nMany, void *vp);
     * Register and Memory access functions
    #define AG_READ     0x01     // read operation
    #define AG_WRITE    0x02     // write operation
    #define AG_WROPC    0x03     // write opcodes
    #define AG_RDOPC    0x04     // read opcodes
    #define AG_RDMMU66  0x05     // 19.12.99, read Sle66 MMU content
    #define AG_WRMMU66  0x06     // 19.12.99, write single Sle66 MMU-Descr.
    #define AG_RCRC     0x07     // Sle66 read CRC
    #define AG_RDSHIELD 0x08     // Sle66 read Shield
    #define AG_RDACE    0x09     // Sle66 read ACE
    //--- 8.7.2002: added for flash download, otherwise like 'AG_WRITE'
    #define AG_F_WRITE  0x0A     // Write to Flash memory (download)
    #define AG_F_VERIFY 0x0B     // Verify FLash Memory
    #define AG_F_ERASE  0x0C     // Erase Flash
    #define AG_F_RUN    0x0D     // Start flashed App.
    //---2.4.2003: added for SmartMX Peripheral Access
    #define AG_RD_XDES  0x10     // MXP: read DES (16 Bytes)
    #define AG_RD_XAES  0x11     // MXP: read AES (16 Bytes)
    #define AG_RD_XCRC  0x12     // MXP: read CRC (2 Bytes)
    #define AG_RD_XVECT 0x13     // MXP: read Vectors (10 DWORDS, prepared)
    //---22.7.2003: added for SLE66 RF Interface
    #define AG_RDRF     0x14     // SLE66: Read RF Fifo registers
    #define AG_WRRF     0x15     // SLE66: Write RF Fifo registers
    #define AG_RDMOVB   0x16     // SLE66: Read  SFR via MOVB
    #define AG_WRMOVB   0x17     // SLE66: Write SFR via MOVB
    //---26.8.2004: added for SLE66 Special Access
    #define AG_BONVMREAD   0x18  // SLE66: BoNVMRead Macro
    #define AG_BONVMWRITE  0x19  // SLE66: BoNVMWrite Macro
    #pragma pack (1)
    struct BoNvmFunc  {          // for BoNVMRead/BoNVMWrite
      unsigned char  Mode;       // access mode
      unsigned char  buf[85];    // read/write buffer
    #pragma pack ()
    #ifdef _IN_TARG_             // define if used in Mon166,Emu...
      extern _EXPO_ U32  AG_MemAcc (U16 nCode, UC8 *pB, GADR *pA, UL32 nMany);
      extern _EXPO_ U32  AG_RegAcc (U16 nCode, U32 nReg, GVAL *pV);
      extern _EXPO_ U32  AG_AllReg (U16 nCode, void *pR);
      extern U32 (*AG_MemAcc) (U16 nCode, UC8 *pB, GADR *pA, UL32 nMany);
      extern U32 (*AG_RegAcc) (U16 nCode, U32 nReg, GVAL *pV);
      extern U32 (*AG_AllReg) (U16 nCode, void *pR);
     * extract trace history
    #ifdef _IN_TARG_             // define if used in Mon166,Emu...
      extern _EXPO_ U32   AG_HistFunc (U32 nCode, I32 indx, I32 dir, void *vp);
      extern        U32 (*AG_HistFunc) (U32 nCode, I32 indx, I32 dir, void *vp);
    #pragma pack(1)
    #define DIAD struct DlgD
    struct DlgD  {               // every dialog has it's own structure
      UL32              iOpen;   // auto reopen dialog (pos := 'rc')
      HWND                 hw;   // Hwnd of Dialog
      BOOL (CALLBACK *wp) (HWND hw, UINT msg, WPARAM wp, LPARAM lp);
      RECT                 rc;   // Position rectangle
      void   (*Update) (void);   // Update dialog content
      void (*Kill) (DIAD *pM);   // Kill dialog
      void                *vp;   // reserved for C++ Dialogs (Dlg *this)
    #define DYMENU  struct DyMenu
    struct DyMenu  {            // Menu item data structure
      I32              nDelim;  // Menu template delimiter
      char            *szText;  // Menu item text
      void (*fp) (DYMENU *pM);  // create/bringDlgtoTop function
      UL32                nID;  // uv3 assigned ID_xxxx
      UL32             nDlgId;  // Dialog ID
      DIAD              *pDlg;  // link to dialog attributes
    #pragma pack()
     * nDelim:  1 := normal Menu entry
     *          2 := Popup-Entry (nested submenu)
     *         -2 := end of Popup-Group-List
     *         -1 := total end of Menu-List
     *  text:   the name for the menu/popup-menu entry
     *    fp:   Function to be activated on menu-selection
    #if 0  // ----- Examples for AGDI's CallBack functions -----
    //--- Example for Force Update:
      pCbFunc (AG_CB_EXECCMD, "dir public");  // execute dir public command
    //--- Note: almost any dScope command but 'Exit' can be given.
    //---       The 'Exit' command should not be executed !
    //--- Example for Force Update:
    //--- Note: function returns when update is completed.
    //--- Example for Set Message String:
      pCbFunc (AG_CB_MSGSTRING, "Running...");  // up to 20 characters
    //---       up to 20 characters may be displayed in the statusbar pane.
    //--- Example for DisAssemble Opcodes:
      DAAS    parms;
      parms.Adr = 0x10000;                     // disassemble address
      parms.Opc[0] = 0xC0;
      parms.Opc[1] = 0xF0;                     // MovBZ RH7,R0
      parms.Opc[2] = 0;
      parms.Opc[3] = 0;
      pCbFunc (AG_CB_DISASM, (void *) &parms); // disassemble...
    //--- on return:  parms.OpcLen := length of opcode in bytes
    //---             parms.szB[]  := disassembled instruction in ascii
    //--- Note:       parms.Adr is used for ascii-address and relative jmps only.
    //---             parms.Result always 0.
    //---Example for DisAssemble to file:  /11.1.2005/
      DAS_MIXED  parms;
      memset (&parms, 0, sizeof (parms));      // clear
      parms.nStart = (amCODE << 24) | (amCODE << 16) | 0x0C6A;  // start at C:0x0C6A
      parms.nEnd   = (amCODE << 24) | (amCODE << 16) | 0x0DE7;  // end at C:0x0DE7
      parms.nMode  = 1;                            // use 'mixed' mode
      strcpy (parms.szN, "MixDis.Dis");            // Name of file to create and write
      pCbFunc (AG_CB_DISASM_EXT, (void *) &parms); // disassemble to file...
      switch (parms.Result)  {
        case 0:                                // Ok.
        case 1:                                // could not create file
          // TODO: error handling
        case 2:                                // could not write to file (disk full etc.)
          // TODO: error handling
    typedef struct  {            // 11.1.2005, DisAssemble Mixed-Mode into File
      UL32        nStart;        // Start-Address for disassemble
      UL32          nEnd;        // Stop-Address for disassemble
      I32         Result;        // 0:=Ok, 1:=can't create file, 2:=file write error
      I32          nMode;        // 0:=Asm-Mode, 1:=Mixed-Mode
      UL32       nRes[8];        // reserved
      char     szN [300];        // name of file to create and write disassembly
    } DAS_MIXED;
    //--- Example for Inline Assemble:
      DAAS    parms;
      parms.Adr = 0x10000;                     // inline assemble address
      strcpy (parms.szB, "MOV [R8+#0x1200],R1");  // instruction to assemble
      pCbFunc (AG_CB_INLASM, (void *) &parms);    // assemble...
    //--- on return:
    //---   parms.Result = 0 if successful
    //---     parms.OpcLen := length of opcode in bytes
    //---     parms.Opc[]  := 'parms.OpcLen' Opcode bytes
    //---   parms.Result != 0 if inline assembly failed
    //---     everything of parms but 'Result' is invalid.
    //--- Example for GetDeviceInfo:
      DEV_X66   parms;
      memset (&parms, 0, sizeof (parms));
      pCbFunc (AG_CB_INLASM, (void *) &parms);    // get device info
    //--- On return:
    //---   values in DEV_X66 structure.
    //--- Note:
    //---   AppName[] may be used to store a project target specific ini file
    //---     AppName[] should be renamed (example: strcat (AppName, "hitex")
    //---     before read or write operations can take place.
    //--- Example for Find Symbol by value:
      SYMDSC   parms;
      parms.nMask = AG_SYM_LOC | AG_SYMCON;       // functions  and constants
      parms.val   = 0x10000;                      // some value
      pCbFunc (AG_CB_SYMBYVAL, (void *) &parms);  // search for symbol
    //--- On return:
    //---   parms.Ok = 1, search was successful
    //---     parms.szName[] = name of symbol ('main' for example)
    //---     parms.type     = type of symbol (AG_TP_FUNC for example)
    //---     parms.val      = value of symbol
    //---   parms.Ok = 0, search failed.
    //--- Note: publics are searched only
    //--- Example for Find Symbol by name:
      SYMDSC   parms;
      strcpy (parms.szName, "main");
      pCbFunc (AG_CB_SYMBYNAME, (void *) &parms);  // search for symbol by name
    //--- On return:
    //---   parms.Ok = 1, search was successful
    //---     parms.szName[] = name of symbol ('main' for example)
    //---     parms.type     = type of symbol (AG_TP_FUNC for example)
    //---     parms.val      = value of symbol
    //---   parms.Ok = 0, search failed.
    //--- Note: publics are searched only
    //--- Example for Progress-Bar handling:
    static OIL  ProgressBar;
    //--- initialize progress bar
      ProgressBar.pos   = 0;        // initial position
      ProgressBar.low   = 0;        //  low position percent (0%)
      ProgressBar.hig   = 100;      // high position percent (100%)
      ProgressBar.label = "Loading Monitor...";  // progress label text
      ProgressBar.Job   = PROGRESS_INIT;         // initialize
      pCbFunc (AG_CB_PROGRESS, &ProgressBar);    // do initialization.
    //--- Step 1: display progress bar position:
      while (processing)  {
    //  ...
        ProgressBar.Job = PROGRESS_SETPOS;
        pCbFunc (AG_CB_PROGRESS, &ProgressBar);  // set bar to position
    //  ...
    //--- Step 2: remove progress bar:
      ProgressBar.Job = PROGRESS_KILL;
      pCbFunc (AG_CB_PROGRESS, &ProgressBar);    // kill Progress Bar.
    #endif      // End of CallBack Samples.
    #if 0       // /30.1.2005/ Logic-Analyzer Example
    static DWORD SaveAdr;
    I32 QueryLaSig (AGDI_LA *pLA)  {
      DWORD     nAdr;
      DWORD    nSize;
      nAdr  = (U32) pLA->nAdr;         // Memory-Address
      nSize = (U32) pLA->nSize;        // Size in Bytes
      SaveAdr = nAdr;        // Note: this is a hook for the example-code below.
    //if (cannot_set tracking-range nAdr...nAdr+nSize-1)  {
    //  strcpy (pLA->szError, "Error-Text");   // Reason for 'not supported'
    //  return (AGDI_LA_NOTSUPPORTED);
      return (AGDI_LA_OK);             // LA-Signal accepted
     * Given LA-Signal has been killed.
    U32 KilledLaSig (AGDI_LA *pLA)  {
    //---TODO: whatever cleanup is required.
      return (AGDI_LA_OK);
     * Send a Data-Record to uVision
     *  uVision will look for the matching LA-Signal based on the write-address
     *  and assign the data record to that La-signal.
    U32 SendLaDataRecord (AGDI_LAREC *pLA)  {
      U32    nE;
      nE = pCbFunc (AG_CB_LAREC_DATA, (void *) pLA);  // send data to uVision
      switch (nE)  {
        case 0:                       // could not find a matching Signal (pLA->nAdr)
        case AGDI_LA_OK:
      return (nE);
    //---TODO: whenever the target detects a write to an address
    //         specified by one or more LA-definition specifed address
    //         ranges, then a data record needs to be prepared and
    //         sent to uVision
    // Here is an example which simulates a 1000 hertz sine wave.  It is
    // assumed that the loaded user program contains a float variable
    // such as:
    //    float  f32Test;
    // That variable can then be specified for logic analyzer in uVision
    // Debugging mode in the command window:
    //   LA f32Test;      // some float variable in user application
    // The hooked address 'SaveAdr' is the location of 'f32Test' in memory. 
    static AGDI_LAREC  la;
    static void SineSig (void)  {
      int       i;
      double    volts, frequ, offs, dur, val;
      volts =  2.0;         // peak-to-peak voltage
      offs  =  2.5;         // voltage offset
      frequ = 1000;         // frequency
      dur   =  0.2;         // duration in seconds
      memset (&la, 0, sizeof (la));
      la.nAdr    = SaveAdr; // use the previously hooked memory address '&f32Test'
      la.tStamp  = 10;      // simulate the time-stamp
      la.totTime = 10;      // simulate the total running time
      for ( i = 0 ; i < (dur * 100000) ; ++i )  {
        val = (float) sin (frequ * (((double) la.totTime) / 33e6) * 2 * 3.14159);
        la.v.f32  = (float) ((val * volts) + offs);  // setup the 'written' value
        SendLaDataRecord (&la);                      // send data to uVision
        la.totTime += 10;              // and incrase 'total time'
        la.tStamp  += 10;              // simulate next time-stamp
      }                     // Note: total Time and time-stamp
    U32 _EXPO_ AG_Init (U16 nCode, void *vp)  {
      U32     nE;
      nE = 0;
      switch (nCode & 0xFF00)  {
        case AG_INITFEATURES:     // Initialize & start the target
          PlayDead = 0;           // clear some variables...
        case AG_EXECITEM:             // execute various commands
          switch (nCode & 0x00FF)  {
            case AG_QUERY_LASIG:      // is LA-Signal acceptable ?
              if (vp == NULL)  {      // NOTE: just for Test...
    //---NOTE: vp == NULL is just for test only, it is not a real case !!!
                SineSig();            // generate a sine Wave for test data
                break;                // LA should show the sine wave...
              nE = QueryLaSig ((AGDI_LA *) vp);
            case AG_KILLED_LASIG:     // LA-Signal was killed
              nE = KilledLaSig ((AGDI_LA *) vp);
      return (nE);
    #if 0       // /26.1.2005/ LOADPARMS-Example
     * AG_INITSTARTLOAD with load-parameters Example
    LOADPARMS       lParms;           // LOAD-Parameters
    U32 _EXPO_ AG_Init (U16 nCode, void *vp)  {
      U32     nE;
      nE = 0;
      switch (nCode & 0xFF00)  {
        case AG_INITFEATURES:         // Initialize & start the target
          PlayDead = 0;               // clear some variables...
          // ...
        case AG_INITITEM:             // init item
          switch (nCode & 0x00FF)  {
            case AG_INITMENU:         // init extension menu
              *((DYMENU **) vp) = (DYMENU *) Menu;
            // ...
            case AG_INITCALLBACK:     // pointer to callback function
              pCbFunc = (pCBF) vp;    // call-back function of s166
            case AG_INITSTARTLOAD:    // about to start 'load file'
              if (vp != NULL)  {      // Load-Parameters specified
                lParms = *((LOADPARMS *) vp);
    //  lParms.szFile[]    : full path name of App to load
    //  lParms.Incremental : 1:= incremental load
    //  lParms.NoCode      : 1:= load debug info only, no code (currently not used by uVision)
    // TODO: process the given load parameters if required...
            case AG_INITENDLOAD:      // Load is now completed.
        // ...
        case AG_GETFEATURE:           // uVision2 want's details about features...
          // ...
      return (nE);
    // menu item identifiers for external target DLLs:
    #define AG_EXT_CMD_DEBUG_VIEW_TRACE_RECORDING            32000
    #define AG_EXT_CMD_DEBUG_ENA_DISA_BREAKPOINTS            32001
    #define AG_EXT_CMD_DEBUG_BREAKPOINTS                            32002
    #ifdef __cplusplus
    #endif  // __AGDI__INCED___
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shangdawei/p/3979315.html
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