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  • Dapper Miser implementation of CMSIS-DAP, MC HCK as SWD Adapter


    Dapper Miser

    In late 2013, I created a functional implementation of CMSIS-DAP that runs in a low cost ~$1 PIC16F1454 microcontroller.

    My interest was seeing it deployed as a CMSIS-DAP debugger *integrated* into a low-cost hobbyist/educational ARM development board.

    Hack-A-Day (the source of most link traffic here) mischaracterized it as a $1 standalone debugger.

    It had a ridiculous Rube Goldberg (Heath Robinson) description of using a salvage USB cable.

    At best, I think they "buried the lead"; at worst, it was click bait.

    A variety of source code is available here and here



    but this does not include the Dapper Miser source code.

    about CMSIS-DAP

    In a (half-baked) attempt to discourage lots of proprietary debug pod implementations,

    ARM published a "CMSIS-DAP" specification.

    However, rather than make it an open standard that could be readily adopted by vendors,

    said specification is bound by a EULA with onerous terms.

    If there was something new or novel about the CMSIS-DAP specification,

    I might be more sympathetic about the EULA.

    However, it is not even a particularly well-thought out protocol API;

    there is certainly nothing new or novel about it.

    Practicing CMSIS-DAP could not possibly be inferred as a license for the ARM Debug Interface that CMSIS-DAP talks to;

    moreover, that would be something already licensed from ARM by the target chip manufacturer.

    (The EULA is seemingly akin to clamping down on the availability of sneakers/trainers in order to combat store theft.

    The shoes may be worn by crooks, but they are also worn by legitimate store patrons.)

    mbed (an ARM subdivision) has released incomplete source code for CMSIS-DAP that depends upon Keil

    (another ARM subdivision) USB libraries which must be purchased separately.

    Just as a proof of concept (and not optimized for speed or purpose),

    over a weekend in 2014 I adapted said mbed code to run on the STM32F072

    using the publicly available STMicro USB library. The source code is here.


    The resultant negative consequence of ARM's cloaking CMSIS-DAP

    in such an EULA was that the open source community (examples: herehere, and here)

    fractured into a cornucopia of bespoke APIs incompatible with each other and development tools. What a pity.

    Proof of concept: Open source ARM SWD debug and general purpose board

    Erich of MCUonEclipse writes:

    The Freescale FRDM boards are using a Kinetis K20 based circuit (see “OpenSDA on the Freedom KL25Z Board“):

    However, that firmware is not open:

    the K20 is secured and protected, so the firmware cannot be changed.

    Newer Freescale FRDM boards like FRDM-K22F2 and FRDM-K64F

    do have an open source bootloader and debug firmware (see “DOC-100720“).

    So: take a Freescale Kinetis K20 ARM Cortex-M4, the open source bootloader and firmware,

    shrink everything to the size of a Teensy board, add headers both to debug the K20

    and an off-board microcontroller, and we have tiny board which can be used

    as a standalone versatile microcontroller board:

    usable for small projects or usable as debug probe.

    Features and wish list:

    • Universal, tiny, breadboard friendly which can be used by students for their own projects
      and which can be used in courses and lab work.
    • Freescale Kinetis K20 device, ARM Cortex M4, running up to 50 MHz, powerful enough for most tasks
    • 128 KByte FLASH, 16 KByte RAM
    • USB connector (both power and connectivity)
    • Optional battery power
    • Optional real time clock
    • Reset/User button
    • LED
    • Breadboard friendly pin out, all pins available on the outside
    • SWD debug interface to debug the onboard K20
    • Ability to debug off-board devices with OpenSDAv2
    • Small size, around 40×25 mm (TBD)
    • Low cost (TBD, less than $<20, depends on quantity)

    To prove the concept, we used the FRDM-K20D50M board, added buffers/level shifter and an inverter,
    hooked everything up to a SWD cable, loading the bootloader
    and debug firmware, and we are able to use it as a debug probe

    Self Hosted Toolchain: The MC HCK as SWD Adapter

    I am happy to announce that we have a self-hosted toolchain:

    The MC HCK can now act as SWD debug adapter for other MC HCKs,

    without requiring any other external debug adapters or development boards.

    The SWD interface is a debug interface, similar to JTAG;

    however, it only requires two signal lines, and it is specific to ARM processors.

    In the MC HCK toolchain, we use SWD to initially program the USB bootloader,

    as well as to debug code. See below for a short example session.

    With this, the MC HCK project has reached an important step on the way towards

    creating an entirely free (FLOSS) and inexpensive modern microcontroller platform.

    Bootstrapping yourself

    Of course, if you are starting from zero, with only blank, self-built MC HCKs,

    you will face a chicken-and-egg problem:

    how to program the first MC HCK?

    Head over to the wiki, which explains how to get started using other SWD programmer options,

    such as the Bus Pirate or the Bus Blaster.

    And thanks to our portable SWD bitbang code,

    other development boards will also be able to bootstrap the MC HCK toolchain,

    starting (very soon!) with an Arduino sketch.

    Even though the MC HCK SWD adapter could be used to connect to other microcontrollers as well,

    there is no specific code support yet.

    But our open source friends have you covered:

    check out Versaloon or the great Black Magic Probe, which directly presents as GDB target

    and whose source helped a lot in developing the MC HCK SWD toolchain.

    Dapper Miser Source Code

    /* CMSIS-DAP Interface Firmware
     * Copyright (c) 2009-2013 ARM Limited
     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     * limitations under the License.
    #ifndef __DAP_H__
    #define __DAP_H__
    // DAP Command IDs
    #define ID_DAP_Info                     0x00
    #define ID_DAP_LED                      0x01
    #define ID_DAP_Connect                  0x02
    #define ID_DAP_Disconnect               0x03
    #define ID_DAP_TransferConfigure        0x04
    #define ID_DAP_Transfer                 0x05
    #define ID_DAP_TransferBlock            0x06
    #define ID_DAP_TransferAbort            0x07
    #define ID_DAP_WriteABORT               0x08
    #define ID_DAP_Delay                    0x09
    #define ID_DAP_ResetTarget              0x0A
    #define ID_DAP_SWJ_Pins                 0x10
    #define ID_DAP_SWJ_Clock                0x11
    #define ID_DAP_SWJ_Sequence             0x12
    #define ID_DAP_SWD_Configure            0x13
    #define ID_DAP_JTAG_Sequence            0x14
    #define ID_DAP_JTAG_Configure           0x15
    #define ID_DAP_JTAG_IDCODE              0x16
    // DAP Vendor Command IDs
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor0                  0x80
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor1                  0x81
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor2                  0x82
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor3                  0x83
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor4                  0x84
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor5                  0x85
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor6                  0x86
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor7                  0x87
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor8                  0x88
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor9                  0x89
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor10                 0x8A
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor11                 0x8B
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor12                 0x8C
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor13                 0x8D
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor14                 0x8E
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor15                 0x8F
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor16                 0x90
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor17                 0x91
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor18                 0x92
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor19                 0x93
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor20                 0x94
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor21                 0x95
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor22                 0x96
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor23                 0x97
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor24                 0x98
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor25                 0x99
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor26                 0x9A
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor27                 0x9B
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor28                 0x9C
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor29                 0x9D
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor30                 0x9E
    #define ID_DAP_Vendor31                 0x9F
    #define ID_DAP_Invalid                  0xFF
    // DAP Status Code
    #define DAP_OK                          0
    #define DAP_ERROR                       0xFF
    // DAP ID
    #define DAP_ID_VENDOR                   1
    #define DAP_ID_PRODUCT                  2
    #define DAP_ID_SER_NUM                  3
    #define DAP_ID_FW_VER                   4
    #define DAP_ID_DEVICE_VENDOR            5
    #define DAP_ID_DEVICE_NAME              6
    #define DAP_ID_CAPABILITIES             0xF0
    #define DAP_ID_PACKET_COUNT             0xFE
    #define DAP_ID_PACKET_SIZE              0xFF
    // DAP LEDs
    #define DAP_LED_TARGET_RUNNING          1
    // DAP Port
    #define DAP_PORT_AUTODETECT             0       // Autodetect Port
    #define DAP_PORT_DISABLED               0       // Port Disabled (I/O pins in High-Z)
    #define DAP_PORT_SWD                    1       // SWD Port (SWCLK, SWDIO) + nRESET
    #define DAP_PORT_JTAG                   2       // JTAG Port (TCK, TMS, TDI, TDO, nTRST) + nRESET
    // DAP SWJ Pins
    #define DAP_SWJ_SWCLK_TCK               0       // SWCLK/TCK
    #define DAP_SWJ_SWDIO_TMS               1       // SWDIO/TMS
    #define DAP_SWJ_TDI                     2       // TDI
    #define DAP_SWJ_TDO                     3       // TDO
    #define DAP_SWJ_nTRST                   5       // nTRST
    #define DAP_SWJ_nRESET                  7       // nRESET
    // DAP Transfer Request
    #define DAP_TRANSFER_APnDP              (1<<0)
    #define DAP_TRANSFER_RnW                (1<<1)
    #define DAP_TRANSFER_A2                 (1<<2)
    #define DAP_TRANSFER_A3                 (1<<3)
    #define DAP_TRANSFER_MATCH_VALUE        (1<<4)
    #define DAP_TRANSFER_MATCH_MASK         (1<<5)
    // DAP Transfer Response
    #define DAP_TRANSFER_OK                 (1<<0)
    #define DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT               (1<<1)
    #define DAP_TRANSFER_FAULT              (1<<2)
    #define DAP_TRANSFER_ERROR              (1<<3)
    #define DAP_TRANSFER_MISMATCH           (1<<4)
    // Debug Port Register Addresses
    #define DP_IDCODE                       0x00    // IDCODE Register (SW Read only)
    #define DP_ABORT                        0x00    // Abort Register (SW Write only)
    #define DP_CTRL_STAT                    0x04    // Control & Status
    #define DP_WCR                          0x04    // Wire Control Register (SW Only)
    #define DP_SELECT                       0x08    // Select Register (JTAG R/W & SW W)
    #define DP_RESEND                       0x08    // Resend (SW Read Only)
    #define DP_RDBUFF                       0x0C    // Read Buffer (Read Only)
    // JTAG IR Codes
    #define JTAG_ABORT                      0x08
    #define JTAG_DPACC                      0x0A
    #define JTAG_APACC                      0x0B
    #define JTAG_IDCODE                     0x0E
    #define JTAG_BYPASS                     0x0F
    // JTAG Sequence Info
    #define JTAG_SEQUENCE_TCK               0x3F    // TCK count
    #define JTAG_SEQUENCE_TMS               0x40    // TMS value
    #define JTAG_SEQUENCE_TDO               0x80    // TDO capture
    #include <stddef.h>
    #include <stdint.h>
    // DAP Data structure
    typedef struct {
      uint8_t     debug_port;                       // Debug Port
      uint8_t     fast_clock;                       // Fast Clock Flag
      uint32_t   clock_delay;                       // Clock Delay
      struct {                                      // Transfer Configuration
        uint8_t   idle_cycles;                      // Idle cycles after transfer
        uint16_t  retry_count;                      // Number of retries after WAIT response
        uint16_t  match_retry;                      // Number of retries if read value does not match
        uint32_t  match_mask;                       // Match Mask
      } transfer;
    #if (DAP_SWD != 0)
      struct {                                      // SWD Configuration
        uint8_t    turnaround;                      // Turnaround period
        uint8_t    data_phase;                      // Always generate Data Phase
      } swd_conf;
    #if (DAP_JTAG != 0)
      struct {                                      // JTAG Device Chain
        uint8_t   count;                            // Number of devices
        uint8_t   index;                            // Device index (device at TDO has index 0)
    #if (DAP_JTAG_DEV_CNT != 0)
        uint8_t   ir_length[DAP_JTAG_DEV_CNT];      // IR Length in bits
        uint16_t  ir_before[DAP_JTAG_DEV_CNT];      // Bits before IR
        uint16_t  ir_after [DAP_JTAG_DEV_CNT];      // Bits after IR
      } jtag_dev;
    } DAP_Data_t;
    extern          DAP_Data_t DAP_Data;            // DAP Data
    extern volatile uint8_t    DAP_TransferAbort;   // Transfer Abort Flag
    // Functions
    extern void     SWJ_Sequence    (uint32_t count, uint8_t *data);
    extern void     JTAG_Sequence   (uint32_t info,  uint8_t *tdi, uint8_t *tdo);
    extern void     JTAG_IR         (uint32_t ir);
    extern uint32_t JTAG_ReadIDCode (void);
    extern void     JTAG_WriteAbort (uint32_t data);
    extern uint8_t  JTAG_Transfer   (uint32_t request, uint32_t *data);
    extern uint8_t  SWD_Transfer    (uint32_t request, uint32_t *data);
    extern void     Delayms         (uint32_t delay);
    extern uint32_t DAP_ProcessVendorCommand (uint8_t *request, uint8_t *response);
    extern uint32_t DAP_ProcessCommand (uint8_t *request, uint8_t *response);
    extern void     DAP_Setup (void);
    // Configurable delay for clock generation
    #define DELAY_SLOW_CYCLES       3       // Number of cycles for one iteration
    static __inline void PIN_DELAY_SLOW (uint32_t delay) {
      volatile int32_t count;
      count = delay;
      while (--count);
    // Fixed delay for fast clock generation
    #define DELAY_FAST_CYCLES       0       // Number of cycles
    static __inline void PIN_DELAY_FAST (void) {
    #endif  /* __DAP_H__ */
        Dapper Mime - an open-source CMSIS-DAP implementation HAL 
    for STM32F0xx2 this file is used by the mbed CMSIS-DAP routines
    Copyright (C) 2014 Peter Lawrence Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
    */ #ifndef __DAP_CONFIG_H__ #define __DAP_CONFIG_H__ #include "stm32f0xx.h" /* we must manually ensure continuity with bcdDevice value in usbd_desc.c */ #define DAP_FW_VER "0.01" #define CPU_CLOCK 48000000 #define IO_PORT_WRITE_CYCLES 2 /* the Apache-license mbed CMSIS-DAP only provides source for SWD, so SWD-only is the only option */ #define DAP_SWD 1 #define DAP_JTAG 0 #define DAP_DEFAULT_PORT 1 /* SWD */ #define DAP_JTAG_DEV_CNT 0 #define DAP_DEFAULT_SWJ_CLOCK 100000 #define DAP_PACKET_SIZE 64 /* 64 is the max value for USB Full-Speed */ #define DAP_PACKET_COUNT 5 #define TARGET_DEVICE_FIXED 0 /* 1 = known, 0 = unknown */ #if TARGET_DEVICE_FIXED #define TARGET_DEVICE_VENDOR "" #define TARGET_DEVICE_NAME "" #endif #define PIN_SWCLK_BITPOS (1) #define PIN_SWCLK (1<<PIN_SWCLK_BITPOS) #define PIN_SWDIO_BITPOS (0) #define PIN_SWDIO (1<<PIN_SWDIO_BITPOS) #define PIN_nRESET (0) /* SWD functionality */ static __inline void PORT_SWD_SETUP (void) { GPIOA->BSRR = PIN_SWCLK | PIN_SWDIO; GPIOA->MODER &= ~( (0x3 << (PIN_SWCLK_BITPOS << 1)) | (0x3 << (PIN_SWDIO_BITPOS << 1)) ); GPIOA->MODER |= ( (0x1 << (PIN_SWCLK_BITPOS << 1)) | (0x1 << (PIN_SWDIO_BITPOS << 1)) ); GPIOA->OTYPER &= ~( PIN_SWCLK | PIN_SWDIO ); GPIOA->OSPEEDR &= ~( (0x3 << (PIN_SWCLK_BITPOS << 1)) | (0x3 << (PIN_SWDIO_BITPOS << 1)) ); GPIOA->OSPEEDR |= ( (0x3 << (PIN_SWCLK_BITPOS << 1)) | (0x3 << (PIN_SWDIO_BITPOS << 1)) ); } static __inline void PORT_OFF (void) { GPIOA->BRR = PIN_SWCLK | PIN_SWDIO; GPIOA->MODER &= ~( (0x3 << (PIN_SWCLK_BITPOS << 1)) | (0x3 << (PIN_SWDIO_BITPOS << 1)) ); } static __inline void PIN_SWCLK_TCK_SET (void) { GPIOA->BSRR = PIN_SWCLK; } static __inline void PIN_SWCLK_TCK_CLR (void) { GPIOA->BRR = PIN_SWCLK; } static __inline uint32_t PIN_SWDIO_TMS_IN (void) { return (GPIOA->IDR & PIN_SWDIO) ? 0x1 : 0x0; } static __inline void PIN_SWDIO_TMS_SET (void) { GPIOA->BSRR = PIN_SWDIO; } static __inline void PIN_SWDIO_TMS_CLR (void) { GPIOA->BRR = PIN_SWDIO; } static __inline uint32_t PIN_SWDIO_IN (void) { return (GPIOA->IDR & PIN_SWDIO) ? 0x1 : 0x0; } static __inline void PIN_SWDIO_OUT (uint32_t bit) { if (bit & 1) GPIOA->BSRR = PIN_SWDIO; else GPIOA->BRR = PIN_SWDIO; } static __inline void PIN_SWDIO_OUT_ENABLE (void) { GPIOA->MODER &= ~( (0x3 << (PIN_SWDIO_BITPOS << 1)) ); GPIOA->MODER |= ( (0x1 << (PIN_SWDIO_BITPOS << 1)) ); } static __inline void PIN_SWDIO_OUT_DISABLE (void) { GPIOA->MODER &= ~( (0x3 << (PIN_SWDIO_BITPOS << 1)) ); } /* JTAG-only functionality (not used in this application) */ static __inline void PORT_JTAG_SETUP (void) {} static __inline uint32_t PIN_TDI_IN (void) { return 0; } static __inline void PIN_TDI_OUT (uint32_t bit) {} static __inline uint32_t PIN_TDO_IN (void) { return 0; } static __inline uint32_t PIN_nTRST_IN (void) { return 0; } static __inline void PIN_nTRST_OUT (uint32_t bit) {} /* other functionality not applicable to this application */ static __inline uint32_t PIN_SWCLK_TCK_IN (void) { return 0; } static __inline uint32_t PIN_nRESET_IN (void) { return 0; } static __inline void PIN_nRESET_OUT (uint32_t bit) {} static __inline void LED_CONNECTED_OUT (uint32_t bit) {} static __inline void LED_RUNNING_OUT (uint32_t bit) {} static __inline void DAP_SETUP (void) {} static __inline uint32_t RESET_TARGET (void) { return 0; } #endif
    /* CMSIS-DAP Interface Firmware
     * Copyright (c) 2009-2013 ARM Limited
     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     * limitations under the License.
    #include <string.h>
    #include "DAP_config.h"
    #include "DAP.h"
    #if (DAP_PACKET_SIZE < 64)
    #error "Minimum Packet Size is 64"
    #if (DAP_PACKET_SIZE > 32768)
    #error "Maximum Packet Size is 32768"
    #if (DAP_PACKET_COUNT < 1)
    #error "Minimum Packet Count is 1"
    #if (DAP_PACKET_COUNT > 255)
    #error "Maximum Packet Count is 255"
    // Clock Macros
    #define MAX_SWJ_CLOCK(delay_cycles) 
      (CPU_CLOCK/2 / (IO_PORT_WRITE_CYCLES + delay_cycles))
    #define CLOCK_DELAY(swj_clock) 
     ((CPU_CLOCK/2 / swj_clock) - IO_PORT_WRITE_CYCLES)
             DAP_Data_t DAP_Data;           // DAP Data
    volatile uint8_t    DAP_TransferAbort;  // Trasfer Abort Flag
    #ifdef DAP_VENDOR
    const char DAP_Vendor [] = DAP_VENDOR;
    #ifdef DAP_PRODUCT
    const char DAP_Product[] = DAP_PRODUCT;
    #ifdef DAP_SER_NUM
    const char DAP_SerNum [] = DAP_SER_NUM;
    const char DAP_FW_Ver [] = DAP_FW_VER;
    const char TargetDeviceVendor [] = TARGET_DEVICE_VENDOR;
    const char TargetDeviceName   [] = TARGET_DEVICE_NAME;
    // Get DAP Information
    //   id:      info identifier
    //   info:    pointer to info data
    //   return:  number of bytes in info data
    static uint8_t DAP_Info(uint8_t id, uint8_t *info) {
      uint8_t length = 0;
      switch (id) {
        case DAP_ID_VENDOR:
    #ifdef DAP_VENDOR
          memcpy(info, DAP_Vendor, sizeof(DAP_Vendor));
          length = sizeof(DAP_Vendor);
        case DAP_ID_PRODUCT:
    #ifdef DAP_PRODUCT
          memcpy(info, DAP_Product, sizeof(DAP_Product));
          length = sizeof(DAP_Product);
        case DAP_ID_SER_NUM:
    #ifdef DAP_SER_NUM
          memcpy(info, DAP_SerNum, sizeof(DAP_SerNum));
          length = sizeof(DAP_SerNum);
        case DAP_ID_FW_VER:
          memcpy(info, DAP_FW_Ver, sizeof(DAP_FW_Ver));
          length = sizeof(DAP_FW_Ver);
        case DAP_ID_DEVICE_VENDOR:
          memcpy(info, TargetDeviceVendor, sizeof(TargetDeviceVendor));
          length = sizeof(DAP_Target_Device);
        case DAP_ID_DEVICE_NAME:
          memcpy(info, TargetDeviceName, sizeof(TargetDeviceName));
          length = sizeof(DAP_Target_Device);
          info[0] = ((DAP_SWD  != 0) ? (1 << 0) : 0) |
                    ((DAP_JTAG != 0) ? (1 << 1) : 0);
          length = 1;
        case DAP_ID_PACKET_SIZE:
          info[0] = (uint8_t)(DAP_PACKET_SIZE >> 0);
          info[1] = (uint8_t)(DAP_PACKET_SIZE >> 8);
          length = 2;
        case DAP_ID_PACKET_COUNT:
          info[0] = DAP_PACKET_COUNT;
          length = 1;
      return (length);
    // Timer Functions
    #if ((DAP_SWD != 0) || (DAP_JTAG != 0))
    // Start Timer
    static __inline void TIMER_START (uint32_t usec) {
      SysTick->VAL  = 0;
      SysTick->LOAD = usec * CPU_CLOCK/1000000;
      SysTick->CTRL = (1 << SysTick_CTRL_ENABLE_Pos) |
                      (1 << SysTick_CTRL_CLKSOURCE_Pos);
    // Stop Timer
    static __inline void TIMER_STOP (void) {
      SysTick->CTRL = 0;
    // Check if Timer expired
    static __inline uint32_t TIMER_EXPIRED (void) {
      return ((SysTick->CTRL & SysTick_CTRL_COUNTFLAG_Msk) ? 1 : 0);
    // Delay for specified time
    //    delay:  delay time in ms
    void Delayms(uint32_t delay) {
      delay *= (CPU_CLOCK/1000 + (DELAY_SLOW_CYCLES-1)) / DELAY_SLOW_CYCLES;
    // Process Delay command and prepare response
    //   request:  pointer to request data
    //   response: pointer to response data
    //   return:   number of bytes in response
    static uint32_t DAP_Delay(uint8_t *request, uint8_t *response) {
      uint32_t delay;
      delay  = *(request+0) | (*(request+1) << 8);
      delay *= (CPU_CLOCK/1000000 + (DELAY_SLOW_CYCLES-1)) / DELAY_SLOW_CYCLES;
      *response = DAP_OK;
      return (1);
    // Process LED command and prepare response
    //   request:  pointer to request data
    //   response: pointer to response data
    //   return:   number of bytes in response
    static uint32_t DAP_LED(uint8_t *request, uint8_t *response) {
      switch (*request) {
          LED_CONNECTED_OUT((*(request+1) & 1));
          LED_RUNNING_OUT((*(request+1) & 1));
          *response = DAP_ERROR;
          return (1);
      *response = DAP_OK;
      return (1);
    // Process Connect command and prepare response
    //   request:  pointer to request data
    //   response: pointer to response data
    //   return:   number of bytes in response
    static uint32_t DAP_Connect(uint8_t *request, uint8_t *response) {
      uint32_t port;
      if (*request == DAP_PORT_AUTODETECT) {
        port = DAP_DEFAULT_PORT;
      } else {
        port = *request;
      switch (port) {
    #if (DAP_SWD != 0)
        case DAP_PORT_SWD:
          DAP_Data.debug_port = DAP_PORT_SWD;
    #if (DAP_JTAG != 0)
        case DAP_PORT_JTAG:
          DAP_Data.debug_port = DAP_PORT_JTAG;
          *response = DAP_PORT_DISABLED;
          return (1);
      *response = port;
      return (1);
    // Process Disconnect command and prepare response
    //   request:  pointer to request data
    //   response: pointer to response data
    //   return:   number of bytes in response
    static uint32_t DAP_Disconnect(uint8_t *response) {
      DAP_Data.debug_port = DAP_PORT_DISABLED;
      *response = DAP_OK;
      return (1);
    // Process Reset Target command and prepare response
    //   request:  pointer to request data
    //   response: pointer to response data
    //   return:   number of bytes in response
    static uint32_t DAP_ResetTarget(uint8_t *response) {
      *(response+1) = RESET_TARGET();
      *(response+0) = DAP_OK;
      return (2);
    // Process SWJ Pins command and prepare response
    //   request:  pointer to request data
    //   response: pointer to response data
    //   return:   number of bytes in response
    #if ((DAP_SWD != 0) || (DAP_JTAG != 0))
    static uint32_t DAP_SWJ_Pins(uint8_t *request, uint8_t *response) {
      uint32_t value;
      uint32_t select;
      uint32_t wait;
      value  =  *(request+0);
      select =  *(request+1);
      wait   = (*(request+2) <<  0) |
               (*(request+3) <<  8) |
               (*(request+4) << 16) |
               (*(request+5) << 24);
      if (select & (1 << DAP_SWJ_SWCLK_TCK)) {
        if (value & (1 << DAP_SWJ_SWCLK_TCK)) {
        } else {
      if (select & (1 << DAP_SWJ_SWDIO_TMS)) {
        if (value & (1 << DAP_SWJ_SWDIO_TMS)) {
        } else {
      if (select & (1 << DAP_SWJ_TDI)) {
        PIN_TDI_OUT(value >> DAP_SWJ_TDI);
      if (select & (1 << DAP_SWJ_nTRST)) {
        PIN_nTRST_OUT(value >> DAP_SWJ_nTRST);
      if (select & (1 << DAP_SWJ_nRESET)) {
        PIN_nRESET_OUT(value >> DAP_SWJ_nRESET);
      if (wait) {
        if (wait > 3000000) wait = 3000000;
        do {
          if (select & (1 << DAP_SWJ_SWCLK_TCK)) {
            if ((value >> DAP_SWJ_SWCLK_TCK) ^ PIN_SWCLK_TCK_IN()) continue;
          if (select & (1 << DAP_SWJ_SWDIO_TMS)) {
            if ((value >> DAP_SWJ_SWDIO_TMS) ^ PIN_SWDIO_TMS_IN()) continue;
          if (select & (1 << DAP_SWJ_TDI)) {
            if ((value >> DAP_SWJ_TDI) ^ PIN_TDI_IN()) continue;
          if (select & (1 << DAP_SWJ_nTRST)) {
            if ((value >> DAP_SWJ_nTRST) ^ PIN_nTRST_IN()) continue;
          if (select & (1 << DAP_SWJ_nRESET)) {
            if ((value >> DAP_SWJ_nRESET) ^ PIN_nRESET_IN()) continue;
        } while (!TIMER_EXPIRED());
      value = (PIN_SWCLK_TCK_IN() << DAP_SWJ_SWCLK_TCK) |
              (PIN_SWDIO_TMS_IN() << DAP_SWJ_SWDIO_TMS) |
              (PIN_TDI_IN()       << DAP_SWJ_TDI)       |
              (PIN_TDO_IN()       << DAP_SWJ_TDO)       |
              (PIN_nTRST_IN()     << DAP_SWJ_nTRST)     |
              (PIN_nRESET_IN()    << DAP_SWJ_nRESET);
      *response = (uint8_t)value;
      return (1);
    // Process SWJ Clock command and prepare response
    //   request:  pointer to request data
    //   response: pointer to response data
    //   return:   number of bytes in response
    #if ((DAP_SWD != 0) || (DAP_JTAG != 0))
    static uint32_t DAP_SWJ_Clock(uint8_t *request, uint8_t *response) {
      uint32_t clock;
      uint32_t delay;
      clock = (*(request+0) <<  0) |
              (*(request+1) <<  8) |
              (*(request+2) << 16) |
              (*(request+3) << 24);
      if (clock == 0) {
        *response = DAP_ERROR;
        return (1);
      if (clock >= MAX_SWJ_CLOCK(DELAY_FAST_CYCLES)) {
        DAP_Data.fast_clock  = 1;
        DAP_Data.clock_delay = 1;
      } else {
        DAP_Data.fast_clock  = 0;
        delay = (CPU_CLOCK/2 + (clock - 1)) / clock;
        if (delay > IO_PORT_WRITE_CYCLES) {
          delay -= IO_PORT_WRITE_CYCLES;
          delay  = (delay + (DELAY_SLOW_CYCLES - 1)) / DELAY_SLOW_CYCLES;
        } else {
          delay  = 1;
        DAP_Data.clock_delay = delay;
      *response = DAP_OK;
      return (1);
    // Process SWJ Sequence command and prepare response
    //   request:  pointer to request data
    //   response: pointer to response data
    //   return:   number of bytes in response
    #if ((DAP_SWD != 0) || (DAP_JTAG != 0))
    static uint32_t DAP_SWJ_Sequence(uint8_t *request, uint8_t *response) {
      uint32_t count;
      count = *request++;
      if (count == 0) count = 256;
      SWJ_Sequence(count, request);
      *response = DAP_OK;
      return (1);
    // Process SWD Configure command and prepare response
    //   request:  pointer to request data
    //   response: pointer to response data
    //   return:   number of bytes in response
    #if (DAP_SWD != 0)
    static uint32_t DAP_SWD_Configure(uint8_t *request, uint8_t *response) {
      uint8_t value;
      value = *request;
      DAP_Data.swd_conf.turnaround  = (value & 0x03) + 1;
      DAP_Data.swd_conf.data_phase  = (value & 0x04) ? 1 : 0;
      *response = DAP_OK;
      return (1);
    // Process SWD Abort command and prepare response
    //   request:  pointer to request data
    //   response: pointer to response data
    //   return:   number of bytes in response
    #if (DAP_SWD != 0)
    static uint32_t DAP_SWD_Abort(uint8_t *request, uint8_t *response) {
      uint32_t data;
      if (DAP_Data.debug_port != DAP_PORT_SWD) {
        *response = DAP_ERROR;
        return (1);
      // Load data (Ignore DAP index)
      data = (*(request+1) <<  0) |
             (*(request+2) <<  8) |
             (*(request+3) << 16) |
             (*(request+4) << 24);
      // Write Abort register
      SWD_Transfer(DP_ABORT, &data);
      *response = DAP_OK;
      return (1);
    // Process JTAG Sequence command and prepare response
    //   request:  pointer to request data
    //   response: pointer to response data
    //   return:   number of bytes in response
    #if (DAP_JTAG != 0)
    static uint32_t DAP_JTAG_Sequence(uint8_t *request, uint8_t *response) {
      uint32_t sequence_info;
      uint32_t sequence_count;
      uint32_t response_count;
      uint32_t count;
      *response++ = DAP_OK;
      response_count = 1;
      sequence_count = *request++;
      while (sequence_count--) {
        sequence_info = *request++;
        JTAG_Sequence(sequence_info, request, response);
        count = sequence_info & JTAG_SEQUENCE_TCK;
        if (count == 0) count = 64;
        count = (count + 7) / 8;
        request += count;
        if (sequence_info & JTAG_SEQUENCE_TDO) {
          response += count;
          response_count += count;
      return (response_count);
    // Process JTAG Configure command and prepare response
    //   request:  pointer to request data
    //   response: pointer to response data
    //   return:   number of bytes in response
    #if (DAP_JTAG != 0)
    static uint32_t DAP_JTAG_Configure(uint8_t *request, uint8_t *response) {
      uint32_t count;
      uint32_t length;
      uint32_t bits;
      uint32_t n;
      count = *request++;
      DAP_Data.jtag_dev.count = count;
      bits = 0;
      for (n = 0; n < count; n++) {
        length = *request++;
        DAP_Data.jtag_dev.ir_length[n] = length;
        DAP_Data.jtag_dev.ir_before[n] = bits;
        bits += length;
      for (n = 0; n < count; n++) {
        bits -= DAP_Data.jtag_dev.ir_length[n];
        DAP_Data.jtag_dev.ir_after[n] = bits;
      *response = DAP_OK;
      return (1);
    // Process JTAG IDCODE command and prepare response
    //   request:  pointer to request data
    //   response: pointer to response data
    //   return:   number of bytes in response
    #if (DAP_JTAG != 0)
    static uint32_t DAP_JTAG_IDCode(uint8_t *request, uint8_t *response) {
      uint32_t data;
      if (DAP_Data.debug_port != DAP_PORT_JTAG) {
    err:*response = DAP_ERROR;
        return (1);
      // Device index (JTAP TAP)
      DAP_Data.jtag_dev.index = *request;
      if (DAP_Data.jtag_dev.index >= DAP_Data.jtag_dev.count) goto err;
      // Select JTAG chain
      // Read IDCODE register
      data = JTAG_ReadIDCode();
      // Store Data
      *(response+0) =  DAP_OK;
      *(response+1) = (uint8_t)(data >>  0);
      *(response+2) = (uint8_t)(data >>  8);
      *(response+3) = (uint8_t)(data >> 16);
      *(response+4) = (uint8_t)(data >> 24);
      return (1+4);
    // Process JTAG Abort command and prepare response
    //   request:  pointer to request data
    //   response: pointer to response data
    //   return:   number of bytes in response
    #if (DAP_JTAG != 0)
    static uint32_t DAP_JTAG_Abort(uint8_t *request, uint8_t *response) {
      uint32_t data;
      if (DAP_Data.debug_port != DAP_PORT_JTAG) {
    err:*response = DAP_ERROR;
        return (1);
      // Device index (JTAP TAP)
      DAP_Data.jtag_dev.index = *request;
      if (DAP_Data.jtag_dev.index >= DAP_Data.jtag_dev.count) goto err;
      // Select JTAG chain
      // Load data
      data = (*(request+1) <<  0) |
             (*(request+2) <<  8) |
             (*(request+3) << 16) |
             (*(request+4) << 24);
      // Write Abort register
      *response = DAP_OK;
      return (1);
    // Process Transfer Configure command and prepare response
    //   request:  pointer to request data
    //   response: pointer to response data
    //   return:   number of bytes in response
    static uint32_t DAP_TransferConfigure(uint8_t *request, uint8_t *response) {
      DAP_Data.transfer.idle_cycles = *(request+0);
      DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count = *(request+1) | (*(request+2) << 8);
      DAP_Data.transfer.match_retry = *(request+3) | (*(request+4) << 8);
      *response = DAP_OK;
      return (1);
    // Process SWD Transfer command and prepare response
    //   request:  pointer to request data
    //   response: pointer to response data
    //   return:   number of bytes in response
    #if (DAP_SWD != 0)
    static uint32_t DAP_SWD_Transfer(uint8_t *request, uint8_t *response) {
      uint32_t  request_count;
      uint32_t  request_value;
      uint32_t  response_count;
      uint32_t  response_value;
      uint8_t  *response_head;
      uint32_t  post_read;
      uint32_t  check_write;
      uint32_t  match_value;
      uint32_t  match_retry;
      uint32_t  retry;
      uint32_t  data;
      response_count = 0;
      response_value = 0;
      response_head  = response;
      response      += 2;
      DAP_TransferAbort = 0;
      post_read   = 0;
      check_write = 0;
      request++;            // Ignore DAP index
      request_count = *request++;
      while (request_count--) {
        request_value = *request++;
        if (request_value & DAP_TRANSFER_RnW) {
          // Read register
          if (post_read) {
            // Read was posted before
            retry = DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count;
            if ((request_value & (DAP_TRANSFER_APnDP | DAP_TRANSFER_MATCH_VALUE)) == DAP_TRANSFER_APnDP) {
              // Read previous AP data and post next AP read
              do {
                response_value = SWD_Transfer(request_value, &data);
              } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
            } else {
              // Read previous AP data
              do {
                response_value = SWD_Transfer(DP_RDBUFF | DAP_TRANSFER_RnW, &data);
              } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
              post_read = 0;
            if (response_value != DAP_TRANSFER_OK) break;
            // Store previous AP data
            *response++ = (uint8_t) data;
            *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >>  8);
            *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >> 16);
            *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >> 24);
          if (request_value & DAP_TRANSFER_MATCH_VALUE) {
            // Read with value match
            match_value = (*(request+0) <<  0) |
                          (*(request+1) <<  8) |
                          (*(request+2) << 16) |
                          (*(request+3) << 24);
            request += 4;
            match_retry = DAP_Data.transfer.match_retry;
            if (request_value & DAP_TRANSFER_APnDP) {
              // Post AP read
              retry = DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count;
              do {
                response_value = SWD_Transfer(request_value, NULL);
              } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
              if (response_value != DAP_TRANSFER_OK) break;
            do {
              // Read register until its value matches or retry counter expires
              retry = DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count;
              do {
                response_value = SWD_Transfer(request_value, &data);
              } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
              if (response_value != DAP_TRANSFER_OK) break;
            } while (((data & DAP_Data.transfer.match_mask) != match_value) && match_retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
            if ((data & DAP_Data.transfer.match_mask) != match_value) {
              response_value |= DAP_TRANSFER_MISMATCH;
            if (response_value != DAP_TRANSFER_OK) break;
          } else {
            // Normal read
            retry = DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count;
            if (request_value & DAP_TRANSFER_APnDP) {
              // Read AP register
              if (post_read == 0) {
                // Post AP read
                do {
                  response_value = SWD_Transfer(request_value, NULL);
                } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
                if (response_value != DAP_TRANSFER_OK) break;
                post_read = 1;
            } else {
              // Read DP register
              do {
                response_value = SWD_Transfer(request_value, &data);
              } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
              if (response_value != DAP_TRANSFER_OK) break;
              // Store data
              *response++ = (uint8_t) data;
              *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >>  8);
              *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >> 16);
              *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >> 24);
          check_write = 0;
        } else {
          // Write register
          if (post_read) {
            // Read previous data
            retry = DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count;
            do {
              response_value = SWD_Transfer(DP_RDBUFF | DAP_TRANSFER_RnW, &data);
            } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
            if (response_value != DAP_TRANSFER_OK) break;
            // Store previous data
            *response++ = (uint8_t) data;
            *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >>  8);
            *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >> 16);
            *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >> 24);
            post_read = 0;
          // Load data
          data = (*(request+0) <<  0) |
                 (*(request+1) <<  8) |
                 (*(request+2) << 16) |
                 (*(request+3) << 24);
          request += 4;
          if (request_value & DAP_TRANSFER_MATCH_MASK) {
            // Write match mask
            DAP_Data.transfer.match_mask = data;
            response_value = DAP_TRANSFER_OK;
          } else {
            // Write DP/AP register
            retry = DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count;
            do {
              response_value = SWD_Transfer(request_value, &data);
            } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
            if (response_value != DAP_TRANSFER_OK) break;
            check_write = 1;
        if (DAP_TransferAbort) break;
      if (response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_OK) {
        if (post_read) {
          // Read previous data
          retry = DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count;
          do {
            response_value = SWD_Transfer(DP_RDBUFF | DAP_TRANSFER_RnW, &data);
          } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
          if (response_value != DAP_TRANSFER_OK) goto end;
          // Store previous data
          *response++ = (uint8_t) data;
          *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >>  8);
          *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >> 16);
          *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >> 24);
        } else if (check_write) {
          // Check last write
          retry = DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count;
          do {
            response_value = SWD_Transfer(DP_RDBUFF | DAP_TRANSFER_RnW, NULL);
          } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
      *(response_head+0) = (uint8_t)response_count;
      *(response_head+1) = (uint8_t)response_value;
      return (response - response_head);
    // Process JTAG Transfer command and prepare response
    //   request:  pointer to request data
    //   response: pointer to response data
    //   return:   number of bytes in response
    #if (DAP_JTAG != 0)
    static uint32_t DAP_JTAG_Transfer(uint8_t *request, uint8_t *response) {
      uint32_t  request_count;
      uint32_t  request_value;
      uint32_t  request_ir;
      uint32_t  response_count;
      uint32_t  response_value;
      uint8_t  *response_head;
      uint32_t  post_read;
      uint32_t  match_value;
      uint32_t  match_retry;
      uint32_t  retry;
      uint32_t  data;
      uint32_t  ir;
      response_count = 0;
      response_value = 0;
      response_head  = response;
      response      += 2;
      DAP_TransferAbort = 0;
      ir        = 0;
      post_read = 0;
      // Device index (JTAP TAP)
      DAP_Data.jtag_dev.index = *request++;
      if (DAP_Data.jtag_dev.index >= DAP_Data.jtag_dev.count) goto end;
      request_count = *request++;
      while (request_count--) {
        request_value = *request++;
        request_ir = (request_value & DAP_TRANSFER_APnDP) ? JTAG_APACC : JTAG_DPACC;
        if (request_value & DAP_TRANSFER_RnW) {
          // Read register
          if (post_read) {
            // Read was posted before
            retry = DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count;
            if ((ir == request_ir) && ((request_value & DAP_TRANSFER_MATCH_VALUE) == 0)) {
              // Read previous data and post next read
              do {
                response_value = JTAG_Transfer(request_value, &data);
              } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
            } else {
              // Select JTAG chain
              if (ir != JTAG_DPACC) {
                ir = JTAG_DPACC;
              // Read previous data
              do {
                response_value = JTAG_Transfer(DP_RDBUFF | DAP_TRANSFER_RnW, &data);
              } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
              post_read = 0;
            if (response_value != DAP_TRANSFER_OK) break;
            // Store previous data
            *response++ = (uint8_t) data;
            *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >>  8);
            *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >> 16);
            *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >> 24);
          if (request_value & DAP_TRANSFER_MATCH_VALUE) {
            // Read with value match
            match_value = (*(request+0) <<  0) |
                          (*(request+1) <<  8) |
                          (*(request+2) << 16) |
                          (*(request+3) << 24);
            request += 4;
            match_retry  = DAP_Data.transfer.match_retry;
            // Select JTAG chain
            if (ir != request_ir) {
              ir = request_ir;
            // Post DP/AP read
            retry = DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count;
            do {
              response_value = JTAG_Transfer(request_value, NULL);
            } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
            if (response_value != DAP_TRANSFER_OK) break;
            do {
              // Read register until its value matches or retry counter expires
              retry = DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count;
              do {
                response_value = JTAG_Transfer(request_value, &data);
              } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
              if (response_value != DAP_TRANSFER_OK) break;
            } while (((data & DAP_Data.transfer.match_mask) != match_value) && match_retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
            if ((data & DAP_Data.transfer.match_mask) != match_value) {
              response_value |= DAP_TRANSFER_MISMATCH;
            if (response_value != DAP_TRANSFER_OK) break;
          } else {
            // Normal read
            if (post_read == 0) {
              // Select JTAG chain
              if (ir != request_ir) {
                ir = request_ir;
              // Post DP/AP read
              retry = DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count;
              do {
                response_value = JTAG_Transfer(request_value, NULL);
              } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
              if (response_value != DAP_TRANSFER_OK) break;
              post_read = 1;
        } else {
          // Write register
          if (post_read) {
            // Select JTAG chain
            if (ir != JTAG_DPACC) {
              ir = JTAG_DPACC;
            // Read previous data
            retry = DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count;
            do {
              response_value = JTAG_Transfer(DP_RDBUFF | DAP_TRANSFER_RnW, &data);
            } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
            if (response_value != DAP_TRANSFER_OK) break;
            // Store previous data
            *response++ = (uint8_t) data;
            *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >>  8);
            *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >> 16);
            *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >> 24);
            post_read = 0;
          // Load data
          data = (*(request+0) <<  0) |
                 (*(request+1) <<  8) |
                 (*(request+2) << 16) |
                 (*(request+3) << 24);
          request += 4;
          if (request_value & DAP_TRANSFER_MATCH_MASK) {
            // Write match mask
            DAP_Data.transfer.match_mask = data;
            response_value = DAP_TRANSFER_OK;
          } else {
            // Select JTAG chain
            if (ir != request_ir) {
              ir = request_ir;
            // Write DP/AP register
            retry = DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count;
            do {
              response_value = JTAG_Transfer(request_value, &data);
            } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
            if (response_value != DAP_TRANSFER_OK) break;
        if (DAP_TransferAbort) break;
      if (response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_OK) {
        // Select JTAG chain
        if (ir != JTAG_DPACC) {
          ir = JTAG_DPACC;
        if (post_read) {
          // Read previous data
          retry = DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count;
          do {
            response_value = JTAG_Transfer(DP_RDBUFF | DAP_TRANSFER_RnW, &data);
          } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
          if (response_value != DAP_TRANSFER_OK) goto end;
          // Store previous data
          *response++ = (uint8_t) data;
          *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >>  8);
          *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >> 16);
          *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >> 24);
        } else {
          // Check last write
          retry = DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count;
          do {
            response_value = JTAG_Transfer(DP_RDBUFF | DAP_TRANSFER_RnW, NULL);
          } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
      *(response_head+0) = (uint8_t)response_count;
      *(response_head+1) = (uint8_t)response_value;
      return (response - response_head);
    // Process SWD Transfer Block command and prepare response
    //   request:  pointer to request data
    //   response: pointer to response data
    //   return:   number of bytes in response
    #if (DAP_SWD != 0)
    static uint32_t DAP_SWD_TransferBlock(uint8_t *request, uint8_t *response) {
      uint32_t  request_count;
      uint32_t  request_value;
      uint32_t  response_count;
      uint32_t  response_value;
      uint8_t  *response_head;
      uint32_t  retry;
      uint32_t  data;
      response_count = 0;
      response_value = 0;
      response_head  = response;
      response      += 3;
      DAP_TransferAbort = 0;
      request++;            // Ignore DAP index
      request_count = *request | (*(request+1) << 8);
      request += 2;
      if (request_count == 0) goto end;
      request_value = *request++;
      if (request_value & DAP_TRANSFER_RnW) {
        // Read register block
        if (request_value & DAP_TRANSFER_APnDP) {
          // Post AP read
          retry = DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count;
          do {
            response_value = SWD_Transfer(request_value, NULL);
          } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
          if (response_value != DAP_TRANSFER_OK) goto end;
        while (request_count--) {
          // Read DP/AP register
          if ((request_count == 0) && (request_value & DAP_TRANSFER_APnDP)) {
            // Last AP read
            request_value = DP_RDBUFF | DAP_TRANSFER_RnW;
          retry = DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count;
          do {
            response_value = SWD_Transfer(request_value, &data);
          } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
          if (response_value != DAP_TRANSFER_OK) goto end;
          // Store data
          *response++ = (uint8_t) data;
          *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >>  8);
          *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >> 16);
          *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >> 24);
      } else {
        // Write register block
        while (request_count--) {
          // Load data
          data = (*(request+0) <<  0) |
                 (*(request+1) <<  8) |
                 (*(request+2) << 16) |
                 (*(request+3) << 24);
          request += 4;
          // Write DP/AP register
          retry = DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count;
          do {
            response_value = SWD_Transfer(request_value, &data);
          } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
          if (response_value != DAP_TRANSFER_OK) goto end;
        // Check last write
        retry = DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count;
        do {
          response_value = SWD_Transfer(DP_RDBUFF | DAP_TRANSFER_RnW, NULL);
        } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
      *(response_head+0) = (uint8_t)(response_count >> 0);
      *(response_head+1) = (uint8_t)(response_count >> 8);
      *(response_head+2) = (uint8_t) response_value;
      return (response - response_head);
    // Process JTAG Transfer Block command and prepare response
    //   request:  pointer to request data
    //   response: pointer to response data
    //   return:   number of bytes in response
    #if (DAP_JTAG != 0)
    static uint32_t DAP_JTAG_TransferBlock(uint8_t *request, uint8_t *response) {
      uint32_t  request_count;
      uint32_t  request_value;
      uint32_t  response_count;
      uint32_t  response_value;
      uint8_t  *response_head;
      uint32_t  retry;
      uint32_t  data;
      uint32_t  ir;
      response_count = 0;
      response_value = 0;
      response_head  = response;
      response      += 3;
      DAP_TransferAbort = 0;
      // Device index (JTAP TAP)
      DAP_Data.jtag_dev.index = *request++;
      if (DAP_Data.jtag_dev.index >= DAP_Data.jtag_dev.count) goto end;
      request_count = *request | (*(request+1) << 8);
      request += 2;
      if (request_count == 0) goto end;
      request_value = *request++;
      // Select JTAG chain
      ir = (request_value & DAP_TRANSFER_APnDP) ? JTAG_APACC : JTAG_DPACC;
      if (request_value & DAP_TRANSFER_RnW) {
        // Post read
        retry = DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count;
        do {
          response_value = JTAG_Transfer(request_value, NULL);
        } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
        if (response_value != DAP_TRANSFER_OK) goto end;
        // Read register block
        while (request_count--) {
          // Read DP/AP register
          if (request_count == 0) {
            // Last read
            if (ir != JTAG_DPACC) {
            request_value = DP_RDBUFF | DAP_TRANSFER_RnW;
          retry = DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count;
          do {
            response_value = JTAG_Transfer(request_value, &data);
          } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
          if (response_value != DAP_TRANSFER_OK) goto end;
          // Store data
          *response++ = (uint8_t) data;
          *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >>  8);
          *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >> 16);
          *response++ = (uint8_t)(data >> 24);
      } else {
        // Write register block
        while (request_count--) {
          // Load data
          data = (*(request+0) <<  0) |
                 (*(request+1) <<  8) |
                 (*(request+2) << 16) |
                 (*(request+3) << 24);
          request += 4;
          // Write DP/AP register
          retry = DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count;
          do {
            response_value = JTAG_Transfer(request_value, &data);
          } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
          if (response_value != DAP_TRANSFER_OK) goto end;
        // Check last write
        if (ir != JTAG_DPACC) {
        retry = DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count;
        do {
          response_value = JTAG_Transfer(DP_RDBUFF | DAP_TRANSFER_RnW, NULL);
        } while ((response_value == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) && retry-- && !DAP_TransferAbort);
      *(response_head+0) = (uint8_t)(response_count >> 0);
      *(response_head+1) = (uint8_t)(response_count >> 8);
      *(response_head+2) = (uint8_t) response_value;
      return (response - response_head);
    // Process DAP Vendor command and prepare response
    // Default function (can be overridden)
    //   request:  pointer to request data
    //   response: pointer to response data
    //   return:   number of bytes in response
    uint32_t DAP_ProcessVendorCommand(uint8_t *request, uint8_t *response) {
      *response = ID_DAP_Invalid;
      return (1);
    // Process DAP command and prepare response
    //   request:  pointer to request data
    //   response: pointer to response data
    //   return:   number of bytes in response
    uint32_t DAP_ProcessCommand(uint8_t *request, uint8_t *response) {
      uint32_t num;
      if ((*request >= ID_DAP_Vendor0) && (*request <= ID_DAP_Vendor31)) {
        return DAP_ProcessVendorCommand(request, response);
      *response++ = *request;
      switch (*request++) {
        case ID_DAP_Info:
          num = DAP_Info(*request, response+1);
          *response = num;
          return (2 + num);
        case ID_DAP_LED:
          num = DAP_LED(request, response);
        case ID_DAP_Connect:
          num = DAP_Connect(request, response);
        case ID_DAP_Disconnect:
          num = DAP_Disconnect(response);
        case ID_DAP_Delay:
          num = DAP_Delay(request, response);
        case ID_DAP_ResetTarget:
          num = DAP_ResetTarget(response);
    #if ((DAP_SWD != 0) || (DAP_JTAG != 0))
        case ID_DAP_SWJ_Pins:
          num = DAP_SWJ_Pins(request, response);
        case ID_DAP_SWJ_Clock:
          num = DAP_SWJ_Clock(request, response);
        case ID_DAP_SWJ_Sequence:
          num = DAP_SWJ_Sequence(request, response);
        case ID_DAP_SWJ_Pins:
        case ID_DAP_SWJ_Clock:
        case ID_DAP_SWJ_Sequence:
          *response = DAP_ERROR;
          return (2);
    #if (DAP_SWD != 0)
        case ID_DAP_SWD_Configure:
          num = DAP_SWD_Configure(request, response);
        case ID_DAP_SWD_Configure:
          *response = DAP_ERROR;
          return (2);
    #if (DAP_JTAG != 0)
        case ID_DAP_JTAG_Sequence:
          num = DAP_JTAG_Sequence(request, response);
        case ID_DAP_JTAG_Configure:
          num = DAP_JTAG_Configure(request, response);
        case ID_DAP_JTAG_IDCODE:
          num = DAP_JTAG_IDCode(request, response);
        case ID_DAP_JTAG_Sequence:
        case ID_DAP_JTAG_Configure:
        case ID_DAP_JTAG_IDCODE:
          *response = DAP_ERROR;
          return (2);
        case ID_DAP_TransferConfigure:
          num = DAP_TransferConfigure(request, response);
        case ID_DAP_Transfer:
          switch (DAP_Data.debug_port) {
    #if (DAP_SWD != 0)
            case DAP_PORT_SWD:
              num = DAP_SWD_Transfer (request, response);
    #if (DAP_JTAG != 0)
            case DAP_PORT_JTAG:
              num = DAP_JTAG_Transfer(request, response);
              *(response+0) = 0;    // Response count
              *(response+1) = 0;    // Response value
              num = 2;
        case ID_DAP_TransferBlock:
          switch (DAP_Data.debug_port) {
    #if (DAP_SWD != 0)
            case DAP_PORT_SWD:
              num = DAP_SWD_TransferBlock (request, response);
    #if (DAP_JTAG != 0)
            case DAP_PORT_JTAG:
              num = DAP_JTAG_TransferBlock(request, response);
              *(response+0) = 0;    // Response count [7:0]
              *(response+1) = 0;    // Response count[15:8]
              *(response+2) = 0;    // Response value
              num = 3;
        case ID_DAP_WriteABORT:
          switch (DAP_Data.debug_port) {
    #if (DAP_SWD != 0)
            case DAP_PORT_SWD:
              num = DAP_SWD_Abort (request, response);
    #if (DAP_JTAG != 0)
            case DAP_PORT_JTAG:
              num = DAP_JTAG_Abort(request, response);
              *response = DAP_ERROR;
              return (2);
          *(response-1) = ID_DAP_Invalid;
          return (1);
      return (1 + num);
    // Setup DAP
    void DAP_Setup(void) {
        // Default settings (only non-zero values)
        DAP_Data.debug_port  = DAP_PORT_DISABLED;
        //DAP_Data.fast_clock  = 0;
        DAP_Data.clock_delay = CLOCK_DELAY(DAP_DEFAULT_SWJ_CLOCK);
        //DAP_Data.transfer.idle_cycles = 0;
        DAP_Data.transfer.retry_count = 100;
        //DAP_Data.transfer.match_retry = 0;
        //DAP_Data.transfer.match_mask  = 0x000000;
    #if (DAP_SWD != 0)
        DAP_Data.swd_conf.turnaround  = 1;
        //DAP_Data.swd_conf.data_phase  = 0;
    #if (DAP_JTAG != 0)
        //DAP_Data.jtag_dev.count = 0;
      DAP_SETUP();  // Device specific setup
    /* CMSIS-DAP Interface Firmware
     * Copyright (c) 2009-2013 ARM Limited
     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
     *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
     * limitations under the License.
    #include "DAP_config.h"
    #include "DAP.h"
    // SW Macros
    #define SW_CLOCK_CYCLE()                
    #define SW_WRITE_BIT(bit)               
    #define SW_READ_BIT(bit)                
      bit = PIN_SWDIO_IN();                 
    #define PIN_DELAY() PIN_DELAY_SLOW(DAP_Data.clock_delay)
    // Generate SWJ Sequence
    //   count:  sequence bit count
    //   data:   pointer to sequence bit data
    //   return: none
    #if ((DAP_SWD != 0) || (DAP_JTAG != 0))
    void SWJ_Sequence (uint32_t count, uint8_t *data) {
      uint32_t val;
      uint32_t n;
      val = 0;
      n = 0;
      while (count--) {
        if (n == 0) {
          val = *data++;
          n = 8;
        if (val & 1) {
        } else {
        val >>= 1;
    #if (DAP_SWD != 0)
    // SWD Transfer I/O
    //   request: A[3:2] RnW APnDP
    //   data:    DATA[31:0]
    //   return:  ACK[2:0]
    #define SWD_TransferFunction(speed)     /**/                                    
    uint8_t SWD_Transfer##speed (uint32_t request, uint32_t *data) {                
      uint32_t ack;                                                                 
      uint32_t bit;                                                                 
      uint32_t val;                                                                 
      uint32_t parity;                                                              
      uint32_t n;                                                                   
      /* Packet Request */                                                          
      parity = 0;                                                                   
      SW_WRITE_BIT(1);                      /* Start Bit */                         
      bit = request >> 0;                                                           
      SW_WRITE_BIT(bit);                    /* APnDP Bit */                         
      parity += bit;                                                                
      bit = request >> 1;                                                           
      SW_WRITE_BIT(bit);                    /* RnW Bit */                           
      parity += bit;                                                                
      bit = request >> 2;                                                           
      SW_WRITE_BIT(bit);                    /* A2 Bit */                            
      parity += bit;                                                                
      bit = request >> 3;                                                           
      SW_WRITE_BIT(bit);                    /* A3 Bit */                            
      parity += bit;                                                                
      SW_WRITE_BIT(parity);                 /* Parity Bit */                        
      SW_WRITE_BIT(0);                      /* Stop Bit */                          
      SW_WRITE_BIT(1);                      /* Park Bit */                          
      /* Turnaround */                                                              
      for (n = DAP_Data.swd_conf.turnaround; n; n--) {                              
      /* Acknowledge response */                                                    
      ack  = bit << 0;                                                              
      ack |= bit << 1;                                                              
      ack |= bit << 2;                                                              
      if (ack == DAP_TRANSFER_OK) {         /* OK response */                       
        /* Data transfer */                                                         
        if (request & DAP_TRANSFER_RnW) {                                           
          /* Read data */                                                           
          val = 0;                                                                  
          parity = 0;                                                               
          for (n = 32; n; n--) {                                                    
            SW_READ_BIT(bit);               /* Read RDATA[0:31] */                  
            parity += bit;                                                          
            val >>= 1;                                                              
            val  |= bit << 31;                                                      
          SW_READ_BIT(bit);                 /* Read Parity */                       
          if ((parity ^ bit) & 1) {                                                 
            ack = DAP_TRANSFER_ERROR;                                               
          if (data) *data = val;                                                    
          /* Turnaround */                                                          
          for (n = DAP_Data.swd_conf.turnaround; n; n--) {                          
        } else {                                                                    
          /* Turnaround */                                                          
          for (n = DAP_Data.swd_conf.turnaround; n; n--) {                          
          /* Write data */                                                          
          val = *data;                                                              
          parity = 0;                                                               
          for (n = 32; n; n--) {                                                    
            SW_WRITE_BIT(val);              /* Write WDATA[0:31] */                 
            parity += val;                                                          
            val >>= 1;                                                              
          SW_WRITE_BIT(parity);             /* Write Parity Bit */                  
        /* Idle cycles */                                                           
        n = DAP_Data.transfer.idle_cycles;                                          
        if (n) {                                                                    
          for (; n; n--) {                                                          
        return (ack);                                                               
      if ((ack == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT) || (ack == DAP_TRANSFER_FAULT)) {              
        /* WAIT or FAULT response */                                                
        if (DAP_Data.swd_conf.data_phase && ((request & DAP_TRANSFER_RnW) != 0)) {  
          for (n = 32+1; n; n--) {                                                  
            SW_CLOCK_CYCLE();               /* Dummy Read RDATA[0:31] + Parity */   
        /* Turnaround */                                                            
        for (n = DAP_Data.swd_conf.turnaround; n; n--) {                            
        if (DAP_Data.swd_conf.data_phase && ((request & DAP_TRANSFER_RnW) == 0)) {  
          for (n = 32+1; n; n--) {                                                  
            SW_CLOCK_CYCLE();               /* Dummy Write WDATA[0:31] + Parity */  
        return (ack);                                                               
      /* Protocol error */                                                          
      for (n = DAP_Data.swd_conf.turnaround + 32 + 1; n; n--) {                     
        SW_CLOCK_CYCLE();                   /* Back off data phase */               
      return (ack);                                                                 
    // SW_CLOCK_SYCLE : SWCLK=0, Delay, SWCLK=1, Delay
    // After Transfer : SWCLK=1, SWDIO=1
    #undef PIN_DELAY #define PIN_DELAY() PIN_DELAY_FAST() SWD_TransferFunction(Fast); #undef PIN_DELAY #define PIN_DELAY() PIN_DELAY_SLOW(DAP_Data.clock_delay) SWD_TransferFunction(Slow); // SWD Transfer I/O // request: A[3:2] RnW APnDP // data: DATA[31:0] // return: ACK[2:0] uint8_t SWD_Transfer(uint32_t request, uint32_t *data) { if (DAP_Data.fast_clock) { return SWD_TransferFast(request, data); } else { return SWD_TransferSlow(request, data); } } #endif /* (DAP_SWD != 0) */
    #define SW_CLOCK_CYCLE()                
    #define SW_WRITE_BIT(bit)               
    #define SW_READ_BIT(bit)                
      bit = PIN_SWDIO_IN();                 
    /* OK response ****************************************************************/
    // data_phase : read : Read RDATA[0:31] + Parity, Turnaround, Idle cycles
    // data_phase : write : Turnaround, Write WDATA[0:31] + Parity, Idle cycles
    /* WAIT or FAULT response *****************************************************/
    // data_phase : read : Dummy Read RDATA[0:31] + Parity, Turnaround
    // data_phase : write : Turnaround, Dummy Write WDATA[0:31] + Parity
    /* Protocol error *************************************************************/ 
    // turnaround, DATA, Parity
    uint8_t SWD_Transfer( uint32_t request, uint32_t *data )
      uint32_t ack;
      uint32_t bit;
      uint32_t val;
      uint32_t parity;
      uint32_t n;
      /* Packet Request */
      parity = 0;
      SW_WRITE_BIT( 1 ); /* Start Bit */
      bit = request >> 0;
      SW_WRITE_BIT( bit ); /* APnDP Bit */
      parity += bit;
      bit = request >> 1;
      SW_WRITE_BIT( bit ); /* RnW Bit */
      parity += bit;
      bit = request >> 2;
      SW_WRITE_BIT( bit ); /* A2 Bit */
      parity += bit;
      bit = request >> 3;
      SW_WRITE_BIT( bit ); /* A3 Bit */
      parity += bit;
      SW_WRITE_BIT( parity ); /* Parity Bit */
      SW_WRITE_BIT( 0 ); /* Stop Bit */
      SW_WRITE_BIT( 1 ); /* Park Bit */
      /* Turnaround : 1..N Cycles */
      for ( n = DAP_Data.swd_conf.turnaround; n; n-- )
        SW_CLOCK_CYCLE( )
      /* Acknowledge response */
      SW_READ_BIT( bit );
      ack = bit << 0;
      SW_READ_BIT( bit );
      ack |= bit << 1;
      SW_READ_BIT( bit );
      ack |= bit << 2;
      if ( ack == DAP_TRANSFER_OK ) /* OK response ********************************/
        /* Data transfer */
        if ( request & DAP_TRANSFER_RnW ) /* Read data ****************************/
          val = 0;
          parity = 0;
          for ( n = 32; n; n-- ) /* Read RDATA[0:31] */
            SW_READ_BIT( bit );
            parity += bit;
            val >>= 1;
            val |= bit << 31;
          SW_READ_BIT( bit ); /* Read Parity */
          if ( ( parity ^ bit ) & 1 )
            ack = DAP_TRANSFER_ERROR;
          if ( data )
            *data = val;
          for ( n = DAP_Data.swd_conf.turnaround; n; n-- ) /* Turnaround */
            SW_CLOCK_CYCLE( )
          PIN_SWDIO_OUT_ENABLE( );
        else /* Write data ********************************************************/
          for ( n = DAP_Data.swd_conf.turnaround; n; n-- ) /* Turnaround */
            SW_CLOCK_CYCLE( )
          PIN_SWDIO_OUT_ENABLE( );
          val = *data;
          parity = 0;
          for ( n = 32; n; n-- ) /* Write WDATA[0:31] */
            SW_WRITE_BIT( val );
            parity += val;
            val >>= 1;
          SW_WRITE_BIT( parity ); /* Write Parity Bit */
        } // if ( request & DAP_TRANSFER_RnW ) /* Read data */ else /* Write data */
        /* Idle cycles */
        n = DAP_Data.transfer.idle_cycles;
        if ( n )
          PIN_SWDIO_OUT( 0 );
          for ( ; n; n-- )
            SW_CLOCK_CYCLE( )
        PIN_SWDIO_OUT( 1 );
        return ( ack );
      } // if ( ack == DAP_TRANSFER_OK ) /* OK response ***************************/
      /* WAIT or FAULT response ***************************************************/
      // data_phase : read : Dummy Read RDATA[0:31] + Parity, Turnaround
      // data_phase : write : Turnaround, Dummy Write WDATA[0:31] + Parity
      if ( ( ack == DAP_TRANSFER_WAIT ) || ( ack == DAP_TRANSFER_FAULT ) )
        if ( DAP_Data.swd_conf.data_phase
          && ( ( request & DAP_TRANSFER_RnW ) != 0 ) )
          for ( n = 32 + 1; n; n-- ) /* Dummy Read RDATA[0:31] + Parity */
            SW_CLOCK_CYCLE( )
        /* Turnaround */
        for ( n = DAP_Data.swd_conf.turnaround; n; n-- )
          SW_CLOCK_CYCLE( )
        if ( DAP_Data.swd_conf.data_phase
          && ( ( request & DAP_TRANSFER_RnW ) == 0 ) )
          PIN_SWDIO_OUT( 0 );
          for ( n = 32 + 1; n; n-- ) /* Dummy Write WDATA[0:31] + Parity */
            SW_CLOCK_CYCLE( )
        PIN_SWDIO_OUT( 1 );
        return ( ack );
      /* Protocol error : turnaround, DATA, Parity ********************************/
      for ( n = DAP_Data.swd_conf.turnaround + 32 + 1; n; n-- )
        SW_CLOCK_CYCLE( )
        ; /* Back off data phase */
      PIN_SWDIO_OUT( 1 );
      return ( ack );
  • 相关阅读:
    猜拳 GuessFist
    两个class 之间要空两行
    ImageField 字段的使用
    max_length 属性
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shangdawei/p/4756373.html
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