hotel reservation/booking: 酒店预订
standard room:标准间
suite: 套房
king size bed: 大床房
double bed:双床房
extra bed/cot: 加床
crib: 宝宝床、婴儿床
checking in on...checking out on...: 某日入住,某日离店
breakfast included: 包早餐
free cancellation: 免费取消
incidental deposit/charge: 预售权押金
budget hotel: 经济型酒店
luxury hotel: 高端酒店
boutique hotel: 精品酒店
room service: 客房送餐
room cleaning: 打扫房间
I'll be checking in on...checking out on..., staying for a total of...nights: 我...入住、...离店,一共住...晚
Do you have king-size rooms? 有大床房吗?
Do you have double rooms? 有双床房吗?
Would there be penalty if I change or cancel my reservation? 如果我修改/取消我的预定,会有罚金吗?
I'd like to change/cancel my reservation: 我想修改/取消我的预定
When will the incidental deposit/charge be returned to my card? 我的预售权押金什么时候能退还?
Is wifi free? wifi免费吗?
How do I get on the wifi? 怎么上网?(登陆信息是什么?)
Could I have an extra blanket? 能多要一床毯子吗?