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  • linux下各种代理的设置


    Set up your proxy.

    The bellow proxies as follow:  

    (1) http-proxy: proxy.xxx.com port: 911

    (3) socks5-proxy: proxy.xxx.com port: 1080

     Set the bash proxy environment value
    $ echo "declare -x http_proxy="http://proxy-shz.glb.intel.com:911"
    declare -x https_proxy="http://proxy-shz.glb.intel.com:911"
    declare -x no_proxy="`hostname`,localhost,,,.local,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,/usr/bin/wpp192.168.253.19,,,,,,,,,,,"
    declare -x GIT_PROXY_COMMAND="/bin/socks-gw"" >> ~/.bashrc
    $ echo "http_proxy="http://proxy-mu.intel.com:911/"
    socks_proxy="socks://proxy.ir.intel.com:1080/"" >> /etc/environment

     Set the proxychains proxy

    you can use proxychains to run some application that need to access the internet. Such as 'tox' for Open Stack test.

    $ sudo echo  'socks5 1080' >> /etc/proxychains.conf
    $ sudo echo '#!/bin/bash
    sudo https_proxy= http_proxy= HTTP_PROXY= HTTPS_PROXY= proxychains $@ '  >> /usr/bin/myproxychains
    $ sudo chmod a+x /usr/bin/myproxychains

    Then you can run tox by:

    $ myproxychains tox -e py27

     Set the tsocks proxy
    $ echo "server =
    # Server type defaults to 4 so we need to specify it as 5 for this one
    server_type = 5
    # The port defaults to 1080 but I've stated it here for clarity 
    server_port = 1080" >> /etc/tsocks.conf

    Set up the pip proxy
    $ cp /usr/local/bin/pip  /usr/local/bin/pip.org
    $ echo '#!/bin/bash
    /usr/bin/pip.org --proxy=http://proxy-shz.glb.intel.com:911 $*' > /usr/local/bin/pip.proxy
    $ sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/pip.proxy
    $ sudo rm /usr/local/bin/pip
    $ ln -s /usr/local/bin/pip /usr/local/bin/pip.proxy 

    Set up the git proxy
    $ sudo echo '#!/bin/bash
    connect  -H "proxy-mu.intel.com:911" -S "proxy.ir.intel.com:1080" $@' > /bin/socks-gw
    $ sudo chmod a+x /bin/socks-gw
    $ echo "declare -x GIT_PROXY_COMMAND="/bin/socks-gw"" >> ~/.bashrc

    if you hit git review bug error as follow:

       taget@taget-2012-Client-Platform:/opt/stack/nova$ git review -d 142975
       Cannot query patchset information
       The following command failed with exit code 255
       "ssh -x   gerrit query --format=JSON --current-patch-set change:142975"
       ERROR: You must specify the destination port correctly.
       usage: connect [-dnhst45] [-p local-port][-R resolve] [-w timeout] 
             [-H proxy-server[:port]] [-S [user@]socks-server[:port]] 
             [-T proxy-server[:port]]
             [-c telnet-proxy-command]
             host port
       ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host ==

    refer: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Gerrit/git-review#.22Cannot_query_patchset_information.22

    or try this:

    [global] index-url="http://otccloud06.sc.intel.com/pypi/simple" [easy_install] index-url=http://otccloud06.sc.intel.com/pypi/simple

    Set up the ssh proxy
    $ sudo echo 'ProxyCommand socks-gw  %h %p' >> ~/.ssh/config

    maybe some site do not need proxy.

    $ cat ~/.ssh/config 
    Host github.com
    	ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/socks-gw %h %p
    Host openstack.org
           ProxyCommand /usr/local/bin/socks-gw %h %p
           HostName review.openstack.org
           User shaohefeng
           Port 29418
    $ cat /usr/local/bin/socks-gw 
    case $1 in
            # METHOD="-X connect"
            PROXY='-H proxy-mu.intel.com:911 -S proxy.ir.intel.com:1080'
            # METHOD="-X 5 -x proxy-mu.intel.com:1080"
    # /bin/nc $METHOD $*
    #/bin/nc.openbsd $METHOD $* connect $PROXY $*


    $ ssh user@localhost
    $ ssh user@review.openstack.org -p 29418

    Set up the apt

    You can either setup to proxy for apt

    $ sudo echo '
    Acquire::http::proxy "http://proxy-mu.intel.com:911/";
    Acquire::socks::proxy "socks://proxy.jf.intel.com:1080/"; ' >> /etc/apt/apt.conf

    or you can use the local apt mirrors http://linux-ftp.sh.intel.com/pub/mirrors/ubuntu/ by modifying the /etc/apt/sources.list

    Set up the openstack pip local source repository
    $ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/taget/mybin/master/openstack-tools/create_dir.sh
    $ sed -i -e 's/(^s+)pip/1myproxychains pip/' create_dir.sh 
    $ grep usage -n4 create_dir.sh
    $ sudo chmod a+x create_dir.sh && sudo mv create_dir.sh /usr/bin/
    $ sudo echo '[global]
    # proxy=http://proxy-shz.intel.com:911
    # index-url=http://pypi.douban.com/simple
    # [install]
    # use-mirrors = true
    # index-url=http://pypi.douban.com/simple' > ~/.pip/pip.conf
    $ sudo echo "sudo sed -i -e 's/^s?(index-url)/# 1/'  ~/.pip/pip.conf"  > /usr/bin/en_pip_url
    $ sudo echo "sudo sed -i -e 's/^#s?(index-url)/1/' /home/shhfeng/.pip/pip.conf" > /usr/bin/dis_pip_url
    $ sudo chmod a+x /usr/bin/en_pip_url /usr/bin/dis_pip_url
    $echo 'Listen 7799
    <VirtualHost *:7799>
        ServerName localhost
        DocumentRoot /var/www
        <Directory /var/www>
            Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
            AllowOverride None
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all
         ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/pip_error.log
    </VirtualHost> ' > /etc/apache2/sites-available/pip.conf
    $ ln -s /etc/apache2/sites-available/pip.conf /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/pip.conf  
    $ sudo service apache2 restart
    $ sudo echo '#!/bin/bash
    for x in `ls /opt/stack/`
            if [ -f /opt/stack/$x ]; then
            if [ -e "/opt/stack/$x/.git" ]; then
                create_dir.sh $x
        done' > /usr/bin/create_pip
    $ sudo chmod a+x /usr/bin/create_pip

    you can also ref this link: https://www.berrange.com/posts/2014/11/14/faster-rebuilds-for-python-virtualenv-trees/

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shaohef/p/4478906.html
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