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  • python3(二十七)property

    """  """
    __author__ = 'shaozhiqi'
    # 绑定属性时,如果我们直接把属性暴露出去,虽然写起来很简单,
    # 但是,没办法检查参数,导致可以把参数随便改
    # 比如想限制student score的范围
    class Student(object):
        def get_score(self):
            return self._score
        def set_score(self, value):
            if not isinstance(value, int):
                raise ValueError('score must be an integer!')
            if value < 0 or value > 100:
                raise ValueError('score must between 0 ~ 100!')
            self._score = value
    s = Student()
    print(s.get_score())  # 60
    # print(s.set_score(1000))  # ValueError: score must between 0 ~ 100!
    # ---------------------property-------------------------------------
    # 上述方法不太简洁,使用property 修改
    # @property装饰器就是负责把一个方法变成属性调用,默认是只读
    class Student1(object):
        def score(self):
            return self._score
        def score(self, value):
            if not isinstance(value, int):
                raise ValueError('score must be an integer!')
            if value < 0 or value > 100:
                raise ValueError('score must between 0 ~ 100!')
            self._score = value
    s1 = Student1()
    s1.score = 60
    # s1.score = 9999999  # ValueError: score must between 0 ~ 100!
    # 报错说明里面有set 方法的实现,如果直接暴露的属性,就不会报错
    # 只读属性-------------------------------------------------------
    class Student(object):
        def birth(self):
            return self._birth
        def birth(self, value):
            self._birth = value
        def age(self):
            return 2019 - self._birth
    # birth 是一个可读写属性,而age是一个只读属性
    #  age的值可以根据birth计算
    s = Student()
    s.birth = 1990
    print(s.birth)  # 注意如果不赋值直接读 会error
    # s.age=100  # error AttributeError: can't set attribute  property 默认是只读
    print(s.age)  # 29
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shaozhiqi/p/11550474.html
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