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  • linux auto_ftp自动上传更新的文件

    1 /prj/fup linshao woaienen /woaienen/ /woaienen/file_list
      1 #include <stdio.h>
      2 #include <sys/types.h>
      3 #include <sys/stat.h>
      4 #include <fcntl.h>
      5 #include <unistd.h>
      6 #include <dirent.h>
      7 #include <string.h>
      8 #include <time.h>
      9 #include <stdlib.h>
     10 #define FILE_NAME_MAX 256
     11 #define FLAGS O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC
     12 #define MODE S_IRWXU | S_IRGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IXOTH
     14 typedef struct _en_file {
     15     char d_name[FILE_NAME_MAX + 1];
     16     time_t ctime;
     17 } en_file;
     19 typedef struct _file_list {
     20     en_file file;
     21     struct _file_list * next;
     22 } file_list;
     24 void get_file_list(const char * pathname, file_list * f)
     25 {
     26     DIR * dir = opendir(pathname);
     27     if (dir == NULL)
     28     {
     29         printf("No such directory ... \n");
     30         return;
     31     }
     33     struct dirent * dt = NULL;
     34     file_list * list = f;
     35     file_list * fl = NULL;
     37     while (dt = readdir(dir))
     38     {
     39         if (strcmp(dt->d_name, ".") == 0 || 
     40             strcmp(dt->d_name, "..") == 0 || 
     41             strcmp(dt->d_name, "file_list") == 0 || 
     42             strcmp(dt->d_name, "ftp_sh") == 0 || 
     43             strcmp(dt->d_name, "fl.log") == 0)
     44             continue;
     46         fl = (file_list *)malloc(sizeof(file_list));
     47         fl->next = NULL;
     48         strcpy(fl->file.d_name, pathname);
     49         strcat(fl->file.d_name, dt->d_name);
     51         struct stat sbuf;
     52         stat(fl->file.d_name, &sbuf);
     53         fl->file.ctime = sbuf.st_ctime;
     54         list->next = fl;
     55         list = list->next;
     56     }
     57     closedir(dir);
     58     return;
     59 }
     61 void read_file_list(const char * pathname, file_list * f)
     62 {
     63     int len, i, j, is_num = 0;
     64     int fd;
     65     if ((fd = open(pathname, O_RDONLY)) == -1)
     66     {
     67         printf("error, open file failed ... \n");
     68         return;
     69     }
     71     file_list * list = f;
     72     file_list * fl = NULL;
     73     char buf[1024];
     74     while (1)
     75     {
     76         len = read(fd, buf, 1024);
     77         if (len <= 0)
     78             break;
     79         for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
     80         {
     81             if (buf[i] == ':')
     82             {
     83                 is_num = 1;
     84                 continue;
     85             }
     87             if (buf[i] == '\n')
     88             {
     89                 is_num = 0;
     90                 fl->file.d_name[j] = '\0';
     91                 list->next = fl;
     92                 list = list->next;
     93                 fl = NULL;
     94                 continue;
     95             }
     97             if (!is_num) 
     98             {
     99                 if (fl == NULL) 
    100                 {
    101                     fl = (file_list *)malloc(sizeof(file_list));
    102                     fl->next = NULL;
    103                     fl->file.ctime = 0;
    104                     j = 0;
    105                 }
    106                 fl->file.d_name[j++] = buf[i];
    107             }
    108             else
    109             {
    110                 if (buf[i] >= '0' && buf[i] <= '9') 
    111                 {
    112                     fl->file.ctime = fl->file.ctime * 10 + buf[i] - '0';
    113                 }
    114             }
    115         }
    116         if (len < 1024)
    117             break;
    118     }
    119     close(fd);
    120     return;
    121 }
    123 void write_file_list(const char * pathname, file_list * f)
    124 {
    125     int fd;
    126     if ((fd = open(pathname, FLAGS, MODE)) == -1)
    127     {
    128         printf("error, open file failed ... \n");
    129         return;
    130     }
    132     file_list * list = f->next;
    133     char num[13];
    134     while (list)
    135     {
    136         write(fd, list->file.d_name, strlen(list->file.d_name));
    137         sprintf(num, ":%10d\n", list->file.ctime);
    138         write(fd, num, 12);
    139         list = list->next;
    140     }
    141     close(fd);
    142     return;
    143 }
    145 void printf_file_list(file_list * f)
    146 {
    147     int total = 0;
    148     file_list * list = f->next;
    149     printf("The file list is : \n\n");
    150     printf("%-60s  %16s\n", "  file name", "time");
    151     printf("================================================================================\n");
    152     while (list)
    153     {
    154         printf("%-60s  %18d\n", list->file.d_name, list->file.ctime);
    155         list = list->next;
    156         total++;
    157     }
    158     printf("================================================================================\n");
    159     printf("  toatl: %d\n", total);
    160     return;
    161 }
    163 int get_send_file_list(file_list * r, file_list * w, file_list * f)
    164 {
    165     file_list * list, * re, * wr, * fl;
    166     list = f;
    167     wr = w->next;
    168     int state = 0;
    169     int n = 0;
    170     while (wr)
    171     {
    172         re = r->next;
    173         while (re)
    174         {
    175             if (strcmp(wr->file.d_name, re->file.d_name) == 0)
    176             {
    177                 state = 1;
    178                 if (wr->file.ctime > re->file.ctime)
    179                 {
    180                     fl = (file_list *)malloc(sizeof(file_list));
    181                     fl->file = wr->file;
    182                     fl->next = NULL;
    183                     list->next = fl;
    184                     list = list->next;
    185                     n++;
    186                 }
    187                 break;
    188             }
    189             re = re->next;
    190         }
    191         if (!state)
    192         {
    193             fl = (file_list *)malloc(sizeof(file_list));
    194             fl->file = wr->file;
    195             fl->next = NULL;
    196             list->next = fl;
    197             list = list->next;
    198             n++;
    199         }
    200         state = 0;
    201         wr = wr->next;
    202     }
    203     return n;
    204 }
    206 void get_win_file_name(const char * p, char * q)
    207 {
    208     int i = 0, j = 0, m = 0, n = 0;
    209     while (p[i])
    210         if (p[i++] == '/')
    211             m = i;
    212     i = 0;
    213     while (p[m])
    214         q[i++] = p[m++];
    215     q[i] = '\0';
    216     return;
    217 }
    219 void send_file(const char * ip, const char * user, 
    220     const char * password, file_list * f, int num)
    221 {
    222     int i;
    223     file_list * list = f->next;
    224     FILE * fp, * log;
    225     printf("\n\nSend %d files ...\n", num);
    226     if ((fp=popen("ftp -n","w")) == NULL) 
    227     { 
    228         puts("Run ftp fail !\n"); 
    229         exit(1); 
    230     }
    231     log = fopen("/var/log/ftp.update.log", "aw+");
    232     char name[FILE_NAME_MAX + 1];
    233     char str[255];
    234     fprintf(fp,"open %s\n", ip); 
    235     fprintf(fp,"user %s %s\n", user, password);
    236     while (list)
    237     {
    238         get_win_file_name(list->file.d_name, name);
    239         fprintf(fp,"put %s %s\n", list->file.d_name, name);
    240         printf("Upload the %s ...\n", list->file.d_name);
    241         fprintf(log, "Upload the %s ...\n", list->file.d_name);
    242         list = list->next;
    243     }
    244     while ((fgets(str, 255, fp)) != NULL) 
    245         fputs(str, log); 
    246     fprintf(fp,"bye\n"); 
    247     pclose(fp);
    248     fclose(log);
    249     printf("Ok! That is right ... \n\n");
    250     return;
    251 }
    253 int main(int argc, char * argv[])
    254 {
    255     file_list re, wr, send;
    256     if (argc != 6){ 
    257         printf("%s\n%s\n", 
    258         "Usage:", 
    259         "fup <ip> <user> <password> <dir> <filelist>"); 
    260         exit(0); 
    261     }
    262     re.next = NULL;
    263     wr.next = NULL;
    264     send.next = NULL;
    265     int num = 0;
    266     read_file_list(argv[5], &re);
    267     get_file_list(argv[4], &wr);
    268     num = get_send_file_list(&re, &wr, &send);
    269     printf_file_list(&send);
    270     send_file(argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], &send, num);
    271     write_file_list(argv[5], &wr);
    272     return 0;
    273 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shendiao/p/2550931.html
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