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  • [转]MinGW编译wxWidgets问题



    if not exist ../../lib/gcc_lib/mswud/wx mkdir ../../lib/gcc_lib/mswud/wx

    process_begin: CreateProcess(NULL, -c "if not exist ../../lib/gcc_lib/mswud/wx mkdir ../../lib/gcc_lib/mswud/wx", ...) failed.

    make (e=2)



    产生错误的原因是因为安装了MSYS后,利用Make命令会首先执行MSYS中的SHELL命令,从而会导致编译错误,对于这种情况,可以修改 $(WX)/build/msw目录中的makefile.gcc文件,使其默认采用CMD命令行。
    makefile.gcc修改前: SHELL := $(COMSPEC)
    makefile.gcc修改后: SHELL := C:WINDOWSsystem32CMD.exe    (该路径为实际的CMD.exe的路径)
    1 下载源代码 http://www.wxwidgets.org/downloads/
    2 修改 $(WX)/build/msw 目录中的makefile.gcc文件 (可选)
    3 修改 $(WX)/build/msw 目录中的congfig.gcc文件 (下面贴出的congfig.gcc文件中的红色标记部分为需要修改的地方)
    4 在控制台进入到 $(WX)/build/msw 目录中,执行 mingw32-make -f makefile.gcc
    注: $(WX)表示你下载的源代码解压后的路径
    # =========================================================================
    #     This configuration file was generated by
    #     Bakefile 0.2.9 (http://www.bakefile.org)
    #     Beware that all changes made to this file will be overwritten next
    #     time you run Bakefile!
    # =========================================================================
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # These are configurable options:
    # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Compiler flags to link shared library 
    LINK_DLL_FLAGS ?= -shared
    # Compiler flags to link loadable module 
    LINK_MODULE_FLAGS ?= -shared
    # C compiler 
    CC = gcc
    # C++ compiler 
    CXX = g++
    # Standard flags for CC 
    CFLAGS ?= 
    # Standard flags for C++ 
    CXXFLAGS ?= 
    # Standard preprocessor flags (common for CC and CXX) 
    CPPFLAGS ?= 
    # Standard linker flags 
    LDFLAGS ?= 
    # The C preprocessor 
    CPP ?= $(CC) -E
    # What type of library to build? [0,1]
    SHARED ?= 1
    # Build wxUniversal instead of native port? [0,1]
    WXUNIV ?= 0
    # Compile Unicode build of wxWidgets? [0,1]
    UNICODE ?= 1
    # Use MSLU library when building Unicode version. [0,1]
    MSLU ?= 0
    # Type of compiled binaries [debug,release]
    BUILD ?= release
    # Should debugging info be included in the executables? The default value
    # "default" means that debug info will be included if BUILD=debug
    # and not included if BUILD=release. [0,1,default]
    DEBUG_INFO ?= default
    # Should __WXDEBUG__ be defined? The default value "default" means that it will
    # be defined if BUILD=debug and not defined if BUILD=release. [0,1,default]
    DEBUG_FLAG ?= default
    # Multiple libraries or single huge monolithic one? [0,1]
    # Build GUI libraries? [0,1]
    USE_GUI ?= 1
    # Build wxHTML library (USE_GUI must be 1)? [0,1]
    USE_HTML ?= 1
    # Build multimedia library (USE_GUI must be 1)? [0,1]
    USE_MEDIA ?= 1
    # Build wxXRC library (USE_GUI must be 1)? [0,1]
    USE_XRC ?= 1
    # Build wxAUI library (USE_GUI must be 1)? [0,1]
    USE_AUI ?= 1
    # Build wxRichTextCtrl library (USE_GUI must be 1)? [0,1]
    # Build OpenGL canvas library (USE_GUI must be 1)? [0,1]
    USE_OPENGL ?= 0
    # Build ODBC database classes (USE_GUI must be 1)? [0,1]
    USE_ODBC ?= 0
    # Build quality assurance classes library (USE_GUI must be 1)? [0,1]
    USE_QA ?= 0
    # Enable exceptions in compiled code. [0,1]
    # Enable run-time type information (RTTI) in compiled code. [0,1]
    USE_RTTI ?= 1
    # Enable threading in compiled code. [0,1]
    USE_THREADS ?= 1
    # Enable wxCairoContext for platforms other than Linux/GTK. [0,1]
    USE_CAIRO ?= 0
    # Link with gdiplus.lib? (Needed for wxGraphicsContext, will also set wxUSE_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT) [0,1]
    USE_GDIPLUS ?= 0
    # Is this official build by wxWidgets developers? [0,1]
    # Use this to name your customized DLLs differently 
    VENDOR ?= custom
    WX_FLAVOUR ?= 
    # Name of your custom configuration. This affects directory
    # where object files are stored as well as the location of
    # compiled .lib files and setup.h under the lib/ toplevel directory. 
    CFG ?= 
    # Compiler flags needed to compile test suite in tests directory. If you want
    # to run the tests, set it so that the compiler can find CppUnit headers. 
    # Linker flags needed to link test suite in tests directory. If you want
    # to run the tests, include CppUnit library here. 
    # Version of C runtime library to use. You can change this to
    # static if SHARED=0, but it is highly recommended to not do
    # it if SHARED=1 unless you know what you are doing. [dynamic,static]
    RUNTIME_LIBS ?= dynamic
    # Set the version of your Mingw installation here.
    #     "3" ...... this is for Mingw 2.0 or newer (comes with gcc3)
    #     "2.95" ... for Mingw 1.1 or any of the older versions [3,2.95]
    GCC_VERSION ?= 3
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shengshuai/p/3410392.html
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