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  • APUE学习之多线程编程(一):线程的创建和销毁

         和每个进程都有一个进程ID一样,每个线程也有一个线程ID,线程ID是以pthread_t数据类型来表示的,在Linux中,用无符号长整型表示pthread_t,Solaris 把phread_t数据类型表示为无符号整型,FreeBSD 和Mac OS X 用一个指向pthread结构的指针来表示pthread_t数据类型。
    #include <pthread.h>
     pthread_t pthread_self(void);
    #include <pthread.h>
    int pthread_create(pthread_t *restrict tidp, const pthread_arrt_t *restrict addr, void *(*start_rtn)(void *), void *restrict arg);
    #include "apue.h"
    #include <pthread.h>
    pthread_t ntid;
    void printids(const char *s)
        pid_t pid;
        pthread_t tid;
        pid = getpid();
        tid = pthread_self();
        printf("%s pid %lu tid %lu (0x%lx)
    ", s, (unsigned long)pid, (unsigned long)tid, (unsigned long)tid);
    void *thr_fn(void *arg)
        printids("new thread: ");
        return ((void *)0);
    int main(void)
        int err;
        err = pthread_create(&ntid, NULL, thr_fn, NULL);
        if (err != 0)
            err_exit(err, "can't create thread");
        printids("main thread: ");
    View Code
    main thread:  pid 27335 tid 3076404928 (0xb75e36c0)
    new thread:  pid 27335 tid 3076401984 (0xb75e2b40)
    View Code
    #include <pthread.h>
    void pthread_exit(void *rval_ptr);


    #include <pthread.h>
    int pthread_join(pthread_t thread, void **rval_ptr);


    #include "apue.h"
    #include <pthread.h>
    void *thr_fn1(void *arg)
        printf("thread 1 returning
        return (void *)1;
    void *thr_fn2(void *arg)
        printf("thread 2 exiting
        pthread_exit((void *)2);
    int main(void)
        int err;
        pthread_t tid1, tid2;
        void *tret;
        err = pthread_create(&tid1, NULL, thr_fn1, NULL);
        if (err != 0)
            err_exit(err, "can't create thread1");
        err = pthread_create(&tid2, NULL, thr_fn2, NULL);
        if (err != 0)
            err_exit(err, "can't create thread2");
        err = pthread_join(tid1, &tret);
        if (err != 0)
            err_exit(err, "can't join thread1");
        printf("thread1 exit code:%ld
    ", (long)tret);
        err = pthread_join(tid2, &tret);
        if (err != 0)
            err_exit(err, "can't join thread2");
        printf("thread2 exit code:%ld
    ", (long)tret);
        return 0;
    View Code
    thread 2 exiting
    thread 1 returning
    thread1 exit code:1
    thread2 exit code:2
    View Code
    #include <pthread.h>
    int pthread_cancel(pthread_t tid);


    #include <pthread.h>
    void pthread_cleanup_push(void(*rtn)(void *), void *arg);
    void pthread_cleanup_pop(int execute);


    #include "apue.h"
    #include <pthread.h>
    void cleanup(void *arg)
        printf("cleanup: %s
    ", (char *)arg);
    void *thr_fn1(void *arg)
        printf("thread 1 start
        pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup, "thread 1 first handler");
        pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup, "thread 1 second handler");
        printf("thread 1 push complete
        if (arg)
            return (void *)1;
        return (void *)1;
    void *thr_fn2(void *arg)
        printf("thread 2 start
        pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup, "thread 2 first handler");
        pthread_cleanup_push(cleanup, "thread 2 second handler");
        printf("thread 2 push complete
        if (arg)
            pthread_exit((void *)2);
        return (void *)2;
    int main(void)
        int err;
        pthread_t tid1, tid2;
        void *tret;
        err = pthread_create(&tid1, NULL, thr_fn1, (void *)1);
        if (err != 0)
            err_exit(err, "can't create thread 1");
        err = pthread_create(&tid2, NULL, thr_fn2, (void *)1);
        if (err != 0)
            err_exit(err, "can't create thread 2");
        err = pthread_join(tid1, &tret);
        if (err != 0)
            err_exit(err, "can't join with thread 1");
        printf("thread 1 exit code %ld
    ", (long)tret);
        err = pthread_join(tid2, &tret);
        if (err != 0)
            err_exit(err, "can't join with thread 2");
        printf("thread 2 exit code %ld
    ", (long)tret);
        return 0;
    View Code 
    thread 2 start
    thread 2 push complete
    cleanup: thread 2 second handler
    cleanup: thread 2 first handler
    thread 1 start
    thread 1 push complete
    thread 1 exit code 1
    thread 2 exit code 2
    View Code
    #include <pthread.h>
    int pthread_detach(pthread_t tid);
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shenlinken/p/5775001.html
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