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  • LeetCode-2: Add Two Numbers

    【Problem:2-Add Two Numbers

    You are given two non-empty linked lists representing two non-negative integers. The digits are stored in reverse order and each of their nodes contain a single digit. Add the two numbers and return it as a linked list.

    You may assume the two numbers do not contain any leading zero, except the number 0 itself.


    Input: (2 -> 4 -> 3) + (5 -> 6 -> 4)
    Output: 7 -> 0 -> 8


    1)From 九章算法:(can run, but "Submission Result:  Wrong Answer! ")

     1 class Solution:
     2     def addTwoNumbers(self, l1, l2):
     3         head = ListNode(0)
     4         ptr = head
     5         carry  = 0
     6         while True:
     7             if l1 != None:
     8                 carry += l1.val
     9                 l1 = l1.next
    10             if l2 != None:
    11                 carry += l2.val
    12                 l2 = l2.next
    13             ptr.val = carry % 10
    14             carry /= 10
    15             # 运算未结束新建一个节点用于储存答案,否则退出循环
    16             if l1 != None or l2 != None or carry != 0:
    17                 ptr.next = ListNode(0)
    18                 ptr = ptr.next
    19             else: 
    20                 break
    21         return head

     2)Java :

     1 /**
     2  * Definition for singly-linked list.
     3  * public class ListNode {
     4  *     int val;
     5  *     ListNode next;
     6  *     ListNode(int x) {
     7  *         val = x;
     8  *         next = null;
     9  *     }
    10  * }
    11  */
    12 public class Solution {
    13     public ListNode addTwoNumbers(ListNode l1, ListNode l2) {
    14         if(l1 == null && l2 == null) {
    15             return null;
    16         }
    18         ListNode head = new ListNode(0);
    19         ListNode point = head;
    20         int carry = 0;
    21         while(l1 != null && l2!=null){
    22             int sum = carry + l1.val + l2.val;
    23             point.next = new ListNode(sum % 10);
    24             carry = sum / 10;
    25             l1 = l1.next;
    26             l2 = l2.next;
    27             point = point.next;
    28         }
    30         while(l1 != null) {
    31             int sum =  carry + l1.val;
    32             point.next = new ListNode(sum % 10);
    33             carry = sum /10;
    34             l1 = l1.next;
    35             point = point.next;
    36         }
    38         while(l2 != null) {
    39             int sum =  carry + l2.val;
    40             point.next = new ListNode(sum % 10);
    41             carry = sum /10;
    42             l2 = l2.next;
    43             point = point.next;
    44         }
    46         if (carry != 0) {
    47             point.next = new ListNode(carry);
    48         }
    49         return head.next;
    50     }
    51 }
    54 // version: 高频题班
    55 public class Solution {
    56     /**
    57      * @param l1: the first list
    58      * @param l2: the second list
    59      * @return: the sum list of l1 and l2
    60      */
    61     public ListNode addLists(ListNode l1, ListNode l2) {
    62         // write your code here
    63         ListNode dummy = new ListNode(0);
    64         ListNode tail = dummy;
    66         int carry = 0;
    67         for (ListNode i = l1, j = l2; i != null || j != null; ) {
    68             int sum = carry;
    69             sum += (i != null) ? i.val : 0;
    70             sum += (j != null) ? j.val : 0;
    72             tail.next = new ListNode(sum % 10);
    73             tail = tail.next;
    75             carry = sum / 10;
    76             i = (i == null) ? i : i.next;
    77             j = (j == null) ? j : j.next;
    78         }
    80         if (carry != 0) {
    81             tail.next = new ListNode(carry);
    82         }
    83         return dummy.next;
    84     }
    85 }

    3)C++:yes, accepted

     * Definition for singly-linked list.
     * struct ListNode {
     *     int val;
     *     ListNode *next;
     *     ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}
     * };
    class Solution {
        ListNode* addTwoNumbers(ListNode* l1, ListNode* l2) {
            // 题意可以认为是实现高精度加法
            ListNode *head = new ListNode(0);
            ListNode *ptr = head;
            int carry = 0;
            while (true) {
                if (l1 != NULL) {
                    carry += l1->val;
                    l1 = l1->next;
                if (l2 != NULL) {
                    carry += l2->val;
                    l2 = l2->next;
                ptr->val = carry % 10;
                carry /= 10;
                // 当两个表非空或者仍有进位时需要继续运算,否则退出循环
                if (l1 != NULL || l2 != NULL || carry != 0) {
                    ptr = (ptr->next = new ListNode(0));
                } else break;
            return head;



    Time complexity:O(n^2)2

  • 相关阅读:
    printf, fprintf, sprintf, snprintf, vprintf, vfprintf, vsprintf, vsnprintf
    错误:expected ‘=’, ‘,’, ‘;’, ‘asm’ or ‘__attribute__’ before ‘{’ token
  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shenxiaolin/p/7924002.html
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