上周通过了SFDC 401 考试,一下是对考试题的回忆。
1. Using a formula field how would a developer calculate the number of days since a record has been created? The CreatedDate field is a DateTime type field.
a. TODAY() – DATEVALUE(CreatedDate)
b. NOW() – DATEVALUE(CreatedDate)
c. TODAY() – CreatedDate
d. CreatedDate – TODAY()
真题,Ans. C
2. Encrypted fields可以在什么地方显示?
3. Which field is available as part of the translation workbench for a validation rule?
A. Rule Criteria
B. Formula
C. Description
D. Error Message
4. The number of master detail relationship
that an object can have are
A. 1
B. 2
C. 25
5. Universal Recruiters uses Force.com as its recruitment
platform. The Sales VP of Universal Recruiters will like a
report that will display progress in recruitment across six
months. Which reporting component can be used to
implement this feature? Select the one correct answer.
A. Summary
B. Matrix
C. Tabular
D. Analytic Snapshot
6. Time-dependent workflow will not work with which type of workflow evaluation criteria
A. Only when a Record is created
B. Every time a record is created or edited
C. Every kind of workflow evaluation criteria
D. When a Record is edited and it did not previously meet the rule criteria
类似题,问Time-dependent workflow will work with which type of workflow evaluation criteria
7. Across what environments are Salesforce IDs identical?
A. Production and Developer
B. Developer and Full Sandbox
C. Production and Configuration
D. Developer and Configuration
8. Which of the following refers to the data model of Salesforce? (Choose 2)
a. Force.com API
b. Force.com metadata API
c. Sandbox
d. Force.com IDE
9. What 2 things does the primary relationship detail object in a master-detail
relationship inherit?
Select 2 from the following:
A. Non-formula based values from the master
B. The color and associated tab icon from the primary master record.
C. The value of the Owner field and sharing/security settings from the primary master
record. B,C
类似,主要理解primary relationship
10. Salesforce.com has notified that they have enabled the ability to update audit fields for your organization.
When inserting a record which field can you set ? Choose the right answer?
11. An organization wants to leverage a custom object to track bugs. The organization wants the ability
to relate bugs to parent bugs in a parent-child relationship. What type of relationship should be used?
B.Self (Correct Answer)
C.Lookup (Your Answer)
12. What is NOT a component of a custom Force.com application?
A.Default landing page
B. Custom tab
C. Data warehouse
D.Custom object
13. A job application object has a child review object to store candidate reviews. The review needs to be tracked between a score of 1 to 5. The score has to be a choice between 1 and 5 displayed as a radio button. How will a developer cater to this requirement?
a. Create 5 fields for scores (1 to 5) of type radio-button and use it in review page layout
b. Create a dependent picklist that feeds the radio button type field
c. Create a formula field
d. Create a Visualforce page with radio buttons for the review object
Ans. D,好像有这题
14. An application was designed without considering whether requirements for reports include dashboards. Out of the following statements which one is TRUE?
a. The data model will support all the requirements of the application, including reports and dashboards
b. Reports are part of the application and application design will take care of it
c. No special considerations for reports or dashboards are required as Salesforce can natively take care of the requirements
d. The data model and the application will not cater for reports and dashboards
Ans. D,类似题:An application was designed without considering control security
15. First 3 Char of 15 Digit Id's identify the ?
16. Which of the following is not allowed ?
A).Master (Custom object) and Detail (Standard object)
B).Master (Custom object) and Detail (Custom object)
C).Look Up between (Standard object) and (Standard object)
D).Look Up between (Standard object) and (Custom object)
17.When loading Account, Contact, and User data, what represents the recommended order to load the data?
A. Load Accounts, then Contacts, then Users
B. The order does not matter
C. Load Contacts, then Accounts, then Users
D. Load Users, then Accounts, then Contacts
题目是如果load这些data,需要考虑什么问题,我选择的是不能load user
18. Hiring managers at Universal Containers would like a visual mechanism for determining review score outliers. Review scores are captured as a custom field on a custom Review object and can range from 1 to 10. Any review score that is > 8 should be highlighted in green. Any review score that is < 4 should be highlighted in red.
How would a developer accomplish this?
A. Use matrix reports
B. Use conditional highlight
C. Use custom summary formulas
D. Use charts
19. Object B has a lookup relationship to Object A. Object c has a lookup relationship to Object B. A developer needs to run a report on A records with C records.
How can the developer accomplish this?
A. Run a report using the standard report type: A with B with C
B. Create a summary report with a custom summary formula summarizing by A, then B, then C
C. Create a custom report type that includes A with B with C
Create a matrix report with A and B records as column headings and C records as row headings
20. An organization has created an application manage new hires and job positions. A custom object has been created to manage all job positions. Using an approval process they have configured the application to have the first step of the process require approvals from three different hiring managers.
Select the two (2) possible approval choices based on multiple approvers for an approval step.
a) Approve or reject based on the first response.
b) Require unanimous approval from all selected approvers…
c) Require majority approval from all selected approvers
d) Require x out of y approval from all selected approvers
Ans. a,b. 真题,a选项说法不同
21. Users X and Y need to see the same candidate record. For security reasons, user Y should NOT be able to view and report on the Email Address field on the record.
How would a developer meet this requirement?
A. Use field-level security to make the email address visible to user X but not user Y
B. Use page layouts to make the email address visible to user X but not user Y
C. Use a custom Visualforce page to make the email address visible to user X but not user Y
D. Use a sharing rule to make the email address only visible to user X
22. A developer has added a custom object tab to an application.
Which additional feature will become available by default for the object in the application?
Choose 3 answers
A. Custom reporting
B. Recent items
C. Sidebar search
D. Quick create
E. Create New sidebar component
23.In a recruiting application, all users should be able to see positions that have a status of Open.
If the status is anything other than Open, the position should be visible only to the record owner.
How would a developer accomplish this?
A.Set user’s profiles to ensure to view only for open positions
B.Set the organization wide default for positions to Public Read-only, then use a sharing rule to restrict access to closed positions
C.Set the organization wide default for positions to Private, then use manual sharing to add or remove access as positions change status
D.Set the organization wide default for positions to Private, then use a sharing rule to automatically share open positions
多选题,选3个debug log记录的信息
25. Which functionality cannot be achieved by final rejection action in an Approval Process?
A.Change the status of a field to “Rejected”
B.Send an email notification
C.Unlock the record
D.Delete the Record
类似题,delete the Rocord 用“把记录移到回收站”代替
26. Data Loader
A. Support import and export by csv files
B. Support import and export with a database via JDBC
C. Support custom relationship for upsert
D· Can be run from command line, command line supports regular scheduling of loads.
E.·Operations: Extract, Upsert, Insert, Delete, Update
有两题关于data loader的,选项有Can be run from command line + Operations: Extract, Upsert, Insert, Delete, Update + can deduplicate records.
27. junction object必考
28.In a recruiting application, all users should be able to see positions that have a status of Open. If the status is anything other than Open, the position should be visible only to the record owner.
How would a developer accomplish this?
- Set user’s profiles to ensure to view only for open positions
- Set the organization wide default for positions to Public Read-only, then use a sharing rule to restrict access to closed positions
- Set the organization wide default for positions to Private, then use manual sharing to add or remove access as positions change status
- Set the organization wide default for positions to Private, then use a sharing rule to automatically share open positions
29.A manager in an organization wants to share specific fields of data to his subordinates that only he has access to. What is the best way to share specific fields of data?imp
Please select two (2) choices.
a) Run As on dashboards
b) Folder Permission on a Report
c) Run As on scheduled reports
d) Folder Permission on a Dashboard
30. Which of the following cannot be used on a User Page Layout? Please select two (2) choices.
a) Tags…
b) Links
c) Buttons…
d) Custom Fields
e) Inline Visualforce
31. Which functionality is NOT available on the Custom Object ?
A).Validation Rules
B).Assignment Rules
D).Record Types