using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
class ObserverPattern {
//Observer Pattern Judith Bishop Sept 2007
// Demonstrates Blog updates. Observers can subscribe and unsubscribe
// online through a GUI.
// State type
public class Blogs {
public string Name {get; set;}
public string Topic {get; set;}
public Blogs (string name, string topic) {
Name = name;
Topic = topic;
public delegate void Callback (Blogs blog);
// The Subject runs in a thread and changes its state
// independently by calling the Iterator. At each change,
// it notifies its Observers
// The Callbacks are in a collection based on blogger name
class Subject {
Dictionary <string,Callback> Notify = new Dictionary <string,Callback> ();
Simulator simulator = new Simulator();
const int speed = 4000;
public void Go() {
new Thread(new ThreadStart(Run)).Start();
void Run () {
foreach (Blogs blog in simulator) {
Register(blog.Name); // if necessary
Notify[blog.Name](blog); // publish changes
Thread.Sleep(speed); // millisconds
// Adds to the blogger list if unknown
void Register (string blogger) {
if (!Notify.ContainsKey(blogger)) {
Notify[blogger] = delegate {};
public void Attach(string blogger, Callback Update) {
Notify[blogger] += Update;
public void Detach(string blogger, Callback Update) {
// Possible problem here
Notify[blogger] -= Update;
class Interact : Form {
public TextBox wall ;
public Button subscribeButton, unsubscribeButton ;
public TextBox messageBox;
string name;
public Interact(string name, EventHandler Input) {
Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = true;
// wall must be first! = name;
wall = new TextBox();
wall.Multiline = true;
wall.Location = new Point(0, 30);
wall.Width = 300;
wall.Height = 200;
wall.AcceptsReturn = true;
wall.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
this.Text = name;
wall.Font = new Font(wall.Font.Name, 12);
// Panel must be second
Panel p = new Panel();
messageBox = new TextBox();
messageBox.Width = 120;
subscribeButton = new Button();
subscribeButton.Left = messageBox.Width;
subscribeButton.Text = "Subscribe";
subscribeButton.Click += new EventHandler(Input);
unsubscribeButton = new Button();
unsubscribeButton.Left = messageBox.Width+subscribeButton.Width;
unsubscribeButton.Text = "Unsubscribe";
unsubscribeButton.Click += new EventHandler(Input);
p.Height = subscribeButton.Height;
p.Height = unsubscribeButton.Height;
p.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
public void Output(string message) {
if (this.InvokeRequired)
this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate() { Output(message); });
else {
wall.AppendText(message + "\r\n");
// Useful if more observer types
interface IObserver {
void Update(Blogs state);
class Observer : IObserver {
string name;
Subject blogs;
Interact visuals;
public Observer (Subject subject, string name) {
this.blogs = subject; = name;
visuals = new Interact(name,Input);
new Thread((ParameterizedThreadStart) delegate(object o) {
// Wait to load the GUI
while (visuals == null || !visuals.IsHandleCreated) {
public void Input(object source, EventArgs e) {
// Subscribe to the specified blogger
if (source == visuals.subscribeButton) {
blogs.Attach(visuals.messageBox.Text, Update);
visuals.wall.AppendText("Subscribed to "+visuals.messageBox.Text+"\r\n");
} else
//Unsubscribe to the blogger
if (source == visuals.unsubscribeButton) {
blogs.Detach(visuals.messageBox.Text, Update);
visuals.wall.AppendText("Unsubscribed from "+visuals.messageBox.Text+"\r\n");
public void Update(Blogs blog) {
visuals.Output("Blog from "+blog.Name+" on "+blog.Topic);
// Iterator to supply the data
class Simulator : IEnumerable {
Blogs [] bloggers = {new Blogs ("Jim","UML diagrams"),
new Blogs("Eric","Iterators"),
new Blogs("Eric","Extension Methods"),
new Blogs("Judith","Delegates"),
new Blogs("Eric","Type inference"),
new Blogs("Jim","Threads"),
new Blogs("Eric","Lamda expressions"),
new Blogs("Judith","Anonymous properties"),
new Blogs("Eric","Generic delegates"),
new Blogs("Jim","Efficiency")};
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator () {
foreach( Blogs blog in bloggers )
yield return blog;
static void Main () {
Subject subject = new Subject();
Observer Observer = new Observer(subject,"Thabo");
Observer observer2 = new Observer(subject,"Ellen");
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using System.Threading;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
class ObserverPattern {
//Observer Pattern Judith Bishop Sept 2007
// Demonstrates Blog updates. Observers can subscribe and unsubscribe
// online through a GUI.
// State type
public class Blogs {
public string Name {get; set;}
public string Topic {get; set;}
public Blogs (string name, string topic) {
Name = name;
Topic = topic;
public delegate void Callback (Blogs blog);
// The Subject runs in a thread and changes its state
// independently by calling the Iterator. At each change,
// it notifies its Observers
// The Callbacks are in a collection based on blogger name
class Subject {
Dictionary <string,Callback> Notify = new Dictionary <string,Callback> ();
Simulator simulator = new Simulator();
const int speed = 4000;
public void Go() {
new Thread(new ThreadStart(Run)).Start();
void Run () {
foreach (Blogs blog in simulator) {
Register(blog.Name); // if necessary
Notify[blog.Name](blog); // publish changes
Thread.Sleep(speed); // millisconds
// Adds to the blogger list if unknown
void Register (string blogger) {
if (!Notify.ContainsKey(blogger)) {
Notify[blogger] = delegate {};
public void Attach(string blogger, Callback Update) {
Notify[blogger] += Update;
public void Detach(string blogger, Callback Update) {
// Possible problem here
Notify[blogger] -= Update;
class Interact : Form {
public TextBox wall ;
public Button subscribeButton, unsubscribeButton ;
public TextBox messageBox;
string name;
public Interact(string name, EventHandler Input) {
Control.CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = true;
// wall must be first! = name;
wall = new TextBox();
wall.Multiline = true;
wall.Location = new Point(0, 30);
wall.Width = 300;
wall.Height = 200;
wall.AcceptsReturn = true;
wall.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;
this.Text = name;
wall.Font = new Font(wall.Font.Name, 12);
// Panel must be second
Panel p = new Panel();
messageBox = new TextBox();
messageBox.Width = 120;
subscribeButton = new Button();
subscribeButton.Left = messageBox.Width;
subscribeButton.Text = "Subscribe";
subscribeButton.Click += new EventHandler(Input);
unsubscribeButton = new Button();
unsubscribeButton.Left = messageBox.Width+subscribeButton.Width;
unsubscribeButton.Text = "Unsubscribe";
unsubscribeButton.Click += new EventHandler(Input);
p.Height = subscribeButton.Height;
p.Height = unsubscribeButton.Height;
p.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
public void Output(string message) {
if (this.InvokeRequired)
this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate() { Output(message); });
else {
wall.AppendText(message + "\r\n");
// Useful if more observer types
interface IObserver {
void Update(Blogs state);
class Observer : IObserver {
string name;
Subject blogs;
Interact visuals;
public Observer (Subject subject, string name) {
this.blogs = subject; = name;
visuals = new Interact(name,Input);
new Thread((ParameterizedThreadStart) delegate(object o) {
// Wait to load the GUI
while (visuals == null || !visuals.IsHandleCreated) {
public void Input(object source, EventArgs e) {
// Subscribe to the specified blogger
if (source == visuals.subscribeButton) {
blogs.Attach(visuals.messageBox.Text, Update);
visuals.wall.AppendText("Subscribed to "+visuals.messageBox.Text+"\r\n");
} else
//Unsubscribe to the blogger
if (source == visuals.unsubscribeButton) {
blogs.Detach(visuals.messageBox.Text, Update);
visuals.wall.AppendText("Unsubscribed from "+visuals.messageBox.Text+"\r\n");
public void Update(Blogs blog) {
visuals.Output("Blog from "+blog.Name+" on "+blog.Topic);
// Iterator to supply the data
class Simulator : IEnumerable {
Blogs [] bloggers = {new Blogs ("Jim","UML diagrams"),
new Blogs("Eric","Iterators"),
new Blogs("Eric","Extension Methods"),
new Blogs("Judith","Delegates"),
new Blogs("Eric","Type inference"),
new Blogs("Jim","Threads"),
new Blogs("Eric","Lamda expressions"),
new Blogs("Judith","Anonymous properties"),
new Blogs("Eric","Generic delegates"),
new Blogs("Jim","Efficiency")};
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator () {
foreach( Blogs blog in bloggers )
yield return blog;
static void Main () {
Subject subject = new Subject();
Observer Observer = new Observer(subject,"Thabo");
Observer observer2 = new Observer(subject,"Ellen");