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  • 走进C标准库(3)——"stdio.h"中的getc和ungetc



    int getc(FILE *stream)

    说明:函数getc从stream指向的输入流中读取下一个字符(如果有的话),并把它由unsigned char类型转换为int类型,并且流的相关的文件定位符(如果定义的话)向前移动一位。


    int ungetc( int c , FILE *stream );


    函数ungetc把c指定的字符(转换为unsigned char类型)退回到stream指向的输入流中,退回字符是通过对流的后续读取并按照退回的反顺序来返回的。如果中间成功调用(对同一个流)了一个文件定位函数(fseek、fsetpos或者rewind),那么就会丢弃流的所有退回的字符。流的相应的外部存储保持不变。













    int __cdecl ungetc (
            REG2 int ch,
            FILE *str
            REG1 FILE *stream;
            _ASSERTE(str != NULL);
            /* Init stream pointer and file descriptor */
            stream = str;
            /* Stream must be open for read and can NOT be currently in write mode.
               Also, ungetc() character cannot be EOF. */
            if (
                  (ch == EOF) ||
                    (stream->_flag & _IOREAD) ||
                    ((stream->_flag & _IORW) && !(stream->_flag & _IOWRT))
            /* If stream is unbuffered, get one. */
            if (stream->_base == NULL)
            /* now we know _base != NULL; since file must be buffered */
            if (stream->_ptr == stream->_base) {
                    if (stream->_cnt)
                            /* my back is against the wall; i've already done
                             * ungetc, and there's no room for this one
            if (stream->_flag & _IOSTRG) {
                /* If stream opened by sscanf do not modify buffer */
                    if (*--stream->_ptr != (char)ch) {
            } else
                    *--stream->_ptr = (char)ch;
            stream->_flag &= ~_IOEOF;
            stream->_flag |= _IOREAD;       /* may already be set */
            return(0xff & ch);



     1 void __cdecl _getbuf (
     2         FILE *str
     3         )
     4 {
     5         REG1 FILE *stream;
     6         _ASSERTE(str != NULL);
     7         stream = str;
     8         if (stream->_base = _malloc_crt(_INTERNAL_BUFSIZ))
     9         {
    10                 stream->_flag |= _IOMYBUF;
    11                 stream->_bufsiz = _INTERNAL_BUFSIZ;
    12         }
    13         else {
    14                 stream->_flag |= _IONBF;
    15                 stream->_base = (char *)&(stream->_charbuf);
    16                 stream->_bufsiz = 2;
    17                 stream->_ptr = stream->_base;
    18                 stream->_cnt = 0;
    19         return;
    20 }

    可以看到,当_getbuf分配不成功时,_base指针会指向_charbuf作为一个1 int长度的空间(可能是因为平台的原因,这里将1int理解为2个char),此时的_buffersize就为2。通过_charbuf的使用,也保证了当buffer分配失败时,也能正常从文件中读取数据。


    #define getc(_stream)     (--(_stream)->_cnt >= 0 \
                    ? 0xff & *(_stream)->_ptr++ : _filbuf(_stream))

    表达式 (--(_stream)->_cnt >= 0 ? 0xff & *(_stream)->_ptr++ : _filbuf(_stream)) 的意义为:

    数据存储区域剩余字符的数目大于0的时候,减少一个剩余字符计数,返回0xff & *(_stream)->_ptr++;


    通过0xff & *(_stream)->_ptr++,getc函数获得了当前文件定位符指向的内容(只取8位?难道char还能不止8位吗?),然后文件定位符前移


     1 int __cdecl _filbuf (
     2         FILE *str
     3         )
     4 {
     5         REG1 FILE *stream;
     6         _ASSERTE(str != NULL);
     7         /* Init pointer to _iob2 entry. */
     8         stream = str;
     9         if (!inuse(stream) || stream->_flag & _IOSTRG)
    10                 return(_TEOF);
    11         if (stream->_flag & _IOWRT) {
    12                 stream->_flag |= _IOERR;
    13                 return(_TEOF);
    14         }
    15         stream->_flag |= _IOREAD;
    16         /* Get a buffer, if necessary. */
    17         if (!anybuf(stream))
    18                 _getbuf(stream);
    19         else
    20                 stream->_ptr = stream->_base;
    21         stream->_cnt = _read(_fileno(stream), stream->_base, stream->_bufsiz);
    22         if ((stream->_cnt == 0) || (stream->_cnt == -1)) {
    23                      stream->_flag |= stream->_cnt ? _IOERR : _IOEOF;
    24                 stream->_cnt = 0;
    25                 return(_TEOF);
    26         }
    28         if (  !(stream->_flag & (_IOWRT|_IORW)) &&
    29               ((_osfile_safe(_fileno(stream)) & (FTEXT|FEOFLAG)) ==
    30                 (FTEXT|FEOFLAG)) )
    31                 stream->_flag |= _IOCTRLZ;
    32         /* Check for small _bufsiz (_SMALL_BUFSIZ). If it is small and
    33            if it is our buffer, then this must be the first _filbuf after
    34            an fseek on a read-access-only stream. Restore _bufsiz to its
    35            larger value (_INTERNAL_BUFSIZ) so that the next _filbuf call,
    36            if one is made, will fill the whole buffer. */
    37         if ( (stream->_bufsiz == _SMALL_BUFSIZ) && (stream->_flag &
    38               _IOMYBUF) && !(stream->_flag & _IOSETVBUF) )
    39         {
    40                 stream->_bufsiz = _INTERNAL_BUFSIZ;
    41         }
    42         stream->_cnt--;
    43         return(0xff & *stream->_ptr++);
    44 }

    在语句stream->_cnt = _read(_fileno(stream), stream->_base, stream->_bufsiz);中通过调用_read函数来将原来在硬盘文件中的数据读取到程序数据段的栈空间中,具体的功能看下_read的代码:

      1 /***
      2 *int _read(fh, buf, cnt) - read bytes from a file handle
      3 *
      4 *Purpose:
      5 *       Attempts to read cnt bytes from fh into a buffer.
      6 *       If the file is in text mode, CR-LF's are mapped to LF's, thus
      7 *       affecting the number of characters read.  This does not
      8 *       affect the file pointer.
      9 *
     10 *       NOTE:  The stdio _IOCTRLZ flag is tied to the use of FEOFLAG.
     11 *       Cross-reference the two symbols before changing FEOFLAG's use.
     12 *
     13 *Entry:
     14 *       int fh - file handle to read from
     15 *       char *buf - buffer to read into
     16 *       int cnt - number of bytes to read
     17 *
     18 *Exit:
     19 *       Returns number of bytes read (may be less than the number requested
     20 *       if the EOF was reached or the file is in text mode).
     21 *       returns -1 (and sets errno) if fails.
     22 *
     23 *Exceptions:
     24 *
     25 *******************************************************************************/
     27 int __cdecl _read (
     28         int fh,
     29         void *buf,
     30         unsigned cnt
     31         )
     32 {
     33         int bytes_read;                 /* number of bytes read */
     34         char *buffer;                   /* buffer to read to */
     35         int os_read;                    /* bytes read on OS call */
     36         char *p, *q;                    /* pointers into buffer */
     37         char peekchr;                   /* peek-ahead character */
     38         ULONG filepos;                  /* file position after seek */
     39         ULONG dosretval;                /* o.s. return value */
     41         /* validate fh */
     42         if ( ((unsigned)fh >= (unsigned)_nhandle) ||
     43              !(_osfile(fh) & FOPEN) )
     44         {
     45             /* bad file handle */
     46             errno = EBADF;
     47             _doserrno = 0;              /* not o.s. error */
     48             return -1;
     49         }
     50         bytes_read = 0;                 /* nothing read yet */
     51         buffer = buf;
     52         if (cnt == 0 || (_osfile(fh) & FEOFLAG)) {
     53             /* nothing to read or at EOF, so return 0 read */
     54             return 0;
     55         }
     56         if ((_osfile(fh) & (FPIPE|FDEV)) && _pipech(fh) != LF) {
     57             /* a pipe/device and pipe lookahead non-empty: read the lookahead
     58              * char */
     59             *buffer++ = _pipech(fh);
     60             ++bytes_read;
     61             --cnt;
     62             _pipech(fh) = LF;           /* mark as empty */
     63         }
     65         /* read the data */
     67         if ( !ReadFile( (HANDLE)_osfhnd(fh), buffer, cnt, (LPDWORD)&os_read,
     68                         NULL ) )
     69         {
     70             /* ReadFile has reported an error. recognize two special cases.
     71              *
     72              *      1. map ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED to EBADF
     73              *
     74              *      2. just return 0 if ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE has occurred. it
     75              *         means the handle is a read-handle on a pipe for which
     76              *         all write-handles have been closed and all data has been
     77              *         read. */
     79             if ( (dosretval = GetLastError()) == ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED ) {
     80                 /* wrong read/write mode should return EBADF, not EACCES */
     81                 errno = EBADF;
     82                 _doserrno = dosretval;
     83                 return -1;
     84             }
     85             else if ( dosretval == ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE ) {
     86                 return 0;
     87             }
     88             else {
     89                 _dosmaperr(dosretval);
     90                 return -1;
     91             }
     92         }
     93         bytes_read += os_read;          /* update bytes read */
     94         if (_osfile(fh) & FTEXT) {
     95             /* now must translate CR-LFs to LFs in the buffer */
     97             /* set CRLF flag to indicate LF at beginning of buffer */
     98             if ( (os_read != 0) && (*(char *)buf == LF) )
     99                 _osfile(fh) |= FCRLF;
    100             else
    101                 _osfile(fh) &= ~FCRLF;
    103             /* convert chars in the buffer: p is src, q is dest */
    104             p = q = buf;
    105             while (p < (char *)buf + bytes_read) {
    106                 if (*p == CTRLZ) {
    107                     /* if fh is not a device, set ctrl-z flag */
    108                     if ( !(_osfile(fh) & FDEV) )
    109                         _osfile(fh) |= FEOFLAG;
    110                     break;              /* stop translating */
    111                 }
    112                 else if (*p != CR)
    113                     *q++ = *p++;
    114                 else {
    115                     /* *p is CR, so must check next char for LF */
    116                     if (p < (char *)buf + bytes_read - 1) {
    117                         if (*(p+1) == LF) {
    118                             p += 2;
    119                             *q++ = LF;  /* convert CR-LF to LF */
    120                         }
    121                         else
    122                             *q++ = *p++;    /* store char normally */
    123                     }
    124                     else {
    125                         /* This is the hard part.  We found a CR at end of
    126                            buffer.  We must peek ahead to see if next char
    127                            is an LF. */
    128                         ++p;
    130                         dosretval = 0;
    131                         if ( !ReadFile( (HANDLE)_osfhnd(fh), &peekchr, 1,
    132                                         (LPDWORD)&os_read, NULL ) )
    133                             dosretval = GetLastError();
    134                         if (dosretval != 0 || os_read == 0) {
    135                             /* couldn't read ahead, store CR */
    136                             *q++ = CR;
    137                         }
    138                         else {
    139                             /* peekchr now has the extra character -- we now
    140                                have several possibilities:
    141                                1. disk file and char is not LF; just seek back
    142                                   and copy CR
    143                                2. disk file and char is LF; seek back and
    144                                   discard CR
    145                                3. disk file, char is LF but this is a one-byte
    146                                   read: store LF, don't seek back
    147                                4. pipe/device and char is LF; store LF.
    148                                5. pipe/device and char isn't LF, store CR and
    149                                   put char in pipe lookahead buffer. */
    150                             if (_osfile(fh) & (FDEV|FPIPE)) {
    151                                 /* non-seekable device */
    152                                 if (peekchr == LF)
    153                                     *q++ = LF;
    154                                 else {
    155                                     *q++ = CR;
    156                                     _pipech(fh) = peekchr;
    157                                 }
    158                             }
    159                             else {
    160                                 /* disk file */
    161                                 if (q == buf && peekchr == LF) {
    162                                     /* nothing read yet; must make some
    163                                        progress */
    164                                     *q++ = LF;
    165                                 }
    166                                 else {
    167                                     /* seek back */
    168                                     filepos = _lseek_lk(fh, -1, FILE_CURRENT);
    169                                     if (peekchr != LF)
    170                                         *q++ = CR;
    171                                 }
    172                             }
    173                         }
    174                     }
    175                 }
    176             }
    178             /* we now change bytes_read to reflect the true number of chars
    179                in the buffer */
    180             bytes_read = q - (char *)buf;
    181         }
    182         return bytes_read;              /* and return */
    183 }


    BOOL WINAPI ReadFile(
      _In_         HANDLE hFile,
      _Out_        LPVOID lpBuffer,
      _In_         DWORD nNumberOfBytesToRead,
      _Out_opt_    LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesRead,
      _Inout_opt_  LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped






     1 typedef struct _iobuf {
     2     char *_ptr; 
     3     int _cnt; 
     4     char *_base; 
     5     int _flag; 
     6     int _file; 
     7     int _charbuf; 
     8     int _bufsiz; 
     9     char *_tmpfname;
    10 }FILE;













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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shijiezhenmei/p/3659346.html
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