create proc p_myhelpindex @tbname sysname ='' , @CLUSTERED int = '1' as --生成索引信息及索引创建脚本 --@tbname 表名,空返回空 --@CLUSTERED 是否显示聚集索引,1显示聚集索引,2不显示聚集索引 --调用:p_myhelpindex 'dbo.customers','1' if @tbname is null or @tbname = '' return -1 declare @t table( table_name nvarchar(100), schema_name nvarchar(100), fill_factor int, is_padded int, ix_name nvarchar(100), type int, keyno int, column_name nvarchar(200), cluster varchar(20), ignore_dupkey varchar(20), [unique] varchar(20), groupfile varchar(10) ) declare @table_name nvarchar(100), @schema_name nvarchar(100), @fill_factor int, @is_padded int, @ix_name nvarchar(100),@ix_name_old nvarchar(100), @type int, @keyno int, @column_name nvarchar(100), --@column_name_temp nvarchar(500), @cluster varchar(20), @ignore_dupkey varchar(20), @unique varchar(20), @groupfile varchar(10) declare ms_crs_ind cursor local static for select distinct table_name =, schema_name =, fill_factor= c.origfillfactor, is_padded = case when c.status = 256 then 1 else 0 end, ix_name =, type = c.indid , d.keyno, column_name = + case when indexkey_property(,c.indid, d.keyno, 'isdescending') =1 then ' desc ' else '' end, case when (c.status & 16)<>0 then 'clustered' else 'nonclustered' end, case when (c.status & 1) <>0 then 'IGNORE_DUP_KEY' else '' end, case when (c.status & 2) <>0 then 'unique' else '' end , g.groupname from sysobjects a inner join sysusers b on a.uid = b.uid inner join sysindexes c on = inner join sysindexkeys d on = and c.indid = d.indid inner join syscolumns e on = and d.colid = e.colid inner join sysfilegroups g on g.groupid = c.groupid left join master.dbo.spt_values f on f.number = c.status and f.type = 'I' where = object_id(@tbname) and c.indid < 255 and (c.status & 64)=0 and c.indid >= @CLUSTERED order by c.indid,d.keyno open ms_crs_ind fetch ms_crs_ind into @table_name , @schema_name , @fill_factor, @is_padded, @ix_name, @type , @keyno, @column_name, @cluster , @ignore_dupkey , @unique , @groupfile if @@fetch_status < 0 begin deallocate ms_crs_ind raiserror(15472,-1,-1) --'Object does not have any indexes.' return -1 end while @@fetch_status >= 0 begin if exists(select 1 from @t where ix_name = @ix_name) update @t set column_name = column_name+','+@column_name WHERE IX_NAME = @IX_NAME else insert into @t select @table_name , @schema_name , @fill_factor, @is_padded, @ix_name, @type , @keyno, @column_name, @cluster , @ignore_dupkey , @unique , @groupfile fetch ms_crs_ind into @table_name , @schema_name , @fill_factor, @is_padded, @ix_name, @type , @keyno, @column_name, @cluster , @ignore_dupkey , @unique , @groupfile end deallocate ms_crs_ind select 'CREATE '+upper([unique])+ case when [unique] = '' then '' else ' ' end+upper(cluster)+' INDEX '+ix_name+' ON '+table_name+'('+column_name+')' + case when fill_factor > 0 or is_padded = 1 or (upper(cluster) != 'NONCLUSTERED' and ignore_dupkey = 'IGNORE_DUP_KEY' ) then ' WITH ' +case when is_padded = 1 then 'PAD_INDEX,' else '' end +case when fill_factor > 0 then 'FILLFACTOR ='+ltrim(fill_factor) else '' end +case when ignore_dupkey = 'IGNORE_DUP_KEY' and upper(cluster) = 'NONCLUSTERED' then case when (fill_factor > 0 or is_padded = 1) then ',IGNORE_DUP_KEY' else ',IGNORE_DUP_KEY' end else '' end else '' end +' ON ['+ groupfile+']' as col from @t return 0 go --转自 --输出全库所有表的索引脚本 declare @tbname varchar(50) create table #t(txt varchar(500)) declare @sql varchar(100) declare tbna cursor local for select name from sysobjects where xtype='U' --and name like '%090324' open tbna fetch next from tbna into @tbname while @@fetch_status=0 begin set @sql='insert #t(txt) exec p_myhelpindex '''+@tbname+'''' exec(@sql) fetch next from tbna into @tbname end close tbna deallocate tbna select * from #t drop table #t