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  • Vbs修改Host文件


    1 '==========================================================================
    2 '
    3 ' VBScript Source File -- Created with SAPIEN Technologies PrimalScript 4.1
    4 '
    5 ' NAME: ModifyHostsFile
    6 '
    7 ' COMMENT:
    8 '
    9 '==========================================================================
    11  Set wshshell=wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
    12 filepath=WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts")
    14  Dim strHosts,i
    15  'strHosts为需要更新Host记录,可以多条,IP与域名之间空格隔开,不同记录间逗号隔开
    16 strHosts = " www.gasgoo.com"
    17 hostArr = Split(strHosts,",")
    18 Call InsertBlankLine
    19 For i = 0 To UBound(hostArr)
    20 Call AddComment(filepath,hostArr(i)) '根据不同需求调用不同方法
    21 Next
    23 wshshell.run "cmd /c ipconfig /flushdns",0 '刷新DNS
    25 Public Sub WriteNew(ByVal filepath,Byval subhost) '插入、更新或去掉注释
    26 Dim fso, objFile, rs,ws,fileString,strLine,myArr,i
    27 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    28 Set objFile = fso.GetFile(filepath)
    29 Set rs = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(1,-2)
    30 fileString = rs.ReadAll()
    31 rs.close()
    32 Set rs = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(1,-2)
    33 Do While Not rs.AtEndOfStream
    34 strLine = Trim(rs.ReadLine())
    35 i = InStr(strLine,subhost)
    36 If i <> 0 Then
    37 If Not Eval("strLine = subhost") Then
    38 Set ws = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(2,-2)
    39 myArr = Split(strLine,"#")
    40 fileString = Replace(fileString,strLine,myArr(1))
    41 ws.Write(fileString)
    42 ws.close()
    43 Else
    44 End If
    45 Exit Do
    46 Else
    47 End If
    48 Loop
    49 rs.Close()
    50 If i = 0 Then
    51 Set ws = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(8,-2)
    52 ws.writeLine(subhost)
    53 ws.close()
    54 Else
    55 End If
    56 Set fso = Nothing
    57 End Sub
    59 Public Sub AddComment(ByVal filepath,ByVal subhost) '注释指定记录
    60 Dim fso,objFile,rs,ws,fileString,strLine,i
    61 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    62 Set objFile = fso.GetFile(filepath)
    63 Set rs = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(1,-2)
    64 fileString = rs.ReadAll()
    65 rs.close()
    66 Set rs = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(1,-2)
    67 Do While Not rs.AtEndOfStream
    68 strLine = Trim(rs.ReadLine())
    69 If Eval("strLine = subhost") Then
    70 Set ws = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(2,-2)
    71 fileString = Replace(fileString,strLine,"#" & subhost)
    72 ws.Write(fileString)
    73 ws.close()
    74 Else
    75 End If
    76 Loop
    77 rs.close()
    78 Set fso = Nothing
    79 End Sub
    81 Public Sub DeleteOld(ByVal filepath,ByVal subhost) '删除指定记录
    82 Dim fso, objFile, rs,ws,fileString,strLine,i
    83 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    84 Set objFile = fso.GetFile(filepath)
    85 Set rs = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(1,-2)
    86 fileString = rs.ReadAll()
    87 rs.Close()
    88 Set rs = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(1,-2)
    89 While Not rs.AtEndOfStream
    90 strLine = Trim(rs.ReadLine())
    91 i = InStr(strLine,subhost)
    92 If i <> 0 Then
    93 Set ws = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(2,-2)
    94 fileString = Replace(fileString,strLine,"")
    95 ws.Write(fileString)
    96 ws.close()
    97 Else
    98 End If
    99 Wend
    100 rs.close()
    101 Set fso = Nothing
    102 End Sub
    104 Public Sub InsertBlankLine() '插入空白行
    105 Dim fso,objFile,ws
    106 Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    107 Set objFile = fso.GetFile(filepath)
    108 Set ws = objFile.OpenAsTextStream(8,-2)
    109 ws.WriteBlankLines(1)
    110 ws.close()
    111 Set fso = Nothing
    112 End Sub
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