Dim _portalSettings As PortalSettings = CType(HttpContext.Current.Items("PortalSettings"), PortalSettings)
二,获取模块标题为:Site Settings 的ID(存储过程GetSiteMode()),然后根据该ID获取DNN的容器
三,遍历HTML窗体的服务器控件(Me.Controls,注释:定义所有asp.net服务器控件共享的属性,方法和事件)如果它的类型是HTMLCONTROL(TypeOf ctlControl Is HtmlControl)(注释:HTML服务器控件的所通用的方法,属性和事件),进行转换,并断定它是否包含“runation=server“的属性值及对应值,只在到_portalSettings的Panes哈期表中
For Each ctlControl In Me.Controls
' load the skin panes
If TypeOf ctlControl Is HtmlControl Then
objHtmlControl = CType(ctlControl, HtmlControl)
If Not objHtmlControl.ID Is Nothing Then
Select Case objHtmlControl.TagName.ToUpper 'leftpane,contentpane,rightpane
Case "TD", "DIV", "SPAN", "P"
' content pane
End Select
End If
End If
If (PortalSecurity.IsInRole(_portalSettings.AdministratorRoleId.ToString) = True Or PortalSecurity.IsInRoles(_portalSettings.ActiveTab.AdministratorRoles.ToString) = True) And blnPreview = False Then
'是以管理登陆,并且它是可以显示边框(-1) 及pane名称的,比如home,skin位置等
If IsAdminTab(_portalSettings.ActiveTab.TabId, _portalSettings.ActiveTab.ParentId) = False Then
blnLayoutMode = True
End If
End If
If blnLayoutMode Then '???管理,并且它是否是独立
Dim ctlPane As Control
Dim strPane As String
For Each strPane In _portalSettings.Panes '_portalSettings.Panes=rightpant,contentpant,rightpane
ctlPane = Me.FindControl(strPane)
ctlPane.Visible = True
' display pane border
If TypeOf ctlPane Is HtmlTableCell Then
CType(ctlPane, HtmlTableCell).Style("border-top") = "1px #CCCCCC dotted"
CType(ctlPane, HtmlTableCell).Style("border-bottom") = "1px #CCCCCC dotted"
CType(ctlPane, HtmlTableCell).Style("border-right") = "1px #CCCCCC dotted"
CType(ctlPane, HtmlTableCell).Style("border-left") = "1px #CCCCCC dotted"
End If
' display pane name
Dim ctlLabel As New Label
ctlLabel.Text = "<center>" & strPane & "</center><br>"
ctlLabel.CssClass = "SubHead"
ctlPane.Controls.AddAt(0, ctlLabel)
End If点击游览效果图:http://www.cnblogs.com/images/cnblogs_com/zc_net/dnn_17.gif
五,从数据库中(DNN_Modules)获取不当前位置的所有模块信息(/dotnetnuke/default.aspx?tabid=1),根据每个模块的的位置(panename),载入到相应的位置当中(panename) ' inject the module into the skin
InjectModule(parent, _moduleSettings, _portalSettings) InjectModule事件的简要的流程:
第一步:先载入容器(~/portal/_default/containers/_default/default.ascx) ctlContainer = LoadContainer("~" & ModuleSettings.ContainerPath.Remove(0, Len(Global.ApplicationPath)) & ModuleSettings.ContainerSrc, objPane)第二步:获取窗口的表格(pane),然后在表格中载入模块
' get container pane
Dim objCell As Control = ctlContainer.FindControl(glbDefaultPane) 'glbDefaultPane="contentpane"
' create a wrapper panel control for the module content min/max
Dim objPanel As New Panel
objPanel.ID = "ModuleContent"
' module user control processing
If Not objPortalModuleControl Is Nothing Then
' inject the module into the panel
End If
' inject the panel into the container pane
' inject the container into the page pane - this triggers the Pre_Init() event for the user control
Dim ModuleId As Integer = -1
Dim Key As String = ""
' get ModuleId(获取模块ID)
If Not IsNothing(Request.QueryString("mid")) Then
ModuleId = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString("mid"))
End If
' get Key(获得关键字),动态进行装载控件
If Not IsNothing(Request.QueryString("def")) Then
Key = Request.QueryString("def") ' old syntax
End If
If Not IsNothing(Request.QueryString("ctl")) Then
Key = Request.QueryString("ctl") ' new syntax
End If
Dim arrModuleControls As ArrayList = objModuleControls.GetModuleControlsByKey(Key, _moduleSettings.ModuleDefId)
For intCounter = 0 To arrModuleControls.Count - 1
If blnAuthorized Then
' inject the module
InjectModule(parent, _moduleSettings, _portalSettings)
Skin.AddPageMessage(Me, "", "Either you are not currently logged in, or you do not have the rights to access this module within the portal.", Skins.ModuleMessage.ModuleMessageType.YellowWarning)
End If
Dim _portalSettings As PortalSettings = CType(HttpContext.Current.Items("PortalSettings"), PortalSettings)
二,获取模块标题为:Site Settings 的ID(存储过程GetSiteMode()),然后根据该ID获取DNN的容器
三,遍历HTML窗体的服务器控件(Me.Controls,注释:定义所有asp.net服务器控件共享的属性,方法和事件)如果它的类型是HTMLCONTROL(TypeOf ctlControl Is HtmlControl)(注释:HTML服务器控件的所通用的方法,属性和事件),进行转换,并断定它是否包含“runation=server“的属性值及对应值,只在到_portalSettings的Panes哈期表中
For Each ctlControl In Me.Controls
' load the skin panes
If TypeOf ctlControl Is HtmlControl Then
objHtmlControl = CType(ctlControl, HtmlControl)
If Not objHtmlControl.ID Is Nothing Then
Select Case objHtmlControl.TagName.ToUpper 'leftpane,contentpane,rightpane
Case "TD", "DIV", "SPAN", "P"
' content pane
End Select
End If
End If
If (PortalSecurity.IsInRole(_portalSettings.AdministratorRoleId.ToString) = True Or PortalSecurity.IsInRoles(_portalSettings.ActiveTab.AdministratorRoles.ToString) = True) And blnPreview = False Then
'是以管理登陆,并且它是可以显示边框(-1) 及pane名称的,比如home,skin位置等
If IsAdminTab(_portalSettings.ActiveTab.TabId, _portalSettings.ActiveTab.ParentId) = False Then
blnLayoutMode = True
End If
End If
If blnLayoutMode Then '???管理,并且它是否是独立
Dim ctlPane As Control
Dim strPane As String
For Each strPane In _portalSettings.Panes '_portalSettings.Panes=rightpant,contentpant,rightpane
ctlPane = Me.FindControl(strPane)
ctlPane.Visible = True
' display pane border
If TypeOf ctlPane Is HtmlTableCell Then
CType(ctlPane, HtmlTableCell).Style("border-top") = "1px #CCCCCC dotted"
CType(ctlPane, HtmlTableCell).Style("border-bottom") = "1px #CCCCCC dotted"
CType(ctlPane, HtmlTableCell).Style("border-right") = "1px #CCCCCC dotted"
CType(ctlPane, HtmlTableCell).Style("border-left") = "1px #CCCCCC dotted"
End If
' display pane name
Dim ctlLabel As New Label
ctlLabel.Text = "<center>" & strPane & "</center><br>"
ctlLabel.CssClass = "SubHead"
ctlPane.Controls.AddAt(0, ctlLabel)
End If点击游览效果图:http://www.cnblogs.com/images/cnblogs_com/zc_net/dnn_17.gif
五,从数据库中(DNN_Modules)获取不当前位置的所有模块信息(/dotnetnuke/default.aspx?tabid=1),根据每个模块的的位置(panename),载入到相应的位置当中(panename) ' inject the module into the skin
InjectModule(parent, _moduleSettings, _portalSettings) InjectModule事件的简要的流程:
第一步:先载入容器(~/portal/_default/containers/_default/default.ascx) ctlContainer = LoadContainer("~" & ModuleSettings.ContainerPath.Remove(0, Len(Global.ApplicationPath)) & ModuleSettings.ContainerSrc, objPane)第二步:获取窗口的表格(pane),然后在表格中载入模块
' get container pane
Dim objCell As Control = ctlContainer.FindControl(glbDefaultPane) 'glbDefaultPane="contentpane"
' create a wrapper panel control for the module content min/max
Dim objPanel As New Panel
objPanel.ID = "ModuleContent"
' module user control processing
If Not objPortalModuleControl Is Nothing Then
' inject the module into the panel
End If
' inject the panel into the container pane
' inject the container into the page pane - this triggers the Pre_Init() event for the user control
Dim ModuleId As Integer = -1
Dim Key As String = ""
' get ModuleId(获取模块ID)
If Not IsNothing(Request.QueryString("mid")) Then
ModuleId = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString("mid"))
End If
' get Key(获得关键字),动态进行装载控件
If Not IsNothing(Request.QueryString("def")) Then
Key = Request.QueryString("def") ' old syntax
End If
If Not IsNothing(Request.QueryString("ctl")) Then
Key = Request.QueryString("ctl") ' new syntax
End If
Dim arrModuleControls As ArrayList = objModuleControls.GetModuleControlsByKey(Key, _moduleSettings.ModuleDefId)
For intCounter = 0 To arrModuleControls.Count - 1
If blnAuthorized Then
' inject the module
InjectModule(parent, _moduleSettings, _portalSettings)
Skin.AddPageMessage(Me, "", "Either you are not currently logged in, or you do not have the rights to access this module within the portal.", Skins.ModuleMessage.ModuleMessageType.YellowWarning)
End If