For example, to send "Hello, world!" via TCP to port 80 of the host with address, one might get a socket, connect it to the remote host, send the string, then close the socket.
A socket API is an application programming interface (API), usually provided by the operating system, that allows application programs to control and use network sockets. Internet socket APIs are usually based on the Berkeley sockets standard. In the Berkeley sockets standard, sockets are a form of file descriptor (a file handle), due to the Unix philosophy that "everything is a file", and the analogies between sockets and files: you can read, write, open, and close both.
A socket address is the combination of an IP address and a port number, much like one end of a telephone connection is the combination of a phone number and a particular extension. Sockets need not have an address (for example for only sending data), but if a program binds a socket to an address, the socket can be used to receive data sent to that address. Based on this address, internet sockets deliver incoming data packets to the appropriate application process or thread.
Socket Families(地址簇)
socket.AF_UNIX unix本机进程间通信
socket.AF_INET IPV4
socket.AF_INET6 IPV6
These constants represent the address (and protocol) families, used for the first argument to socket(). If the AF_UNIX constant is not defined then this protocol is unsupported. More constants may be available depending on the system.
Socket Types
socket.SOCK_STREAM #for tcp
socket.SOCK_DGRAM #for udp
socket.SOCK_RAW #原始套接字,普通的套接字无法处理ICMP、IGMP等网络报文,而SOCK_RAW可以;其次,SOCK_RAW也可以处理特殊的IPv4报文;此外,利用原始套接字,可以通过IP_HDRINCL套接字选项由用户构造IP头。
socket.SOCK_RDM #是一种可靠的UDP形式,即保证交付数据报但不保证顺序。SOCK_RAM用来提供对原始协议的低级访问,在需要执行某些特殊操作时使用,如发送ICMP报文。SOCK_RAM通常仅限于高级用户或管理员运行的程序使用。
socket.SOCK_SEQPACKET #废弃了
These constants represent the socket types, used for the second argument to socket(). More constants may be available depending on the system. (Only SOCK_STREAM and SOCK_DGRAM appear to be generally useful.)