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  • C# Linq处理list数据

    IList<Model> list = dao.getmx(Model, pageInfo);
    DataTable dt = ......;

    GroupBy与group by

    list = list.GroupBy(a => a.user_type).Select(it => it.First()).ToList();
    var quary = list.Where(a => a.p_num == "1" || a.c_num == "1")
                .GroupBy(a => new { student_id = a.student_id, user_type = a.user_type })
                .Select(group => new
                    student_id = group.Key.student_id,
                    user_type = group.Key.user_type,
                    Count = group.Count()
    //group by
    var quary = from a in list.Where(a => "1,8".Contains(a.user_type))
                group a by new { a.school } into m
                select new
                    school = m.Key.school
    var quary = from a in list.Where(a => "1,8".Contains(a.user_type))
                group a by new { a.provice, a.school } into m
                select new
                    provice = m.Key.provice,
                    school = m.Key.school
    //经过测试,数据30W,无ToList()比ToList()的耗时少几百毫秒,具体原因未知。下面是实验的几组数据:第一次9689 9398,第二次13529 10458,第三次10772 10392,第四次11370 10833。实际差距并不大。 foreach (var item in quary.ToList()) { //取值item }


    list = list.Where(x => x.provice == "吉林").ToList();
    //将包含1,5条件的数据筛选出来,相当于sql里的in用法:select * from 表 where user_type in (1,5)
    list= list.Where(a => "1,5".Contains(a.user_type)).ToList();
    list= list.Where(a => a.user_type == "1" || a.user_type == "5").ToList();
    IList<Model> query = (from item in list
                          where ("," + projectmodel.ids + ",").Contains("," + item.id + ",")
                          select item).ToList<Model>();


    string[] id = list.Select(a => a.id.ToString()).ToArray();
    string[] id = dt.AsEnumerable().Select(a => a.Field<int>("id").ToString()).ToArray();
    string ids = string.Join(",", id);
    foreach (var i in list)
        ids += i.id + ",";
    ids = ids.TrimEnd(',');
    上述代码使用LINQ 针对数据集中的数据进行筛选和整理,同样能够以一种面向对象的思想进行数据集中数据的筛选。
    在使用LINQ 进行数据集操作时,LINQ 不能直接从数据集对象中查询,因为数据集对象不支持LINQ 查询,所以需要使用AsEnumerable 方法返回一个泛型的对象以支持LINQ的查询操作。 .AsEnumerable()与相对应的.AsQueryable()的区别: 1) AsEnumerable()是 LINQ TO OBJECT,AsQueryable()是 LINQ TO SQL 2) AsEnumerable将一个序列向上转换为一个IEnumerable, 强制将Enumerable类下面的查询操作符绑定到后续的子查询当中。AsQueryable将一个序列向下转换为一个IQueryable, 它生成了一个本地查询的IQueryable包装。 3) AsEnumerable()延迟执行,不会立即执行。当你调用.AsEnumerable()的时候,实际上什么都没有发生。当真正使用对象的时候(例如调用:First, Single, ToList....的时候)才执行。 4) .ToList()立即执行


    string[] id = list.Where(a => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.user_type)).Select(a => a.id).ToArray();
    string ids = string.Join(",", id);


    //左联比内联,需要多写into,需要多写from gc1 in corr.DefaultIfEmpty(),需要多写corr=gc1。
    //当on为单条件时。 var results = from student in dt.AsEnumerable() join user in dt1.AsEnumerable() on student.Field<int>("student_id") equals user.Field<int>("id")//内联 join corr in dt2.AsEnumerable() on student.Field<int>("id") equals corr.Field<int?>("studentproject_id") into corr//左联 from gc1 in corr.DefaultIfEmpty() select new { student, user, corr = gc1 }; //当on为多条件时,借助于匿名类型:其实和解决按多条件分组的思路是一样的。 var results = from student in dt.AsEnumerable() join zrs in result_zrs on new { districtcounty = student.Field<string>("districtcounty"), school = student.Field<string>("school") } equals new { districtcounty = zrs.districtcounty, school = zrs.school } into zrs from gc1 in zrs.DefaultIfEmpty() select new { student, corr = gc1 }; //取值方式 foreach (var i in results.ToList()) { name = i.user.Field<string>("name"); }


    list.OrderBy(a => a.student_id);
    list.OrderBy(a => a.student_id).ThenBy(a => a.name);
    list.OrderBy(a => a.student_id).ThenBy(a => a.name).ThenBy(a => a.sex);
    List<string> liststr = new List<string>();
    liststr = liststr.OrderBy(a => a).ToList();//aaa bbb ccc
    liststr = liststr.OrderBy(a => a == "bbb" ? "1" : a == "ccc" ? "2" : "3").ToList();//bbb ccc aaa


    Random rd = new Random(); List<string> liststr = new List<string>(); liststr.Add("aaa"); liststr.Add("bbb"); liststr.Add("ccc"); liststr.Add("111"); liststr.Add("222"); liststr.Add("333"); //随机一个 var s = liststr.OrderBy(_ => Guid.NewGuid()).First(); //随机两个 var ss = liststr.OrderBy(_ => Guid.NewGuid()).Take(2); //乱序 var sss = liststr.OrderBy(o => rd.Next(0, liststr.Count())).ToList();

    Random rd = new Random(); list.OrderBy(_=>rd.Next(1,99)).First(); //随机排序通用方法
    public static List<T> GetRandomList<T>(List<T> inputList) { //Copy to a array T[] copyArray = new T[inputList.Count]; inputList.CopyTo(copyArray); //Add range List<T> copyList = new List<T>(); copyList.AddRange(copyArray); //Set outputList and random List<T> outputList = new List<T>(); Random rd = new Random(DateTime.Now.Millisecond); while (copyList.Count > 0) { //Select an index and item int rdIndex = rd.Next(0, copyList.Count - 1); T remove = copyList[rdIndex]; //remove it from copyList and add it to output copyList.Remove(remove); outputList.Add(remove); } return outputList; }


    list = list.Skip(pageNum * pageSize).Take(pageSize).ToList();
    list = list.Skip(0).Take(10).ToList();
    list = list.Take(10).ToList();
    list = list.Skip(10).Take(10).ToList();


    string[] idlist =  new string[ ]{"aaa","bbb","aaa"};
    idlist = idlist.Distinct().ToArray();
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shiyh/p/9396338.html
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