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  • 存在即合理,重复轮子orm java版本

















    但是每一天划分开来(比如Test 表今天的Test_2016_11_04,明天:Test_2016_11_05);




    我的业务量主要还是在写入数据,作为日志服务器(http api 提供方式)只提供数据接收,验证,存取操作;



       1 package net.sz.engine.db;
       3 import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
       4 import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
       5 import java.io.IOException;
       6 import java.io.ObjectInputStream;
       7 import java.io.ObjectOutputStream;
       8 import java.lang.reflect.Field;
       9 import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
      10 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
      11 import java.lang.reflect.Modifier;
      12 import java.sql.Connection;
      13 import java.sql.Date;
      14 import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
      15 import java.sql.ResultSet;
      16 import java.sql.SQLException;
      17 import java.util.ArrayList;
      18 import java.util.HashMap;
      19 import java.util.List;
      20 import java.util.Map;
      21 import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
      22 import javax.persistence.Column;
      23 import javax.persistence.GeneratedValue;
      24 import javax.persistence.Id;
      25 import javax.persistence.Table;
      26 import net.sz.engine.utils.StringUtil;
      27 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
      29 /**
      30  *
      31  * <br>
      32  * author 失足程序员<br>
      33  * mail 492794628@qq.com<br>
      34  * phone 13882122019<br>
      35  */
      36 public abstract class Dao {
      38     private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Dao.class);
      39     /**
      40      * 数据库连接
      41      */
      42     protected String dbUrl;
      43     /**
      44      * 数据库名字
      45      */
      46     protected String dbName;
      47     /**
      48      * 数据库用户
      49      */
      50     protected String dbUser;
      51     /**
      52      * 数据库密码
      53      */
      54     protected String dbPwd;
      55     /**
      56      * 是否显示sql语句
      57      */
      58     protected boolean showSql;
      59     /**
      60      * 存储所有类型解析
      61      */
      62     protected static final ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<SqlColumn>> sqlColumnMap = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
      64     public Dao() {
      65     }
      67     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="构造函数 public Dao(String dbUrl, String dbName, String dbUser, String dbPwd, boolean showSql)">
      68     /**
      69      * 构造函数
      70      *
      71      * @param dbUrl
      72      * @param dbName
      73      * @param dbUser
      74      * @param dbPwd
      75      * @param showSql
      76      */
      77     public Dao(String dbUrl, String dbName, String dbUser, String dbPwd, boolean showSql) {
      78         this.dbUrl = dbUrl;
      79         this.dbName = dbName;
      80         this.dbUser = dbUser;
      81         this.dbPwd = dbPwd;
      82         this.showSql = showSql;
      83     }
      84     //</editor-fold>
      86     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="获取表名 protected String getTableName(Object o)">
      87     /**
      88      * 获取表名
      89      *
      90      * @param oClass
      91      * @return
      92      */
      93     protected String getTableName(Class<?> oClass) {
      94         //判断指定类型的注释是否存在于此元素上
      95         boolean isHaveTable = oClass.isAnnotationPresent(Table.class);
      96         if (!isHaveTable) {
      97             return oClass.getSimpleName();//不存在就不需要获取其表名
      98         }
      99         Table table = oClass.getAnnotation(Table.class);//拿到对应的表格注解类型
     100         return table.name();//返回注解中的值,也就是表名
     101     }
     102     //</editor-fold>
     104     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="设置字段值,插入数据库,支持sql注入攻击  protected void setStmtParams(PreparedStatement stmt, SqlColumn sqlColumn, Integer nums, Object value)">
     105     /**
     106      * 设置字段值,插入数据库,支持sql注入攻击
     107      *
     108      * @param stmt
     109      * @param sqlColumn
     110      * @param nums
     111      * @param value
     112      * @throws SQLException
     113      * @throws IOException
     114      */
     115     protected void setStmtParams(PreparedStatement stmt, SqlColumn sqlColumn, Integer nums, Object value) throws SQLException, IOException {
     116         switch (sqlColumn.getClassType().getName().toLowerCase()) {
     117             case "int":
     118             case "java.lang.integer":
     119                 if (value == null) {
     120                     if (!sqlColumn.isColumnNullAble()) {
     121                         value = 0;
     122                     }
     123                 }
     124                 if (value == null) {
     125                     stmt.setObject(nums, null);
     126                 } else {
     127                     stmt.setInt(nums, (Integer) value);
     128                 }
     130                 break;
     131             case "string":
     132             case "java.lang.string":
     133                 if (value == null) {
     134                     if (!sqlColumn.isColumnNullAble()) {
     135                         value = "";
     136                     }
     137                 }
     138                 stmt.setString(nums, (String) value);
     139                 break;
     140             case "double":
     141             case "java.lang.double":
     142                 if (value == null) {
     143                     if (!sqlColumn.isColumnNullAble()) {
     144                         value = 0.0;
     145                     }
     146                 }
     147                 if (value == null) {
     148                     stmt.setObject(nums, null);
     149                 } else {
     150                     stmt.setDouble(nums, (Double) value);
     151                 }
     152                 break;
     153             case "float":
     154             case "java.lang.float":
     155                 if (value == null) {
     156                     if (!sqlColumn.isColumnNullAble()) {
     157                         value = 0.0;
     158                     }
     159                 }
     160                 if (value == null) {
     161                     stmt.setObject(nums, null);
     162                 } else {
     163                     stmt.setFloat(nums, (float) value);
     164                 }
     165                 break;
     166             case "long":
     167             case "java.lang.long":
     168                 if (value == null) {
     169                     if (!sqlColumn.isColumnNullAble()) {
     170                         value = 0.0;
     171                     }
     172                 }
     173                 if (value == null) {
     174                     stmt.setObject(nums, null);
     175                 } else {
     176                     stmt.setLong(nums, (long) value);
     177                 }
     178                 break;
     179             case "byte":
     180             case "java.lang.byte":
     181                 if (value == null) {
     182                     if (!sqlColumn.isColumnNullAble()) {
     183                         value = 0.0;
     184                     }
     185                 }
     186                 if (value == null) {
     187                     stmt.setObject(nums, null);
     188                 } else {
     189                     stmt.setByte(nums, (byte) value);
     190                 }
     191                 break;
     192             case "short":
     193             case "java.lang.short":
     194                 if (value == null) {
     195                     if (!sqlColumn.isColumnNullAble()) {
     196                         value = 0.0;
     197                     }
     198                 }
     199                 if (value == null) {
     200                     stmt.setObject(nums, null);
     201                 } else {
     202                     stmt.setShort(nums, (short) value);
     203                 }
     204                 break;
     205             case "date":
     206             case "java.lang.date":
     207                 if (value == null) {
     208                     if (!sqlColumn.isColumnNullAble()) {
     209                         value = 0.0;
     210                     }
     211                 }
     212                 stmt.setDate(nums, (Date) value);
     213                 break;
     214             default: {
     215                 if (value == null) {
     216                     stmt.setObject(nums, null);
     217                 } else {
     218                     stmt.setBytes(nums, writeObject(value));
     219                 }
     220             }
     221         }
     222     }
     223     //</editor-fold>
     225     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="设置字段值,插入数据库,支持sql注入攻击  protected void setStmtParams(PreparedStatement stmt, SqlColumn sqlColumn, Integer nums, Object value)">
     226     /**
     227      * 设置字段值,插入数据库,支持sql注入攻击
     228      *
     229      * @param stmt
     230      * @param sqlColumn
     231      * @param nums
     232      * @param value
     233      * @throws SQLException
     234      * @throws IOException
     235      */
     236     protected void setStmtParams(PreparedStatement stmt, Integer nums, Object value) throws SQLException, IOException {
     237         if (value == null) {
     238             stmt.setObject(nums, null);
     239             return;
     240         }
     241         switch (value.getClass().getName().toLowerCase()) {
     242             case "int":
     243             case "java.lang.integer":
     244                 stmt.setInt(nums, (Integer) value);
     245                 break;
     246             case "string":
     247             case "java.lang.string":
     248                 stmt.setString(nums, (String) value);
     249                 break;
     250             case "double":
     251             case "java.lang.double":
     252                 stmt.setDouble(nums, (Double) value);
     253                 break;
     254             case "float":
     255             case "java.lang.float":
     256                 stmt.setFloat(nums, (float) value);
     257                 break;
     258             case "long":
     259             case "java.lang.long":
     260                 stmt.setLong(nums, (long) value);
     261                 break;
     262             case "byte":
     263             case "java.lang.byte":
     264                 stmt.setByte(nums, (byte) value);
     265                 break;
     266             case "short":
     267             case "java.lang.short":
     268                 stmt.setShort(nums, (short) value);
     269                 break;
     270             case "date":
     271             case "java.lang.date":
     272                 stmt.setDate(nums, (Date) value);
     273                 break;
     274             default: {
     275                 stmt.setBytes(nums, writeObject(value));
     276             }
     277         }
     278     }
     279     //</editor-fold>
     281     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="反射获取字段信息 过滤 transient 字段 protected Map<String, SqlColumn> getColumns(Object o)">
     282     /**
     283      * 反射获取字段信息 过滤 transient 字段
     284      *
     285      * @param clazz
     286      * @return
     287      */
     288     protected List<SqlColumn> getColumns(Class<?> clazz) {
     289         List<SqlColumn> cols = sqlColumnMap.get(clazz.getName());
     290         if (cols != null) {
     291             return cols;
     292         }
     293         //获取对象中所有的属性
     294         Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
     295         Method[] methods = clazz.getMethods();
     296         cols = new ArrayList<>();
     297         boolean ispakey = false;
     298         //遍历所有属性
     299         for (Field field : fields) {
     300             //忽略字段,静态字段,最终字段,不会书写到数据库
     301             if (Modifier.isTransient(field.getModifiers())
     302                     || Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())
     303                     || Modifier.isFinal(field.getModifiers())) {
     304                 if (showSql) {
     305                     log.error("类:" + clazz.getName() + " 字段:" + field.getName() + " is transient or static or final;");
     306                 }
     307                 continue;
     308             }
     310             //如果属性上有对应的列注解类型则获取这个注解类型
     311             Column column = field.getAnnotation(Column.class);
     312             SqlColumn sqlColumn = new SqlColumn();
     313             sqlColumn.setColumnName(field.getName());
     314             sqlColumn.setFieldName(field.getName());
     316             if (column != null) {
     317                 if (column.name() != null && !column.name().trim().isEmpty()) {
     318                     sqlColumn.setColumnName(column.name().trim());
     319                 }
     321                 if (column.length() > 0) {
     322                     sqlColumn.setColunmLength(column.length());
     323                 }
     325                 sqlColumn.setColumnNullAble(column.nullable());
     327                 if (column.columnDefinition() != null) {
     328                     sqlColumn.setColumnDefinition(column.columnDefinition());
     329                 }
     330             }
     331             //拿到对应属性的类型,然后根据对应的类型去声明字段类型
     332             Class<?> type = field.getType();
     334             sqlColumn.setClassType(type);
     336             String columnvalue = null;
     337             switch (type.getName().toLowerCase()) {
     338                 case "int":
     339                 case "java.lang.integer":
     340                     columnvalue = "int(4)";
     341                     break;
     342                 case "string":
     343                 case "java.lang.string":
     344                     if (sqlColumn.getColunmLength() < 1000) {
     345                         columnvalue = "varchar(" + sqlColumn.getColunmLength() + ")";
     346                     } else {
     347                         columnvalue = "text(" + sqlColumn.getColunmLength() + ")";
     348                     }
     349                     break;
     350                 case "double":
     351                 case "java.lang.double":
     352                     columnvalue = "double";
     353                     break;
     354                 case "float":
     355                 case "java.lang.float":
     356                     columnvalue = "float";
     357                     break;
     358                 case "byte":
     359                 case "java.lang.byte":
     360                     columnvalue = "tinyint(1)";
     361                     break;
     362                 case "long":
     363                 case "java.lang.long":
     364                     columnvalue = "bigint";
     365                     break;
     366                 case "short":
     367                 case "java.lang.short":
     368                     columnvalue = "tinyint(2)";
     369                     break;
     370                 default:
     372                     columnvalue = "blob";
     374                     break;
     375             }
     376             if (columnvalue != null) {
     377                 //如果属性上有对应的主键ID注解类型则获取这个注解类型
     378                 Id tpid = field.getAnnotation(Id.class);
     379                 if (tpid != null) {
     380                     ispakey = true;
     381                     sqlColumn.setColumnkey(true);
     382                     sqlColumn.setColumnNullAble(false);
     383                     GeneratedValue annotation = field.getAnnotation(GeneratedValue.class);
     384                     //判断主键是否为自动增长
     385                     if (annotation != null) {
     386                         sqlColumn.setColumnAuto(true);
     387                     }
     388                 }
     390                 if (sqlColumn.isColumnNullAble()) {
     391                     columnvalue += " null";
     392                 } else {
     393                     columnvalue += " not null";
     394                 }
     396                 if (sqlColumn.isColumnkey()) {
     397                     if (sqlColumn.isColumnAuto()) {
     398                         columnvalue += " auto_increment";
     399                     }
     400                     columnvalue += " primary key";
     401                 }
     403                 sqlColumn.setValue(columnvalue);
     405                 for (Method method : methods) {
     406                     String methodName = method.getName().toLowerCase();//获取每一个方法名
     407                     if (methodName.equals("get" + sqlColumn.getFieldName().toLowerCase())) {
     408                         sqlColumn.setGetMethod(method);
     409                         break;
     410                     }
     411                 }
     413                 for (Method method : methods) {
     414                     String methodName = method.getName().toLowerCase();//获取每一个方法名
     415                     if (methodName.equals("set" + sqlColumn.getFieldName().toLowerCase())) {
     416                         sqlColumn.setSetMethod(method);
     417                         break;
     418                     }
     419                 }
     421                 cols.add(sqlColumn);
     422             } else {
     423                 if (showSql) {
     424                     log.error("类:" + clazz.getName() + " 无法识别的字段:" + field.getName() + " ;");
     425                 }
     426             }
     427         }
     428         if (!ispakey) {
     429             throw new UnsupportedOperationException("实体类不允许没有组件字段:" + clazz.getName());
     430         }
     431         if (cols.isEmpty()) {
     432             throw new UnsupportedOperationException("实体模型未有任何字段:" + clazz.getName());
     433         }
     434         sqlColumnMap.put(clazz.getName(), cols);
     435         return cols;
     436     }
     437     //</editor-fold>
     439     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="序列化一个对象 protected byte[] writeObject(Object obj) ">
     440     /**
     441      * 序列化一个对象
     442      *
     443      * @param obj 要序列化的对象
     444      * @return byte数组
     445      * @throws java.io.IOException
     446      */
     447     protected byte[] writeObject(Object obj) throws IOException {
     448         ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
     449         ObjectOutputStream out = null;
     450         try {
     451             out = new ObjectOutputStream(baos);
     452             out.writeObject(obj);
     453         } finally {
     454             try {
     455                 out.close();
     456             } catch (IOException e) {
     457             }
     458         }
     459         return baos.toByteArray();
     460     }
     461     //</editor-fold>
     463     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="序列化一个对象 protected byte[] writeObject(Object obj) ">
     464     /**
     465      * 序列化一个对象
     466      *
     467      * @param bytes
     468      * @return byte数组
     469      * @throws java.io.IOException
     470      * @throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
     471      */
     472     protected Object readObject(byte[] bytes) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
     473         try (ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes)) {
     474             try (ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(bis)) {
     475                 return ois.readObject();
     476             }
     477         }
     478     }
     479     //</editor-fold>
     481     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="创建表 public void createTable(List<Object> objs)">
     482     /**
     483      * 创建表
     484      *
     485      * @param objs 所有需要创建表的实体对象
     486      * @throws java.sql.SQLException
     487      * @throws java.io.IOException
     488      * @throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
     489      */
     490     public void createTable(List<Object> objs) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
     491         //遍历所有要创建表的对象
     492         for (Object obj : objs) {
     493             createTable(obj);
     494         }
     495     }
     496     //</editor-fold>
     498     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="创建表 public void createTable(Object obj)">
     499     /**
     500      * 创建表
     501      *
     502      * @param obj
     503      * @throws SQLException
     504      * @throws IOException
     505      * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     506      */
     507     public void createTable(Object obj) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
     508         Class<?> aClass = obj.getClass();
     509         String talbeName = getTableName(obj.getClass());
     510         //拿到表的所有要创建的字段名
     511         List<SqlColumn> columns = getColumns(aClass);
     512         createTable(obj, talbeName, columns);
     513     }
     514     //</editor-fold>
     516     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="创建表 protected abstract void createTable(Object o, String tableName, List<SqlColumn> columns)">
     517     /**
     518      * 创建表
     519      *
     520      * @param o
     521      * @param tableName
     522      * @param columns
     523      * @throws java.sql.SQLException
     524      * @throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
     525      * @throws java.io.IOException
     526      */
     527     protected abstract void createTable(Object o, String tableName, List<SqlColumn> columns) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException;
     528     //</editor-fold>
     530     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="检查表是否存在 public abstract boolean existsTable(String tableName)">
     531     /**
     532      * 检查表是否存在
     533      *
     534      * @param tableName
     535      * @return
     536      * @throws java.sql.SQLException
     537      * @throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
     538      * @throws java.io.IOException
     539      */
     540     public abstract boolean existsTable(String tableName) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException;
     541     //</editor-fold>
     543     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="获取数据库的连接 protected abstract Connection getConnection()">
     544     /**
     545      * 获取数据库的连接
     546      *
     547      * @return
     548      * @throws java.sql.SQLException
     549      * @throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
     550      */
     551     protected abstract Connection getConnection() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, ClassNotFoundException;
     552     //</editor-fold>
     554     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="插入对象 public boolean addInsertSql(List<Object> os)">
     555     /**
     556      * 插入对象
     557      *
     558      * @param os
     559      * @return
     560      * @throws IOException
     561      * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     562      * @throws SQLException
     563      * @throws IllegalAccessException
     564      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     565      * @throws InvocationTargetException
     566      */
     567     public boolean addInsertSql(List<Object> os) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
     568         if (os == null || os.isEmpty()) {
     569             return false;
     570         }
     571         Object[] toArray = os.toArray(new Object[0]);
     572         return addInsertSql(toArray);
     573     }
     574     //</editor-fold>
     576     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="插入对象到数据库 public boolean addInsertSql(Object... os)">
     577     /**
     578      * 插入对象到数据库
     579      *
     580      * @param os os 必须是对同一个对象
     581      * @return
     582      * @throws IOException
     583      * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     584      * @throws SQLException
     585      * @throws IllegalAccessException
     586      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     587      * @throws InvocationTargetException
     588      */
     589     public boolean addInsertSql(Object... os) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
     590         if (os == null || os.length == 0) {
     591             return false;
     592         }
     594         Object objfirst = os[0];
     595         //得到对象的类
     596         Class<?> clazz = objfirst.getClass();
     597         //获取表名
     598         String tableName = getTableName(clazz);
     599         //拿到表的所有要创建的字段名
     600         List<SqlColumn> columns = getColumns(clazz);
     601         //这里如果不存在字段名就不需要创建了
     602         if (columns == null || columns.isEmpty()) {
     603             throw new UnsupportedOperationException("实体类没有任何字段,");
     604         }
     606         if (!existsTable(tableName)) {
     607             createTable(objfirst, tableName, columns);
     608         }
     610         StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
     612         builder.append("insert into `").append(tableName).append("` (");
     613         //将所有的字段拼接成对应的SQL语句
     614         for (SqlColumn value : columns) {
     615             builder.append("`").append(value.getColumnName()).append("`, ");
     616         }
     617         builder.delete(builder.length() - 2, builder.length());
     618         builder.append(") values ");
     620         for (int i = 0; i < os.length; i++) {
     621             builder.append("
     622             for (int j = 0; j < columns.size(); j++) {
     623                 builder.append("?");
     624                 if (j < columns.size() - 1) {
     625                     builder.append(",");
     626                 }
     627                 builder.append(" ");
     628             }
     629             builder.append(")");
     630             if (i < os.length - 1) {
     631                 builder.append(",");
     632             }
     633         }
     634         builder.append(";");
     635         String sqlString = builder.toString();
     636         Connection con = getConnection();
     637         try (PreparedStatement prepareCall = con.prepareStatement(sqlString)) {
     638             for (int i = 0; i < os.length; i++) {
     639                 int tmp = i * columns.size();
     640                 int j = 1;
     641                 Object obj = os[i];
     642                 for (SqlColumn value : columns) {
     643                     Object invoke = value.getGetMethod().invoke(obj);
     644                     setStmtParams(prepareCall, value, tmp + j, invoke);
     645                     j++;
     646                 }
     647             }
     649             int execute = prepareCall.executeUpdate();
     651             if (showSql) {
     652                 log.error("执行 " + prepareCall.toString() + " 添加数据 表:" + tableName + " 结果 影响行数:" + execute);
     653             }
     655             if (execute <= 0) {
     656                 return false;
     657             }
     659         }
     660         return true;
     661     }
     662     //</editor-fold>
     664     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="返回结果集 public <T> List<T> getList(Class<T> clazz, String whereSqlString, Object... strs)">
     665     /**
     666      * 返回结果集
     667      *
     668      * @param <T>
     669      * @param clazz
     670      * @param whereSqlString 例如: a=? and b=? 或者 a=? or a=? 这样才能防止sql注入攻击
     671      * @param strs
     672      * @return
     673      * @throws SQLException
     674      * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     675      * @throws IOException
     676      * @throws InstantiationException
     677      * @throws IllegalAccessException
     678      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     679      * @throws InvocationTargetException
     680      */
     681     public <T> List<T> getList(Class<T> clazz, String whereSqlString, Object... strs) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
     682         List<T> ts = new ArrayList<>();
     683         //获取表名
     684         String tableName = getTableName(clazz);
     685         //拿到表的所有要创建的字段名
     686         List<SqlColumn> columns = getColumns(clazz);
     688         List<Map<String, Object>> rs = getResultSet(tableName, columns, whereSqlString, strs);
     689         //得到对象的所有的方法
     690         for (Map<String, Object> r : rs) {
     691             T object = getObject(r, clazz, columns);
     692             ts.add(object);
     693         }
     694         return ts;
     695     }
     696     //</editor-fold>
     698     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="返回查询结果集 public ResultSet getResultSet(Class<?> clazz, String whereSqlString, Object... strs)">
     699     /**
     700      * 返回查询结果集
     701      *
     702      * @param clazz
     703      * @param whereSqlString 例如: a=? and b=? 或者 a=? or a=? 这样才能防止sql注入攻击
     704      * @param strs
     705      * @return
     706      * @throws SQLException
     707      * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     708      * @throws IOException
     709      * @throws InstantiationException
     710      * @throws IllegalAccessException
     711      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     712      * @throws InvocationTargetException
     713      */
     714     public List<Map<String, Object>> getResultSet(Class<?> clazz, String whereSqlString, Object... strs) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
     716         if (clazz == null) {
     717             throw new UnsupportedOperationException("obj or clzz 为 null,");
     718         }
     720         //获取表名
     721         String tableName = getTableName(clazz);
     722         //拿到表的所有要创建的字段名
     723         List<SqlColumn> columns = getColumns(clazz);
     725         List<Map<String, Object>> resultSet = getResultSet(tableName, columns, whereSqlString, strs);
     727         return resultSet;
     728     }
     729     //</editor-fold>
     731     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="返回查询结果集 public abstract <T> List<T> getList(Object obj, String... strs)">
     732     /**
     733      * 返回查询结果集
     734      *
     735      * @param tableName
     736      * @param columns
     737      * @param whereSqlString 范例 a=? and b=? 或者 a=? or a=?
     738      * @param strs
     739      * @return
     740      * @throws SQLException
     741      * @throws IOException
     742      * @throws java.lang.InstantiationException
     743      * @throws java.lang.IllegalAccessException
     744      * @throws java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
     745      * @throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
     746      */
     747     protected List<Map<String, Object>> getResultSet(String tableName, List<SqlColumn> columns, String whereSqlString, Object... strs) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, ClassNotFoundException {
     748         //这里如果不存在字段名就不需要创建了
     749         if (columns == null || columns.isEmpty()) {
     750             throw new UnsupportedOperationException("实体类没有任何字段,");
     751         }
     752         StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
     753         builder.append("SELECT ");
     754         int i = 0;
     755         for (SqlColumn value : columns) {
     756             builder.append("`").append(value.getColumnName()).append("`");
     757             if (i < columns.size() - 1) {
     758                 builder.append(",");
     759             }
     760             i++;
     761         }
     762         builder.append(" FROM `").append(tableName).append("` ");
     763         if (whereSqlString != null && whereSqlString.length() > 0) {
     764             builder.append(" WHERE ").append(whereSqlString);
     765         }
     766         String sqlString = builder.toString();
     767         ResultSet rs = null;
     768         List<Map<String, Object>> res = new ArrayList<>();
     769         Connection con = getConnection();
     770         try (PreparedStatement prepareStatement = con.prepareStatement(sqlString)) {
     771             if (strs != null && strs.length > 0) {
     772                 for (int j = 0; j < strs.length; j++) {
     773                     setStmtParams(prepareStatement, j + 1, strs[j]);
     774                 }
     775             }
     776             if (showSql) {
     777                 log.error("
    " + prepareStatement.toString());
     778             }
     779             rs = prepareStatement.executeQuery();
     781             while (rs.next()) {
     782                 Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
     783                 int columnCount = rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount();
     784                 for (int j = 1; j < columnCount + 1; j++) {
     785                     Object object = rs.getObject(j);
     786                     String columnName = rs.getMetaData().getColumnName(j);
     787                     map.put(columnName, object);
     788                 }
     789                 res.add(map);
     790             }
     791         }
     792         return res;
     793     }
     794     //</editor-fold>
     796     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="返回结果对象 protected <T> T getObject(ResultSet rs, Class<T> clazz, List<SqlColumn> columns)">
     797     /**
     798      * 返回结果对象
     799      *
     800      * @param <T>
     801      * @param rs
     802      * @param clazz
     803      * @param columns
     804      * @return
     805      * @throws InstantiationException
     806      * @throws IllegalAccessException
     807      * @throws SQLException
     808      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     809      * @throws InvocationTargetException
     810      * @throws IOException
     811      * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     812      */
     813     protected <T> T getObject(Map<String, Object> rs, Class<T> clazz, List<SqlColumn> columns) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, SQLException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
     814         /* 生成一个实例 */
     815         T obj = clazz.newInstance();
     816         for (SqlColumn column : columns) {
     817             Method m = column.getSetMethod();
     818             m.invoke(obj, getObject(rs, column.getColumnName(), column.getClassType()));
     819         }
     820         return obj;
     821     }
     822     //</editor-fold>
     824     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="获取一个已经返回的结果集的值 public Object getObject(ResultSet rs, String columnName, Class<?> columnType)">
     825     /**
     826      * 获取一个已经返回的结果集的值
     827      *
     828      * @param rs
     829      * @param columnName
     830      * @param columnType
     831      * @return
     832      * @throws SQLException
     833      * @throws IOException
     834      * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     835      */
     836     public Object getObject(Map<String, Object> rs, String columnName, Class<?> columnType) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
     837         Object obj = rs.get(columnName);
     839         String toLowerCase = columnType.getName().toLowerCase();
     840         switch (toLowerCase) {
     841             case "int":
     842             case "java.lang.integer":
     843                 obj = (Integer) obj;
     844                 break;
     845             case "string":
     846             case "java.lang.string":
     847                 obj = (String) obj;
     848                 break;
     849             case "double":
     850             case "java.lang.double":
     851                 obj = (Double) obj;
     852                 break;
     853             case "float":
     854             case "java.lang.float":
     855                 obj = (Float) obj;
     856                 break;
     857             case "long":
     858             case "java.lang.long":
     859                 obj = (Long) obj;
     860                 break;
     861             case "byte":
     862             case "java.lang.byte":
     863                 obj = (Byte) obj;
     864                 break;
     865             case "short":
     866             case "java.lang.short":
     867                 obj = (Short) obj;
     868                 break;
     869             case "date":
     870             case "java.lang.date":
     871                 obj = (Date) obj;
     872                 break;
     873             default: {
     874                 byte[] bytes = (byte[]) obj;
     875                 if (bytes != null) {
     876                     obj = readObject(bytes);
     877                 } else {
     878                     obj = null;
     879                 }
     880 //                byte[] bytes = rs.getBytes(columnName);
     881 //                if (bytes != null) {
     882 //                    obj = readObject(bytes);
     883 //                }
     884             }
     885         }
     886         return obj;
     887     }
     888     //</editor-fold>
     890     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="更新数据 public boolean update(Object... objs)">
     891     /**
     892      * 更新数据
     893      *
     894      * @param objs
     895      * @return
     896      * @throws SQLException
     897      * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     898      * @throws IOException
     899      * @throws IllegalAccessException
     900      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     901      * @throws InvocationTargetException
     902      */
     903     public boolean update(Object... objs) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
     904         for (Object obj : objs) {
     905             update(obj);
     906         }
     907         return true;
     908     }
     909     //</editor-fold>
     911     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="更新数据 public boolean update(Object obj)">
     912     /**
     913      * 更新数据
     914      *
     915      * @param obj
     916      * @return
     917      * @throws SQLException
     918      * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     919      * @throws IOException
     920      * @throws IllegalAccessException
     921      * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     922      * @throws InvocationTargetException
     923      */
     924     public boolean update(Object obj) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException, IllegalAccessException, IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
     925         if (obj == null) {
     926             throw new UnsupportedOperationException("obj is null");
     927         }
     929         String tableName = getTableName(obj.getClass());
     930         List<SqlColumn> columns = getColumns(obj.getClass());
     931         StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
     932         builder.append("update `").append(tableName).append("` set");
     933         /* 需要更新的字段 */
     934         List<SqlColumn> addValues = new ArrayList<>();
     935         /* 主键字段 */
     936         List<SqlColumn> keyValues = new ArrayList<>();
     938         for (SqlColumn column : columns) {
     939             if (!column.isColumnkey()) {
     940                 if (!addValues.isEmpty()) {
     941                     builder.append(",");
     942                 }
     943                 /* 不是主键 */
     944                 builder.append(" `").append(column.getColumnName()).append("` = ?");
     945                 addValues.add(column);
     946             }
     947         }
     949         for (SqlColumn column : columns) {
     950             if (column.isColumnkey()) {
     952                 if (keyValues.isEmpty()) {
     953                     builder.append(" where ");
     954                 } else {
     955                     builder.append(" and ");
     956                 }
     958                 keyValues.add(column);
     960                 /* 不是主键 */
     961                 builder.append(" `").append(column.getColumnName()).append("` = ? ");
     962             }
     963         }
     965         Connection con = getConnection();
     966         try (PreparedStatement prepareStatement = con.prepareStatement(builder.toString())) {
     968             for (int i = 0; i < addValues.size(); i++) {
     969                 SqlColumn sqlColumn = addValues.get(i);
     970                 Object invoke = sqlColumn.getGetMethod().invoke(obj);
     971                 setStmtParams(prepareStatement, sqlColumn, i + 1, invoke);
     972             }
     974             for (int i = 0; i < keyValues.size(); i++) {
     975                 SqlColumn sqlColumn = keyValues.get(i);
     976                 Object invoke = sqlColumn.getGetMethod().invoke(obj);
     977                 setStmtParams(prepareStatement, sqlColumn, addValues.size() + i + 1, invoke);
     978             }
     979             int executeUpdate = prepareStatement.executeUpdate();
     980             if (showSql) {
     981                 log.error("
    " + prepareStatement.toString() + " 执行结果:" + executeUpdate);
     982             }
     983             if (executeUpdate <= 0) {
     984                 return false;
     985             }
     986         }
     987         return true;
     988     }
     989     //</editor-fold>
     991     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="更新数据 public int executeUpdate(String sql, Object... objs)">
     992     /**
     993      * 更新数据
     994      *
     995      * @param sql
     996      * @param objs
     997      * @return
     998      * @throws SQLException
     999      * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    1000      * @throws IOException
    1001      */
    1002     public int executeUpdate(String sql, Object... objs) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
    1003         Connection con = getConnection();
    1004         try (PreparedStatement prepareStatement = con.prepareStatement(sql)) {
    1005             if (objs != null && objs.length > 0) {
    1006                 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    1007                     setStmtParams(prepareStatement, i + 1, objs[i]);
    1008                 }
    1009             }
    1010             int executeUpdate = prepareStatement.executeUpdate();
    1011             if (showSql) {
    1012                 log.error("
    " + prepareStatement.toString() + " 执行结果:" + executeUpdate);
    1013             }
    1014             return executeUpdate;
    1015         }
    1016     }
    1017     //</editor-fold>
    1019     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="删除数据 public int delete(Class<?> clazz)">
    1020     /**
    1021      * 删除数据
    1022      *
    1023      * @param clazz
    1024      * @return
    1025      * @throws SQLException
    1026      * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    1027      * @throws IOException
    1028      */
    1029     public int delete(Class<?> clazz) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
    1030         return delete(clazz, null);
    1031     }
    1032     //</editor-fold>
    1034     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="删除行 public int delete(Class<?> clazz, String sqlWhere, Object... objs)">
    1035     /**
    1036      * 删除行
    1037      *
    1038      * @param clazz
    1039      * @param sqlWhere
    1040      * @param objs
    1041      * @return
    1042      * @throws SQLException
    1043      * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    1044      * @throws IOException
    1045      */
    1046     public int delete(Class<?> clazz, String sqlWhere, Object... objs) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
    1047         StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    1048         String tableName = getTableName(clazz);
    1049         builder.append("DELETE FROM `").append(tableName).append("`");
    1050         if (!StringUtil.isNullOrEmpty(sqlWhere)) {
    1051             builder.append(" WHERE ").append(sqlWhere);
    1052         }
    1053         return executeUpdate(builder.toString(), objs);
    1054     }
    1055     //</editor-fold>
    1057     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="删除表 public int dropTable(Object obj)">
    1058     /**
    1059      * 删除表
    1060      *
    1061      * @param obj
    1062      * @return
    1063      * @throws SQLException
    1064      * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    1065      * @throws IOException
    1066      */
    1067     public int dropTable(Object obj) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
    1068         return dropTable(obj.getClass());
    1069     }
    1070     //</editor-fold>
    1072     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="删除表 public int dropTable(Class<?> clazz)">
    1073     /**
    1074      * 删除表
    1075      *
    1076      * @param clazz
    1077      * @return
    1078      * @throws SQLException
    1079      * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    1080      * @throws IOException
    1081      */
    1082     public int dropTable(Class<?> clazz) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
    1083         StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    1084         String tableName = getTableName(clazz);
    1085         builder.append("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `").append(tableName).append("`;");
    1086         return executeUpdate(builder.toString());
    1087     }
    1088     //</editor-fold>
    1090     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="删除数据库 public int dropDatabase(String database)">
    1091     /**
    1092      * 删除数据库
    1093      *
    1094      * @param database
    1095      * @return
    1096      * @throws SQLException
    1097      * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    1098      * @throws IOException
    1099      */
    1100     public int dropDatabase(String database) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
    1101         StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    1102         builder.append("DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `").append(database).append("`;");
    1103         return executeUpdate(builder.toString());
    1104     }
    1105     //</editor-fold>
    1107     //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="创建数据库 public int createDatabase(String database)">
    1108     /**
    1109      * 创建数据库 , 吃方法创建数据库后会自动使用 use 语句
    1110      *
    1111      * @param database
    1112      * @return
    1113      * @throws SQLException
    1114      * @throws ClassNotFoundException
    1115      * @throws IOException
    1116      */
    1117     public int createDatabase(String database) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
    1118         StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
    1119         builder.append("CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `").append(database).append("` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;");
    1120         int executeUpdate = executeUpdate(builder.toString());
    1121         builder = new StringBuilder();
    1122         builder.append("use `").append(database).append("`;");;
    1123         executeUpdate(builder.toString());
    1124         return executeUpdate;
    1125     }
    1126     //</editor-fold>
    1128 }

    由于我们存在mysql和sqlite的版本,这里抽象出来了base class

      1 package net.sz.engine.db;
      3 import java.io.IOException;
      4 import java.sql.Connection;
      5 import java.sql.DriverManager;
      6 import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
      7 import java.sql.ResultSet;
      8 import java.sql.SQLException;
      9 import java.sql.Statement;
     10 import java.util.List;
     11 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
     13 /**
     14  *
     15  * <br>
     16  * author 失足程序员<br>
     17  * mail 492794628@qq.com<br>
     18  * phone 13882122019<br>
     19  */
     20 public class MysqlDaoImp1 extends Dao {
     22     private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(MysqlDaoImp1.class);
     24     public MysqlDaoImp1(String dbUrl, String dbName, String dbUser, String dbPwd, boolean showSql) {
     25         super(dbUrl, dbName, dbUser, dbPwd, showSql);
     26     }
     27     private Connection _con = null;
     29     /**
     30      * 获取数据库的连接
     31      *
     32      * @return
     33      * @throws java.sql.SQLException
     34      * @throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
     35      */
     36     @Override
     37     protected Connection getConnection() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
     38         if (_con != null && !_con.isClosed()) {
     39             return _con;
     40         }
     41         try {
     42             if (_con != null) {
     43                 _con.close();
     44             }
     45         } catch (Exception e) {
     46             log.error("", e);
     47         }
     48         try {
     49             Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver");
     50         } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
     51         }
     52         try {
     53             Class.forName("com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver");
     54         } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
     55         }
     56         _con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://" + dbUrl + "/" + dbName, dbUser, dbPwd);
     57         return _con;
     58     }
     60     @Override
     61     public boolean existsTable(String tableName) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
     62         String ifexits = "select sum(1) `TABLE_NAME` from `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`TABLES` where `TABLE_SCHEMA`='" + dbName + "' and `TABLE_NAME`='" + tableName + "' ;";
     63         Connection con = getConnection();
     64         try (PreparedStatement createStatement = con.prepareStatement(ifexits)) {
     65             ResultSet executeQuery = createStatement.executeQuery();
     66             if (executeQuery != null && executeQuery.next()) {
     67                 int aInt = executeQuery.getInt("TABLE_NAME");
     68                 if (showSql) {
     69                     log.error("表:" + tableName + " 检查结果:" + (aInt > 0 ? " 已经存在 " : " 无此表 "));
     70                 }
     71                 if (aInt > 0) {
     72                     return true;
     73                 }
     74             }
     75         }
     76         return false;
     77     }
     79     /**
     80      *
     81      * @param o
     82      * @param tableName
     83      * @param columns
     84      * @throws SQLException
     85      * @throws IOException
     86      * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     87      */
     88     @Override
     89     protected void createTable(Object o, String tableName, List<SqlColumn> columns) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
     90         if (existsTable(tableName)) {
     91             //执行对应的创建表操作
     92             Connection con = getConnection();
     93             if (showSql) {
     94                 log.error("表" + tableName + "已经存在,检测字段变更,只会处理新增字段;");
     95             }
     96             for (SqlColumn value : columns) {
     97                 String ifexits = "SELECT sum(1) usm FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='" + dbName + "' AND table_name='" + tableName + "' AND COLUMN_NAME='" + value.getColumnName() + "'";
     98                 try (Statement createStatement = con.createStatement()) {
     99                     ResultSet executeQuery = createStatement.executeQuery(ifexits);
    100                     if (executeQuery != null && executeQuery.next()) {
    101                         int aInt = executeQuery.getInt("usm");
    102                         if (aInt == 0) {
    103                             if (showSql) {
    104                                 log.error("表:" + tableName + " 字段:" + value.getFieldName() + " 映射数据库字段:" + value.getColumnName() + " 不存在,");
    105                             }
    106                             String sqls = "ALTER TABLE `" + tableName + "` ADD `" + value.getColumnName() + "` " + value.getValue() + ";";
    107                             boolean execute1 = createStatement.execute(sqls);
    108                             if (showSql) {
    109                                 log.error("执行语句:" + sqls + " 执行结果:" + execute1);
    110                             }
    111                         } else {
    112                             if (showSql) {
    113                                 log.error("表:" + tableName + " 字段:" + value.getFieldName() + " 映射数据库字段:" + value.getColumnName() + " 存在,将不会修改");
    114                             }
    115                             /*   String sqls = "ALTER TABLE " + tableName + " CHANGE `" + key + "` " + value.getValue() + ";";
    116                                     if (showSql) {
    117                                         log.error("执行语句:" + sqls);
    118                                     }
    119                                     try (Statement cs1 = con.createStatement()) {
    120                                         boolean execute1 = cs1.execute(sqls);
    121                                         if (showSql) {
    122                                             log.error("执行结果:" + execute1);
    123                                         }
    124                                     }*/
    125                         }
    126                     }
    127                 }
    128             }
    129         } else {
    130             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    131             sb.append("
     create table if not exists `").append(tableName).append("` (
    132             //将所有的字段拼接成对应的SQL语句
    133             for (SqlColumn sqlColumn : columns) {
    134                 sb.append("     `").append(sqlColumn.getColumnName()).append("` ").append(sqlColumn.getValue()).append(" COMMENT '").append(sqlColumn.getColumnDefinition()).append("' ").append(",
    135             }
    136             sb.delete(sb.length() - 2, sb.length());
    137             sb.append("
    138             //执行对应的创建表操作
    139             String sql = sb.toString();
    140             Connection con = getConnection();
    141             try (PreparedStatement p1 = con.prepareStatement(sql)) {
    142                 boolean execute = p1.execute();
    143                 if (showSql) {
    144                     log.error("
    表:" + sql + "
    145                 }
    146             }
    147         }
    148     }
    149 }

    sqlite 数据库支持

      1 package net.sz.engine.db;
      3 import java.io.IOException;
      4 import java.sql.Connection;
      5 import java.sql.DriverManager;
      6 import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
      7 import java.sql.ResultSet;
      8 import java.sql.SQLException;
      9 import java.sql.Statement;
     10 import java.util.List;
     11 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
     13 /**
     14  * 尚未完善的数据集合
     15  * <br>
     16  * author 失足程序员<br>
     17  * mail 492794628@qq.com<br>
     18  * phone 13882122019<br>
     19  */
     20 public class SqliteDaoImp1 extends Dao {
     22     private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SqliteDaoImp1.class);
     24     public SqliteDaoImp1(String dbUrl, String dbName, String dbUser, String dbPwd, boolean showSql) {
     25         super(dbUrl, dbName, dbUser, dbPwd, showSql);
     26     }
     28     private Connection _con = null;
     30     /**
     31      * 获取数据库的连接
     32      *
     33      * @return
     34      * @throws java.sql.SQLException
     35      * @throws java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
     36      */
     37     @Override
     38     protected Connection getConnection() throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException {
     39         if (_con != null && !_con.isClosed()) {
     40             return _con;
     41         }
     42         try {
     43             if (_con != null) {
     44                 _con.close();
     45             }
     46         } catch (Exception e) {
     47             log.error("", e);
     48         }
     49         Class.forName("org.sqlite.JDBC");
     50         _con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:" + dbName, dbUser, dbPwd);
     51         return _con;
     52     }
     54     @Override
     55     public boolean existsTable(String tableName) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
     56         String ifexits = "select sum(1) `TABLE_NAME` from sqlite_master where type ='table' and `name`='" + tableName + "' ;";
     57         Connection con = getConnection();
     58         try (PreparedStatement createStatement = con.prepareStatement(ifexits)) {
     59             ResultSet executeQuery = createStatement.executeQuery();
     60             if (executeQuery != null && executeQuery.next()) {
     61                 int aInt = executeQuery.getInt("TABLE_NAME");
     62                 if (showSql) {
     63                     log.error("表:" + tableName + " 检查结果:" + (aInt > 0 ? " 已经存在 " : " 无此表 "));
     64                 }
     65                 if (aInt > 0) {
     66                     return true;
     67                 }
     68             }
     69         }
     70         return false;
     71     }
     73     /**
     74      *
     75      * @param o
     76      * @param tableName
     77      * @param columns
     78      * @throws SQLException
     79      * @throws IOException
     80      * @throws ClassNotFoundException
     81      */
     82     @Override
     83     protected void createTable(Object o, String tableName, List<SqlColumn> columns) throws SQLException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
     84         if (existsTable(tableName)) {
     85             //执行对应的创建表操作
     86             Connection con = getConnection();
     87             if (showSql) {
     88                 log.error("表" + tableName + "已经存在,检测字段变更,只会处理新增字段;");
     89             }
     90             for (SqlColumn value : columns) {
     91                 String ifexits = "SELECT sum(1) usm FROM sqlite_master WHERE name='" + tableName + "' AND sql like '%" + value.getColumnName() + "%'";
     92                 try (Statement createStatement = con.createStatement()) {
     93                     ResultSet executeQuery = createStatement.executeQuery(ifexits);
     94                     if (executeQuery != null && executeQuery.next()) {
     95                         int aInt = executeQuery.getInt("usm");
     96                         if (aInt == 0) {
     97                             if (showSql) {
     98                                 log.error("表:" + tableName + " 字段:" + value.getFieldName() + " 映射数据库字段:" + value.getColumnName() + " 不存在,");
     99                             }
    100                             String sqls = "ALTER TABLE `" + tableName + "` ADD `" + value.getColumnName() + "` " + value.getValue() + ";";
    101                             int execute1 = createStatement.executeUpdate(sqls);
    102                             if (showSql) {
    103                                 log.error("执行语句:" + sqls + " 执行结果:" + execute1);
    104                             }
    105                         } else {
    106                             if (showSql) {
    107                                 log.error("表:" + tableName + " 字段:" + value.getFieldName() + " 映射数据库字段:" + value.getColumnName() + " 存在,将不会修改");
    108                             }
    109                             /*   String sqls = "ALTER TABLE " + tableName + " CHANGE `" + key + "` " + value.getValue() + ";";
    110                                     if (showSql) {
    111                                         log.error("执行语句:" + sqls);
    112                                     }
    113                                     try (Statement cs1 = con.createStatement()) {
    114                                         boolean execute1 = cs1.execute(sqls);
    115                                         if (showSql) {
    116                                             log.error("执行结果:" + execute1);
    117                                         }
    118                                     }*/
    119                         }
    120                     }
    121                 }
    122             }
    123         } else {
    124             StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    125             sb.append("
     create table if not exists `").append(tableName).append("` (
    126             //将所有的字段拼接成对应的SQL语句
    127             for (SqlColumn value : columns) {
    128                 sb.append("     `").append(value.getColumnName()).append("` ").append(value.getValue()).append(",
    129             }
    130             sb.delete(sb.length() - 2, sb.length());
    131             sb.append("
    132             //执行对应的创建表操作
    133             String sql = sb.toString();
    134             Connection con = getConnection();
    135             try (PreparedStatement p1 = con.prepareStatement(sql)) {
    136                 int execute = p1.executeUpdate();
    137                 if (showSql) {
    138                     log.error("
    表:" + sql + " 
    139                 }
    140             }
    141         }
    142     }
    144     @Override
    145     public int createDatabase(String database) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
    146         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Create Database do not Operation");
    147     }
    149     @Override
    150     public int dropDatabase(String database) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException, IOException {
    151         throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Drop Database do not Operation");
    152     }
    154 }


      1 package net.sz.engine.db;
      3 import java.lang.reflect.Method;
      4 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
      6 /**
      7  *
      8  * <br>
      9  * author 失足程序员<br>
     10  * mail 492794628@qq.com<br>
     11  * phone 13882122019<br>
     12  */
     13 class SqlColumn {
     15     private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SqlColumn.class);
     16     //数据库映射名字
     17     private String columnName;
     18     //字段名字
     19     private String fieldName;
     20     //字段长度
     21     private int colunmLength;
     22     //是否是自增列表
     23     private boolean columnAuto;
     24     //是否是主键列
     25     private boolean columnkey;
     26     //字段是否为空
     27     private boolean columnNullAble;
     28     //字段描述
     29     private String columnDefinition;
     30     //最后拼接
     31     private String value;
     32     //
     33     private Class<?> classType;
     35     private Method setMethod;
     37     private Method getMethod;
     39     public SqlColumn() {
     40         this.columnName = "";
     41         this.fieldName = "";
     42         this.colunmLength = 255;
     43         this.columnAuto = false;
     44         this.columnkey = false;
     45         this.columnNullAble = true;
     46         this.columnDefinition = "";
     47     }
     49     public String getFieldName() {
     50         return fieldName;
     51     }
     53     public void setFieldName(String fieldName) {
     54         this.fieldName = fieldName;
     55     }
     57     public Class<?> getClassType() {
     58         return classType;
     59     }
     61     public void setClassType(Class<?> classType) {
     62         this.classType = classType;
     63     }
     65     public String getColumnName() {
     66         return columnName;
     67     }
     69     public void setColumnName(String columnName) {
     70         this.columnName = columnName;
     71     }
     73     public int getColunmLength() {
     74         return colunmLength;
     75     }
     77     public void setColunmLength(int colunmLength) {
     78         this.colunmLength = colunmLength;
     79     }
     81     public boolean isColumnAuto() {
     82         return columnAuto;
     83     }
     85     public void setColumnAuto(boolean columnAuto) {
     86         this.columnAuto = columnAuto;
     87     }
     89     public boolean isColumnkey() {
     90         return columnkey;
     91     }
     93     public void setColumnkey(boolean columnkey) {
     94         this.columnkey = columnkey;
     95     }
     97     public boolean isColumnNullAble() {
     98         return columnNullAble;
     99     }
    101     public void setColumnNullAble(boolean columnNullAble) {
    102         this.columnNullAble = columnNullAble;
    103     }
    105     public String getColumnDefinition() {
    106         return columnDefinition;
    107     }
    109     public void setColumnDefinition(String columnDefinition) {
    110         this.columnDefinition = columnDefinition;
    111     }
    113     public String getValue() {
    114         return value;
    115     }
    117     public void setValue(String value) {
    118         this.value = value;
    119     }
    121     public Method getSetMethod() {
    122         return setMethod;
    123     }
    125     public void setSetMethod(Method setMethod) {
    126         this.setMethod = setMethod;
    127     }
    129     public Method getGetMethod() {
    130         return getMethod;
    131     }
    133     public void setGetMethod(Method getMethod) {
    134         this.getMethod = getMethod;
    135     }
    137     @Override
    138     public String toString() {
    139         return "SqlColumn{" + "columnName=" + columnName + ", colunmLength=" + colunmLength + ", columnAuto=" + columnAuto + ", columnkey=" + columnkey + ", columnNullAble=" + columnNullAble + ", columnDefinition=" + columnDefinition + ", value=" + value + '}';
    140     }
    142 }


      1 package net.sz.engine.db;
      3 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
      4 import java.util.HashMap;
      5 import java.util.List;
      6 import java.util.Map;
      7 import javax.persistence.Column;
      8 import javax.persistence.Id;
      9 import javax.persistence.Table;
     11 /**
     12  * 反射自动查询和封装的类
     13  * <br>
     14  * author 失足程序员<br>
     15  * mail 492794628@qq.com<br>
     16  * phone 13882122019<br>
     17  */
     18 public class TestDao {
     20     private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TestDao.class);
     22     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
     23         //====================添加======================
     24 //        Dog d = new Dog(21, "小不点", "藏獒", "灰色", 25);
     25         Person p = new Person(64, "大象hadoop", 10, "家住Apache基金组织");
     26         p.getMap().put("s", "s");
     27         Person p1 = new Person(65, "xxxx", 10, "家住Apache基金组织");
     28         p1.getMap().put("s", "s");
     29         Dao mysqlps = new MysqlDaoImp1("", "test", "root", "1qaz2wsx", true);
     30         Dao sqliteps = new SqliteDaoImp1("", "log.db", "root", "1qaz2wsx", true);
     32         mysqlps.dropDatabase("test");
     33         mysqlps.createDatabase("test");
     34 //        mysqlps.dropTable(p);
     35         mysqlps.createTable(p);
     36         mysqlps.delete(p.getClass());
     37         mysqlps.addInsertSql(p, p1);
     39 //        sqliteps.dropDatabase("test");
     40 //        sqliteps.createDatabase("test");
     41 //        sqliteps.dropTable(p);
     42         sqliteps.createTable(p);
     43         sqliteps.delete(p.getClass());
     44         sqliteps.addInsertSql(p, p1);
     45         List<? extends Person> list = mysqlps.getList(p.getClass(), null);
     46         for (Person person : list) {
     47             log.error(person.toString());
     48         }
     49         mysqlps.update(p1);
     50         sqliteps.update(p1);
     51 //        =======================查询=======================
     52 //        强制转换为原始类
     53 //    Dog d1=(Dog)getOneObject("com.qin.model.Dog", "id", "1");
     54 //    log.debug(d1);
     55 //        Person d1 = (Person) getOneObject(Person.class.getName(), "id", "1");
     56 //        Person d1=(Person)getOneObject("com.qin.model.Person", "name", "王婷");
     57 //        log.debug(d1);
     58     }
     60 }
     62 /**
     63  *
     64  * <br>
     65  * author 失足程序员<br>
     66  * mail 492794628@qq.com<br>
     67  * phone 13882122019<br>
     68  */
     69 @Table(name = "Person")
     70 class Person {
     72     private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(Person.class);
     74     @Id
     75     @Column(name = "_id")
     76     private int id;
     78     @Column(name = "dName", length = 655)
     79     private String name;
     81     private int age;
     82     private Short age1;
     83     private Byte age2;
     84     private String address;
     86     @Column(nullable = false)
     87     private Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>();
     89     public Person() {
     90         // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub
     91     }
     93     public Person(int id, String name, int age, String address) {
     94         super();
     95         this.id = id;
     96         this.name = name;
     97         this.age = age;
     98         this.address = address;
     99     }
    101     public int getId() {
    102         return id;
    103     }
    105     public void setId(int id) {
    106         this.id = id;
    107     }
    109     public String getName() {
    110         return name;
    111     }
    113     public void setName(String name) {
    114         this.name = name;
    115     }
    117     public int getAge() {
    118         return age;
    119     }
    121     public void setAge(int age) {
    122         this.age = age;
    123     }
    125     public String getAddress() {
    126         return address;
    127     }
    129     public void setAddress(String address) {
    130         this.address = address;
    131     }
    133     public Map<String, String> getMap() {
    134         return map;
    135     }
    137     public void setMap(Map<String, String> map) {
    138         this.map = map;
    139     }
    141     public Short getAge1() {
    142         return age1;
    143     }
    145     public void setAge1(Short age1) {
    146         this.age1 = age1;
    147     }
    149     public Byte getAge2() {
    150         return age2;
    151     }
    153     public void setAge2(Byte age2) {
    154         this.age2 = age2;
    155     }
    157     @Override
    158     public String toString() {
    159         return "Person{" + "id=" + id + ", name=" + name + ", age=" + age + ", age1=" + age1 + ", age2=" + age2 + ", address=" + address + ", map=" + map + '}';
    160     }
    162 }
     1 --- exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec (default-cli) @ net.sz.game.engine ---
     2 [11-04 15:27:11:0938:ERROR: db.Dao.executeUpdate():1012] -> 
     3 com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@7c53a9eb: DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS `test`; 执行结果:1
     4 [11-04 15:27:11:0943:ERROR: db.Dao.executeUpdate():1012] -> 
     5 com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@2f333739: CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `test` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci; 执行结果:1
     6 [11-04 15:27:11:0944:ERROR: db.Dao.executeUpdate():1012] -> 
     7 com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@12bb4df8: use `test`; 执行结果:0
     8 [11-04 15:27:11:0953:ERROR: db.Dao.getColumns():305] -> 类:net.sz.engine.db.Person 字段:log is transient or static or final;
     9 [11-04 15:27:11:0962:ERROR: db.MysqlDaoImp1.existsTable():69 ] -> 表:Person 检查结果: 无此表 
    10 [11-04 15:27:12:0138:ERROR: db.MysqlDaoImp1.createTable():144] -> 
    11 表:
    12  create table if not exists `Person` (
    13      `_id` int(4) not null primary key COMMENT '' ,
    14      `dName` varchar(655) null COMMENT '' ,
    15      `age` int(4) null COMMENT '' ,
    16      `age1` tinyint(2) null COMMENT '' ,
    17      `age2` tinyint(1) null COMMENT '' ,
    18      `address` varchar(255) null COMMENT '' ,
    19      `map` blob not null COMMENT '' 
    21  创建完成;
    22 [11-04 15:27:12:0141:ERROR: db.Dao.executeUpdate():1012] -> 
    23 com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@27ddd392: DELETE FROM `Person` 执行结果:0
    24 [11-04 15:27:12:0143:ERROR: db.MysqlDaoImp1.existsTable():69 ] -> 表:Person 检查结果: 已经存在 
    25 [11-04 15:27:12:0188:ERROR: db.Dao.addInsertSql():652] -> 执行 com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@2db0f6b2: insert into `Person` (`_id`, `dName`, `age`, `age1`, `age2`, `address`, `map`) values 
    26 (64, '大象hadoop', 10, null, null, '家住Apache基金组织', x'ACED0005737200116A6176612E7574696C2E486173684D61700507DAC1C31660D103000246000A6C6F6164466163746F724900097468726573686F6C6478703F4000000000000C770800000010000000017400017371007E000278' ),
    27 (65, 'xxxx', 10, null, null, '家住Apache基金组织', x'ACED0005737200116A6176612E7574696C2E486173684D61700507DAC1C31660D103000246000A6C6F6164466163746F724900097468726573686F6C6478703F4000000000000C770800000010000000017400017371007E000278' ); 添加数据 表:Person 结果 影响行数:2
    28 [11-04 15:27:12:0356:ERROR: db.SqliteDaoImp1.existsTable():63 ] -> 表:Person 检查结果: 已经存在 
    29 [11-04 15:27:12:0356:ERROR: db.SqliteDaoImp1.createTable():88 ] -> 表Person已经存在,检测字段变更,只会处理新增字段;
    30 [11-04 15:27:12:0356:ERROR: db.SqliteDaoImp1.createTable():107] -> 表:Person 字段:id 映射数据库字段:_id 存在,将不会修改
    31 [11-04 15:27:12:0357:ERROR: db.SqliteDaoImp1.createTable():107] -> 表:Person 字段:name 映射数据库字段:dName 存在,将不会修改
    32 [11-04 15:27:12:0357:ERROR: db.SqliteDaoImp1.createTable():107] -> 表:Person 字段:age 映射数据库字段:age 存在,将不会修改
    33 [11-04 15:27:12:0357:ERROR: db.SqliteDaoImp1.createTable():107] -> 表:Person 字段:age1 映射数据库字段:age1 存在,将不会修改
    34 [11-04 15:27:12:0358:ERROR: db.SqliteDaoImp1.createTable():107] -> 表:Person 字段:age2 映射数据库字段:age2 存在,将不会修改
    35 [11-04 15:27:12:0360:ERROR: db.SqliteDaoImp1.createTable():107] -> 表:Person 字段:address 映射数据库字段:address 存在,将不会修改
    36 [11-04 15:27:12:0361:ERROR: db.SqliteDaoImp1.createTable():107] -> 表:Person 字段:map 映射数据库字段:map 存在,将不会修改
    37 [11-04 15:27:12:0386:ERROR: db.Dao.executeUpdate():1012] -> 
    38 org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4PreparedStatement@66d33a 执行结果:2
    39 [11-04 15:27:12:0386:ERROR: db.SqliteDaoImp1.existsTable():63 ] -> 表:Person 检查结果: 已经存在 
    40 [11-04 15:27:12:0401:ERROR: db.Dao.addInsertSql():652] -> 执行 org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4PreparedStatement@7cf10a6f 添加数据 表:Person 结果 影响行数:2
    41 [11-04 15:27:12:0401:ERROR: db.Dao.getResultSet():777] -> 
    42 com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@7e0babb1: SELECT `_id`,`dName`,`age`,`age1`,`age2`,`address`,`map` FROM `Person` 
    43 [11-04 15:27:12:0406:ERROR: db.TestDao.main():47 ] -> Person{id=64, name=大象hadoop, age=10, age1=null, age2=null, address=家住Apache基金组织, map={s=s}}
    44 [11-04 15:27:12:0406:ERROR: db.TestDao.main():47 ] -> Person{id=65, name=xxxx, age=10, age1=null, age2=null, address=家住Apache基金组织, map={s=s}}
    45 [11-04 15:27:12:0438:ERROR: db.Dao.update():981] -> 
    46 com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC42PreparedStatement@c818063: update `Person` set `dName` = 'xxxx', `age` = 10, `age1` = null, `age2` = null, `address` = '家住Apache基金组织', `map` = x'ACED0005737200116A6176612E7574696C2E486173684D61700507DAC1C31660D103000246000A6C6F6164466163746F724900097468726573686F6C6478703F4000000000000C770800000010000000017400017371007E000278' where  `_id` = 65  执行结果:1
    47 [11-04 15:27:12:0452:ERROR: db.Dao.update():981] -> 
    48 org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4PreparedStatement@75bd9247 执行结果:1
    49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    51 ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    52 Total time: 2.299s
    53 Finished at: Fri Nov 04 15:27:12 CST 2016
    54 Final Memory: 7M/238M
    55 ------------------------------------------------------------------------




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