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  • 4 基于优化的攻击——CW





      其实上述公式的两部分loss也就是基于这两点而得到的,首先说第一部分,rn对应着干净样本和对抗样本的差,但作者在这里有个小trick,他把对抗样本映射到了tanh空间里面,这样做有什么好处呢?如果不做变换,那么x只能在(0,1)这个范围内变换,做了这个变换 ,x可以在-inf到+inf做变换,有利于优化。






    class CarliniWagnerL2Attack(Attack, LabelMixin):
        def __init__(self, predict, num_classes, confidence=0,
                     targeted=False, learning_rate=0.01,
                     binary_search_steps=9, max_iterations=10000,
                     abort_early=True, initial_const=1e-3,
                     clip_min=0., clip_max=1., loss_fn=None):
            Carlini Wagner L2 Attack implementation in pytorch
            Carlini, Nicholas, and David Wagner. "Towards evaluating the
            robustness of neural networks." 2017 IEEE Symposium on Security and
            Privacy (SP). IEEE, 2017.
            learning_rate: the learning rate for the attack algorithm
            max_iterations: the maximum number of iterations
            binary_search_steps: number of binary search times to find the optimum
            abort_early: if set to true, abort early if getting stuck in local min
            confidence: confidence of the adversarial examples
            targeted: TODO
            if loss_fn is not None:
                import warnings
                    "This Attack currently do not support a different loss"
                    " function other than the default. Setting loss_fn manually"
                    " is not effective."
            loss_fn = None
            super(CarliniWagnerL2Attack, self).__init__(
                predict, loss_fn, clip_min, clip_max)
            self.learning_rate = learning_rate
            self.max_iterations = max_iterations
            self.binary_search_steps = binary_search_steps
            self.abort_early = abort_early
            self.confidence = confidence
            self.initial_const = initial_const
            self.num_classes = num_classes
            # The last iteration (if we run many steps) repeat the search once.
            self.repeat = binary_search_steps >= REPEAT_STEP
            self.targeted = targeted
        def _loss_fn(self, output, y_onehot, l2distsq, const):
            # TODO: move this out of the class and make this the default loss_fn
            #   after having targeted tests implemented
            real = (y_onehot * output).sum(dim=1)
            # TODO: make loss modular, write a loss class
            other = ((1.0 - y_onehot) * output - (y_onehot * TARGET_MULT)
            # - (y_onehot * TARGET_MULT) is for the true label not to be selected
            if self.targeted:
                loss1 = clamp(other - real + self.confidence, min=0.)
                loss1 = clamp(real - other + self.confidence, min=0.)
            loss2 = (l2distsq).sum()
            loss1 = torch.sum(const * loss1)
            loss = loss1 + loss2
            return loss
        def _is_successful(self, output, label, is_logits):
            # determine success, see if confidence-adjusted logits give the right
            #   label
            if is_logits:
                output = output.detach().clone()
                if self.targeted:
                    output[torch.arange(len(label)), label] -= self.confidence
                    output[torch.arange(len(label)), label] += self.confidence
                pred = torch.argmax(output, dim=1)
                pred = output
                if pred == INVALID_LABEL:
                    return pred.new_zeros(pred.shape).byte()
            return is_successful(pred, label, self.targeted)
        def _forward_and_update_delta(
                self, optimizer, x_atanh, delta, y_onehot, loss_coeffs):
            adv = tanh_rescale(delta + x_atanh, self.clip_min, self.clip_max)
            transimgs_rescale = tanh_rescale(x_atanh, self.clip_min, self.clip_max)
            output = self.predict(adv)
            l2distsq = calc_l2distsq(adv, transimgs_rescale)
            loss = self._loss_fn(output, y_onehot, l2distsq, loss_coeffs)
            return loss.item(), l2distsq.data, output.data, adv.data
        def _get_arctanh_x(self, x):
            result = clamp((x - self.clip_min) / (self.clip_max - self.clip_min),
                           min=self.clip_min, max=self.clip_max) * 2 - 1
            return torch_arctanh(result * ONE_MINUS_EPS)
        def _update_if_smaller_dist_succeed(
                self, adv_img, labs, output, l2distsq, batch_size,
                cur_l2distsqs, cur_labels,
                final_l2distsqs, final_labels, final_advs):
            target_label = labs
            output_logits = output
            _, output_label = torch.max(output_logits, 1)
            mask = (l2distsq < cur_l2distsqs) & self._is_successful(
                output_logits, target_label, True)
            cur_l2distsqs[mask] = l2distsq[mask]  # redundant
            cur_labels[mask] = output_label[mask]
            mask = (l2distsq < final_l2distsqs) & self._is_successful(
                output_logits, target_label, True)
            final_l2distsqs[mask] = l2distsq[mask]
            final_labels[mask] = output_label[mask]
            final_advs[mask] = adv_img[mask]
        def _update_loss_coeffs(
                self, labs, cur_labels, batch_size, loss_coeffs,
                coeff_upper_bound, coeff_lower_bound):
            # TODO: remove for loop, not significant, since only called during each
            # binary search step
            for ii in range(batch_size):
                cur_labels[ii] = int(cur_labels[ii])
                if self._is_successful(cur_labels[ii], labs[ii], False):
                    coeff_upper_bound[ii] = min(
                        coeff_upper_bound[ii], loss_coeffs[ii])
                    if coeff_upper_bound[ii] < UPPER_CHECK:
                        loss_coeffs[ii] = (
                            coeff_lower_bound[ii] + coeff_upper_bound[ii]) / 2
                    coeff_lower_bound[ii] = max(
                        coeff_lower_bound[ii], loss_coeffs[ii])
                    if coeff_upper_bound[ii] < UPPER_CHECK:
                        loss_coeffs[ii] = (
                            coeff_lower_bound[ii] + coeff_upper_bound[ii]) / 2
                        loss_coeffs[ii] *= 10
        def perturb(self, x, y=None):
            x, y = self._verify_and_process_inputs(x, y)
            # Initialization
            if y is None:
                y = self._get_predicted_label(x)
            x = replicate_input(x)
            batch_size = len(x)
            coeff_lower_bound = x.new_zeros(batch_size)
            coeff_upper_bound = x.new_ones(batch_size) * CARLINI_COEFF_UPPER
            loss_coeffs = torch.ones_like(y).float() * self.initial_const
            final_l2distsqs = [CARLINI_L2DIST_UPPER] * batch_size
            final_labels = [INVALID_LABEL] * batch_size
            final_advs = x
            x_atanh = self._get_arctanh_x(x)
            y_onehot = to_one_hot(y, self.num_classes).float()
            final_l2distsqs = torch.FloatTensor(final_l2distsqs).to(x.device)
            final_labels = torch.LongTensor(final_labels).to(x.device)
            # Start binary search
            for outer_step in range(self.binary_search_steps):
                delta = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros_like(x))
                optimizer = optim.Adam([delta], lr=self.learning_rate)
                cur_l2distsqs = [CARLINI_L2DIST_UPPER] * batch_size
                cur_labels = [INVALID_LABEL] * batch_size
                cur_l2distsqs = torch.FloatTensor(cur_l2distsqs).to(x.device)
                cur_labels = torch.LongTensor(cur_labels).to(x.device)
                prevloss = PREV_LOSS_INIT
                if (self.repeat and outer_step == (self.binary_search_steps - 1)):
                    loss_coeffs = coeff_upper_bound
                for ii in range(self.max_iterations):
                    loss, l2distsq, output, adv_img = 
                            optimizer, x_atanh, delta, y_onehot, loss_coeffs)
                    if self.abort_early:
                        if ii % (self.max_iterations // NUM_CHECKS or 1) == 0:
                            if loss > prevloss * ONE_MINUS_EPS:
                            prevloss = loss
                        adv_img, y, output, l2distsq, batch_size,
                        cur_l2distsqs, cur_labels,
                        final_l2distsqs, final_labels, final_advs)
                    y, cur_labels, batch_size,
                    loss_coeffs, coeff_upper_bound, coeff_lower_bound)
            return final_advs


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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shona/p/11275687.html
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