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  • ACM-ICPC 2018 南京赛区网络预赛 E. AC Challenge (状态压缩DP)

    Dlsj is competing in a contest with n (0 < n le 20)n(0<n20) problems. And he knows the answer of all of these problems.

    However, he can submit ii-th problem if and only if he has submitted (and passed, of course) s_isi problems, the p_{i, 1}pi,1-th, p_{i, 2}pi,2-th, ......, p_{i, s_i}pi,si-th problem before.(0 < p_{i, j} le n,0 < j le s_i,0 < i le n)(0<pi,jn,0<jsi,0<in) After the submit of a problem, he has to wait for one minute, or cooling down time to submit another problem. As soon as the cooling down phase ended, he will submit his solution (and get "Accepted" of course) for the next problem he selected to solve or he will say that the contest is too easy and leave the arena.

    "I wonder if I can leave the contest arena when the problems are too easy for me."
    "No problem."
    —— CCF NOI Problem set

    If he submits and passes the ii-th problem on tt-th minute(or the tt-th problem he solve is problem ii), he can get t imes a_i + b_it×ai+bi points. (|a_i|, |b_i| le 10^9)(ai,bi109).

    Your task is to calculate the maximum number of points he can get in the contest.


    The first line of input contains an integer, nn, which is the number of problems.

    Then follows nn lines, the ii-th line contains s_i + 3si+3 integers, a_i,b_i,s_i,p_1,p_2,...,p_{s_i}ai,bi,si,p1,p2,...,psias described in the description above.


    Output one line with one integer, the maximum number of points he can get in the contest.


    In the first sample.

    On the first minute, Dlsj submitted the first problem, and get 1 imes 5 + 6 = 111×5+6=11 points.

    On the second minute, Dlsj submitted the second problem, and get 2 imes 4 + 5 = 132×4+5=13points.

    On the third minute, Dlsj submitted the third problem, and get 3 imes 3 + 4 = 133×3+4=13 points.

    On the forth minute, Dlsj submitted the forth problem, and get 4 imes 2 + 3 = 114×2+3=11 points.

    On the fifth minute, Dlsj submitted the fifth problem, and get 5 imes 1 + 2 = 75×1+2=7 points.

    So he can get 11+13+13+11+7=5511+13+13+11+7=55points in total.

    In the second sample, you should note that he doesn't have to solve all the problems.


    5 6 0
    4 5 1 1
    3 4 1 2
    2 3 1 3
    1 2 1 4




    -100 0 0






    using namespace std;
    const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f ;
    #define ll long long
    ll dp[(1<<21)];
    int One[1<<21];
    struct no
        int a,b,id,per;
    int GetOne(int n)
        int count = 0;
            n = n & (n - 1);
        return count;
    int main( )
        int n ;
        for(int i=0 ; i<n ; i++)
                int x ;
                a[i].per |= (1<<(x-1)); ///per记录了这个问题需要完成谁
        memset(dp,-INF,sizeof(dp)) ;
        ll ans = 0;
        for(int i=0 ; i<(1<<n) ; i++)
        dp[0] = 0 ;
        for(int i=0 ; i<(1<<n) ; i++)
            if(dp[i]!=-INF) ///减少重复运算
                for(int j=0 ; j<n ; j++)
                    if((i & a[j].per)==a[j].per)///如果满足了这个问题的条件
                            dp[(i|(1<<j))] = max( dp[(i|(1<<j))] , dp[i]+(ll)(One[i]+1)*a[j].a+a[j].b);
            ans = max(ans,dp[i]);
        return 0 ;
    View Code
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shuaihui520/p/9586158.html
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