Form Trigger Sequence Demo Form_田攀的日志-CSDN博客
田攀 2012-12-31 12:31:33 2587 收藏
Form Trigger太多太庞杂,新手往往很难上手,加上一些Trigger有点偏门,用的比较少,真到想用的时候,又不知道从哪下手。
所以之前就有想法写一个Demo Form,用于显示Trigger的执行顺序,今天发现已经有人写过这个东西了,也就不用重造这个轮子了。
作者:Francois Degrelle(Oracle ACE)
This dialog allows you to understand what trigger fire and in what order when you use the application.
Before each particular action, you can clear the list of triggers window.
This window show you what trigger is firing in what order and from what block and what item.
* Form打开触发的事件
When-Create-Record [CTRL]
Pre-Form []
When-Create-Record [DEPT]
Pre-Block [DEPT]
Pre-Record [DEPT]
Pre-Text-Item [DEPT.Deptno]
When-New-Form-Instance [DEPT.Deptno]
When-New-Block-Instance [DEPT.Deptno]
When-New-Record-Instance [DEPT.Deptno]
When-New-Item-Instance [DEPT.Deptno]
When-Window-Activated [DEPT.Deptno]
On-Clear-Details [DEPT.Deptno]
Post-Text-Item [DEPT.Deptno]
Post-Record [DEPT]
When-New-Record-Instance [DEPT.Deptno]
When-New-Item-Instance [DEPT.Deptno]
Pre-query [DEPT]
Pre-Select [DEPT]
Post-Select [DEPT]
Post-Query [DEPT]
On-Close [DEPT]
Pre-Record [DEPT]
Pre-Text-Item [DEPT.Deptno]
On-Populate-Details [DEPT.Deptno]
Post-Text-Item [DEPT.Deptno]
Post-Record [DEPT]
Post-Block [DEPT]
When-Create-Record [EMP]
Pre-Block [EMP]
Pre-Record [EMP]
Pre-Text-Item [EMP.Empno]
Post-Text-Item [EMP.Empno]
Post-Record [EMP]
Pre-query [EMP]
Pre-Select [EMP]
Post-Select [EMP]
Post-Query [EMP]
Post-Query [EMP]
Post-Query [EMP]
On-Close [EMP]
Pre-Record [EMP]
Pre-Text-Item [EMP.Empno]
Post-Text-Item [EMP.Empno]
Post-Record [EMP]
Post-Block [EMP]
Pre-Block [DEPT]
Pre-Record [DEPT]
Pre-Text-Item [DEPT.Deptno]
When-New-Record-Instance [DEPT.Deptno]
When-New-Item-Instance [DEPT.Deptno]
Post-Text-Item [DEPT.Deptno]
Post-Record [DEPT]
Post-Block [DEPT]
When-Validate-Item [EMP.Job]
Post-Text-Item [EMP.Job]
When-Validate-Item [EMP.Deptno]
When-Validate-Record [EMP]
Post-Record [EMP]
Post-Block [EMP]
When-Validate-Item [CTRL.Aff]
When-Validate-Record [CTRL]
Pre-Commit []
Pre-Insert [EMP]
On-Insert [EMP]
Post-Insert [EMP]
When-Validate-Record [CTRL]
Post-Forms-Commit []
On-Commit []
Post-Database-Commit []
Pre-Block [EMP]
Pre-Record [EMP]
Pre-Text-Item [EMP.Job]
When-New-Item-Instance [EMP.Job]
Related Topic:
(V45) Trigger Execution Sequence in Forms 4.5
Form Trigger执行顺序
Trigger Toutorial
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