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  • 数据结构 - trie

     1 #include <cstring>
     2 #include <iostream>
     3 #include <map>
     4 #include <cstdio>
     5 using namespace std;
     6 class Trie{
     7 private :
     8     map<char,Trie *> * root;
     9     pair<bool,int> info;
    10     inline Trie * makeNext(char c){
    11         if(root == NULL){
    12             root = new map<char ,Trie * >;
    13         }
    14         map<char, Trie *>::iterator it  = root->find(c);
    15         Trie * in ;
    16         if( it ==  root->end()){
    17             in = new Trie();
    18             root->insert( pair<char , Trie * >(c,in));
    19         }else{
    20             in = it->second;
    21         }
    22         info.second ++ ;
    23         return in;
    24     }
    25     inline void makeEnd(){
    26         info.second ++ ;
    27         info.first = true;
    28     }
    29     inline Trie * getChild(char c){
    30         //该节点后面什么都没有了
    31         if( root == NULL ){
    32             return NULL;
    33         }
    34         map<char, Trie *>::iterator it  = root->find(c);
    35         if(it == root->end()){
    36             //有兄弟节点,但是没有这个后续
    37             return NULL;
    38         }
    39         return it->second;
    40     }
    41     void destory(){
    42         if(root != NULL){
    43             for(map<char ,Trie *> :: iterator it = root->begin() ; it!=root->end() ; ++ it ){
    44                 it->second->destory();
    45             }
    46             delete root;
    47         }
    48     }
    49 public :
    50     static pair<bool,int> None ;
    51     Trie(){
    52         root = NULL;
    53         info = pair<bool,int>(false,0);
    54     }
    55     ~Trie(){
    56         destory();
    57     }
    58     void addStr(char * str){
    59         int len = strlen(str);
    60         Trie * nowRoot = this;
    61         while( (*str)!=''){
    62             nowRoot = nowRoot->makeNext(*str);
    63             ++str;
    64         }
    65         nowRoot->makeEnd();
    66     }
    68     pair<bool,int> findStr(char * str){
    69         Trie * nowRoot = this;
    70         while((*str)!=''){
    71             nowRoot = nowRoot->getChild(*str);
    72             if( nowRoot == NULL){
    73                 return None;
    74             }
    75             str++;
    76         }
    77         return nowRoot -> info;
    78     }
    79 };
    80 pair<bool,int> Trie :: None = pair<bool,int>(false,-1);
    81 int main(){
    82     Trie * a = new Trie();
    83     a->addStr("abcdfg");
    84     a->addStr("abcd");
    85     a->addStr("abc");
    86     a->addStr("ab");
    87     cout<<"stop "<<endl;
    88     pair <bool,int> ans = a->findStr("abc");
    89     cout<< ans.first << " " << ans.second<<endl;
    90     delete a;
    91     return 0;
    92 }
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shuly/p/5995939.html
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