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  • 取SQL分组中某几行数据


    if OBJECT_ID('testGroup') is not null
    drop table testGroup
    create table testGroup
    ID int identity primary key,
    UserID int,
    OrderID int
    insert testGroup 
    select 1,10 union all
    select 1,20 union all
    select 1,30 union all
    select 2,100 union all
    select 2,200 union all
    select 3,1000 union all
    select 3,2000 union all
    select 3,3000 union all
    select 3,4000

    一. 取分组中第1行(最大/最小值)
    1. 取出分组中某列最大/最小值,不要求显示其他列
    最常见的分组聚合,用group by 分组时,只有参加分组/聚合的列才可以被显示。

    select UserID, MAX(OrderID) as MaxOrderID
    from testGroup 
    group by UserID

     2. 取出分组中某列最大/最小值,要求显示其他列

    要显示表中其他列,用group by 不好实现,可以借助子查询。

    select * from testGroup a 
    where ID = (select MAX(ID) from testGroup b where a.UserID = b.UserID)
    order by ID
    select * from testGroup 
    where ID in (select MAX(ID) from testGroup group by UserID)
    select * from testGroup as a 
    where a.ID in (select top 1 ID from testGroup b where a.UserID = b.UserID order by b.OrderID desc)
    select * from testGroup a
    where not exists(select 1 from testGroup b where a.UserID = b.UserID and a.OrderID < b.OrderID)
    select * from testGroup a
    where (select count(1) from testGroup b where a.UserID = b.UserID and a.id <= b.id) = 1

    二. 取分组中前N行(排名前几名)
    1. SQL Server 2000的写法

    select * from testGroup as a
    where a.ID in (select top 2 ID from testGroup b where a.UserID = b.UserID order by b.OrderID)
    select * from testGroup a
    where not exists (select 1 from testGroup b where a.UserID = b.UserID and a.OrderID > b.OrderID 
    having count(1) >= 2)
    select * from testGroup a
    where (select count(1) from testGroup b where a.UserID = b.UserID and a.ID >= b.ID) <= 2

     2. SQL Server 2005新语法

    (2) ROW_NUMBER()

    select ID, UserID, OrderID
    (select *, ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by UserID order by OrderID) num
    from testGroup ) t
    where t.num between 1 and 2

    (3) APPLY(TOP)

    select distinct t.* from testGroup a
    cross apply (select top 2 ID, UserID, OrderID from testGroup b
    where a.UserID = b.UserID order by b.OrderID) as t

    三. 取分组中第N行(排名第N名)
    (1) 子查询

    select * from testGroup a
    where (select count(1) from testGroup b where a.UserID = b.UserID and a.OrderID >= b.OrderID) = 3
    select * from testGroup a
    where exists (select 1 from testGroup b where a.UserID = b.UserID and a.OrderID >= b.OrderID 
    having count(1) = 3)

    (2) ROW_NUMBER()

    select ID, UserID, OrderID
    (select *, ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by UserID order by OrderID) num
    from testGroup ) t
    where t.num = 3
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/shy1766IT/p/5185103.html
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