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  • PyAlgoTrade 0.20中文笔记





    python -m "pyalgotrade.tools.quandl" --source-code="WIKI" --table-code="ORCL" --from-year=2000 --to-year=2000 --storage=. --force-download --frequency=daily


    Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,Ex-Dividend,Split Ratio,Adj. Open,Adj. High,Adj. Low,Adj. Close,Adj. Volume
    from pyalgotrade import strategy
    from pyalgotrade.barfeed import quandlfeed
    class MyStrategy(strategy.BacktestingStrategy):
        def __init__(self, feed, instrument):
    # 调用父方法,读取回测的数据,这里同事创建默认的交易对象broker super(MyStrategy, self).__init__(feed) self.__instrument = instrument def onBars(self, bars): bar = bars[self.__instrument]
    # OnBars函数会通过对象run的方法多次调用,每次读取一行回测数据的信息。 self.info(bar.getClose()) # Load the bar feed from the CSV file
    @ 可以在Feed类中重新定义切割读取csv中每一列数据的形式,默认的方式与下载读取的文件相同 feed = quandlfeed.Feed() feed.addBarsFromCSV("orcl", "WIKI-ORCL-2000-quandl.csv") # Evaluate the strategy with the feed's bars. myStrategy = MyStrategy(feed, "orcl") myStrategy.run()






    from pyalgotrade import strategy
    from pyalgotrade.barfeed import quandlfeed
    from pyalgotrade.technical import ma
    # 这个是为了直接调用round会None操作报错 def safe_round(value, digits): if value is not None: value = round(value, digits) return value class MyStrategy(strategy.BacktestingStrategy): def __init__(self, feed, instrument): super(MyStrategy, self).__init__(feed) # We want a 15 period SMA over the closing prices.
    # 这个是技术线,第一个参数为数据集,这个为15日均线 self.__sma = ma.SMA(feed[instrument].getCloseDataSeries(), 15) self.__instrument = instrument def onBars(self, bars):
    # 通过bars[instrument]获取每次行数据或者就是蜡烛点的数据。 bar = bars[self.__instrument] self.info("%s %s" % (bar.getClose(), safe_round(self.__sma[-1], 2))) # Load the bar feed from the CSV file feed = quandlfeed.Feed() feed.addBarsFromCSV("orcl", "WIKI-ORCL-2000-quandl.csv") # Evaluate the strategy with the feed's bars. myStrategy = MyStrategy(feed, "orcl") myStrategy.run()




    from pyalgotrade import strategy
    from pyalgotrade.barfeed import quandlfeed
    from pyalgotrade.technical import ma
    from pyalgotrade.technical import rsi
    def safe_round(value, digits):
        if value is not None:
            value = round(value, digits)
        return value
    class MyStrategy(strategy.BacktestingStrategy):
        def __init__(self, feed, instrument):
            super(MyStrategy, self).__init__(feed)
    # 首先获取14天的rsi线 self.__rsi = rsi.RSI(feed[instrument].getCloseDataSeries(), 14)
    # 明显rsi的返回值也是一个查寻集,SMA将在ris有15个值的时候,获取rsi的平均值 self.__sma = ma.SMA(self.__rsi, 15) self.__instrument = instrument def onBars(self, bars): bar = bars[self.__instrument]
    # 输出每一个蜡烛点的数据,由于技术线返回的都是查寻集,所以需要返回最新的值,需要用-1取值 self.info("%s %s %s" % ( bar.getClose(), safe_round(self.__rsi[-1], 2), safe_round(self.__sma[-1], 2) )) # Load the bar feed from the CSV file feed = quandlfeed.Feed() feed.addBarsFromCSV("orcl", "WIKI-ORCL-2000-quandl.csv") # Evaluate the strategy with the feed's bars. myStrategy = MyStrategy(feed, "orcl") myStrategy.run()



    from __future__ import print_function
    from pyalgotrade import strategy
    from pyalgotrade.barfeed import quandlfeed
    from pyalgotrade.technical import ma
    class MyStrategy(strategy.BacktestingStrategy):
        def __init__(self, feed, instrument, smaPeriod):
    # 调用父类初始化方法,并传入feed实例,并手动定义账户的初始化金额 super(MyStrategy, self).__init__(feed, 1000) self.__position = None self.__instrument = instrument # We'll use adjusted close values instead of regular close values.
    # 这个参数具体效果还不知道 self.setUseAdjustedValues(True)
    # 设置日均线 self.__sma = ma.SMA(feed[instrument].getPriceDataSeries(), smaPeriod)
    # 在交易成功的时候触发该函数 def onEnterOk(self, position):
    # position为enterLong创建,但为什么在函数内部变成了内部参数,源码那里还每看明白 execInfo = position.getEntryOrder().getExecutionInfo() self.info("BUY at $%.2f" % (execInfo.getPrice())) def onEnterCanceled(self, position): self.__position = None # 卖出交易成功的情况下执行 def onExitOk(self, position): execInfo = position.getExitOrder().getExecutionInfo() self.info("SELL at $%.2f" % (execInfo.getPrice())) self.__position = None def onExitCanceled(self, position): # If the exit was canceled, re-submit it. self.__position.exitMarket() def onBars(self, bars): # Wait for enough bars to be available to calculate a SMA. if self.__sma[-1] is None: return
    # 这里是具体的业务逻辑,所有的输出都在特定的函数来激活,在交易的函数中,默认带参数position示例。 bar = bars[self.__instrument]
    # 当position没有定义的时候,需要通过enter来创建positon # If a position was not opened, check if we should enter a long position. if self.__position is None: if bar.getPrice() > self.__sma[-1]: # Enter a buy market order for 10 shares. The order is good till canceled.
    # 创建订单,并将返回值赋值给self.__position self.__position = self.enterLong(self.__instrument, 10, True) # Check if we have to exit the position. elif bar.getPrice() < self.__sma[-1] and not self.__position.exitActive(): self.__position.exitMarket() def run_strategy(smaPeriod): # Load the bar feed from the CSV file feed = quandlfeed.Feed() feed.addBarsFromCSV("orcl", "WIKI-ORCL-2000-quandl.csv") # Evaluate the strategy with the feed. myStrategy = MyStrategy(feed, "orcl", smaPeriod) myStrategy.run()
    # 通过getBroker()获取broker对象,并查寻该对象内部的属性 print("Final portfolio value: $%.2f" % myStrategy.getBroker().getEquity()) run_strategy(15)






    Let’s start by downloading 3 years of daily bars for ‘IBM’:

    python -m "pyalgotrade.tools.quandl" --source-code="WIKI" --table-code="IBM" --from-year=2009 --to-year=2011 --storage=. --force-download --frequency=daily


    from pyalgotrade import strategy
    from pyalgotrade.technical import ma
    from pyalgotrade.technical import rsi
    from pyalgotrade.technical import cross
    class RSI2(strategy.BacktestingStrategy):
        def __init__(self, feed, instrument, entrySMA, exitSMA, rsiPeriod, overBoughtThreshold, overSoldThreshold):
            super(RSI2, self).__init__(feed)
            self.__instrument = instrument
            # We'll use adjusted close values, if available, instead of regular close values.
            if feed.barsHaveAdjClose():
    # 初始化了6个技术指标,两个position的指标,初始为None self.__priceDS = feed[instrument].getPriceDataSeries() self.__entrySMA = ma.SMA(self.__priceDS, entrySMA) self.__exitSMA = ma.SMA(self.__priceDS, exitSMA) self.__rsi = rsi.RSI(self.__priceDS, rsiPeriod) self.__overBoughtThreshold = overBoughtThreshold self.__overSoldThreshold = overSoldThreshold self.__longPos = None self.__shortPos = None def getEntrySMA(self): return self.__entrySMA def getExitSMA(self): return self.__exitSMA def getRSI(self): return self.__rsi def onEnterCanceled(self, position): if self.__longPos == position: self.__longPos = None elif self.__shortPos == position: self.__shortPos = None else: assert(False) def onExitOk(self, position): if self.__longPos == position: self.__longPos = None elif self.__shortPos == position: self.__shortPos = None else: assert(False) def onExitCanceled(self, position): # If the exit was canceled, re-submit it. position.exitMarket() def onBars(self, bars): # Wait for enough bars to be available to calculate SMA and RSI.
    # 下面的三个指标都有了才开始运行 if self.__exitSMA[-1] is None or self.__entrySMA[-1] is None or self.__rsi[-1] is None: return # 取出蜡烛点数据,并运行具体逻辑 bar = bars[self.__instrument] if self.__longPos is not None: if self.exitLongSignal(): self.__longPos.exitMarket() elif self.__shortPos is not None: if self.exitShortSignal(): self.__shortPos.exitMarket() else: if self.enterLongSignal(bar): shares = int(self.getBroker().getCash() * 0.9 / bars[self.__instrument].getPrice()) self.__longPos = self.enterLong(self.__instrument, shares, True) elif self.enterShortSignal(bar): shares = int(self.getBroker().getCash() * 0.9 / bars[self.__instrument].getPrice()) self.__shortPos = self.enterShort(self.__instrument, shares, True) def enterLongSignal(self, bar): return bar.getPrice() > self.__entrySMA[-1] and self.__rsi[-1] <= self.__overSoldThreshold def exitLongSignal(self): return cross.cross_above(self.__priceDS, self.__exitSMA) and not self.__longPos.exitActive() def enterShortSignal(self, bar): return bar.getPrice() < self.__entrySMA[-1] and self.__rsi[-1] >= self.__overBoughtThreshold def exitShortSignal(self): return cross.cross_below(self.__priceDS, self.__exitSMA) and not self.__shortPos.exitActive()

    This is the server script:

    import itertools
    from pyalgotrade.optimizer import server
    from pyalgotrade.barfeed import quandlfeed
    def parameters_generator():
        instrument = ["ibm"]
        entrySMA = range(150, 251)
        exitSMA = range(5, 16)
        rsiPeriod = range(2, 11)
        overBoughtThreshold = range(75, 96)
        overSoldThreshold = range(5, 26)
        return itertools.product(instrument, entrySMA, exitSMA, rsiPeriod, overBoughtThreshold, overSoldThreshold)
    # The if __name__ == '__main__' part is necessary if running on Windows.
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        # Load the bar feed from the CSV files.
        feed = quandlfeed.Feed()
        feed.addBarsFromCSV("ibm", "WIKI-IBM-2009-quandl.csv")
        feed.addBarsFromCSV("ibm", "WIKI-IBM-2010-quandl.csv")
        feed.addBarsFromCSV("ibm", "WIKI-IBM-2011-quandl.csv")
        # Run the server.
        server.serve(feed, parameters_generator(), "localhost", 5000)
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/sidianok/p/13392609.html
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