#!/bin/sh #creator :zmw #date : 20140507 #func : kill process by name ! pname=$1; splt="|"; blk=" "; debug="N"; if [ "$pname" = "" -o ${#pname} -lt 3 ] then echo "the args' count is less then 4,please retry it!"; exit; fi; pss=$(db2 "list applications" | grep -i "$pname" | grep -v "grep" | grep -v "$0" | tr -s " " "$splt" ) for ppid in $pss do [ "$debug" = "Y" ] && echo "ppid is $ppid"; sppid=$(echo "$ppid" | cut -d "$splt" -f 2 ); sppname=$(echo "$ppid" | cut -d "$splt" -f 8 ); stime=$(echo "$ppid" | cut -d "$splt" -f 7 ); [ "$debug" = "Y" ] && echo "stime is $stime"; scmd=${ppid##*${stime}}; #replace the splter to blank scmd=${scmd//$splt/$blk}; [ "$debug" = "Y" ] && echo "scmd is $scmd"; echo "sppid is [$sppid]"; echo "spcmd is [$scmd]"; echo -n "are you sure kill these process?[Y/N],[Q quit] :"; read ye; ye=$(echo "$ye" | tr 'a-z' 'A-Z'); [ "$ye" = "Q" ] && exit; if [ "$ye" = "Y" ] then echo kill db2 pid is "$sppid"; #kill -9 "$sppid"; db2 "force application($sppid)" [ $? = 0 ] && echo "$sppid is killed"; fi; done;