/** * Tomcat properties. */ public static class Tomcat {/** * Maximum amount of worker threads.最大的工作线程数,默认为200,只能最多有200个耗时(比如查数据库)操作同时进行,一般小型应用中,达不到200个并发耗时操作。 */ private int maxThreads = 200; /** * Minimum amount of worker threads.最小工作线程数,默认为10,即初始化时会创建10个线程用于处理请求。 */ private int minSpareThreads = 10;/** * Maximum number of connections that the server accepts and processes at any * given time. Once the limit has been reached, the operating system may still * accept connections based on the "acceptCount" property.
Tomcat在给定时间(同一时间)能接受的最大连接数。 */ private int maxConnections = 10000; /** * Maximum queue length for incoming connection requests when all possible request * processing threads are in use.当前连接数超过maxConnections时,还能接受的连接的数量(排队的数量)。 */ private int acceptCount = 100; }
public class TomcatServletWebServerFactory extends AbstractServletWebServerFactory implements ConfigurableTomcatWebServerFactory, ResourceLoaderAware { private static final Charset DEFAULT_CHARSET = StandardCharsets.UTF_8; private static final Set<Class<?>> NO_CLASSES = Collections.emptySet(); /** * The class name of default protocol used.协议的默认配置 */ public static final String DEFAULT_PROTOCOL = "org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11NioProtocol"; private File baseDirectory; ........ }
springboot 内置的Tomcat采用NIO协议,配置的参数为server.tomcat.maxThreads 200,server.tomcat.maxConnections 1000,server.tomcat.acceptCount 100。 理论上来讲同一时刻可以处理200个请求(200个线程处理200个耗时操作),但其实可以同时接受10000个请求连接,以及大于10000个连接时,还可以再等待100个连接。