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  • Using HiveServer2

    To configure Hive for use with HiveServer2, include the following configuration properties in the .../hive-site.xml configuration file.

      <description>Enable Hive's Table Lock Manager Service</description>
      <description>Zookeeper quorum used by Hive's Table Lock Manager</description>
      <value><zk node1>,<zk node2>,...,<zk nodeN></value>
      <description>The Zookeeper client port. The MapR default clientPort is 5181.</description>

    To implement custom authentication for HiveServer2, create a custom Authenticator class derived from the following interface:

    public interface PasswdAuthenticationProvider {
       * The Authenticate method is called by the HiveServer2 authentication layer
       * to authenticate users for their requests.
       * If a user is to be granted, return nothing/throw nothing.
       * When a user is to be disallowed, throw an appropriate {@link AuthenticationException}.
       * For an example implementation, see {@link LdapAuthenticationProviderImpl}.
       * @param user - The username received over the connection request
       * @param password - The password received over the connection request
       * @throws AuthenticationException - When a user is found to be
       * invalid by the implementation
      void Authenticate(String user, String password) throws AuthenticationException;


    ackage org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.auth;
    import javax.security.sasl.AuthenticationException;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
    import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;
    import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configurable;
    import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
    import org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.utils.MD5Util;
    import org.apache.hive.service.auth.PasswdAuthenticationProvider;
    public class XXXXPasswdAuthenticator implements PasswdAuthenticationProvider,Configurable {
      private static final Log LOG=LogFactory.getLog(XXXXPasswdAuthenticator.class);
      private Configuration conf=null;
      private static final String HIVE_JDBC_PASSWD_AUTH_PREFIX="hive.jdbc_passwd.auth.%s";
      public XXXXPasswdAuthenticator() {
      public void init(){
      public void Authenticate(String userName, String passwd)
          throws AuthenticationException {
        LOG.info("user: "+userName+" try login.");
        String passwdMD5 = getConf().get(String.format(HIVE_JDBC_PASSWD_AUTH_PREFIX, userName));
          String message = "user's ACL configration is not found. user:"+userName;
          throw new AuthenticationException(message);
        String md5 = MD5Util.md5Hex(passwd);
          String message = "user name and password is mismatch. user:"+userName;
          throw new AuthenticationException(message);
        LOG.info("user "+userName+" login system successfully.");
      public Configuration getConf() {
          this.conf=new Configuration();
        return conf;
      public void setConf(Configuration arg0) {

    Add the following properties to the hive-site.xml file, then restart Hiveserver2:


    User name and password would be set in hive-site.xml

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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/silva/p/4584532.html
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