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  • jquery.cxSelect插件,城市没单位



     * jQuery cxSelect
     * @name jquery.cxselect.js
     * @version 1.3.4
     * #date 2013-12-18
     * @author ciaoca
     * @email ciaoca@gmail.com
     * @site https://github.com/ciaoca/cxSelect
     * @license Released under the MIT license
        if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
            define(['jquery'], factory);
        } else {
        $.cxSelect = function(settings){
            var obj;
            var settings;
            var cxSelect = {
                dom: {},
                api: {}
            // 检测是否为 DOM 元素
            var isElement = function(o){
                if(o && (typeof HTMLElement === 'function' || typeof HTMLElement === 'object') && o instanceof HTMLElement) {
                    return true;
                } else {
                    return (o && o.nodeType && o.nodeType === 1) ? true : false;
            // 检测是否为 jQuery 对象
            var isJquery = function(o){
                return (o && o.length && (typeof jQuery === 'function' || typeof jQuery === 'object') && o instanceof jQuery) ? true : false;
            // 检测是否为数组
            var isArray = function(o){
                if(!Array.isArray) {
                    return Object.prototype.toString.call(o) === "[object Array]";
                } else {
                    return Array.isArray(o);
            // 分配参数
            for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
                if (isJquery(arguments[i])) {
                    obj = arguments[i];
                } else if (isElement(arguments[i])) {
                    obj = $(arguments[i]);
                } else if (typeof arguments[i] === 'object') {
                    settings = arguments[i];
            if (obj.length < 1) {return};
            cxSelect.init = function(){
                var _this = this;
                _this.dom.box = obj;
                _this.settings = $.extend({}, $.cxSelect.defaults, settings, {
                    url: _this.dom.box.data('url'),
                    nodata: _this.dom.box.data('nodata'),
                    required: _this.dom.box.data('required'),
                    firstTitle: _this.dom.box.data('firstTitle'),
                    firstValue: _this.dom.box.data('firstValue')
                // 未设置选择器组
                if (!_this.settings.selects.length) {return};
                _this.selectArray = [];
                _this.selectSum = _this.settings.selects.length;
                for (var i = 0; i < _this.selectSum; i++) {
                    if (!_this.dom.box.find('select.' + _this.settings.selects[i])) {break};
                    _this.selectArray.push(_this.dom.box.find('select.' + _this.settings.selects[i]));
                _this.selectSum = _this.selectArray.length;
                // 设置的选择器组不存在
                if (!_this.selectSum) {return};
                // 设置 URL,通过 Ajax 获取数据
                if (typeof _this.settings.url === 'string') {
                    $.getJSON(_this.settings.url, function(json){
                        _this.dataJson = json;
                // 设置自定义数据
                } else if (typeof _this.settings.url === 'object') {
                    _this.dataJson = _this.settings.url;
            cxSelect.getIndex = function(n){
                return (this.settings.required) ? n : n - 1;
            // 获取下拉框内容
            cxSelect.getNewOptions = function(elemJquery, data){
                if (!elemJquery) {return};
                var _title = this.settings.firstTitle;
                var _value = this.settings.firstValue;
                var _dataTitle = elemJquery.data('firstTitle');
                var _dataValue = elemJquery.data('firstValue');
                var _html = '';
                if (typeof _dataTitle === 'string' || typeof _dataTitle === 'number' || typeof _dataTitle === 'boolean') {
                    _title = _dataTitle.toString();
                if (typeof _dataValue === 'string' || typeof _dataValue === 'number' || typeof _dataValue === 'boolean') {
                    _value = _dataValue.toString();
                if (!this.settings.required) {
                    _html='<option value="' + _value + '">' + _title + '</option>';
                $.each(data, function(i, v){
                    if (typeof(v.v) === 'string' || typeof(v.v) === 'number' || typeof(v.v) === 'boolean') {
                        _html += '<option value="'+v.v+'">' + v.n + '</option>';
                    } else {
                        _html += '<option value="'+v.n+'">' + v.n + '</option>';
                return _html;
            // 构建选框内容
            cxSelect.buildContent = function(){
                var _this = this;
                _this.dom.box.on('change', 'select', function(){
                var _html = _this.getNewOptions(_this.selectArray[0], _this.dataJson);
                _this.selectArray[0].html(_html).prop('disabled', false).trigger('change');
            // 设置默认值
            cxSelect.setDefaultValue = function(n){
                n = n || 0;
                var _this = this;
                var _value;
                if (n >= _this.selectSum || !_this.selectArray[n]) {return};
                _value = _this.selectArray[n].data('value');
                //add by ycx --20160114//see FixNoUnit 函数
                if (typeof _value === 'string' || typeof _value === 'number' || typeof _value === 'boolean') {
                    _value = _value.toString();
                    }, 1);
            // 改变选择时的处理
            cxSelect.selectChange = function(name){
                name = name.replace(/ /g,',');
                name = ',' + name + ',';
                var selectValues=[];
                var selectIndex;
                var selectNext;
                var selectData;
                var _html;
                // 获取当前 select 位置、选择值,并清空后面的 select
                for (var i = 0; i < this.selectSum; i++) {
                    if (typeof selectIndex === 'number' && i > selectIndex) {
                        this.selectArray[i].empty().prop('disabled', true);
                        if (this.settings.nodata === 'none') {
                            this.selectArray[i].css('display', 'none');
                        } else if(this.settings.nodata === 'hidden') {
                            this.selectArray[i].css('visibility', 'hidden');
                    if (name.indexOf(',' + this.settings.selects[i] + ',') > -1) {
                        selectIndex = i;
                // 获取下级的列表数据
                selectNext = selectIndex + 1;
                selectData = this.dataJson;
                for (var i = 0; i < selectNext; i++){
                    if (typeof selectData[selectValues[i]]  === 'undefined' || isArray(selectData[selectValues[i]].s) === false || !selectData[selectValues[i]].s.length) {
                    selectData = selectData[selectValues[i]].s;
                // 遍历数据写入下拉选框
                if (this.selectArray[selectNext]) {
                    _html = this.getNewOptions(this.selectArray[selectNext], selectData);
                    this.selectArray[selectNext].html(_html).prop('disabled', false).css({'display':'', 'visibility':''}).trigger('change');
            return this;
        // 默认值
        $.cxSelect.defaults = {
            selects: [],            // 下拉选框组
            url: null,                // 列表数据文件路径,或设为对象
            nodata: null,            // 无数据状态
            required: false,        // 是否为必选
            firstTitle: '请选择',    // 第一个选项选项的标题
            firstValue: '0'            // 第一个选项的值
        $.fn.cxSelect = function(settings, callback){
                $.cxSelect(this, settings, callback);
            return this;
         * 修复 没有城市单位的bug
         * 也就是,如果输入是广东,广州,则显示不出来。因为json数据中,是有单位的:广东省,广州市。
         * 下面代码,还没做完。不过,基本思路就是这样的了。
         * @author ycx
         * @time 20160114
        var province = {};
        var FixNoUnit = function(value) {
            if (province.bj === true) {//北京
                if (value.indexOf('密云') >= 0 || value.indexOf('延庆') >= 0) {
                    value += '县';
                } else {
                    value += '区';
                province.bj = false;
            } else if (province.tj === true) {//天津
                if (value.indexOf('静海') >= 0 || value.indexOf('蓟') >= 0) {
                    value += '县';
                } else {
                    value += '区';
                province.tj = false;
            } else if (province.hb === true) {//河北
                value += '市';
                province.hb = false;
            } else if (province.sx === true) {//山西
                value += '市';
                province.tj = false;
            } else if (province.nmg === true) {//内蒙古
                if (value.indexOf('兴安') >= 0 || value.indexOf('锡林郭勒') >= 0 || value.indexOf('阿拉善') >= 0) {
                    value += '盟';
                } else {
                    value += '市';
                province.nmg = false;
            } else if (province.ln === true) {//辽宁
                value += '市';
                province.ln = false;
            } else if (province.jl === true) {//吉林
                if (value.indexOf('延边朝鲜族') >= 0) {
                    value += '自治州';
                } else {
                    value += '市';
                province.jl = false;
            } else if (province.hlj === true) {//黑龙江
                if (value.indexOf('大兴安岭') >= 0) {
                    value += '地区';
                } else {
                    value += '市';
                province.hlj = false;
            if (value === '北京') {
                value += '市';
                province.bj = true;
            } else if (value === '天津') {
                value += '市';
                province.bj = true;
            } else if (value === '河北') {
                value += '省';
                province.hb = true;
            } else if (value === '山西') {
                value += '省';
                province.sx = true;
            } else if (value === '内蒙古') {
                value += '自治区';
                province.nmg = true;
            } else if (value === '辽宁') {
                value += '省';
                province.ln = true;
            } else if (value === '吉林') {
                value += '省';
                province.jl = true;
            } else if (value === '黑龙江') {
                value += '省';
                province.hlj = true;
            return value;
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  • 原文地址:https://www.cnblogs.com/simonbaker/p/5130233.html
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